separateArgsOptionals with envelops
- http://localhost:7777/noteedit.html?pr=kprime-case-confucius-mysql&tr=___&tf=readme.md
- http://localhost:7000/noteedit.html?pr=kprime-case-confucius-mysql&tr=___&tf=readme.md
- query mapping with parameters (project=132)
- query from path join and where condition a.id=b.id
- FactParserOrmTest
- (labels conceptual vs physical view, mapping)
- employee
- cockpit
- (labels conceptual vs physical view, mapping)
- chartClassesHtml
- chartColouredClasses
- jsonLD with labels
- verbalization of samples
- schema API
- unwrap DatabaseMappingUnwrapTest: to simplify queries
- create a command to unwrap and execute query
- cockpit example
- URL to externalKeys browsing
- fix URL of serving HOST http:/localhost:7000//
noteedit goals cell
- fix goal status columns export to md
- import a csv
- add facts
- get orm diag
- get carm views
- get json
- add ontouml
- get jsonld
- get ontouml diag
- fix goal status columns export to md
link goal to stories
- fix button goal -> story ApiBuilder.get("/context/{projectName}/storygoaledit/{goalID}/{traceFileName}", storyController.getProjectStoryEditPage) ctx.redirect("/noteedit.html?pr=${projectName.value}&tr=${traceName.value}&goalid=${goalID}&tf=${storyName.value}.md")
- fix link story -> goal
cmd add-story (md)
- create a record Story(gid, filepath) if record not exists
- create a new file if not exists
- adds permalink cell if cell not exists else if not equals error.
- optional template create a new file if not exists else error.
- put gid cell into MD file to track if needed resync
cmd sync-stories
- walk context file tree to check and update story records
- cmd import-csv
- from story cell
- from csv file
- from csv file to h2
- cmd add-facts
- complete ORM notation test
add-fact Person has-key table0:SSN add-fact Person has-key SSN
no source table0:
>from source mapping
add-fact Person has-one table0:Name add-fact Person has Name exactly-one
add-fact Person has-zero-or-many table0:Phone add-fact Person has Phone some
add-fact Department has-key table0:DepName as "Department Name" add-fact Department has DepName add-fact Department has-key DepName
add-fact Department has-one-unique table0:DepAddress as "Department Address" add-fact Department has DepAddress exactly-one as:DepartmentAddress
no unique
>SQL alias AS field rename
add-fact Person works-in-one Department add-fact Person works-in exactly-one Department
add-fact Employee is-a Person where Department is-not-null add-fact Employee is-a Person
no where
link to json page
cmd get-json
- compute mapping (recursive) to data
cmd sql-show-carm
- enhanced 6nd + oids
- cmd add-labels
- dereference to
- link to jsonld page
- cmd get-jsonld
- compute mapping (recursive) to data
- enrich with rdf labels
noteedit terms cell
- links to OntoUML terms
noteedit references cell
- links to CARM
- links to ORM
- links to OntoUML
- links to JsonLD
- new features
- to noteedit add links to goals diag and goals.md (if exists).
- to noteedit add links to terms diag and terms.md (if exists).
- story permalink.
- link to story log by gid.
- start with readme.md if exists.
class diag cardinality
- for stories?
settings IRIContext -> PrjContext
upload rdf metadata
notebook.html eviction
upload sql
import sql northwind as source
queryJsonEntity. referencedTables computeSelectString database.mapping(askedTable) or else build a select from table columns and where conditions.
fix term page editor, to display terms : mappings, database, rdf labels, mappings SQL.
fix jsonld export with rdf labels.
import-json : swagger-odh.json
refact SchemaCmdParser to do only parsing of ConstraintTokens and leave building to Schema
chartColouredTables :
- chartIsaLinks with stereotypes and category: cover,partition,exclusive
- chartMappingLinks with stereotypes and cardinalities
${context.env.prjContextIRI.value} to set from user label.
import ontouml alpinebits
- TraceCmdImportOntouml from context
- TraceCmdReadOntouml
- KP Check, given a notebook cell execution cheks if the contents matches with the expected value in the result cell.
