- Add CLI option to enable sourcemap output (2adbd2d)
- Remove unnecessary ? operator and fix type errors (e94f38d)
- Enable sourcemap output in build process (a772adb)
- kiki-kanri
- Remove process import statement (b9f2b85)
- Format and lint all files (23dcb00)
- kiki-kanri
- Change for const to forEach inside
- Update eslint-config and format codes (126b8fd)
- Modify
comment style (4ec782b) - Upgrade dependencies (b141e28)
- Upgrade dependencies (0c5aac8)
- kiki-kanri
- Replace
type with type-fest'sExcept
type (a3c1ffb) - Change
type inbuilder.build
method to useSetFieldType
definition (8021fd4)
- Upgrade dependencies (5a64c5c)
- Replace Prettier with ESLint, add related files, and update VSCode settings (c2c279f)
- Modify scripts in package.json (9b0b9e4)
- Format and lint all files (899caf4)
- kiki-kanri
- Update README (ce5f146)
- Update minimum Node.js version (e5451e6)
- Modify release script in package.json (bacd2a8)
- Upgrade dependencies (1d8dfbd)
- Change from tsx to jiti (3ba4113)
- kiki-kanri
- Export all types from entry point (65b830d)
- kiki-kanri
- Replace lodash package with lodash-es (a907582)
- Disable CJS build output (f47047e)
- Add missing types field in package.json (b295591)
- kiki-kanri
- kiki-kanri
- Replace lodash-es with lodash (e6d7119)
- Remove main, module, and types fields from package.json and add exports configuration (c67d788)
- kiki-kanri
- Update all imports in types files to use import type (a5d7857)
- Resolve missing
#!/usr/bin/env node
at the start of cli.cjs (e672e52)
- Improve readability of parts of the code (3b184e5)
- Modify release script (98171e6)
- kiki-kanri
- Export all types (074b7ab)
- Modify build process and output files (0ed1ec0)
- Add release script to package.json (b0665d1)
- Rename
- kiki-kanri
- Resolve IIFE format corresponding extension error (3447401)
- Upgrade dependencies (8d6c258)
- kiki-kanri
- Add missing main field in package.json (78e373c)
- kiki-kanri
- Add
class and related constants export to entry point (23bc390)
- Freeze
constant (f565ba9)
- Upgrade dependencies (0e4ce46)
- kiki-kanri
- Remove all try-catch blocks in builder and throw all errors (f4ed061)
- Use try-catch when instantiating Builder class and calling build method after cli parses parameters (ed48ee4)
- Update README (34bab78)
- Make cli input parameter mandatory and update usage in help (38c3f05)
- Upgrade dependencies (a874e92)
- kiki-kanri
- Update CHANGELOG, package.json, and README (cc5a0b3)
- Add comments and descriptions to properties in Config (c019e6e)
- Add descriptions to some flags in cli (c0ed863)
⚠️ Rename builtin to builtIn (d024abb)
- kiki-kanri
- Add functionality to specify rollup output.file option (7ef69e7)
- Add functionality to clean output directory or files before build (32f3945)
- Specify entry point in package.json (9043e71)
⚠️ Remove aliases for dirs and exts cli args (a937fe4)
⚠️ Remove aliases for dirs and exts cli args (a937fe4)
- kiki-kanri
- Add files for rollup cli logger functionality (80d909b)
- Add utils file (7c21159)
- Complete initial implementation of main functionality (c7edfa7)
- Add functionality to modify options using config file (12f2f39)
- Rename script file (97dc82f)
- Update .gitignore (4095a64)
- Remove all code and non-development dependencies and files (65e806c)
- Add required dependencies (912b7f5)
- Update tsconfig (b4f05f5)
- Insert required string at the beginning of cli.mjs file (90a7388)
- Update package.json (89c5afe)
- kiki-kanri
- kiki-kanri
- Correct loading of extraOptions config on Windows (43dca62)
- Upgrade dependencies (03c9138)
- Reorder import statements (5944f33)
- kiki-kanri
- Use npm pkg fix to fix package.json errors (af847b4)
- Use 'import type' for type-only imports (56905e3)
- kiki-kanri
- Upgrade dependencies (be4eee9)
