Development code that is considered stable in the is in the gh-pages branch (note that master branch does not exist)
(open for suggestions)
- #32: Flicker popup at top-left position
- #26: Strange errors with removeLayer
- #29: On click link don't shows a single popup
- Respect the maxSize if specified by popupClass that fixes bug: #23
- Better determine if a popupClass of a popupOption key is compatible with OpenLayers.Popup.
- Make a correct unselection of a layer that fixes bugs: #18 & #19
- Is available the pupupOptions on addLayer options to allow display the list popup separate from other layers.
- Methods xxxSelectionByIds (add, set or remove), showSingleFeatureById and getSelectionIds are moved to a separate code named FeaturePopupsExtend.js.
- First parameters xxxSelectionByIds, showSingleFeatureById and getSelectionIds functions becomes the layer instead of its id.
- unselectOnClose of OpenLayers.Control.FeaturePopups.Popup is replaced by unselectFunction.
- Allow use context in template by new featureContext option on addLayes method: #8
- Right use of popup event arguments: #4 & #6
- Don't overlap list popup with a item popup: #3
- Not used cursor location in the popups from the clusters: #7
- New method clear to clear selecction and popups.
- No popup is generated if no template (single or item): #11
- Allow abort display a popup from a cluster with one element: #9
- Remove click inheritance between cluster popup and child popup: #5
- Refactor: two new internal classes FeaturePopups.Popup & FeaturePopups.Layer
- The first parameter of some functions becomes the layer instead of its id (xxxSelectionById, getSelectionIds & showSingleFeatureById)
- The functions mentioned in previous paragraph have been moved to FeaturePopupsExtend.js
- The layers can no longer be added implicitly, it is necessary to use the
method orlayers
option of the constructor. - The templates are grouped into the object "templates" in options of
method. - The scope of events of
has changed during development, now if you want to access to the control should be usedevt.object.control
instead ofevt.object