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extension of the aframe-forcegraph-component

the force graph API now supports click events:

API extension:

Property Description Default Value
on-node-clicked Callback function for node click events at a hovered node none
on-link-clicked Callback function for link click events at a hovered link none

vive-control support (my-vive component):

Property Description Default Value
camID specify the ID of the camera of which the look-at vector will be used for flight controls none
elID specify the ID of the enity that should be moved along the look-at vector of the camera none
triggerConf specify the behavior of the trigger on the vive controller 0
on-trigger-down Callback function for pressing the trigger on the vive controller none
on-trigger-up Callback function for releasing the trigger on the vive controller none

the "my-vive" component supports flight controls along the camera look-at vector using the trackpad (adapted from the aframe wasd controls)

other features:

  • hardcoded support for a laser controller (if activated overrides the camera raycaster for selecting nodes/links)
<a-entity laser-controls id="liney"  line="color: red; opacity: 0.75" ></a-entity>
    laser.addEventListener('componentinitialized', function (evt) {
        if ( == 'line' || == 'raycaster')
   = true;    });
var ray = this.el.sceneEl.querySelector('#liney').components.raycaster;
if(ray != undefined &&
  • implementations of node-on-hover API interface & a fly-to-node-on-click feature
    see graph_ext.js

please check the "basic" example for an implementation of the features.

Version License

A 3D Force-Directed Graph component for A-Frame.

An A-Frame entity component to represent a graph data structure in a VR environment using a force-directed iterative layout. Uses three-forcegraph as the underlying ThreeJS component to manage the graph object.

See also the standalone VR component version.