- Format codes and package.json (7a83ddb)
- kiki-kanri
- Format codes (acb7b7b)
- kiki-kanri
- Edit readme (7b8fa4b)
⚠️ Upgrade rollup to v4 (50cacfb)
- kiki-kanri
- Edit builtin plugins list (064eb2b)
- kiki-kanri
- Add commonjs and resolve rollup plugins (b185b37)
- kiki-kanri
- Replace private keyword with # for class members (9bb27c3)
- Upgrade dependencies (21bfa4f)
- kiki-kanri
- Correct exit code for build error (eb25390)
- Upgrade dependencies (adc3bd4)
- kiki-kanri
- Upgrade dependencies (18094ae)
- kiki-kanri
⚠️ Change build type flag name to type (6bfbc56)
- Edit readme (5c5b3f1)
⚠️ Change build type flag name to type (6bfbc56)
- kiki-kanri
- Set package.json engines field value (6b1d715)
- kiki-kanri
- Extra config can set rollup options (1e72d92)
- Simplified way to get extra config data (c095454)
- Edit readme (59e6408)
- Upgrade dependencies (57a4ddc)
- kiki-kanri
- Remove unused code (190f50f)
- Edit error log to locating the wrong point (2df7fb8)
- Edit readme (cad73ac)
- kiki-kanri
- Stop build when extra config build error (e218ec8)
- Add interop to output options to fix some cjs error (b89258c)
- Add extra options comments (7cbdf63)
- kiki-kanri
- Fixed rollup method error not handle (76a36ac)
- Fixed log success message if an error occurred (f80dea4)
- kiki-kanri
- Make build extra config all imports is external (04b48f1)
- Fixed tmp config file import error (587c9b2)
- kiki-kanri
⚠️ Migrate to esm (260ebb3)
- Upgrade dependencies (55318c9)
- Upgrade dependencies (1fd918c)
- Remove dev script in package.json (0e9d9d1)
- Remove dev dependencies (13ff773)
- Remove rollup submodule (bc2a462)
⚠️ Migrate to esm (260ebb3)
- kiki-kanri
- Use extra config set builtin plugin options (9c25e85)
- Refactor code (4081ccd)
- Upgrade dependencies (127670c)
- Edit import sort (bc09400)
⚠️ Edit extra options plugins type (5f2ac79)
- kiki-kanri
- kiki-kanri
- Make ExtraConfig params optional (746d494)
- kiki-kanri
- Add isFile and randomStr utils (d81e532)
- Add rmFile utils (f6d9057)
- Preprocessing extra config file (7ef93d8)
- Use flag to switch force clear dist dir (5349e41)
- Supports multiple inputs (f3fbc4f)
- Move interfaces and types to types.ts (011a7ca)
- Use fs rm method to remove dist dir (fc8623d)
- Move clear dist code block (4ab497b)
- Edit command to build index.ts (5da847d)
- Upgrade dependencies (e56a65e)
- kiki-kanri
- Fixed incorrect url in package.json (7051b98)
- Explicitly specify type in package.json (3a0e85d)
- kiki-kanri
- Auto enable .d.ts output when buile type is package (26119e9)
⚠️ Rename flag --clean to --clear-dist (666cd5f)- Use rollup cli handleError to log error (1c49487)
⚠️ Rename flag --clean to --clear-dist (666cd5f)
- kiki-kanri
- Edit readme (3b713c6)
- kiki-kanri
- Add --no-strip flag to controll strip plugin (01dd78b)
- Read package.json version field to set cli version (a7fc596)
- Add @rollup/plugin-json to parse json (bc565c3)
- Use config.js file set extra build options (1c7433d)
⚠️ Remove --input flag, use parameters to set (e531904)- Auto detect package type using different externals plugin (942baa2)
⚠️ Change format arg default value (af10331)
- Fixed error format arg description (3d77f39)
- Fixed strip plugin not set include option (7df9ff7)
- Fixed builder not close (3d97600)
- Fixed some args not working correctly (4d4515c)
- Change rollup plugin sort (7f6899e)
⚠️ Remove --input flag, use parameters to set (e531904)⚠️ Change format arg default value (af10331)
- kiki-kanri
- Add build and cli files (78e1150)
- Move tsconfigs to package (3c2c49f)
- Add readme (8aab0fa)
- Add dependencies (7ea8956)
- Add and edit tsconfigs (b1b4f99)
- Add require dependencies (5e67ccf)
- Remove env comment in cli file (ab466b6)
- Add bin path in package.json (059ba9b)
- kiki-kanri
- Add gitignore and package.json (3f8b2bc)
- kiki-kanri