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File metadata and controls

119 lines (104 loc) · 5.05 KB


Web scraping project for IIITS - IOTA Hackathon

This is a utility tool comprising of three favourite topics during the quarnatine

  • May be you want the check the movie revenues
  • Need Friends Codeforces rating updates during coding in a click
  • Covid - 19 Updates in a click


You could also setup a virtual environment for this

cd <project directory>
pip install -r requirements.txt

The utlity tool is executed using bash script

cd <project directory>
./ --help

to display possible options

Web Scraper 1 : Movie Revenue scraper 🎥

  • Scrapes the website
  • Collects the data from 1977 to 2020 on users choice
  • Main Reason of choosing this website is it has no API Support so this scraping tool can be extended to give all (nearly 😁) the functionalities of API

Working :

- Extracts the data using bs4 and requests
- saves it into a pandas data frame
- then saves it into a CSV file
- all the files are stored in the data/ folder inside the movie scraping folder 
- First i implemented it using normal asynchronous code
- But Launching multiple downloads all at once was a I/O Bound task So i could use multi threading in it
- When i used multi threading Speeds increased 10 times(not exaggerating)
- you can see yourself
  • to run the normal download code
  cd <project directory>
  ./ --movie-async
  • To run the multi threading code
  cd <project directory>
  ./ --movie

Web Scraper 2 : Code Forces Stalker and Scraper 💻

  • Scrapes the website
  • can download the c++ submissions of other users onto the local machine and profile photos of others
  • has a database of users where the ratings, contribution, friends, id and other data is stored
  • you can update the database to see who's rating has changed or who's online now
  • view all the data as a table
  • add a friend to the database , remove a friend from the database

Working :

- Extracts the data using bs4 and requests
- As the data is extremely less instead of using **SQLITE3** (😉that would make the program slower)i have used JSON file as a database
- Adding and removing the friends was done using load and dump methods of JSON
- all the files are stored in the Submissions/ folder and Profile Photos/ folder inside the codeforces utility folder
- There was neither a CPU bound nor a I/O bound task so did not use multithreading or multiprocessing
- you can see by executing yourself
- Used the tabulate python module to create tables
  • To run the script
  cd <project directory>
  ./ --cf

Web Scraper 3 : COVID-19 NEWS Assist 🦠

  • Scrapes the website
  • has a database of all the states with details like active, cured cases, deaths, total confirmed
  • update the database and show all the changes since the last update
  • prints a table of all the cases and states
  • can get the particular states details

Working :

- Extracts the data using bs4 and requests
- As the data is extremely less instead of using SQLITE3 (😉that would make the program slower)i have used JSON file as a database
- Adding and removing the friends was done using load and dump methods of JSON
- There was neither a CPU bound nor a I/O bound task so did not use multithreading or multiprocessing
- Used the tabulate python module to create tables
- you can see by executing yourself
- To run the script
  cd <project directory>
  ./ --covid

Further things that can be done

  • Box Office Collections Project

    - We could have compared the world movie revenue all over years using matplotlib
    - See the increase in Harry potter movie revenues and plot them and try predicting new revenues
  • Codeforces Scraping project

    - We could have plotted all the friends ratings on a bar graph 
    - 🎊(important) : We could have used slack webhook integration to get notifications when any of our friends goes online or does a submission (😉 Competition Dude)
  • COVID-19 Project

    - Used seaborn and plotted a Heat Map 🗺 all over the India with covidcases/population ration
    - Used winnotify python library to get a notification for your Home states corona virus updates on your windows 10 machine (😒 embarassed windows user)
  • Periodic Checking

    - I have tried to setup the python program of covid 19 to run every 5 minutes on my windows machine but i was'nt successful due to time constrains
    - Having made an excuse for that we could have setup crontab on linux/mac systems so that the 2nd and 3rd projects run every X minutes

Conclusion :

  • Web Scraping alone has very little uses
  • But when data analysis is done on it or
  • When you integrate a notification system for it
  • It becomes extremely powerful 😎
  • Another advantage of web scraping is to collect data from websites with no API Support