Hi, I’m [INTERVIEWER NAME], and sitting next to me is [NOTETAKER NAME].
Thanks for taking the time to talk with us today!
We’re doing a little research on [pet gerbils], and we want to learn more about the products that [gerbil owners] use when they [take care of their gerbils].
We wanted to have a quick conversation with you today and ask you about your experiences as a [gerbil owner]. Our call shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes.
Do you mind if we record this call for our notes? The recording won’t be published or shared outside our team, it just helps us with our notetaking.
(Wait for confirmation before turning on the recording. If the participant doesn’t agree to the recording, continue without it.)
Great! To get started, could you think back to the last time you [fed your gerbil] and walk through the steps you took?
(To get started, get the participant to start describing some aspect of how they use whatever you’re studying. As the interview progresses, draw from your list of prepared probe questions. Use clarifying questions to gather more details around things they say. Don’t be afraid to ask about something you haven’t written down if they say something interesting.)
That’s it for my questions. Is there anything else that you’d like to add that I haven’t asked you about?
(Give the participant a chance to respond.)
Thank you so much for taking the time to have this conversation about [gerbils]. Your input has been very helpful.
I’ll be sending out your [awesome incentive] later today, so check your [email/mail/where ever it’s going].
Thank you again for your time!