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Gitlab CE Docker Compose Local Install

Install, configure, and run Gitlab CE and Gitlab-Runner in local docker containers via docker-compose.


For the purpose of this demonstration, we will be assuming the persistent docker volumes will be at the path /srv/gitlab and /srv/gitlab-runner as well as a hostname of my.gitlab. For the example project we'll be testing and building an evergreen app with Gitlab's CI/CD.


  1. Optionally modify omnibus and docker-compose.yml with a custom hostname
  2. Create a Self-Signed Certificate
  3. Set hostname on local machine
  4. Start with Docker Compose
  5. Begin Using Gitlab
  6. Add Account SSH key
  7. Create New Project
  8. Create New Runner
  9. Setup Runner with Docker Socket
  10. Setup Gitlab DevOps
  11. Run Test Job
  12. Troubleshooting
  13. Backup
  14. Restore
  15. Service

Gitlab Omnibus Config

Our gitlab omnibus config environment variable in our docker-compose.yml file by default is using the hostname my.gitlab for this example. You can use whichever you'd like, but if you change it you'll need to change the hostname everywhere else, including the host machine.

    external_url 'https://my.gitlab:3143'
    gitlab_rails['gitlab_shell_ssh_port'] = 3122
    registry_external_url 'https://my.gitlab:4567'

You will also want to make the network alias for the GitLab container your hostname

        - my.gitlab


You may choose to edit the preferred ports for this example above but if you choose to do that you'll need to change the ports part of the docker-compose.yml as well as the external_url and registry_external_url. By default, 443 and 22 are in use by my system so it makes sense to map a different port.

- '4567:4567'
- '3143:443'
- '3122:22'

Note: the external_url port cannot be the same as registry_external_port

Enable and Configure Registry

In our omnibus config environment variable within docker-compose.yml we already have the registry configured:

registry_external_url 'https://my.gitlab:4567'
registry_nginx['enable'] = true
registry_nginx['ssl_certificate'] = "/etc/ssl/certs/gitlab/server-cert.pem"
registry_nginx['ssl_certificate_key'] = "/etc/ssl/certs/gitlab/server-key.pem"

It's important that you choose(and expose) a port that's different than the other external_url as we've done here using port 4567. You will also need access to the GitLab self-signed certificate to authenticate the connection.

Create Self-Signed Certificate

Follow Steps 1-5 for generating a self-signed certificate

Then copy the certificate to your persistent docker volumes

sudo mkdir -p /srv/gitlab/ssl
sudo mkdir /srv/gitlab-runner/certs -p
sudo cp server-*.pem /srv/gitlab/ssl/
sudo cp server-*.pem /srv/gitlab-runner/certs/
sudo cp server-cert.pem /srv/gitlab-runner/certs/my.gitlab.crt

These 2 folders (/srv/gitlab/ssl and /srv/gitlab-runner/certs) will be mounted from the host to our gitlab containers.

Note Gitlab Runner by default reads a predefined cert named your.hostname.crt. Gitlab's Nginx and Nginx Registry will use server-cert.pem and server-key.pem

Configure git to accept self-signed certificate

In order to clone from gitlab on your host machine or elsewhere on your network, we need to tell git to accept our self-signed certificate.

git config --global http."https://my.gitlab/".sslCAInfo /srv/gitlab/ssl/server-cert.pem

Set Hostname

To set the hostname you want to forward to on your local machine

sudo nano /etc/hosts

add the following line at the bottom:       my.gitlab

Docker Compose Control


Launch gitlab ce and gitlab runner via docker-compose with:

docker-compose up -d  

The -d is daemon mode. Remove it to see output logs.

It will take a minute or two to initialize. Visit https://my.gitlab:3143 to see your new installation


docker-compose down

Begin Using Gitlab

  1. Browse: https://my.gitlab:3143 to see your new installation.
  2. Add an exception in your browser for the page because of the self-signed certificate. If Chrome hit "advanced" then "Proceed to my.gitlab (unsafe)". If firefox, click "add exception".
  3. Create a new gitlab admin password
  4. Register a new user account

Add Account SSH Key

Add / generate a ssh key

tail ~/.ssh/

Copy entire output and paste to https://my.gitlab:3143/profile/keys

Create New project

  1. Click Create a project. Name it example

  2. Test clone new project on host machine (make sure you've configured git global config on your local machine to accept self-signed cert).

    git clone ssh://[email protected]:3122/yourusername/example.git

    It will ask you yes/no whether to add the fingerprint. type: yes

  3. Add example repository remote to a new application called my-app (replacing yourusername with your gitlab username). We're copying over the provided Dockerfile and .gitlab-ci.yml configs to setup the application for Gitlab's CI/CD with containers. Also we're adding some ignore files to prevent eslint from checking out node_modules folder when it builds a new container.

