- Already reported? Browse the existing issues to make sure your issue/feature hasn't been reported/requested.
- Already fixed? Check whether your issue/feature is already fixed/implemented.
- Still relevant? Check if the issue still exists in the latest release/beta version.
- Can you fix it? If you are an Android/Java/Flutter developer, you are always welcome to fix an issue or implement a feature yourself. PRs welcome! See Code contribution for more info.
- Is it in English? Issues in other languages will be ignored unless someone translates them.
- Is it one issue? Multiple issues require multiple reports, that can be linked to track their statuses.
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- If you want to help out with an existing bug report or feature request, leave a comment on that issue saying you want to try your hand at it.
- If there is no existing issue for what you want to work on, open a new one describing the changes you are planning to introduce. This gives the team and the community a chance to give feedback before you spend time on something that is already in development, should be done differently, or should be avoided completely.
- Please show intention to maintain your features and code after you contribute a PR. Unmaintained code is a hassle for core developers. If you do not intend to maintain features you plan to contribute, please rethink your submission, or clearly state that in the PR description.
- Create PRs that cover only one specific issue/solution/bug. Do not create PRs that are huge monoliths and could have been split into multiple independent contributions.
- Safe Notes will remain mostly Flutter for time being
- Make changes on a separate branch with a meaningful name, not on the master branch or the dev branch. This is commonly known as feature branch workflow. You may then send your changes as a pull request (PR) on GitHub.
- Please test (compile and run) your code before submitting changes! Ideally, provide test feedback in the PR description. Untested code will not be merged!
- Respond if someone requests changes or otherwise raises issues about your PRs.
- Try to figure out yourself why builds on our CI fail.
- Make sure your PR is up-to-date with the rest of the code. Often, a simple click on "Update branch" will do the job, but if not, you must resolve the conflicts on your own. Doing this makes the maintainers' job way easier.
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