- TraceCmdSqlSelect from sources (via sql parse as Query UnSQLizeSelectUseCase().fromsql(mappingName, sqlView))
- Sql6nf
- DataServiceAdapter queryJsonEntity: header, referenced TO COMPLETE
- case ontouml alpinebits
- case_employee.md
- rewrite query,insert,diff based on mappings
- http://localhost:7000/project/employee/chart/classes
- source: table0 employee:data/table0.csv CSV
current-source -newSource=table0 SELECT ssn,name FROM table0 WHERE depname is not null al momento il file viene cercato nel contesto attivo e non dal prefisso le query NON comando , ma con rotte tipo JSON non usano correttamente la source va esteso il comportamento alle rotte non comando.
- case_employee.md
import sources:
- from csv TraceCmdSqlCreateTableFromCsv -> H2 TraceCmdSqlCreateTableFromCsvNote -> H2
- from json JacksonFlattenerTest -> MutableMap
- from jdbc MetaSchemaJdbcAdapterTest.test_mysql_meta -> Database
- from ddl sql DataService.createTableFromFileSql -> H2
kp from ttl ontouml RdfServiceAdapterTest .test_read_alpinebits_local_resource -> println
from jsonld JsonldTest.test_read_person_jsonld -> RDFDataSet
from orm FactParserTest -> Database
localhost:7000/project/employee/chart/classes for ontouml coloured classes diagram
use vocabularies in context for labels
use source in context for queries
identities log
swagger ApiBuilder.get("/context/:contextName/swagger", viewController.getContextSwaggerPage) ApiBuilder.get("/context/:projectName/dictionary/:traceName/:traceFileName/jsonapi", termController.getTermsJsonApi) JsonApiServiceAdapter SwaggerService
- adds goal shape : task, completed
- add goal export md goal links to stories.
- add table chart primary keys.
- add table chart color style cssClass "nodeId1" styleClass;
kp employee goals page to fix:
- start, end, due dates to edit.
kp employee terms page to fix:
- load data from source csv.
- buttons: json, jsonld, prov, table, chart:
- non appaiono sulle righe giuste.
- link non funzionanti.
- selettori di riga per label, non selezionano.
- autocompletamento
- aggiungere info da source: tabelle, colonne
- filtrare solo sui vocabolari selezionati
- bottoni autocompletamento
- completano la line con un substring sbagliato: ERSON.DIP_INDIRIZZO
- turtle
- export to fix
- swagger
- datatype to fix, è fisso a varchar(64)
- version to fix è fissa a 1.0.17
- authorize
kp page shortcuts
- G goals
- U users
- E events
- S stories
- T terms
FIX meta on datasource to catch JDBC errors, not give an empty db BUT print the error.
FIX json API terms, and project infos.
FIX add story to goal from button.
goes to old version noteedit.html
not adds line to file:
- goal
- FIX link from goal chart to read only is broken:
- FIX link from notebook editor to goal is broken
FIX from public project page http://localhost:7000/project/
you can not browse to projects with "-" in their name.
FIX internal links from stories
fix: http://localhost:7000/noteview.html?pr=kprime-case-confucius-mysql&tr=___home___nicola___Workspace___kprime-cases-bz___kprime-case-confucius-mysql&tf=readme.md good: http://localhost:7000/noteview.html?pr=kprime-case-confucius-mysql&tr=___&tf=readme.md good: http://localhost:7000/noteview.html?pr=kprime-case-confucius-mysql&tr=queries&tf=activity-report.md
ChartCaseService val todos = todoService.all(prjContextLocation) val tasks = todoService.tasks(prjContextLocation) if (prjContext!=null && !prjContext.isNoProject()) { markdownDiag += "click id${todo.id} \"/noteview.html?pr=${prjContext.name}&tr=${task.traceName}&tf=${task.storyFileName}\" \"Goto to task story.\"" + lineSeparator } else { markdownDiag += "click id${todo.id} \"/slide/${task.traceName}/${task.storyFileName}\" \"Goto to task story.\"" + lineSeparator
fix: link goal-story-term
fix: vuca (using cmdlog)
fix: zero warnings
fix: zero test log
fix: add source driver name -> driver class
fix: use context datasources insted of instance datasources. use instance drivers.
fix: SourceService : use context Sources not only instance Sources.
fix: TraceController result.message = result.message.replace('<','') result.message = result.message.replace('>','') result.message = result.message.replace("\n","
")is required for multiline command in tpp4 notebook is dangerous for single line command in terms
fix: http://localhost:7000/context/diary/tracesave/stories/abc.md if (traceDir == '') traceDir = "stories"; http://localhost:7000/context/diary/tracesave/stories___2022___11/20221002.md
fix: find labels search really a label in context
fix: story notebook trace browser.
fix: story delete from storyedit.
fix: admin management.
fix: check ALL command argument validity.
