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Performance Testing in Keptn using K6 : Quality Gates Evaluation using K6 metrics in Prometheus [Part 3]

In the previous tutorial we ran K6 Prometheus Extension using Job Executor Service. In the current tutorial, we'll use those exported metrics for Quality Gates evaluation in in Keptn.

About Quality Gates

Keptn quality gates provide you a declarative way to define quality criteria of your service. Therefore, Keptn will collect, evaluate, and score those quality criteria to decide if a new release is allowed to be promoted to the next stage or if it has to be held back. You can read more about quality gates here.

The below image describes the Quality Gates Process.

Keptn Quality Gate Process

K6 & Quality Gates Workflow

This will the workflow of events for quality gates evaluation of K6 metrics in Prometheus.

K6 Promethues Extension & Quality Gates Evaluation Workflow


Previous tutorial's setup of Prometheus and K6 extension using JES would be required. Apart from that, we'll have to setup Prometheus Service and Lighthouse Service.

SLI Provider

We'll have to install a SLI provider service which will inturn be called from Lighthouse Service. SLI providers like Prometheus, Dynatrace, Datadog and many others can be used. We'll use Prometheus to get the SLI metrics. Prometheus Service of Keptn will do this job. Please install Prometheus Service from here.

Things to note while installing:

  • Give correct namespace of installation of Prometheus of K8s
  • Corresponding Prometheus endpoint wrt deployment name and namespace of K8s

Lighthouse Service

Lighthouse Service will be responsible for evaluating test results. Whenever an event of the type sh.keptn.event.evaluation.triggered is received, and internally send sh.keptn.event.get-sli.triggered. The SLI provider tool will listen to it. When SLI provider has retrieved metrics from data source(e.g., Prometheus or Dynatrace), the SLI provider sends sh.keptn.event.get-sli.finished. The lighthouse service is also configured to listen for sh.keptn.event.get-sli.finished so it starts working again and this time it does the evaluation. It will be installed by default during installation of Keptn, if not installed then please follow steps in this link.

Configuring a Data Source

We'll have to provide a data source for getting the SLI. For this we have to configure monitoring provider. We can do this by running this command

keptn configure monitoring prometheus --project=k6-jes --service=microserviceA

More details of keptn configure monitoring command can be found here. More details of configuring a data source can be found here.

Updating Shipyard

For quality gate evaluation, we'll have to add evaluation task to our project. This will automatically trigger SLO compliance after test task has succeeded. So now, the updated shipyard.yaml file looks like this

apiVersion: ""
kind: "Shipyard"
  name: "shipyard-jes-k6-sample"
    - name: "production"
        - name: "testMyService"
            - name: "test"
            - name: "evaluation"

For our k6-jes project, it can be updated as mentioned in this link

  1. Delete the project and create a new project
  2. Modify the project files from Git Upstream Repo

If you're following the first step then please maintain the current state of project by going through previour tutorials and adding the resources.

Modifying Job Executor Service Config

Since, multiple projects and services could be using K6 for testing. Therefore, we need to add a unique identifier for Prometheus metrics. We can do this by adding tags in test execution. We need to modify the k6 run command in the config file of Job Executor Service as shown below

apiVersion: v2
  - name: "Run k6-prometheus"
      - name: "sh.keptn.event.test.triggered"
      - name: "Run k6 extensions with Keptn"
          - /files
        image: "jvenom/k6-prometheus"
          - "k6"
          - "run"
          - "--vus"
          - "10" 
          - "--duration"
          - "30s"
          - "/keptn/files/k6_test.js"
          - "-o"
          - "output-prometheus-remote"
          - "--tag"
          - name: k6-details
            valueFrom: secret

We use enviroment variables here. We can add this config using command

keptn add-resource --project k6-jes --service microserviceA --stage production --resource ./production/microserviceA/job/config.yaml --resourceUri job/config.yaml

Adding SLI config

A SLI configuration is a yaml file as shown below:

spec_version: '1.0'
  k6_http_req_duration_p95_sli: k6_http_req_duration_p95{job='$SERVICE-$PROJECT-$STAGE'}

We can use Prometheus Expressions to get the SLI. We're using k6_http_req_duration_p95 metric exported by K6 Prometheus extension here. We use the job='$SERVICE-$PROJECT-$STAGE' tag we had mentioned in K6 test execution command here to help us differentiate between the metrics of other projects and services in Prometheus. Please read more about Prometheus SLI Provider here for more advance used.

To store this configuration, you need to add this file to a Keptn's configuration store, e.g., using the keptn add-resource command:

keptn add-resource --project k6-jes --service microserviceA --stage production --resource ./production/microserviceA/prometheus/sli.yaml --resourceUri prometheus/sli.yaml

The path here needs to be prometheus/sli.yaml.

Defining Quality Gate Config

The SLO.yaml file would look like this

spec_version: '0.1.0'
  compare_with: "single_result"
  include_result_with_score: "pass"
  aggregate_function: avg
  - sli: k6_http_req_duration_p95_sli
      - criteria:
          - "<1000"
      - criteria:
          - "<500"
  pass: "90%"
  warning: "75%"

We use the k6_http_req_duration_p95_sli SLI we mentioned in sli.yaml file and set criteria of pass and warning around that. For more advanced use of slo.yaml file, please follow the guide present here

This file needs to inside the project directory, using this command

keptn add-resource --project k6-jes --service microserviceA --stage production --resource ./production/microserviceA/slo.yaml --resourceUri slo.yaml

By adding sli.yaml and slo.yaml, we should be able to do the SLO compliance check too now! Let's take a look by triggering the event and seeing how SLI looks like by triggering a sequence :)

Trigger Sequence

Let's trigger the sequence using the command

keptn trigger sequence --sequence testMyService --project k6-jes --service microserviceA --stage production

You can trigger the sequence from Keptn Bridge too.

Sequence Tasks

We can now see evaluation and get-sli tasks too after test task.

Sequence Tasks

K6 logs

These are the K6 metrics we can see from the logs.

K6 logs

SLI Values

After the test task succeeds, evaluation task get's called which calls the get-sli task. Here the Prometheus Service will fetch the SLI metrics

SLI Values

As we can see here, the p95 request duration is 251.14ms. It's same in both K6 logs and the SLI values we got from Prometheus. So the data we are fetching is correct.

Quality Gate Evaluation Board

From the evaluation board we can keep track of the scores of evaluation of our service.

SLO Evaluation Board

Demo Link

TODO: Add final GSOC demo link.