    npx create-evergreen-app my-app
    cd my-app
    git init
    git remote add origin ssh://[email protected]:3122/yourusername/example.git
    echo "node_modules" > .gitignore
    echo "node_modules" > .eslintignore
    cp ../Dockerfile .
    cp ../.gitlab-ci.yml .
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
    git push -u origin master

Register New Runner

  1. Browse your projects Settings -> CI/CD and expand the Runners section.

  2. You need to scroll down to the "Set up a specific Runner manually" section and copy the registration token, you will need it below

  3. Run:

    docker exec -it gitlab-runner gitlab-runner register

    Enter your hostname, for this example: my.gitlab

    Please enter the gitlab-ci coordinator URL (e.g.`

    Enter the token you copied in the previous step

    Please enter the gitlab-ci token for this runner:
    Please enter the gitlab-ci description for this runner:
    [1297529a8a58]: Docker Runner
    Please enter the gitlab-ci tags for this runner (comma separated):
    Registering runner... succeeded                     runner=RQ-XuZwP
    Please enter the executor: docker-ssh, virtualbox, docker+machine, docker-ssh+machine, docker, parallels, shell, ssh, kubernetes:
    Please enter the default Docker image (e.g. ruby:2.1):
    Runner registered successfully. Feel free to start it, but if it's running already the config should be automatically reloaded! 
  4. You can now edit this new configuration from either:

    your persistent volume

    sudo gedit /srv/gitlab-runner/config.toml

    or from within the gitlab-runner container

    docker exec -it gitlab-runner nano /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml

    restart after you've edited the config with:

    docker exec -it gitlab-runner gitlab-runner restart

Setup Runner Docker socket binding

Official Gitlab Docs on docker socket binding

  1. Edit the config.toml runner configuration(using the steps above) so that the following is amended:

      name = "Docker Runner"
      url = "https://my.gitlab"
      token = "YOUR_TOKEN"
      executor = "docker"
      clone_url = "https://my.gitlab"
        tls_verify = false
        image = "docker:stable"
        privileged = false
        disable_entrypoint_overwrite = false
        oom_kill_disable = false
        disable_cache = false
        volumes = ["/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock", "/cache"]
        network_mode = "development"
        shm_size = 0

    You can also copy and paste the provided config.toml into your /srv/gitlab-runner directory and simply edit the token with the generated gitlab token from Register New Runner step 2.

    The network_mode and clone_url are necessary so that your runner can clone your gitlab repository at your hostname my.gitlab. To bind our host docker socket to the runner we need to add the volumes parameter.

  2. Save it and restart the gitlab-runner service

    docker exec -it gitlab-runner gitlab-runner restart

Note There is a security concern here that you should be aware of.

According to the official Gitlab documentation:

By sharing the docker daemon, you are effectively disabling all the security mechanisms of containers and exposing your host to privilege escalation which can lead to container breakout. For example, if a project ran docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q) it would remove the GitLab Runner containers

There are other methods of configuring the runner for docker builds, this is an example for a small personal local build using docker-compose. If you're running this for a small/medium sized company, you will may want to configure this differently. From my tests, self-signed certs without a real domain didn't work well with any other method.

Setup DevOps

To push new containers to our gitlab registry we need to use our login credential to login through docker in the gitlab runner. One way of doing that is to enter variables into your Settings -> CI/CD -> Variables(expanded).

Add each of the following

CI_REGISTRY my.gitlab:4567
CI_REGISTRY_USER your_username

Save variables.

You can see these variables in the provided .gitlab-ci.yml devops configuration file.

Here we're setting git to not verify ssl due to the self-signed certificate. We're also using the package.json version number as the tag for the container image.

We push the specific package version along with a general latest version to our container registry. We're then removing those images from our host because it's redundant, we don't need to take up image space on Host machine in addition to the Gitlab CE registry.

Run Test Job

If you followed all the above steps, the CI/CD pipeline will run on every commit. Your project's master branch will run tests, build a container, push that container to the registry. Any other branch will just run tests. To try this out, go to your project -> CI/CD -> Pipelines -> Run pipeline -> Create pipeline. Or just commit then push something new to the project repository.

Test the image on your host machine:

docker login my.gitlab:4567
docker run --init my.gitlab:4567/yourusername/example

# Serving at http://6545d2bfb882:8000,,

Now visit your container's IP at port 8000 to see your application. e.g. in this example.

