Non riced arch linux btw, custom keybinds with karabiner, and neovim with minimal plugins.
- Neovim
- Prerequisite
- ripgrep -For Live grep-
- Plugins
- rebelot/heirline.nvim -Statusline and bufferline-
- X3eRo0/dired.nvim -Basic Dired copy for neovim-
- anuvyklack/pretty-fold.nvim -Pretty folding!-
- Eandrju/cellular-automaton.nvim -Why do I have this?-
- wbthomason/packer.nvim
- kylechui/nvim-surround
- nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim
- lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim
- Mappings
- leader is <20> (space)
- leader i, Open Dired
- leader o, Quit Dired
- leader f, CTRL + W x2
- leader k, CTRL + U
- leader j, CTRL + D
- leader g, ESC x2
- leader g, Next Buffer
- leader p, Previous Buffer
- leader aw, CellularAutomaton make_it_rain -Why not?-
- leader awww, CellularAutomaton game_of_life -Why?-
- ctrl k, Delete Buffer
- K, Open Telescope buffer view
- leader pd, Open Telescope w/ Live grep
- Options
- Relative number with number
- Tab width 4 spaces
- Smart Indent
- No swap file
- Prerequisite
- Karabiner
- Remappings
- Tab => Right super -Right CMD on macOS-
- Tab + H || J || K || L -Vim arrow navigation-
- Caps Lock => Control -Down with caps lock-
- Left Control => Tab
- Remappings