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Project and Communities

Goal: Identify how diverse and inclusive our project places, where community engagement occurs, are.


Name Question
Documentation Usability What is the usability of documentation from content and structure perspectives?
Documentation Accessibility How does the documentation accommodate different users?
Documentation Discoverability How easily can users and contributors find the information they are looking for in a project’s documentation?
Issue Label Inclusivity How well are project issues labeled to invite new contributors, skilled contributors, non-code contributors, and other types of contributors?
Project Burnout How is project burnout identified and managed within an open source project?
Chat Platform Inclusivity How do you review Chat Platform inclusivity for your community?
(The following metrics are not released, yet)
Communication Channels How welcoming, responsive, respectful are interactions even on hot topics of debate? What is the diversity of voices speaking/being heard?
Response Times & Quality How quickly and well do we respond to suggestions, PRS, questions (Note: dependent on quality of PR, questions needs factored in)?
Sentiment What is the sentiment within external communication channels regarding our own press releases and within our internal communication channels, e.g., mail lists or IRC?