diff --git a/examples/crd_reflector.rs b/examples/crd_reflector.rs
index 493908d35..2eca8fe2f 100644
--- a/examples/crd_reflector.rs
+++ b/examples/crd_reflector.rs
@@ -39,18 +39,25 @@ async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
     let lp = ListParams::default().timeout(20); // low timeout in this example
     let rf = reflector(writer, watcher(foos, lp));
+    let mut rfa = rf.applied_objects().boxed();
+    // keep polling the reflector stream in a background task
     tokio::spawn(async move {
         loop {
-            // Periodically read our state
-            // while this runs you can kubectl apply -f crd-baz.yaml or crd-qux.yaml and see it works
-            tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(5)).await;
-            let crds = reader.state().iter().map(|r| r.name_any()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
-            info!("Current crds: {:?}", crds);
+            match rfa.try_next().await {
+                Ok(Some(event)) => info!("saw {}", event.name_any()),
+                Ok(_) => {}
+                Err(e) => {
+                    error!("Kubernetes stream failure: {}", e);
+                    panic!("Kubernetes stream exited");
+                }
+            }
-    let mut rfa = rf.applied_objects().boxed();
-    while let Some(event) = rfa.try_next().await? {
-        info!("saw {}", event.name_any());
+    // Periodically dump state
+    loop {
+        tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(5)).await;
+        let foos = reader.state().iter().map(|r| r.name_any()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+        info!("Current {} foos: {:?}", foos.len(), foos);
-    Ok(())
diff --git a/kube-core/src/dynamic.rs b/kube-core/src/dynamic.rs
index ebaa7e3a6..8364192f0 100644
--- a/kube-core/src/dynamic.rs
+++ b/kube-core/src/dynamic.rs
@@ -106,6 +106,10 @@ impl Resource for DynamicObject {
     fn meta_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ObjectMeta {
         &mut self.metadata
+    fn typemeta() -> Option<TypeMeta> {
+        None
+    }
diff --git a/kube-core/src/lib.rs b/kube-core/src/lib.rs
index 71b81b917..cb5f02815 100644
--- a/kube-core/src/lib.rs
+++ b/kube-core/src/lib.rs
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ pub mod gvk;
 pub use gvk::{GroupVersion, GroupVersionKind, GroupVersionResource};
 pub mod metadata;
-pub use metadata::{ListMeta, ObjectMeta, TypeMeta};
+pub use metadata::{Inspect, ListMeta, ObjectMeta, TypeMeta};
 pub mod object;
 pub use object::{NotUsed, Object, ObjectList};
diff --git a/kube-core/src/metadata.rs b/kube-core/src/metadata.rs
index aa7becbcd..57113a8c4 100644
--- a/kube-core/src/metadata.rs
+++ b/kube-core/src/metadata.rs
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
 //! Metadata structs used in traits, lists, and dynamic objects.
-use std::borrow::Cow;
+use crate::{ApiResource, DynamicObject, DynamicResourceScope, Object, Resource};
 pub use k8s_openapi::apimachinery::pkg::apis::meta::v1::{ListMeta, ObjectMeta};
 use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
-use crate::{ApiResource, DynamicResourceScope, Resource};
+use std::borrow::Cow;
 /// Type information that is flattened into every kubernetes object
 #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Default, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
@@ -65,4 +63,127 @@ impl Resource for PartialObjectMeta {
     fn meta_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ObjectMeta {
         &mut self.metadata
+    fn typemeta() -> Option<TypeMeta> {
+        None
+    }
+/// A runtime accessor trait for `TypeMeta`
+/// This trait is a runtime subset of the `Resource` trait that can read the object directly.
+/// It **cannot** retrieve the plural, **nor** the scope of a resource (which requires an `ApiResource`).
+pub trait Inspect {
+    /// Get the `TypeMeta` of an object
+    ///
+    /// This is a safe `TypeMeta` getter for all object types
+    /// While it is generally safe to unwrap this option, do note that a few endpoints can elide it.
