This bundle helps you to backup your databases and upload it to the cloud with only one Symfony2 command.
You can :
- Dump one database
- Dump all databases
- Different types of databases can be dumped each time
- Upload to several Cloud services
Databases supported :
- MongoDB
- PostgreSQL (excluding all_databases option)
Cloud services supported :
- Dropbox (with the help of DropboxUploader by hakre)
- CloudApp (thanks to CloudAPP-API-PHP-wrapper)
- Amazon S3 (through KnpGaufretteBundle)
- Google Drive (soon..)
But also :
- Local (through KnpGaufretteBundle)
- FTP (through KnpGaufretteBundle)
- sFTP (through KnpGaufretteBundle)
- GridFS (through KnpGaufretteBundle)
- MogileFS (through KnpGaufretteBundle)
are supported :-)
Download CloudBackupBundle and its dependencies to the vendor directory. You can use Composer for the automated process:
$ php composer.phar require dizda/cloud-backup-bundle dev-master
Composer will install the bundle to vendor/dizda
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Knp\Bundle\GaufretteBundle\KnpGaufretteBundle(),
new Dizda\CloudBackupBundle\DizdaCloudBackupBundle(),
// ...
Here is the default configuration for the bundle:
# By default backup files will have your servers hostname as prefix
# such as: hostname_2014_01_01-21_08_39.tar
output_file_prefix: hostname
# Dropbox account credentials (use parameters in config.yml and store real values in prameters.yml)
user: ~ # Required
password: ~ # Required
remote_path: ~ # Not required, default "/", but you can use path like "/Accounts/backups/"
# CloudApp account. Can be optional, like dropbox.
user: ~ # Required
password: ~ # Required
# or you can use Gaufrette as well (optional)
service_name: ~ # Gaufrette filesystem service name
all_databases: false # Only required when no database is set
database: ~ # Required if all_databases is false
db_user: ~ # Not required, leave empty if no auth is required
db_password: ~ # Not required
all_databases: false # Only required when no database is set
database: ~ # Required if all_databases is false
db_host: localhost # This, and following is not required and if not specified, the bundle will take ORM configuration in parameters.yml
db_port: ~ # Default 3306
db_user: ~
db_password: ~
database: dbname # Required
db_host: localhost # This, and following is not required and if not specified, the bundle will take ORM configuration in parameters.yml
db_port: ~ # Default 5432
db_user: ~
db_password: ~
It is recommended to keep real values for logins and passwords in your parameters.yml file, e.g.:
# app/config/config.yml
user: %dizda_cloud_dropbox_user%
password: %dizda_cloud_dropbox_password%
remote_path: %dizda_cloud_dropbox_remote_path%
all_databases: false
database: %dizda_cloud_mongodb_user%
db_user: %dizda_cloud_mongodb_user%
db_pass: %dizda_cloud_mongodb_password%
# When no parameters is specified under mysql, the bundle taking those from parameters.yml
# When no parameters is specified under postgresql, the bundle taking those from parameters.yml
# app/config/parameters.yml
# ...
database_driver: pdo_mysql
database_host: localhost
database_port: null
database_name: myDatabase
database_user: myLogin
database_password: myDatabasePassword
# ...
dizda_cloud_dropbox_user: myDropboxUser
dizda_cloud_dropbox_password: MyDropboxPassword
dizda_cloud_mongodb_user: mongodbUser
dizda_cloud_mongodb_password: mongodbPass
# ...
The bundle adds one command to symfony console: app/console dizda:backup:start
which you execute periodically as a cron job.
For example the following cron command dumps your database every days at 6am on a server :
# m h dom mon dow command
0 6 * * * php /opt/www/symfony-project/app/console dizda:backup:start
Info : To edit crontab for the user www-data (to prevent permissions error) :
$ crontab -u www-data -e
or simply
$ php app/console dizda:backup:start
If you are using capifony for deployment you can grab the sample task for easier backups.
Add the following task in your deploy.rb file
namespace :symfony do
namespace :dizda do
namespace :backup do
desc "Upload a backup of your database to cloud service's"
task :start do
run "#{try_sudo} sh -c 'cd #{current_release} && #{php_bin} #{symfony_console} dizda:backup:start #{console_options}'"
This adds symfony:dizda:backup:start command to capifony. To launch it automatically on deploy you might use:
# 1) Launches backup right before deploy
before "deploy", "symfony:dizda:backup:start"
# 2) Launches backup after deploy
after "deploy", "symfony:dizda:backup:start"
This bundle was inspired from KachkaevDropboxBackupBundle.
It is Symfony2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 compatible, I'll make some tests as soon as time permits.
Enjoy, PR are welcome !