Releases: home-assistant/core
Releases · home-assistant/core
- Improve autodiscovered yeelights model detection (@zewelor - #24671) (yeelight docs)
- Guard for None entity config (@balloob - #24838) (alexa docs) (cloud docs)
- Fix netatmo weatherstation setup error (@cgtobi - #24788) (netatmo docs)
- Update azure-pipelines-release.yml for Azure Pipelines (@pvizeli - #24800)
- Make sure entity config is never none (@balloob - #24801) (google_assistant docs)
- Bump ZHA quirks module (@dmulcahey - #24802) (zha docs)
- Fix another Life360 bug (@pnbruckner - #24805) (life360 docs)
- Fix calling empty script turn off (@balloob - #24827) (script docs)
- Fix life360 exception when no location provided (@pnbruckner - #24777) (life360 docs)
- Pubnub to 1.0.8 (@w1ll1am23 - #24781) (wink docs)
- Catch uncaught Alexa error (@balloob - #24785) (cloud docs)
New Integrations
- Adds AdGuard Home integration ([@frenck] - [#24219]) ([adguard docs]) (new-integration)
- SolarEdge Local Component ([@drobtravels] - [#23996]) ([solaredge_local docs]) (new-integration)
- Google Cloud Platform component (TTS) ([@lufton] - [#23629]) ([google_cloud docs]) (new-integration)
- Life360 integration ([@pnbruckner] - [#24227]) ([life360 docs]) (new-integration)
- Adds integration for Plaato Airlock ([@JohNan] - [#23727]) ([plaato docs]) (new-integration)
- Queensland bushfire alert feed platform ([@exxamalte] - [#24473]) ([qld_bushfire docs]) (new-integration)
- Vlc telnet ([@rodripf] - [#24290]) ([vlc_telnet docs]) (beta fix) (new-integration)
New Platforms
- Add LCN scene platform ([@alengwenus] - [#24242]) ([lcn docs]) (new-platform)
- Add Environment Canada weather, sensor, and camera platforms ([@michaeldavie] - [#21110]) ([environment_canada docs]) (new-platform)
- Support for Salda Smarty XV/XP Ventilation Unit ([@z0mbieprocess] - [#21491]) ([smarty docs]) (new-platform)
- Add support for ZHA door locks #2 ([@presslab-us] - [#24344]) ([zha docs]) (new-platform)
- Somfy open api ([@tetienne] - [#19548]) ([somfy docs]) (new-platform)
- Add APRS device tracker component ([@PhilRW] - [#22469]) ([aprs docs]) (new-platform)
- Camera platform for buienradar imagery ([@ties] - [#23358]) ([buienradar docs]) (new-platform)
- Add incomfort sensor and binary_sensor ([@zxdavb] - [#23812]) ([incomfort docs]) (new-platform)
- Added ELV PCA 301 smart emeter switch ([@majuss] - [#23300]) ([elv docs]) (new-platform)
Breaking Changes
- No longer allow invalid slugs or extra keys ([@balloob] - [#24176]) (breaking change)
- Add service for adding event to google component ([@isabellaalstrom] - [#22473]) ([google docs]) (breaking change)
- Remove deprecated AlarmControlPanel ([@SukramJ] - [#24322]) ([homematicip_cloud docs]) (breaking change)
- Remove attribute lowBat ([@SukramJ] - [#24323]) ([homematicip_cloud docs]) (breaking change)
- Remove binary sensors for ZHA remotes and controllers ([@dmulcahey] - [#24370]) ([zha docs]) (breaking change)
- Restore automation last_triggered with initial_state override ([@frenck] - [#24400]) ([automation docs]) (breaking change)
- Fix recorder defaults ([@balloob] - [#24399]) ([recorder docs]) (breaking change)
- Uber API is going away on June 13, 2019, remove component ([@robbiet480] - [#24468]) ([uber docs]) (breaking change)
- Add Linky sensors : yesterday + months + years ([@Quentame] - [#23726]) ([linky docs]) (breaking change)
- Position is reversed for horizontal awnings ([@kbickar] - [#23257]) ([tahoma docs]) (breaking change)
- Remove conversation from default config ([@balloob] - [#24515]) ([default_config docs]) (breaking change)
