Configure Stripe Keys:
- Create a Stripe account if you don't have one
- Add your Stripe API keys to your environment variables:
Set Up Stripe Webhook:
- In your Stripe dashboard, create a webhook endpoint pointing to
- Configure the following events:
- Copy the webhook signing secret to your server environment variables as
- In your Stripe dashboard, create a webhook endpoint pointing to
Run Database Migrations:
- Execute the SQL migration file to create subscription-related tables:
cd server node run-migration.js migrations/20231005_create_subscription_tables.sql
- Execute the SQL migration file to create subscription-related tables:
Test the subscription process:
- Use Stripe test cards (e.g.,
4242 4242 4242 4242
for successful payments) - Test both monthly and annual subscription plans
- Verify successful subscription creation in both your database and Stripe dashboard
- Use Stripe test cards (e.g.,
Test webhook handling:
- Use Stripe's webhook testing feature to simulate events
- Verify subscription status changes are properly reflected in your database
Integrate encryption utilities with existing data:
- Update components that handle sensitive financial data to use the encryption utilities
- Add encryption for:
- Transaction data
- Account balances
- Salary information
- Financial goals
Add user password confirmation for encryption:
- Create a UI component to enable/disable encryption
- Implement password confirmation flow when enabling encryption
- Add recovery options documentation for users
Test on various devices:
- Test the mobile layouts on various screen sizes (iPhone, Android, tablets)
- Verify proper function of touch-friendly elements
- Test swipe gestures on subscription cards
Add mobile-optimized versions of remaining pages:
- Implement mobile versions for:
- Dashboard
- Transactions page
- Goals page
- Settings/profile page
- Implement mobile versions for:
Implement lazy loading:
- Add code-splitting for large components
- Lazy load components that aren't immediately needed
Optimize API calls:
- Add caching for frequently used data
- Implement debouncing for search inputs
- Add pagination for transaction lists
Advanced Reports:
- Implement PDF export functionality
- Add customizable report templates
Multi-currency Support:
- Add currency conversion functionality
- Allow tracking accounts in different currencies
Budget Forecasting:
- Implement predictive budget forecasting using historical data
- Add "what-if" scenario planning