+    fn types(&self) -> Option<TypeMeta>;
+    /// Get the `TypeMeta` of an object that is guaranteed to have it
+    ///
+    /// Returns `TypeMeta` when exists, panics otherwise
+    fn types_unchecked(&self) -> TypeMeta;
+    /// Get the `kind` of an object
+    fn kind(&self) -> Option<Cow<'_, str>>;
+    /// Get the `apiVersion` of any object
+    fn api_version(&self) -> Option<Cow<'_, str>>;
+    /// Get a reference to the `ObjectMeta` of an object
+    fn meta(&self) -> &ObjectMeta;
+    /// Get a mutable reference to the `ObjectMeta` of an Object
+    fn meta_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ObjectMeta;
+// lean on static info on k8s_openapi generated types (safer than runtime lookups)
+impl<K> Inspect for K
+    K: k8s_openapi::Resource,
+    K: k8s_openapi::Metadata<Ty = ObjectMeta>,
+    fn types(&self) -> Option<TypeMeta> {
+        Some(self.types_unchecked())
+    }
+    fn types_unchecked(&self) -> TypeMeta {
+        TypeMeta {
+            api_version: K::API_VERSION.into(),
+            kind: K::KIND.into(),
+        }
+    }
+    fn kind(&self) -> Option<Cow<'_, str>> {
+        Some(K::KIND.into())
+    }
+    fn api_version(&self) -> Option<Cow<'_, str>> {
+        Some(K::API_VERSION.into())
+    }
+    fn meta(&self) -> &ObjectMeta {
+        self.metadata()
+    }
+    fn meta_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ObjectMeta {
+        self.metadata_mut()
+    }
+// always lookup from object in dynamic cases
+impl<P, U> Inspect for Object<P, U>
+    P: Clone,
+    U: Clone,
+    fn types(&self) -> Option<TypeMeta> {
+        self.types.clone()
+    }
+    fn types_unchecked(&self) -> TypeMeta {
+        self.types.clone().unwrap()
+    }
+    fn kind(&self) -> Option<Cow<'_, str>> {
+        self.types.as_ref().map(|t| Cow::Borrowed(t.kind.as_ref()))
+    }
+    fn api_version(&self) -> Option<Cow<'_, str>> {
+        self.types.as_ref().map(|t| Cow::Borrowed(t.api_version.as_ref()))
+    }
+    fn meta(&self) -> &ObjectMeta {
+        &self.metadata
+    }
+    fn meta_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ObjectMeta {
+        &mut self.metadata
+    }
+// always lookup from object in dynamic cases
+impl Inspect for DynamicObject {
+    fn types(&self) -> Option<TypeMeta> {
+        self.types.clone()
+    }
+    fn types_unchecked(&self) -> TypeMeta {
+        self.types.clone().unwrap()
+    }
+    fn kind(&self) -> Option<Cow<'_, str>> {
+        self.types.as_ref().map(|t| Cow::Borrowed(t.kind.as_ref()))
+    }
+    fn api_version(&self) -> Option<Cow<'_, str>> {
+        self.types.as_ref().map(|t| Cow::Borrowed(t.api_version.as_ref()))
+    }
+    fn meta(&self) -> &ObjectMeta {
+        &self.metadata
+    }
+    fn meta_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ObjectMeta {
+        &mut self.metadata
+    }
diff --git a/kube-core/src/object.rs b/kube-core/src/object.rs
index ab75b1335..e44a37423 100644
--- a/kube-core/src/object.rs
+++ b/kube-core/src/object.rs
@@ -245,6 +245,10 @@ where
     fn meta_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ObjectMeta {
         &mut self.metadata
+    fn typemeta() -> Option<TypeMeta> {
+        None
+    }
 impl<P, U> HasSpec for Object<P, U>
diff --git a/kube-core/src/resource.rs b/kube-core/src/resource.rs
index 6ae3500ed..67fe7aee5 100644
--- a/kube-core/src/resource.rs
+++ b/kube-core/src/resource.rs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+use crate::TypeMeta;
 pub use k8s_openapi::apimachinery::pkg::apis::meta::v1::ObjectMeta;
 use k8s_openapi::{
@@ -39,13 +40,13 @@ pub trait Resource {
     /// Dynamic types should select `Scope = DynamicResourceScope`
     type Scope;
-    /// Returns kind of this object
+    /// Returns the static kind of this Resource
     fn kind(dt: &Self::DynamicType) -> Cow<'_, str>;
-    /// Returns group of this object
+    /// Returns the static group of this Resource
     fn group(dt: &Self::DynamicType) -> Cow<'_, str>;
-    /// Returns version of this object
+    /// Returns the static version of this Resource
     fn version(dt: &Self::DynamicType) -> Cow<'_, str>;
-    /// Returns apiVersion of this object
+    /// Returns the static apiVersion of this Resource
     fn api_version(dt: &Self::DynamicType) -> Cow<'_, str> {
         let group = Self::group(dt);
         if group.is_empty() {
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ pub trait Resource {
-    /// Returns the plural name of the kind
+    /// Returns the static plural name of this Resource
     /// This is known as the resource in apimachinery, we rename it for disambiguation.
