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324 lines (225 loc) · 8.87 KB


Example chat


  • Improved player chat, with colors, nicknames, pronouns, flags aswell as red usernames for OP players
  • Player teleport request commands
  • Adds spawn, home and warp commands
  • Adds a stricter mob cap which allows mobs to be enabled for servers without lag
  • Improved logging for chests and crates, see items being taken/added
  • Fixes 100% CPU usage on 1 core
  • Effectively removes the speed limit on sending chunks, it is recommended to use FoxLoader as a client to take advantage of this
  • Explosions (TNT, Creepers, Dynamite etc.) don't break chests/crates. (Configurable!)
  • Improved logging for players throwing dynamite
  • Region protection to prevent griefing of specific areas
  • Adds a restrictive mode that prevents players from breaking/placing blocks, interacting with chests etc.
  • Adds the ability to mute players from chat

Commands (Click to expand sections)


/home <optional home name>
Teleport home. If no name is specified, it teleports you to your main home

/homes <optional home name>
List all your homes, if a name is provided it will show only that home

/sethome <optional home name>
Sets a home location

/delhome <optional home name>
Deletes a home. If no name is specified, it deletes your main home

/renamehome <old name> <new name>
Renames a home


Teleport to spawn (If spawn location specified)

Show spawn location without teleporting to it

/spawnset (OP-only)
Sets the spawn location, and where /spawn sends the player

/spawnreset (OP-only)
Removes spawn location

Teleport requests

/tpa <player>
Request to be teleported to player

/tparevoke or /tprevoke
Revoke all your teleport requests

/tpaccept <optional player>
Accept a teleport request

/tpdeny <optional player>
Deny a teleport request


/nick <nickname>
Give yourself a nickname in chat

/nameof <nickname>
Look up the real username from nickname

See the nicknames of everyone currently in the server

See everyone's nicknames

/nickset <player> <nickname> (OP-only)
Force set a players nickname

/nickreset <optional player>
Resets / removes your nickname
When player supplied, an OP can force reset a players nickname

Name colors

/namecolor <color> or /namecolour <color>
Change your name color

/namecolorreset or /namecolourreset
Resets your name color


/pronouns <pronouns>
Give yourself pronouns in chat

See the pronouns of everyone currently in the server

See everyone's pronouns

/pronounsset <player> <pronouns> (OP-only)
Force set a players pronouns

/pronounsreset <optional player>
Resets / removes your pronouns
When player supplied, an OP can force reset a players pronouns

Pronouns colors

/pronounscolor <color> or /pronounscolour <color>
Change your pronouns color

/pronounscolorreset or /pronounscolourreset
Resets your pronouns color


/flag <colors...>
Set a flag in your chat messages
Example: /flag lightred orange yellow green blue purple

Resets your flag (removes it)


/warp <name>
Teleports you to the location

/warps <optional name>
Lists all warps on the server, if a name is provided it will only show that warp

/warpset <name> (OP-only)
Adds a new warp at your location

/warpdel <name> (OP-only)
Deletes a warp

/warprename <old name> <new name> (OP-only)
Renames a warp

Chat mute

/mute <player> (OP-only)
Toggles preventing the player from sending chat messages
Commands are still allowed while muted, except for /me and /tell

Lists muted players currently in the server

Lists all muted players

Restrictive mode

/restrict <player> (OP-only)
Toggles restrictive mode

/restrictlist (OP-only)
Lists players in restrictive mode currently in the server

/restrictlistall (OP-only)
Lists all players in restrictive mode

/restrictbydefault <true or false> (OP-only)
All players will be in restrictive mode when true (/restrictlist is ignored), unless specifically excluded with /restrictexclude

/restrictexclude <player> (OP-only)
Excludes player from restrictive mode when /restrictbydefault is true

/restrictexcludelist (OP-only)
List players excluded from restrictive mode currently in the server

/restrictexcludelistall (OP-only)
Lists all players excluded from restrictive mode

Region protection

These commands are OP-only, /protect and /pr are interchangeable

/protect list
List all protected regions

/protect set <name>
Create a new protected region from a wooden axe region selection

/protect remove <name>
Remove a protected region

/protect removeall <confirmation>
Remove all protected regions

/protect rename <name> <new name>
Rename protected region

/protect expandheight <name>
Make protected region span all the way vertically (Y coordinates 0 to 2047)

/protect info <name>
See a regions coordinates and dimension


Tells everyone on the server you're AFK until you move again


/mobcapdisabled <true or false> (OP-only)
Enable or disable the mobcap (setting mobcapdisabled to true will introduce lag!)

/explosionsbreakchests <true or false> (OP-only)
Set if explosions break chests and crates

/homecommandsdisabled <true or false> (OP-only)
Enable/disable the /home, /sethome commands

/tpacommandsdisabled <true or false> (OP-only)
Enable/disable the /tpa, /tpaccept, /tprevoke, /tpdeny commands

/warpcommandsdisabled <true or false> (OP-only)
Enabled/disable the /warp, /warps, /warpset, /warpdel, /warprename commands

/falldamagedisabled <true or false> (OP-only)
Enable/disable fall damage

/maxhomes <number> (OP-only)
Sets the max amount of homes per player. Will not delete any existing homes. Default: 10

/commandcooldown <seconds> (OP-only)
Sets command cooldown for non-OP players, if it's 0 (default) there is none

Shows config for KivaServerUtils

/teleport <x> <y> <z> (OP-only)
Teleport to coordinate

Displays mod version

Restrictive mode

Players in restrictive mode are prevented from

  • Placing & breaking blocks
  • Attacking entities or players
  • Editing signs
  • Opening chests
  • Igniting TNT or throwing dynamite

But are allowed to

  • Move
  • Eat food
  • Pick up items
  • Be targeted by mobs

Essentially, any right click actions are disallowed except for eating food

Info for mod developers

Container.updateInventory is overwritten by this mod,
keep this in mind if you are writing mixins for this method

You can control/query restrictive mode in your own mods with this line of code (replace isPlayerInRestrictiveMode with whatever method you need): ModLoader.getModContainer("kivaserverutils").getMod().getClass().getMethod("isPlayerInRestrictiveMode", String.class).invoke(null, "USERNAME GOES HERE");

The files stored by this mod only update when the server stops, so don't rely on reading them to get live data in your own mods. Instead, use the method mentioned above for any functions you need

Known issues

It can take a long while before you become visible to other players after being teleported with /tpa for some reason

Players can spawn randomly around the spawn set by /spawnset, so it's not always a perfect coordinate

Doing /sethome then covering up the home location with blocks, unloading the chunk its in, then doing /home can make you fall into an underground cave
This will also affect other commands like /spawn, since it's really an underlying issue with teleporting

A crate/drawer which has items inside, when taken out of a chest, will not be logged

You can't place blocks beside protected regions when right-clicking a block in the region

When /maxhomes is set to 1, all commands after the first sethome will fail and the player will have to manually /delhome every time

Reporting bugs

Either add me on Discord where my username is kivattt, or open an issue


/sethome doesn't follow the naming convention ...set because it's such a common command name in Minecraft servers

All data KivaServerUtils stores is in the mods/KivaServerUtils folder