Create Synthetic test.
synctl create test [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--verify-tls verify tls certificate
-t <int>, --type <int> Synthetic type: 0 API Simple, 1 API Script, 2 Browser Script, 3 Webpage Script, 4 Webpage Simple, 5 SSLCertificate
--location id [id ...] location id, support multiple locations id
--label <string> friendly name of the Synthetic test
--description, -d <string> the description of Synthetic test
--frequency <int> the range is from 1 to 120 minute, default is 15
--app-id, --application-id <id> set application id
--apps, --applications [id ...] support multiple applications
--websites [id ...] website id, support multiple websites
--mobile-apps, mobile-applications [id ...] mobile application id, support multiple mobile applications
--retries <int> retry times, value is from [0, 2]
--retry-interval <int> retry interval, range is [1, 10]
--timeout <num>ms|s|m set timeout, accept <number>(ms|s|m)
-f, --from-file <file> load synthetic test payload from file (.json)
--custom-properties <string> An object with name/value pairs to provide additional information of the Synthetic test
--use-env <name>, -e <name> use a specified configuration
--host <host> set hostname
--token <token> set token
--url <url> HTTP request URL
--operation <method> HTTP request methods, GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, etc
--headers <json> HTTP headers
--body <string> HTTP body
--follow-redirect <boolean> to allow redirect, true by default
--validation-string <string> set validation-string
--expect-status <int> expected status code, Synthetic test will fail if response status is not equal to it, default 200
--expect-json <string> An optional object to be used to check against the test response object
--expect-match <string> An optional regular expression string to be used to check the test response
--expect-exists <string> An optional list of property labels used to check if they are present in the test response object
--expect-not-empty <string> An optional list of property labels used to check if they are present in the test response object with a non-empty value
--allow-insecure <boolean> if set to true then allow insecure certificates
--script <file> load script (.js) from file
--bundle <bundle> Synthetic bundle test script, support zip file (.zip) path or zip file content encoded with base64
--bundle-entry-file <file-name> Synthetic bundle test entry file, e.g, myscript.js
--script <file> load script (.js) from file
--bundle <bundle> Synthetic bundle test script, support zip file (.zip) path or zip file content encoded with base64
--bundle-entry-file <file-name> Synthetic bundle test entry file, e.g, myscript.js
--browser <string> browser type, support chrome and firefox
--record-video <boolean> set true to record video
--script <file> load script (.side) from file
--record-video <boolean> enable/disable record video, false by default
--browser <string> browser type, support chrome and firefox
--url <url> HTTP URL
--record-video <boolean> enable/disable record video, false by default
--browser <string> browser type, support chrome and firefox
--hostname <host> set hostname for ssl test
--port <int> set port, default is 443
--remaining-days-check <int> set remaining days before expiration of SSL certificate
Create API Simple test, test frequency is 5min. Use command synctl get lo
to get location id
synctl create test -t 0 \
--label "simple-ping" \
--url "" \
--location "$LOCATION" \
--frequency 5
Create API Simple test and specify multiple location id
synctl create test -t 0 \
--label "simple-ping" \
--url "" \
--location "$LOCATION1" "$LOCATION2" "$LOCATION3" ...
Create API Simple test and specify application id, retry, headers, and timeout
synctl create test -t 0 \
--label "API-simple-test" \
--description "this is a test example" \
--url <url> \
--location "$LOCATION" \
--frequency 5 \
--apps "$APPID" \
--operation GET \
--headers '{"content-type":"application/json"}' \
--retries 2 \
--retry-interval 2 \
--follow-redirect true \
--timeout 1m \
--allow-insecure true
Expect status example
synctl create test -t 0 \
--label "ping-expect-status-200" \
--url "" \
--location "$LOCATION1" \
--expect-status 200
Expect json example
synctl create test -t 0 \
--label "ping-expect-json" \
--url "" \
--location "$LOCATION1" \
--expect-json '{
"slideshow": {
"author": "Yours Truly",
"date": "date of publication",
"slides": [
"title": "Wake up to WonderWidgets!",
"type": "all"
"items": [
"Why <em>WonderWidgets</em> are great",
"Who <em>buys</em> WonderWidgets"
"title": "Overview",
"type": "all"
"title": "Sample Slide Show"
Expect match example
synctl create test -t 0 \
--label expect-match-test \
--url \
--lo "$LOCATION1" \
--expect-match ibm
Expect exists example
synctl create test -t 0 \
--label expect-exists-test \
--url \
--location "$LOCATION1" \
--expect-exists '["slideshow"]'
Expect not empty example
synctl create test -t 0 \
--label expect-not-empty-test \
--url \
--location "$LOCATION1" \
--expect-not-empty '["slideshow"]'
Create a simple API script from file
synctl create test -t 1 \
--label "simple-api-script" \
--script http-scripts/http-get.js \
--location "$LOCATION" \
--frequency 5
Custom properties example
synctl create test -t 1 \
--label custom-properties-test \
--script api-script.js \
--location "$LOCATION1" \
--custom-properties "key1=value1,key2=value2"
Create bundle test with a zip file
synctl create test -t 1 --label syn-bundle-zip-test \
--bundle \
--bundle-entry-file index.js \
--location "$LOCATION" \
--frequency 5
Create bundle test from base64 string
synctl create test -t 1 --label "syn-bundle-test" \
--bundle "${BASE64STR}" \
--bundle-entry-file index.js \
--location "$LOCATION" \
--frequency 5
Create bundle test
synctl create test -t 1 --label "syn-bundle-test" \
--bundle-entry-file index.js \
--location "$LOCATION" \
--frequency 5
create a browser script test
synctl create test -t 2 \
--label browser-script-test \
--script browserscripts/api-sample.js \
--location "$LOCATION" \
--frequency 15
Create browser bundle test using a zip file
synctl create test -t 2 \
--label browser-script-test-zip \
--bundle \
--bundle-entry-file mytest.js \
--location "$LOCATION" \
--frequency 15
Create browser bundle test using base64 string
synctl create test -t 2 \
--label "browser-script-test-bundle" \
--location "$LOCATION" \
--frequency 15 \
--browser firefox \
--bundle-entry-file mytest.js \
synctl create test -t 3 \
--label "webpage-script-test" \
--location "$LOCATION" --frequency 15 \
--script side/webpage-script.side \
--browser chrome
synctl create test -t 4 \
--label "browser-test-webpage-action" \
--url "" \
--location "$LOCATION" --frequency 5 \
--record-video true \
--browser chrome
synctl create test -t 5 \
--label "ssl-certificate-test" \
--hostname "" \
--port 443 \
--remaining-days-check 30 \
--lo "$LOCATION"
synctl create test -t <type> -f payload/api-script.json
Note: Support specify application id when create synthetic test, get an application id through command synctl get app