     fn plural(dt: &Self::DynamicType) -> Cow<'_, str>;
@@ -113,6 +114,12 @@ pub trait Resource {
+    /// Return `TypeMeta` of a Resource where it can be statically determined
+    ///
+    /// This is only possible on static types.
+    /// Dynamic types need to find these via discovery or through the `Inspect` trait.
+    fn typemeta() -> Option<TypeMeta>;
 /// Implement accessor trait for any ObjectMeta-using Kubernetes Resource
@@ -151,6 +158,13 @@ where
     fn meta_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ObjectMeta {
+    fn typemeta() -> Option<TypeMeta> {
+        Some(TypeMeta {
+            api_version: K::API_VERSION.into(),
+            kind: K::KIND.into(),
+        })
+    }
 /// Helper methods for resources.
diff --git a/kube-derive/src/custom_resource.rs b/kube-derive/src/custom_resource.rs
index 78e78510d..1d069bc22 100644
--- a/kube-derive/src/custom_resource.rs
+++ b/kube-derive/src/custom_resource.rs
@@ -320,10 +320,50 @@ pub(crate) fn derive(input: proc_macro2::TokenStream) -> proc_macro2::TokenStrea
             fn meta_mut(&mut self) -> &mut #k8s_openapi::apimachinery::pkg::apis::meta::v1::ObjectMeta {
                 &mut self.metadata
+            fn typemeta() -> Option<#kube_core::TypeMeta> {
+                Some(#kube_core::TypeMeta {
+                    api_version: #api_ver.into(),
+                    kind: #kind.into(),
+                })
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    // 3. implement typeinfo trait
+    let impl_typeinfo = quote! {
+        impl #kube_core::Inspect for #rootident {
+            fn types(&self) -> Option<#kube_core::TypeMeta> {
+                Some(#kube_core::TypeMeta {
+                    api_version: #api_ver.into(),
+                    kind: #kind.into(),
+                })
+            }
+            fn types_unchecked(&self) ->  #kube_core::TypeMeta {
+                self.types().unwrap()
+            }
+            fn kind(&self) -> Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>> {
+                Some(#kind.into())
+            }
+            fn api_version(&self) -> Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>> {
+                Some(#api_ver.into())
+            }
+            fn meta(&self) -> &#k8s_openapi::apimachinery::pkg::apis::meta::v1::ObjectMeta {
+                &self.metadata
+            }
+            fn meta_mut(&mut self) -> &mut #k8s_openapi::apimachinery::pkg::apis::meta::v1::ObjectMeta {
+                &mut self.metadata
+            }
-    // 3. Implement Default if requested
+    // 4. Implement Default if requested
     let impl_default = if has_default {
         quote! {
             impl Default for #rootident {
@@ -340,7 +380,7 @@ pub(crate) fn derive(input: proc_macro2::TokenStream) -> proc_macro2::TokenStrea
         quote! {}
-    // 4. Implement CustomResource
+    // 5. Implement CustomResource
     // Compute a bunch of crd props
     let printers = format!("[ {} ]", printcolums.join(",")); // hacksss
@@ -468,6 +508,7 @@ pub(crate) fn derive(input: proc_macro2::TokenStream) -> proc_macro2::TokenStrea
     quote! {
+        #impl_typeinfo
diff --git a/kube-runtime/src/controller/mod.rs b/kube-runtime/src/controller/mod.rs
index 21ec5f9d9..49bbe4b62 100644
--- a/kube-runtime/src/controller/mod.rs
+++ b/kube-runtime/src/controller/mod.rs
@@ -18,7 +18,10 @@ use futures::{
     future::{self, BoxFuture},
     ready, stream, Future, FutureExt, Stream, StreamExt, TryFuture, TryFutureExt, TryStream, TryStreamExt,
-use kube_client::api::{Api, DynamicObject, ListParams, Resource};
+use kube_client::{
+    api::{Api, ListParams, Resource},
