cybr is CyberArk's PAS command-line interface utility
cybr is a command-line interface utility created by CyberArk that wraps the PAS REST API and eases the user experience for automators and automation to easily interact with CyberArk Privileged Access Security.
-h, --help help for cybr
--verbose To enable verbose logging
- cybr accounts - Account actions for PAS REST API
- cybr applications - Applications actions for PAS REST API
- cybr ccp - CCP actions
- cybr cem - CEM actions
- cybr completion - Generate completion script
- cybr conjur - Conjur actions
- cybr logoff - Logoff the PAS REST API
- cybr logon - Logon to PAS REST API
- cybr platforms - Platform actions for PAS REST API
- cybr safes - Safe actions for PAS REST API
- cybr users - User actions for PAS REST API
- cybr version - Display current version