Property Description Default Value
json-url URL of JSON file to load graph data directly from. Will override content of the nodes and links component properties so either use one or the other. JSON should contain an object with two list properties: nodes and links.
nodes List of node objects. Example: [{"id": 1, "name": "first"}, {"id": 2, "name": "second"}] []
links List of link objects. Example: [{"source": 1, "target": 2}] []
num-dimensions Number of dimensions to run the force simulation on (1, 2 or 3). 3
dag-mode Apply layout constraints based on the graph directionality. Only works for DAG graph structures (without cycles). Choice between td (top-down), bu (bottom-up), lr (left-to-right), rl (right-to-left), zout (near-to-far), zin (far-to-near), radialout (outwards-radially) or radialin (inwards-radially).
dag-level-distance If dag-mode is engaged, this specifies the distance between the different graph depths. auto-derived from the number of nodes
node-rel-size Node sphere volume per value unit. 4
node-id Node object accessor attribute for unique node id (used in link objects source/target). id
node-label Node object accessor function or attribute for name (shown in label). name
node-desc Node object accessor function or attribute for description (shown under label). desc
node-val Node object accessor function, attribute or a numeric constant for the node numeric value (affects sphere volume). val
node-resolution Geometric resolution of each node, expressed in how many slice segments to divide the circumference. Higher values yield smoother spheres. 8
node-color Node object accessor function or attribute for node color (affects sphere color). color
node-auto-color-by Node object accessor function (fn(node)) or attribute (e.g. 'type') to automatically group colors by. Only affects nodes without a color attribute.
node-opacity Nodes sphere opacity, between [0,1]. 0.75
node-three-object Node object accessor function or attribute for generating a custom 3d object to render as graph nodes. Should return an instance of ThreeJS Object3d. If a falsy value is returned, the default 3d object type will be used instead for that node. default node object is a sphere, sized according to val and styled according to color.
link-source Link object accessor attribute referring to id of source node. source
link-target Link object accessor attribute referring to id of target node. target
link-visibility Link object accessor function, attribute or a boolean constant for whether to display the link line. A value of false maintains the link force without rendering it. true
link-label Link object accessor function or attribute for name (shown in label). name
link-desc Link object accessor function or attribute for description (shown under label). desc
link-hover-precision Whether to display the link label when gazing the link closely (low value) or from far away (high value). 2
link-color Link object accessor function or attribute for line color. color
link-auto-color-by Link object accessor function (fn(link)) or attribute (e.g. 'type') to automatically group colors by. Only affects links without a color attribute.
link-opacity Line opacity of links, between [0,1]. 0.2
link-width Link object accessor function, attribute or a numeric constant for the link line width. A value of zero will render a ThreeJS Line whose width is constant (1px) regardless of distance. Values are rounded to the nearest decimal for indexing purposes. 0
link-resolution Geometric resolution of each link, expressed in how many radial segments to divide the cylinder. Higher values yield smoother cylinders. Applicable only to links with positive width. 6
link-curvature Link object accessor function, attribute or a numeric constant for the curvature radius of the link line. Only applicable to links using ThreeJS Line (0 width). Curved lines are represented as 3D bezier curves, and any numeric value is accepted. A value of 0 renders a straight line. 1 indicates a radius equal to half of the line length, causing the curve to approximate a semi-circle. For self-referencing links (source equal to target) the curve is represented as a loop around the node, with length proportional to the curvature value. Lines are curved clockwise for positive values, and counter-clockwise for negative values. Note that rendering curved lines is purely a visual effect and does not affect the behavior of the underlying forces. 0
link-curve-rotation Link object accessor function, attribute or a numeric constant for the rotation along the line axis to apply to the curve. Has no effect on straight lines. At 0 rotation, the curve is oriented in the direction of the intersection with the XY plane. The rotation angle (in radians) will rotate the curved line clockwise around the "start-to-end" axis from this reference orientation. 0
link-material Link object accessor function or attribute for specifying a custom material to style the graph links with. Should return an instance of ThreeJS Material. If a falsy value is returned, the default material will be used instead for that link. default link material is MeshLambertMaterial styled according to color and opacity.
link-directional-arrow-length Link object accessor function, attribute or a numeric constant for the length of the arrow head indicating the link directionality. The arrow is displayed directly over the link line, and points in the direction of source > target. A value of 0 hides the arrow. 0
link-directional-arrow-color Link object accessor function or attribute for the color of the arrow head. color
link-directional-arrow-rel-pos Link object accessor function, attribute or a numeric constant for the longitudinal position of the arrow head along the link line, expressed as a ratio between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates immediately next to the source node, 1 next to the target node, and 0.5 right in the middle. 0.5
link-directional-arrow-resolution Getter/setter for the geometric resolution of the arrow head, expressed in how many slice segments to divide the cone base circumference. Higher values yield smoother arrows. 8
link-directional-particles Link object accessor function, attribute or a numeric constant for the number of particles (small spheres) to display over the link line. The particles are distributed equi-spaced along the line, travel in the direction source > target, and can be used to indicate link directionality. 0
link-directional-particle-speed Link object accessor function, attribute or a numeric constant for the directional particles speed, expressed as the ratio of the link length to travel per frame. Values above 0.5 are discouraged. 0.01
link-directional-particle-width Link object accessor function, attribute or a numeric constant for the directional particles width. Values are rounded to the nearest decimal for indexing purposes. 0.5
link-directional-particle-color Link object accessor function or attribute for the directional particles color. color
link-directional-particle-resolution Geometric resolution of each directional particle, expressed in how many slice segments to divide the circumference. Higher values yield smoother particles. 4
on-node-center-hover Callback function for node hover events at the center of the viewport. The node object (or null if there's no node under the central line of sight) is included as the first argument, and the previous node object (or null) as second argument.
on-link-center-hover Callback function for link hover events at the center of the viewport. The link object (or null if there's no link under the central line of sight) is included as the first argument, and the previous link object (or null) as second argument.
force-engine Which force-simulation engine to use (d3 or ngraph). d3
d3-alpha-decay Simulation intensity decay parameter, only applicable if using the d3 simulation engine. 0.0228
d3-velocity-decay Nodes' velocity decay that simulates the medium resistance, only applicable if using the d3 simulation engine. 0.4
warmup-ticks How many times to tick the force simulation engine at ignition before starting to render. 0
cooldown-ticks How many times to tick the force simulation engine after rendering begins before stopping and freezing the engine. Infinity
cooldown-time How long (ms) to tick the force simulation engine for after rendering begins before stopping and freezing the engine. 15000
on-engine-tick Callback function invoked at every tick of the simulation engine.
on-engine-stop Callback function invoked when the simulation engine stops and the layout is frozen.



Install and use by directly including the browser files:

  <title>My A-Frame Scene</title>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>

    <a-entity forcegraph="json-url: myGraphData.json"></a-entity>

Or with angle, you can install the proper version of the component straight into your HTML file, respective to your version of A-Frame:

angle install aframe-forcegraph-component


Install via npm:

npm install aframe-forcegraph-component

Then require and use.