+    core::Inspect,
 use pin_project::pin_project;
 use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
 use std::{
@@ -39,9 +42,9 @@ mod runner;
 #[derive(Debug, Error)]
 pub enum Error<ReconcilerErr: 'static, QueueErr: 'static> {
     #[error("tried to reconcile object {0} that was not found in local store")]
-    ObjectNotFound(ObjectRef<DynamicObject>),
+    ObjectNotFound(ObjectRef),
     #[error("reconciler for object {1} failed")]
-    ReconcilerFailed(#[source] ReconcilerErr, ObjectRef<DynamicObject>),
+    ReconcilerFailed(#[source] ReconcilerErr, ObjectRef),
     #[error("event queue error")]
     QueueError(#[source] QueueErr),
@@ -85,15 +88,14 @@ impl Action {
 /// Helper for building custom trigger filters, see the implementations of [`trigger_self`] and [`trigger_owners`] for some examples.
-pub fn trigger_with<T, K, I, S>(
+pub fn trigger_with<T, I, S>(
     stream: S,
     mapper: impl Fn(T) -> I,
-) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<ReconcileRequest<K>, S::Error>>
+) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<ReconcileRequest, S::Error>>
     S: TryStream<Ok = T>,
     I: IntoIterator,
-    I::Item: Into<ReconcileRequest<K>>,
-    K: Resource,
+    I::Item: Into<ReconcileRequest>,
         .map_ok(move |obj| stream::iter(mapper(obj).into_iter().map(Into::into).map(Ok)))
@@ -101,18 +103,14 @@ where
 /// Enqueues the object itself for reconciliation
-pub fn trigger_self<K, S>(
-    stream: S,
-    dyntype: K::DynamicType,
-) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<ReconcileRequest<K>, S::Error>>
+pub fn trigger_self<K, S>(stream: S) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<ReconcileRequest, S::Error>>
     S: TryStream<Ok = K>,
-    K: Resource,
-    K::DynamicType: Clone,
+    K: Inspect,
     trigger_with(stream, move |obj| {
         Some(ReconcileRequest {
-            obj_ref: ObjectRef::from_obj_with(&obj, dyntype.clone()),
+            obj_ref: ObjectRef::from_obj(&obj),
             reason: ReconcileReason::ObjectUpdated,
@@ -122,24 +120,27 @@ where
 pub fn trigger_owners<KOwner, S>(
     stream: S,
     owner_type: KOwner::DynamicType,
-    child_type: <S::Ok as Resource>::DynamicType,
-) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<ReconcileRequest<KOwner>, S::Error>>
+) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<ReconcileRequest, S::Error>>
     S: TryStream,
-    S::Ok: Resource,
-    <S::Ok as Resource>::DynamicType: Clone,
+    S::Ok: Resource + Inspect,
     KOwner: Resource,
     KOwner::DynamicType: Clone,
     trigger_with(stream, move |obj| {
-        let meta = obj.meta().clone();
+        let meta = Inspect::meta(&obj).clone();
         let ns = meta.namespace;
         let owner_type = owner_type.clone();
-        let child_ref = ObjectRef::from_obj_with(&obj, child_type.clone()).erase();
+        let child_ref = ObjectRef::from_obj(&obj);
-            .filter_map(move |owner| ObjectRef::from_owner_ref(ns.as_deref(), &owner, owner_type.clone()))
+            // Filter out ownerrefs not matching the owning GVK
+            .filter(move |owner| {
+                owner.api_version == <KOwner as Resource>::api_version(&owner_type)
+                    && owner.kind == <KOwner as Resource>::kind(&owner_type)
+            })
+            .map(move |owner| ObjectRef::from_owner(&owner).with_namespace(ns.as_deref()))
             .map(move |owner_ref| ReconcileRequest {
                 obj_ref: owner_ref,
                 reason: ReconcileReason::RelatedObjectUpdated {
@@ -155,21 +156,16 @@ where
 /// an object can only occupy one scheduler slot, even if it has been scheduled for multiple reasons.
