Task: Students pick 3 linux utilities from https://github.com/alebcay/awesome-shell and present installing & using them in groups of 5. Each group chooses their top 3 utils and talks about them to the class.
- Matthew Reynolds. 'googlr' is not an ELF file and couldn't get it to work - The 3 utils are 'atop', 'gitmux' and 'nnn'
- Kumar . The 3 utils are bmon, fd and isitup
- Soul - ranger, mpv & mpd (if can get working)
- Joe Zhu. image-scraper, imgp and tiv(the last one is not in the list but it's cool)
- Asimina - bpkg, cointop, has.
- Nisheeth - glances, eureka, surfraw
- Ben Browning - aliasme, gittifly, cloc
- Xinpeng Yang - prettyping, taskbook, wttr.in
- Jarryd Walker - ticker, ledger, sexy-bash-prompt
- Michael Johnson - prettyping, gogh, critic
- Micheal Levae - how2, has, wikit (wasnt on the list, still cool tho lol)
- Matthew Klemick - iponmap, whereami, minesweeper
- Lou - bat, maza, ls++
- Eden - Sudocabulary, cmatrix, jump (might change these...)
- Alice - youtube-dl, kanban, wego + (pprint if its ok :D )
- Maria - rebound, bitwise, tty-solitaire
- Allan - exa, taskwarrior, saws
- Tahseena - shml,eat,xh
- John - shell_history, tldr, jump (Having some issues. We'll ge there)
- Wiremu - Cointop , haxor news, Whoami & Whereami
- Andy Leung - Piu-piu further, tiptop, shallow-backup
- Robbie Erkes - youtube-dl, wttr.in, synth-shell
- Nick C - Buku, Rtv, piu-piu, progress
- allison - ansiweather, fzf, navi
- SHeLDoN - Arkanoid/Sokoban, Desk, Gifgen
- Lewis - speedtest-cli, htop, youtube-dl, bpytop
- Heaven - Caffine_NeoFetch_Flameshot
- Another goes here. Move down a line when finished