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synctl create test

Create Synthetic test.


synctl create test [options]


Common options

    -h, --help                                  show this help message and exit
    --verify-tls                                verify tls certificate

    -t <int>, --type <int>                      Synthetic type: 0 API Simple, 1 API Script, 2 Browser Script, 3 Webpage Script, 4 Webpage Simple, 5 SSLCertificate
    --location id [id ...]                      location id, support multiple locations id
    --label <string>                            friendly name of the Synthetic test
    --description, -d <string>                  the description of Synthetic test
    --frequency <int>                           the range is from 1 to 120 minute, default is 15
    --app-id, --application-id <id>             set application id
    --apps, --applications [id ...]             support multiple applications
    --websites [id ...]                         website id, support multiple websites
    --mobile-apps, mobile-applications [id ...] mobile application id, support multiple mobile applications
    --retries <int>                             retry times, value is from [0, 2]
    --retry-interval <int>                      retry interval, range is [1, 10]
    --timeout <num>ms|s|m                       set timeout, accept <number>(ms|s|m)
    -f, --from-file <file>                      load synthetic test payload from file (.json)
    --custom-properties <string>                An object with name/value pairs to provide additional information of the Synthetic test
    --use-env <name>, -e <name>                 use a specified configuration
    --host <host>                               set hostname
    --token <token>                             set token

Options for API Simple test

    --url <url>                         HTTP request URL
    --operation <method>                HTTP request methods, GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, etc
    --headers <json>                    HTTP headers
    --body <string>                     HTTP body
    --follow-redirect <boolean>         to allow redirect, true by default
    --validation-string <string>        set validation-string
    --expect-status <int>               expected status code, Synthetic test will fail if response status is not equal to it, default 200
    --expect-json <string>              An optional object to be used to check against the test response object
    --expect-match <string>             An optional regular expression string to be used to check the test response
    --expect-exists <string>            An optional list of property labels used to check if they are present in the test response object
    --expect-not-empty <string>         An optional list of property labels used to check if they are present in the test response object with a non-empty value
    --allow-insecure <boolean>          if set to true then allow insecure certificates

Options for API Script test

    --script <file>                     load script (.js) from file
    --bundle <bundle>                   Synthetic bundle test script, support zip file (.zip) path or zip file content encoded with base64
    --bundle-entry-file <file-name>     Synthetic bundle test entry file, e.g, myscript.js

Options for Browser Script test

    --script <file>                     load script (.js) from file
    --bundle <bundle>                   Synthetic bundle test script, support zip file (.zip) path or zip file content encoded with base64
    --bundle-entry-file <file-name>     Synthetic bundle test entry file, e.g, myscript.js
    --browser <string>                  browser type, support chrome and firefox
    --record-video <boolean>            set true to record video

Options for Webpage Script test

    --script <file>                     load script (.side) from file
    --record-video <boolean>            enable/disable record video, false by default
    --browser <string>                  browser type, support chrome and firefox

Options for Webpage Simple test

    --url <url>                         HTTP URL
    --record-video <boolean>            enable/disable record video, false by default
    --browser <string>                  browser type, support chrome and firefox

Options for SSLCertificate test

    --hostname <host>                   set hostname for ssl test
    --port <int>                        set port, default is 443 
    --remaining-days-check <int>        set remaining days before expiration of SSL certificate


Create API Simple test example

Create API Simple test, test frequency is 5min. Use command synctl get lo to get location id

synctl create test -t 0 \
    --label "simple-ping" \
    --url "" \
    --location "$LOCATION" \
    --frequency 5

Create API Simple test and specify multiple location id

synctl create test -t 0 \
    --label "simple-ping" \
    --url "" \
    --location "$LOCATION1" "$LOCATION2" "$LOCATION3" ...