- Added name to sensors ([@cliffordwhansen] - [#24525]) ([synologydsm docs]) (breaking change)
- Battery attribute & accuracy filter ([@GoNzCiD] - [#24277]) ([traccar docs]) (breaking change)
- Added percent to the disk,memory and swap percent labels ([@cliffordwhansen] - [#24575]) ([glances docs]) (breaking change)
- Save cached logi_circle tokens in config folder ([@evanjd] - [#24726]) ([logi_circle docs]) (breaking change) (beta fix)
Beta Fixes
- Vlc telnet ([@rodripf] - [#24290]) ([vlc_telnet docs]) (beta fix) (new-integration)
- Fix device tracker see for entity registry entities ([@MartinHjelmare] - [#24633]) ([device_tracker docs]) (beta fix)
- Bump ZHA dependencies. ([@Adminiuga] - [#24637]) ([zha docs]) (beta fix)
- Update LIFX brightness during long transitions ([@amelchio] - [#24653]) ([lifx docs]) (beta fix)
- Upgrade blinkpy==0.14.1 for startup bugfix ([@fronzbot] - [#24656]) ([blink docs]) (beta fix)
- Warn when user tries run custom config flow ([@balloob] - [#24657]) (beta fix)
- Bump pysmartthings ([@andrewsayre] - [#24659]) ([smartthings docs]) (beta fix)
- Prefere binary with wheels ([@pvizeli] - [#24669]) (beta fix)
- Allow extra js modules to be included in frontend ([@thomasloven] - [#24675]) ([frontend docs]) (beta fix)
- Fix time expression parsing ([@amelchio] - [#24696]) (beta fix)
- ZHA fix device type mappings ([@dmulcahey] - [#24699]) ([zha docs]) (beta fix)
- Bump version pyatmo to 2.0.1 ([@cgtobi] - [#24703]) ([netatmo docs]) (beta fix)
- Extend websocket method usage to port 8002 in Samsung TV media player ([@2sheds] - [#24716]) ([samsungtv docs]) (beta fix)
- Update ZHA dependencies ([@dmulcahey] - [#24718]) ([zha docs]) (beta fix)
- Add show_as_state options to Life360 ([@pnbruckner] - [#24725]) ([life360 docs]) (beta fix)
- Save cached logi_circle tokens in config folder ([@evanjd] - [#24726]) ([logi_circle docs]) (breaking change) (beta fix)
- Update ZHA dependencies. ([@Adminiuga] - [#24736]) ([zha docs]) (beta fix)
- AdGuard to update entry ([@balloob] - [#24737]) ([adguard docs]) (beta fix)
- Update pysonos to 0.0.17 ([@amelchio] - [#24740]) ([sonos docs]) (beta fix)
- Clean up Google Config ([@balloob] - [#24663]) ([cloud docs]) ([google_assistant docs]) (beta fix)
- Fix locative device update ([@MartinHjelmare] - [#24744]) ([locative docs]) (beta fix)
- Improve Alexa error handling ([@balloob] - [#24745]) ([alexa docs]) ([cloud docs]) ([websocket_api docs]) (beta fix)
- Bump pyatmo to v2.1.0 ([@cgtobi] - [#24724]) ([netatmo docs]) (beta fix)
- Handle timeouts gracefully ([@cgtobi] - [#24752]) ([netatmo docs]) (beta fix)
- Update Waze route dependency to 0.10 ([@johntdyer] - [#24754]) ([waze_travel_time docs]) (beta fix)
- Ignore duplicate tradfri discovery ([@balloob] - [#24759]) ([tradfri docs]) (beta fix)
- Return correct name for ([@Danielhiversen] - [#24763]) ([met docs]) (beta fix)
All changes
- Update pysonos to 0.0.14 ([@amelchio] - [#24185]) ([sonos docs])
- upgrade broadlink library, Use cryptography instead of pycryptodome ([@Danielhiversen] - [#24186]) ([broadlink docs])
- danielhiversen as codeowner for yr ([@Danielhiversen] - [#24189]) ([yr docs])
- No longer allow invalid slugs or extra keys ([@balloob] - [#24176]) (breaking change)
- Update azure-pipelines.yml for check version ([@pvizeli] - [#24194])
- Update Tibber library ([@Danielhiversen] - [#24192]) ([tibber docs])
- ✏️ Corrects incorrect command in hassfest ([@frenck] - [#24188])
- Fix ESPHome config flow with invalid config entry ([@OttoWinter] - [#24213]) ([esphome docs])