Note --init is important to send the right exit signals. Otherwise you must stop the container via docker stop whatever_container_name_id

You can also run tests:

docker run --init my.gitlab:4567/yourusername/example npm run test


  1. If you see an error about 'unknown certificate authority' or anything related to 'docker daemon' in your gitlab-runner, make sure you included the correct volumes docker socket bind within your gitlab-runner config.toml

  2. If you see an error 'could not resolve host' when gitlab-runner initially clones your repository, make sure you have the correct clone_url, and network_mode, within your gitlab-runner config.toml, that matches your hostname and docker network within your docker-compose.yml.

  3. If you see an error 'connection refused' when gitlab-runner initially clones your repository, make sure you have the correct clone_url within your gitlab-runner config.toml that matches your hostname within your docker-compose.yml e.g. https://my.gitlab without a port.

  4. If you see an error in gitlab-runner after docker login unauthorized: HTTP Basic: Access denied, make sure you entered the correct CI_REGISTRY, CI_REGISTRY_USER, CI_REGISTRY_PASS in the variables section of your project -> Settings -> CI/CD. See Setup DevOps.


Gitlab Application Data

Run a backup of the application data:

docker exec -it GitLab gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create

You will find the backup in /srv/gitlab/data/backups with a naming format: EPOCH_YYYY_MM_DD_GitLab_version_gitlab_backup.tar

Note This does not backup your certs (stored in /srv/gitlab/ssl) nor does it back up your configuration files or the ssh keys

Gitlab Configuration

Choose a directory to store the backup configurations and ssl certs on your host machine e.g. `/secret/gitlab/bacups

sudo sh -c 'umask 0077; tar cfz /secret/gitlab/backups/$(date "+%s-gitlab-config.tgz") -C /srv/gitlab config ssl'

Gitlab recommends storing the configuration backups seperate from your application backups to reduce the chance that your encrypted application will be lost or deleted

Gitlab Runner Configuration

Backup the runner config.toml and ssl cert

sudo sh -c 'umask 0077; tar cfz /secret/gitlab/backups/$(date "+%s-gitlab-runner-ssl.tgz") -C /srv/gitlab-runner .'

Daily Backups via Cron

sudo crontab -e

Copy the provided which simply runs all the above and removes older backups.

Replace /some/external/drive with your backup location:

Add the following cron entry to run the script(which does all the above) to backup all your data everyday at 2 AM:

0 2 * * * sh /your/directory/

You may also want to backup to remote cloud storage. That functionality is also available for amazon, digital ocean spaces, google, etc.

Note you can adjust the backup lifetime in the docker-compose.yml omnibus environment variable for backup_keep_time (we have it set to 172800 seconds or 48 hours). If you want to change that, you'll also want to adjust the cron script's REMOVE_DAYS to your preference.


First make sure you have a fresh gitlab install running that matches the version you backed up. Then you can copy over the backup application data, gitlab config, and runner. Included is script that does everything below. You only need to modify it with the BACKUP_DIR path with the directory you backed up to(assuming you also used the script above).

  1. Restore application data:

    You'll need to set permissions to the git user within the GitLab container. After you can restore all your groups, repositories, and containers in your registry.

    sudo cp /some/external/drive/backups/1547278101_2019_01_12_11.6.3_gitlab_backup.tar /srv/gitlab/data/backups/
    docker exec -it Gitlab sh -c 'chown git.git /var/opt/gitlab/backups/*.tar'
    docker exec -it GitLab gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore
  2. Restore configuration

    Reconfigure with your restored configurations:

    sudo tar -xvf /some/external/drive/backups/YOURBACKUP-gitlab-config.tar -C /srv/gitlab
    docker exec -it GitKab gitlab-ctl reconfigure
  3. Restore Runner configuration and certs

    sudo tar -xvf /some/external/drive/backups/YOURBACKUP-gitlab-runner.tar -C /srv/gitlab-runner
    docker exec -it gitlab-runner gitlab-runner restart
  4. Fix Registry permissions

    docker exec -it $CONTAINER sh -c 'chown -R registry:registry /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/registry'
  5. Restart Containers

    Reinitialize any files that weren't otherwise initialized when the services were restarted/reconfigured.

    docker-compose restart

Note a bug I'm aware of but have yet to find a fix is the ssh keys aren't reinitializing and have to be removed then readded manually for each user. They show up but strangely won't authorize despite reconfiguring/reinitializing.

Gitlab Service

A script is provided to automate the setup of a gitlab systemd service.

You can use the following with by replacing LINUXUSER with the user you wish to use and PATH_REPO_FOLDER with the absolute path to the folder containing your docker-compose.yml


Or you can manually copy below and replace LINUXUSER with the user you wish to use and PATH_REPO_FOLDER with your absolute path to the folder containing your docker-compose.yml:

Description=Gitlab Service

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose up -d
ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose down


Then start and enable the service to start automatically:

sudo systemctl start gitlab
sudo systemctl enable gitlab