 /// In this case, only *the first* reason is stored.
-    Debug(bound = "K::DynamicType: Debug"),
-    Clone(bound = "K::DynamicType: Clone"),
-    PartialEq(bound = "K::DynamicType: PartialEq"),
-    Eq(bound = "K::DynamicType: Eq"),
-    Hash(bound = "K::DynamicType: Hash")
-pub struct ReconcileRequest<K: Resource> {
-    pub obj_ref: ObjectRef<K>,
+#[derivative(Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Hash, Eq)]
+pub struct ReconcileRequest {
+    pub obj_ref: ObjectRef,
     #[derivative(PartialEq = "ignore", Hash = "ignore")]
     pub reason: ReconcileReason,
-impl<K: Resource> From<ObjectRef<K>> for ReconcileRequest<K> {
-    fn from(obj_ref: ObjectRef<K>) -> Self {
+// ..that means this would have to get extra data somehow
+impl From<ObjectRef> for ReconcileRequest {
+    fn from(obj_ref: ObjectRef) -> Self {
         ReconcileRequest {
             reason: ReconcileReason::Unknown,
@@ -181,7 +177,7 @@ impl<K: Resource> From<ObjectRef<K>> for ReconcileRequest<K> {
 pub enum ReconcileReason {
-    RelatedObjectUpdated { obj_ref: Box<ObjectRef<DynamicObject>> },
+    RelatedObjectUpdated { obj_ref: Box<ObjectRef> },
@@ -223,19 +219,19 @@ pub fn applier<K, QueueStream, ReconcilerFut, Ctx>(
     context: Arc<Ctx>,
     store: Store<K>,
     queue: QueueStream,
-) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<(ObjectRef<K>, Action), Error<ReconcilerFut::Error, QueueStream::Error>>>
+) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<(ObjectRef, Action), Error<ReconcilerFut::Error, QueueStream::Error>>>
-    K: Clone + Resource + 'static,
+    K: Clone + Resource + Inspect + 'static,
     K::DynamicType: Debug + Eq + Hash + Clone + Unpin,
     ReconcilerFut: TryFuture<Ok = Action> + Unpin,
     ReconcilerFut::Error: std::error::Error + 'static,
     QueueStream: TryStream,
-    QueueStream::Ok: Into<ReconcileRequest<K>>,
+    QueueStream::Ok: Into<ReconcileRequest>,
     QueueStream::Error: std::error::Error + 'static,
     let (scheduler_shutdown_tx, scheduler_shutdown_rx) = channel::oneshot::channel();
     let (scheduler_tx, scheduler_rx) =
-        channel::mpsc::channel::<ScheduleRequest<ReconcileRequest<K>>>(APPLIER_REQUEUE_BUF_SIZE);
+        channel::mpsc::channel::<ScheduleRequest<ReconcileRequest>>(APPLIER_REQUEUE_BUF_SIZE);
     let error_policy = Arc::new(error_policy);
     // Create a stream of ObjectRefs that need to be reconciled
@@ -291,7 +287,7 @@ where
-                    None => future::err(Error::ObjectNotFound(request.obj_ref.erase())).right_future(),
+                    None => future::err(Error::ObjectNotFound(request.obj_ref)).right_future(),
             .on_complete(async { tracing::debug!("applier runner terminated") })
@@ -302,7 +298,7 @@ where
     .and_then(move |(obj_ref, reconciler_result)| async move {
         match reconciler_result {
             Ok(action) => Ok((obj_ref, action)),
-            Err(err) => Err(Error::ReconcilerFailed(err, obj_ref.erase())),
+            Err(err) => Err(Error::ReconcilerFailed(err, obj_ref)),
     .on_complete(async { tracing::debug!("applier terminated") })
@@ -313,22 +309,19 @@ where
 /// This could be an `async fn`, but isn't because we want it to be [`Unpin`]
-struct RescheduleReconciliation<K: Resource, ReconcilerErr> {
-    reschedule_tx: channel::mpsc::Sender<ScheduleRequest<ReconcileRequest<K>>>,
+struct RescheduleReconciliation<ReconcilerErr> {