- Add control of Amcrest indicator light ([@pnbruckner] - [#23986]) ([amcrest docs])
- ZHA requirements version bump. ([@Adminiuga] - [#24228]) ([zha docs])
- Bump pychromecast ([@soldag] - [#24234]) ([cast docs])
- Round Awair sensor values ([@danielsjf] - [#24093]) ([awair docs])
- Sense update ([@kbickar] - [#24220]) ([sense docs])
- fix gitlab_ci sad icon ([@Emilv2] - [#24241]) ([gitlab_ci docs])
- Add details to triggered state for total connect alarms ([@austinmroczek] - [#24106]) ([totalconnect docs])
- Bump python-velbus version for velbus component ([@cereal2nd] - [#24226]) ([velbus docs])
- Adds AdGuard Home integration ([@frenck] - [#24219]) ([adguard docs]) (new-integration)
- Fix typo in integration component ([@Emilv2] - [#24250]) ([integration docs])
- Replace pyunifi with aiounifi in UniFi device tracker ([@Kane610] - [#24149]) ([unifi docs])
- Add service for adding event to google component ([@isabellaalstrom] - [#22473]) ([google docs]) (breaking change)
- Remove icon() ([@fabaff] - [#24280]) ([meteoalarm docs])
- Split devices of nodes with multiple instances ([@Swamp-Ig] - [#24032]) ([zwave docs])
- Update pyvera to 0.3.1 for alert support ([@brandond] - [#24289]) ([vera docs])
- Expose specific device_class for Velux covers ([@gibman] - [#24279]) ([velux docs])
- Change meteoalertapi to version 0.1.3 ([@rolfberkenbosch] - [#24307]) ([meteoalarm docs])
- Upgrade pytest and -cov ([@scop] - [#24258])
- Add LCN scene platform ([@alengwenus] - [#24242]) ([lcn docs]) (new-platform)
- Add support for learning new commands ([@felipediel] - [#23888]) ([remote docs])
- Upgrade to newer version of rflink with improve error handling on incoming data. ([@aequitas] - [#24263]) ([rflink docs])
- SolarEdge Local Component ([@drobtravels] - [#23996]) ([solaredge_local docs]) (new-integration)
- Push to version 0.7.9 of denonavr ([@scarface-4711] - [#24260]) ([denonavr docs])
- Bump simplipy to 3.4.2 ([@bachya] - [#24326]) ([simplisafe docs])
- Meteofrance fix 24244 ([@victorcerutti] - [#24315]) ([meteo_france docs])
- Only update media icon when necessary ([@jjlawren] - [#24324]) ([webostv docs])
- components/cover: Typo in docstring. ([@andre-richter] - [#24329]) ([cover docs])
- Add exception handling for Netatmo climate ([@cgtobi] - [#24311]) ([netatmo docs])
- Remove deprecated AlarmControlPanel ([@SukramJ] - [#24322]) ([homematicip_cloud docs]) (breaking change)
- Use node descriptor from Zigpy for ZHA ([@dmulcahey] - [#24316]) ([zha docs])
- Add abbreviation for light template variable names ([@bieniu] - [#24336]) ([mqtt docs])
- Remove attribute lowBat ([@SukramJ] - [#24323]) ([homematicip_cloud docs]) (breaking change)
- Don't load last_checkpoint if shipment is pending ([@davidbb] - [#24301]) ([aftership docs])
- UPgrade youtube_dl to 2019.05.20 ([@fabaff] - [#24347]) ([media_extractor docs])
- Add new movement type "actively" of the Xiaomi Vibration Sensor ([@syssi] - [#24334]) ([xiaomi_aqara docs])
- Fix set_cover_position of the xiaomi_aqara cover for LAN protocol v2 ([@syssi] - [#24333]) ([xiaomi_aqara docs])
- Add Environment Canada weather, sensor, and camera platforms ([@michaeldavie] - [#21110]) ([environment_canada docs]) (new-platform)
- Google Cloud Platform component (TTS) ([@lufton] - [#23629]) ([google_cloud docs]) (new-integration)
- Add Streamlabs Water Monitor ([@cpopp] - [#21205]) ([streamlabswater docs])
- ebusd: added check for monitored conditions validity within correct circuit ([@danielkucera] - [#22461]) ([ebusd docs])
- Bring the Sisyphus in...