$ make run
browse http://localhost:7000/
Create a table:
> create-table person:name,surname
Create a sql source from table:
> sql-create person -source=<source.name>
Create a sql source from changeset:
> to-changeset
> sql-exec-changeset
Create a sql source from sql command:
> set-connection
> create table person (name:varchar(64),surname:varchar(64))
Insert some values:
> insert into person values ('nicola','pedot')
> insert into person values ('gino','pedot')
> insert into person values ('nicola','rossi')
List values ordered:
> select surname,name from person order by surname
- upload
- story
- upload
- story
- A representation of transactional list of DDL operations.
? http://localhost:7000/data/h2sakila/root/base/ACTOR?first_name=%27MARY%27[
"actor_id": "66",
"first_name": "MARY",
"last_name": "TANDY",
"last_update": "2006-02-15 04:34:33"
"actor_id": "198",
"first_name": "MARY",
"last_name": "KEITEL",
"last_update": "2006-02-15 04:34:33"
"@context": {
"ex": "http://example.org/vocab#"
"@graph": [
"@id": "tableurl",
"@type": "tablename",
"actor_id": "66",
"first_name": "MARY",
"last_name": "TANDY",
"last_update": "2006-02-15 04:34:33"
"@id": "tableurl",
"@type": "tablename",
"actor_id": "198",
"first_name": "MARY",
"last_name": "KEITEL",
"last_update": "2006-02-15 04:34:33"
https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-rdf/userguide.html https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-data-cube/#slices https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UKGovLD/publishing-statistical-data/master/specs/src/main/vocab/cube.rdf https://github.com/opendatasicilia/COVID-19_Sicilia https://ondata.github.io/guida-api-istat/
add-fact Person eat Food
add-fact Person has Name
add-fact Person has Surname
add-fact Food has Name
add-fact Sudent is-a Person
add-database movies
add-functional film:film_id --> replacement_cost, rental_duration, rental_rate
add-functional address:address_id --> address2
add-table person:ssn,name,dep_name,dep_add
add-key person:name,surname
new-h2-source people
current-source people
set-source people
create TABLE Persons (PersonID int, LastName varchar(255), FirstName varchar(255), Address varchar(255), City varchar(255));
insert into Persons values(1,'Pedot','Nicola','C.so 4 Novembre','Mezzocorona');
insert into Persons values(1,'Pedot','Giovanni','C.so 4 Novembre',null);
select column_names FROM table_name WHERE column_name IS NOT NULL;
alter table persons add age int;
alter table persons add unique(personid);
alter table persons alter age set not null;
alter table persons add age int default 10;
alter table persons drop column age;
update persons set age = 17 where firstname = 'Nicola';
select avg(age) from Persons;
from-source people
current-source transport
add-mapping trips-routes-calendar from trips(route_id) inner routes and trips(service_id) left calendar
select trips-routes-calendar where trips.route_id=179 and trips.direction_id='1' and calendar.monday='0'
=> select * from trips-routes-calendar where trips.route_id=179 and trips.direction_id='1' and calendar.monday='0'
select trips-routes-calendar limit 2
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.trips-routes-calendar AS
FROM trips
inner JOIN routes
ON trips.route_id = routes.route_id
left JOIN calendar
ON trips.service_id = calendar.service_id
WHERE trips.route_id=179 and trips.direction_id='1' and calendar.monday='0'mappings LIMIT 10
Recognized prefixes:
# title
+ event EventA
+ actor ActorA
+ readmodel ModelA
+ command CommandA
+ policy PolicyA
+ external SignalA
+ source PersonDB
+ go 8 when timeout goto Then
current-database trace1 opensource_db.xml
add-term liberties category1 relation1 type1 http://www.schema.org/ It is just a description
add-vocabulary prefix2 ns2 http://ibm.com/ it is my desc
$ pip install notebook
$ jupyter notebook
import requests,json from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
def dictionary(tracedir:str,tracename:str,term:str)->str: r = requests.get("http://localhost:7000/dictionary/"+tracedir+"/"+tracename+".xml/"+term) display(HTML(r.text))
def kp(cmd:str)->str: r = requests.post("http://localhost:7000/parse",data={'command':cmd}) print (r.text.replace('\n', '\n').replace("\t", '\t'))
>find-text roadmap NOT kotlin
>find-text kotlin roadmap
>find-text kotlin +roadmap
>find-text kotlin AND roadmap
>find-text "kotlin roadmap"
To search for documents that must contain "jakarta" and may contain "lucene" use the query:
+jakarta lucene
When performing a search you can either specify a field, or use the default field. The field names and default field is implementation specific.
title:"The Right Way" AND text:go
title:"The Right Way" AND go
You cannot use a * or ? symbol as the first character of a search.
To do a fuzzy search use the tilde, "~", symbol at the end of a Single word Term.
An additional (optional) parameter can specify the maximum number of edits allowed. The value is between 0 and 2, For example: The default that is used if the parameter is not given is 2 edit distances.
To do a proximity search use the tilde, "~", symbol at the end of a Phrase.
For example to search for a "apache" and "jakarta" within 10 words of each other in a document use the search:
"jakarta apache"~10
Match documents whose field(s) values are between the lower and upper bound specified by the Range Query. Range Queries can be inclusive [] or exclusive {} of the upper and lower bounds. Sorting is done lexicographically.
mod_date:[20020101 TO 20030101]
title:{Aida TO Carmen}
>find-text Java filename:[20180821.md TO 20180823.md]
jakarta^4 apache
(jakarta OR apache) AND website
title:(+return +"pink panther")
Special Characters
+ - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ /
To escape these character use the \ before the character.
to list all labels in current context:
to add one label:
>add-label rdf:src rdf:pred rdf:obj
to find one label:
>find-label rdf:src rdf:pred rdf:obj
to find one label with unknown predicate and object:
>find-label :xxx _ _
to remove one label:
>rem-label rdf:src rdf:pred rdf:obj
to select labels:
>PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
>SELECT ?friend ?name
>WHERE { ?friend foaf:name ?name }
to construct labels:
>PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
>WHERE { ?friend rdf:pred rdf:obj . }
to add one label to a term:
>add-term :agent a person of the company
>add-label :agent :address '4_november'
>add-label :agent :city 'Los_Angeles'
Given an endpoint:
http get http://tourism.api.opendatahub.bz.it/v1/SkiArea?removenullvalues=false
http get http://tourism.api.opendatahub.bz.it/v1/SkiArea?removenullvalues=false&Language=de
>add-mapping map1 select * from project; -source=confu
>mapping -name=map1
>mapping -name=Actor
>rem-mapping map1