+    reschedule_tx: channel::mpsc::Sender<ScheduleRequest<ReconcileRequest>>,
-    reschedule_request: Option<ScheduleRequest<ReconcileRequest<K>>>,
+    reschedule_request: Option<ScheduleRequest<ReconcileRequest>>,
     result: Option<Result<Action, ReconcilerErr>>,
-impl<K, ReconcilerErr> RescheduleReconciliation<K, ReconcilerErr>
-    K: Resource,
+impl<ReconcilerErr> RescheduleReconciliation<ReconcilerErr> {
     fn new(
         result: Result<Action, ReconcilerErr>,
         error_policy: impl FnOnce(&ReconcilerErr) -> Action,
-        obj_ref: ObjectRef<K>,
-        reschedule_tx: channel::mpsc::Sender<ScheduleRequest<ReconcileRequest<K>>>,
+        obj_ref: ObjectRef,
+        reschedule_tx: channel::mpsc::Sender<ScheduleRequest<ReconcileRequest>>,
     ) -> Self {
         let reconciler_finished_at = Instant::now();
@@ -351,10 +344,7 @@ where
-impl<K, ReconcilerErr> Future for RescheduleReconciliation<K, ReconcilerErr>
-    K: Resource,
+impl<ReconcilerErr> Future for RescheduleReconciliation<ReconcilerErr> {
     type Output = Result<Action, ReconcilerErr>;
     fn poll(self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
@@ -449,11 +439,11 @@ where
 /// ```
 pub struct Controller<K>
-    K: Clone + Resource + Debug + 'static,
+    K: Clone + Resource + Inspect + Debug + 'static,
     K::DynamicType: Eq + Hash,
     // NB: Need to Unpin for stream::select_all
-    trigger_selector: stream::SelectAll<BoxStream<'static, Result<ReconcileRequest<K>, watcher::Error>>>,
+    trigger_selector: stream::SelectAll<BoxStream<'static, Result<ReconcileRequest, watcher::Error>>>,
     trigger_backoff: Box<dyn Backoff + Send>,
     /// [`run`](crate::Controller::run) starts a graceful shutdown when any of these [`Future`]s complete,
     /// refusing to start any new reconciliations but letting any existing ones finish.
@@ -469,7 +459,7 @@ where
 impl<K> Controller<K>
-    K: Clone + Resource + DeserializeOwned + Debug + Send + Sync + 'static,
+    K: Clone + Resource + Inspect + DeserializeOwned + Debug + Send + Sync + 'static,
     K::DynamicType: Eq + Hash + Clone,
     /// Create a Controller on a type `K`
@@ -502,14 +492,10 @@ where
     /// [`dynamic`]: kube_client::core::dynamic
     /// [`ListParams::default`]: kube_client::api::ListParams::default
     pub fn new_with(owned_api: Api<K>, lp: ListParams, dyntype: K::DynamicType) -> Self {
-        let writer = Writer::<K>::new(dyntype.clone());
+        let writer = Writer::<K>::default();
         let reader = writer.as_reader();
         let mut trigger_selector = stream::SelectAll::new();
-        let self_watcher = trigger_self(
-            reflector(writer, watcher(owned_api, lp)).applied_objects(),
-            dyntype.clone(),
-        )
-        .boxed();
+        let self_watcher = trigger_self(reflector(writer, watcher(owned_api, lp)).applied_objects()).boxed();
         Self {
@@ -555,28 +541,12 @@ where
     /// [`OwnerReference`]: k8s_openapi::apimachinery::pkg::apis::meta::v1::OwnerReference
-    pub fn owns<Child: Clone + Resource<DynamicType = ()> + DeserializeOwned + Debug + Send + 'static>(
-        self,
-        api: Api<Child>,
-        lp: ListParams,
-    ) -> Self {
-        self.owns_with(api, (), lp)
-    }
-    /// Specify `Child` objects which `K` owns and should be watched
-    ///
-    /// Same as [`Controller::owns`], but accepts a `DynamicType` so it can be used with dynamic resources.
