Here are instructions on how to assemble your Gopherbot kit.
Start by verifying that you have all your parts. Take a look at the list of kit parts.
There are several items you will need that are not included in the Gopherbot kit:
Your basic 5V rechargable battery.
Black electrical tape (approx 40mm wide and 100mm in length). You can also use black duct tape.
The helmet has an LED-filled visor.
Here are the visor assembly instructions.
Now that the visor is installed, it is time to attach the antenna to the helmet.
Here are the antenna assembly instructions.
Attach the ears, and then tie wrap the cables neatly to the helmet.
Here are the ears and cables assembly instructions.
Now it is time to assemble the 3D printed backpack.
Here are the backpack assembly instructions.
You should now be ready to put the helmet and backpack on your plushie.
Now that your Gopherbot is fully assembled, go back to the main README and continue with the software installation on your computer so you can write your own programs.