- Rework miner GUI to be more consistent with the other GUIs, pagination + back button
- Add notify warnings message to the lang files
- Add infractions-top command to list players with most infractions.
- Adding notes through the examine gui was broken.
- Adding warnings through the examine gui was broken.
- Custom-modules got broken in the previous release.
Migration guide: https://app.gitbook.com/@staffplusplus-minecraft/s/staffplusplus/migration-guides/migrating-to-greater-than-v1.16.43
- Added LuckPerms integration for staffmode context
- Reload command now also reloads lang files
- Multi server support
- Keep staff mode enabled when switching servers
- Keep vanish enabled when switching servers
- ban/mute/warn players across the network
- No join/leave message is displayed when a player is in vanish mode
- Using a non staff item while in staff mode was throwing an exception.
- One of the lang files had a formatting error.
- Reworked chest interaction
- Added inventory & enderchest interaction to examine GUI
- Added permission for using the vanish command
- inventory interaction was not working even when correct permission were given
- Location inside the gui was showing a question mark character.
- mute/unmute permission split up into 2 different permissions
- ban/unban permission split up into 2 different permissions
- Examine mode now available for offline players
- Implemented enderchest interaction online and offline
- Added custom GUI for Staff Mode. https://staffplusplus-minecraft.gitbook.io/staffplusplus/features/staff-mode/custom-gui
- Permission for the /reports command was not working properly
- Added mute/temp mute functionality
- Added infractions gui menu.
- Added kick command.
- Update discord integration plugin for kicks and mutes.
- Time unit four HOUR/h was not working
- Fix duration if expired
- Implemented fine-grained permissions for reports. Permissions have changed, check reports wiki!
- Added manage-reports command to open the GUI without being in staff mode
- Add Xray configuration to allow amount/time based notifications. Check wiki
- Added missing "clear inventory bypass" permission to the default config file.
- Fix reports sometimes not showing last line from reason
- Fix
/help staffplus
- Nullpointer fix on alt detection
- Create a new permission to ensure not everyone gets report updates
- Severity levels now working for warnings issued through examine mode
- Ability to interact with the players inventory in examine mode.
- Add reload configuration ability (experimental, see wiki)
- Unban command logged the kick issuer instead of the unban issuer
- Fix nullpointer OnInventoryOpen
- Fix alt account detection, do not detect same player
- Fix Inventory item duplication on rejoin
- rename 'teleport' command to 'teleportToLocation'
- Add 'teleportHere' command
- Add vanish indicator in the staff list gui
- Add kick reason placeholder to use for the kick message
- StaffChat not turning off when using the handle
- Staff items triggered by pressure plates
- Better error messages for tempban
- Teleport players back to their original location
- Freezing not working through the gui or staff item
- Custom items enchantments not working
- Staff items only worked when clicking on air
- Notify users when they have open reports
- Notify users when a report of them changes status
- User Reports overview ui
- Deletion of reports
- Notify users when they have warnings
- User Warnings overview ui
- Fix reset of armor when exiting Staff mode
- Fix commands plugin prefix
- Wrong titles for reports ui
- Closing reason message displayed even when closing-reason-disabled
- Closing reason not working if other plugins intercept the event
- Implement kick & tempban system (garagepoort#106)
- Implement kick discord integration
- Implement Alt account detection system
- Implement Alt account detection discord integration
- Add option to disable bungee network sync for staffchat (garagepoort#111)
- Fix miner gui
- Fix prevent inventory open in protected areas
- Fix ui color choosing
- Fix performance when autocompleting offline players (garagepoort#111)
- Trello integration added for reports
- Report resolved event was sent when a report was actually rejected
- Protect player added
- Protect area added
- "Vanish enabled" action bar displayed for staff members
- Now able to add worlds to the location configuration
- Broadcast messages over the bungee network
- Older version of 1.13.x were not working
- Report closing reason support
- Authme integration for supporting staff login
- Trace log feature added
- Warning discord integration
- BungeeCord support. StaffChat will now be synced over all servers inside the bungee network.
- Update notifier implemented
- Players could always bypass clear, freeze and teleport commands
- Resolved issue: garagepoort#91 Items got removed when inspecting a chest.
- Add clear inventory bypass permission
- Plugins directory was wrongly named which made it crash on Linux machines
- Delay argument has been added
- Implemented automatic update for the config file
- teleport command was not present in the configuration file
- DELAY Action type not working when users are online
- Teleport command added
- Added new warning system
- Implement new reportEvents
- Added Discord Integration for reporting events
- Use ZonedDateTimeFor Reporting
- Remove silent sql failure
- Added HEALTH argument
- New reporting system implemented
- Fix bug when opening different inventories (BrewingStand, Furnace, Dispenser, ...)
- Dropped support for flatfiles
- Implemented Sqlite, Mysql databases
- New arguments system implemented
- Added strip argument. Example:
/freeze player -S
- Added wiki to github
- Autocompletion for offline players
- Autocompletion for arguments
- Allow reporting/warning offline users
- Locations implemented
- Freeze command now has the ability to take a teleportLocation parameter
/freeze myplayer -Tspawn
- Allow reporting/warning offline users