title: REST API Media Types abbrev: docname: draft-polli-rest-api-mediatypes-latest category: info
ipr: trust200902 area: General workgroup: keyword: Internet-Draft
stand_alone: yes pi: [toc, tocindent, sortrefs, symrefs, strict, compact, comments, inline, docmapping]
ins: R. Polli
name: Roberto Polli
org: Digital Transformation Department, Italian Government
email: [email protected]
country: Italy
normative: yaml: title: YAML Ain’t Markup Language Version 1.2 date: 2002-10-01 author: - ins: Oren Ben-Kiki - ins: Clark Evans - ins: Ingy doet Net target: https://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html oas: title: OpenAPI Specification 3.0.0 date: 2017-07-26 author: - ins: Darrel Miller - ins: Jeremy Whitlock - ins: Marsh Gardiner - ins: Mike Ralphson - ins: Ron Ratovsky - ins: Uri Sarid
--- abstract
This document registers the following media types used in APIs on the IANA Media Types registry: text/yaml, application/yaml, application/openapi+json, and application/openapi+yaml.
--- note_Note_to_Readers
RFC EDITOR: please remove this section before publication
Discussion of this draft takes place on the HTTP working group mailing list ([email protected]), which is archived at https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/ietf-httpapi-wg/.
The source code and issues list for this draft can be found at https://github.com/ioggstream/draft-polli-rest-api-mediatypes.
--- middle
OpenAPI [oas] version 3 and above is a consolidated standard for describing HTTP APIs using the JSON {{!JSON=RFC8259}} and yaml [yaml] data format.
To increase interoperability when processing API specifications
and leverage content negotiation mechanisms when exchanging
OpenAPI resources
this specification register the following media-types:
and application/openapi+yaml
{::boilerplate bcp14+}
This document uses the Augmented BNF defined in {{!RFC5234}} and updated by {{!RFC7405}}.
The OpenAPI Media Types convey OpenAPI specification files as defined in [oas] for version 3.0.0 and above.
Those files can be serialized in JSON or [yaml].
Since there are multiple OpenAPI Specifications versions,
those media-types support the version
The following examples conveys the desire of a client to receive an OpenAPI resource preferably in the following order:
- openapi 3.1 in yaml
- openapi 3.0 in yaml
- any openapi version in json
Accept: application/openapi+yaml;version=3.1,
Security requirements for both media type and media type suffix registrations are discussed in Section 4.6 of {{!MEDIATYPE=RFC6838}}.
This specification defines the following new Internet media types {{MEDIATYPE}}.
Type name: application
Subtype name: yaml
Required parameters: None
Optional parameters: None; unrecognized parameters should be ignored
Encoding considerations: Same as {{JSON}}
Security considerations: see {{security-considerations}} of this document
Interoperability considerations: None
Published specification: (this document)
Applications that use this media type: HTTP
Fragment identifier considerations: Same as for application/json {{JSON}}
Additional information:
Deprecated alias names for this type: application/x-yaml
Magic number(s): n/a
File extension(s): yaml, yml
Macintosh file type code(s): n/a
Person and email address to contact for further information: See Authors' Addresses section.
Intended usage: COMMON
Restrictions on usage: None.
Author: See Authors' Addresses section.
Change controller: n/a
Type name: text
Subtype name: yaml
Required parameters: None
Optional parameters: None; unrecognized parameters should be ignored
Encoding considerations: Same as {{JSON}}
Security considerations: see {{security-considerations}} of this document
Interoperability considerations: None
Published specification: (this document)
Applications that use this media type: HTTP
Fragment identifier considerations: Same as for application/json {{JSON}}
Additional information:
Deprecated alias names for this type: text/x-yaml
Magic number(s): n/a
File extension(s): yaml, yml
Macintosh file type code(s): n/a
Person and email address to contact for further information: See Authors' Addresses section.
Intended usage: COMMON
Restrictions on usage: None.
Author: See Authors' Addresses section.
Change controller: n/a
Type name: application
Subtype name: openapi+json
Required parameters: None
Optional parameters: version; unrecognized parameters should be ignored
Encoding considerations: Same as {{JSON}}
Security considerations: see {{security-considerations}} of this document
Interoperability considerations: None
Published specification: (this document)
Applications that use this media type: HTTP
Fragment identifier considerations: Same as for application/json {{JSON}}
Additional information:
Deprecated alias names for this type: n/a
Magic number(s): n/a
File extension(s): json
Macintosh file type code(s): n/a
Person and email address to contact for further information: See Authors' Addresses section.
Intended usage: COMMON
Restrictions on usage: None.
Author: See Authors' Addresses section.
Change controller: n/a
Type name: application
Subtype name: openapi+yaml
Required parameters: None
Optional parameters: version; unrecognized parameters should be ignored
Encoding considerations: Same as {{JSON}}
Security considerations: see {{security-considerations}} of this document
Interoperability considerations: None
Published specification: (this document)
Applications that use this media type: HTTP
Fragment identifier considerations: Same as for application/json {{JSON}}
Additional information:
Deprecated alias names for this type: n/a
Magic number(s): n/a
File extension(s): yaml, yml
Macintosh file type code(s): n/a
Person and email address to contact for further information: See Authors' Addresses section
Intended usage: COMMON
Restrictions on usage: None.
Author: See Authors' Addresses section
Change controller: n/a
--- back
This specification was born from a thread created by James Manger and the subsequent discussion here httpwg/http-extensions#885.
{: numbered="false"}
Q: Why this document? : After all these years, we still lack a proper media-type for yaml. This has some security implications too (eg. wrt on identifying parsers or treat downloads)
Q: Why application/yaml and text/yaml
: Browsers and libraries implementations treats them differently.
For example Google Chrome will display pages with
Content-Type: text/yaml
and to download pages with
Content-Type: application/yaml
{: numbered="false"}