Create API Simple test and specify application id, retry, headers, and timeout

synctl create test -t 0 \
    --label "API-simple-test" \
    --description "this is a test example" \
    --url <url> \
    --location "$LOCATION" \
    --frequency 5 \
    --apps "$APPID" \
    --operation GET \
    --headers '{"content-type":"application/json"}' \
    --retries 2 \
    --retry-interval 2 \
    --follow-redirect true \
    --timeout 1m \
    --allow-insecure true

Expect status example

synctl create test -t 0 \
    --label "ping-expect-status-200" \
    --url "" \
    --location "$LOCATION1" \
    --expect-status 200

Expect json example

synctl create test -t 0 \
    --label "ping-expect-json" \
    --url "" \
    --location "$LOCATION1" \
    --expect-json '{
      "slideshow": {
        "author": "Yours Truly",
        "date": "date of publication",
        "slides": [
            "title": "Wake up to WonderWidgets!",
            "type": "all"
            "items": [
              "Why <em>WonderWidgets</em> are great",
              "Who <em>buys</em> WonderWidgets"
            "title": "Overview",
            "type": "all"
        "title": "Sample Slide Show"

Expect match example

synctl create test -t 0 \
    --label expect-match-test \
    --url \
    --lo "$LOCATION1" \
    --expect-match ibm

Expect exists example

synctl create test -t 0 \
    --label expect-exists-test \
    --url \
    --location "$LOCATION1" \
    --expect-exists '["slideshow"]'

Expect not empty example

synctl create test -t 0 \
    --label expect-not-empty-test \
    --url \
    --location "$LOCATION1" \
    --expect-not-empty '["slideshow"]'

Create API Script test example

Create a simple API script from file

synctl create test -t 1 \
    --label "simple-api-script" \
    --script http-scripts/http-get.js \
    --location "$LOCATION" \
    --frequency 5

Custom properties example

synctl create test -t 1 \
    --label custom-properties-test \
    --script api-script.js \
    --location "$LOCATION1" \
    --custom-properties "key1=value1,key2=value2"

Create bundle test with a zip file

synctl create test -t 1 --label syn-bundle-zip-test \
    --bundle \
    --bundle-entry-file index.js \
    --location "$LOCATION" \
    --frequency 5

Create bundle test from base64 string


synctl create test -t 1 --label "syn-bundle-test" \
    --bundle "${BASE64STR}" \
    --bundle-entry-file index.js  \
    --location "$LOCATION"  \
    --frequency 5

Create bundle test

synctl create test -t 1 --label "syn-bundle-test" \
    --bundle-entry-file index.js \
    --location "$LOCATION" \
    --frequency 5

Create Browser Script test example

create a browser script test

synctl create test -t 2 \
    --label browser-script-test \
    --script browserscripts/api-sample.js \
    --location "$LOCATION" \
    --frequency 15

Create browser bundle test using a zip file

synctl create test -t 2 \
    --label browser-script-test-zip \
    --bundle \
    --bundle-entry-file mytest.js \
    --location "$LOCATION" \
    --frequency 15

Create browser bundle test using base64 string

synctl create test -t 2 \
    --label "browser-script-test-bundle" \
    --location "$LOCATION" \
    --frequency 15 \
    --browser firefox \
    --bundle-entry-file mytest.js \

Create Webpage Script test example

synctl create test -t 3 \
    --label "webpage-script-test" \
    --location "$LOCATION" --frequency 15 \
    --script side/webpage-script.side  \
    --browser chrome

Create Webpage Simple test example

synctl create test -t 4 \
    --label "browser-test-webpage-action" \
    --url "" \
    --location "$LOCATION" --frequency 5 \
    --record-video true \
    --browser chrome

Create SSLCertificate test example

synctl create test -t 5 \
    --label "ssl-certificate-test" \
    --hostname "" \
    --port 443 \
    --remaining-days-check 30 \
    --lo "$LOCATION"

Create Synthetic test with json payload example

synctl create test -t <type> -f payload/api-script.json

Note: Support specify application id when create synthetic test, get an application id through command synctl get app.