- ADD new project has not gid to show on client side
gid cd2b08ff-ae41-44ca-80ae-c42844a52bb0
ADD edit "part of" project manually enter parent gid
ADD project active switch to edit
ADD project chart semantic links
ADD semantic labels:
- challenges
- opportuninties
- novelty
ADD make readme.md the default context story
ADD terms,story,goal refact, remove.
add: to dictionary, ttl properties e.g. https://github.com/bp4mc2/archimate2rdf/blob/master/src/main/resources/ontology/archimate.ttl
add: when enter page story editor, open /readme.md if present.
add: goal actors.
add: goal resources.
add: story labels.
add: goal labels.
add: rename remove :term in .md and .chart .
add: rename remove :goalN in .md and .chart .
add: chart RDF.
add: json API.
add: generate .md from context, goal, dictionary.
add: generate readme.md template.
add: last modified.
add: gids + commandlog.
add: home stats.
add: SettingService add userName to settings x user (with cache).
add: convert to on browser with js:
- add: convert local link for stories in contextualized links
- add: convert local link for files in contextualized links in new window
- add: convert local link for images
in contextualized images
StoryService.readNotes http://localhost:7000/project/kprime-case-confucius/file/resources___prova/Confucius.jpg
add: add-find-rem labels using gid names.
add: import terms from ttl TurtleTest alpinebits.
add: commandlog pagination and search.
add: expert hexagon pure method in auto loading module (no webcall).
- refact: SettingService moving method to Services.
- refact: command argument validity checks (like TraceCmdAddActor).
- refact: controller only command calls, no direct service call. (see controller-command-service.md)
- refact: service call hierarchy. from commands and API (like ActorController).
- refact: service error return catch (like ActorService).
- terms: export ttl
- terms: import ttl
- terms: export json
- terms: import json
- command log with undo
- jsonld
- jsonprov
- consistent renaming
- transformer inherited constraints
- ARM identities
- FAIR principles
- normalizations
- I18N allow managing context with multi-language labels.
- https://github.com/RMLio/rmlmapper-java
- https://github.com/centic9/jgit-cookbook
- dictionary terms with labels
- to fix: string returned for labels has too many ',' clashes with same char used in triple string representation.
- to fix: label filter doesn't function.
- add '+ |(key|id):attributes'
- add '+
rename -> rename story
edit story -> add story ID
add-goal title [actor|priority|part-of|label]
- admin with pass random generated on apprun if pass is empty
- admin is the only can create change actors rename an actor -> change actor on log
synonyms, multi-language
finds a term inside paragraphs of md docs in current trace
find-term file: line nr: print line containng term
calculate graph of terms inside the same parameters and most important terms in paragraph.
- a why map http://localhost:7000/project/asa/cases
- a story http://localhost:7000/project/asa/slide/root/Story_story_room_reservation.md#1
- a story line http://localhost:7000/project/asa/chartactivities/root/Story_story_room_reservation.md
- a sequence http://localhost:7000/project/asa/doc/root/seq-room-reservation.chart
- a term list http://localhost:7000/project/asa/dictionary/root/reservation3_db.xml
- a term base: http://localhost:7000/chart/classes/root/reservation3_db.xml
- cli: post file
- TraceCmdRemLabelInstance
- TraceCmdAddLabelInstance
- TraceCmdRemNamespace
- chartColouredClassesHtml to projectLocation stereotypes.
- fix project context edit, realigned jackson wrapper.
add-label [goal|story|schema] label
find-label label
add-doc <story|journal> <doc-name>
copy .md file from doc folder to current trace renaming to doc-name.md
del-doc <doc-name>
deletes from current trace doc-name.md
add-note [database,concept,attr,rel] free-text
add-description [database,concept,attr,rel] free-text
add-url [database,concept,attr,rel] free-text
output use frequency of a term calc-term-stat
publish versioning (active is latest running version)
project publish (active trace) = copy trace + todos + terms folders route /published///* to published_folder/project/timestamp/ published date author version uuid title description