-    #[must_use]
-    pub fn owns_with<Child: Clone + Resource + DeserializeOwned + Debug + Send + 'static>(
+    pub fn owns<Child: Clone + Resource + Inspect + DeserializeOwned + Debug + Send + 'static>(
         mut self,
         api: Api<Child>,
-        dyntype: Child::DynamicType,
         lp: ListParams,
-    ) -> Self
-    where
-        Child::DynamicType: Debug + Eq + Hash + Clone,
-    {
-        let child_watcher = trigger_owners(watcher(api, lp).touched_objects(), self.dyntype.clone(), dyntype);
+    ) -> Self {
+        let child_watcher = trigger_owners::<K, _>(watcher(api, lp).touched_objects(), self.dyntype.clone());
@@ -584,7 +554,7 @@ where
     /// Specify `Watched` object which `K` has a custom relation to and should be watched
     /// To define the `Watched` relation with `K`, you **must** define a custom relation mapper, which,
-    /// when given a `Watched` object, returns an option or iterator of relevant `ObjectRef<K>` to reconcile.
+    /// when given a `Watched` object, returns an option or iterator of relevant `ObjectRef` to reconcile.
     /// If the relation `K` has to `Watched` is that `K` owns `Watched`, consider using [`Controller::owns`].
@@ -634,8 +604,8 @@ where
     ///                 .annotations()
     ///                 .get("operator-sdk/primary-resource")?
     ///                 .split_once('/')?;
-    ///
-    ///             Some(ObjectRef::new(name).within(namespace))
+    ///             
+    ///             Some(ObjectRef::from_resource::<WatchedResource>(name).within(namespace))
     ///         }
     ///     )
     ///     .run(reconcile, error_policy, context)
@@ -648,40 +618,19 @@ where
     /// [Operator-SDK]: https://sdk.operatorframework.io/docs/building-operators/ansible/reference/retroactively-owned-resources/
     pub fn watches<
-        Other: Clone + Resource<DynamicType = ()> + DeserializeOwned + Debug + Send + 'static,
-        I: 'static + IntoIterator<Item = ObjectRef<K>>,
-    >(
-        self,
-        api: Api<Other>,
-        lp: ListParams,
-        mapper: impl Fn(Other) -> I + Sync + Send + 'static,
-    ) -> Self
-    where
-        I::IntoIter: Send,
-    {
-        self.watches_with(api, (), lp, mapper)
-    }
-    /// Specify `Watched` object which `K` has a custom relation to and should be watched
-    ///
-    /// Same as [`Controller::watches`], but accepts a `DynamicType` so it can be used with dynamic resources.
-    #[must_use]
-    pub fn watches_with<
-        Other: Clone + Resource + DeserializeOwned + Debug + Send + 'static,
-        I: 'static + IntoIterator<Item = ObjectRef<K>>,
+        Other: Clone + Resource + Inspect + DeserializeOwned + Debug + Send + 'static,
+        I: 'static + IntoIterator<Item = ObjectRef>,
         mut self,
         api: Api<Other>,
-        dyntype: Other::DynamicType,
         lp: ListParams,
         mapper: impl Fn(Other) -> I + Sync + Send + 'static,
     ) -> Self
         I::IntoIter: Send,
-        Other::DynamicType: Clone,
         let other_watcher = trigger_with(watcher(api, lp).touched_objects(), move |obj| {
-            let watched_obj_ref = ObjectRef::from_obj_with(&obj, dyntype.clone()).erase();
+            let watched_obj_ref = ObjectRef::from_obj(&obj);
                 .map(move |mapped_obj_ref| ReconcileRequest {
@@ -741,14 +690,12 @@ where
     pub fn reconcile_all_on(mut self, trigger: impl Stream<Item = ()> + Send + Sync + 'static) -> Self {
         let store = self.store();
-        let dyntype = self.dyntype.clone();
                 .flat_map(move |()| {
-                    let dyntype = dyntype.clone();
                     stream::iter(store.state().into_iter().map(move |obj| {
                         Ok(ReconcileRequest {
-                            obj_ref: ObjectRef::from_obj_with(&*obj, dyntype.clone()),
+                            obj_ref: ObjectRef::from_obj(&*obj),
                             reason: ReconcileReason::BulkReconcile,
@@ -864,7 +811,7 @@ where
         mut reconciler: impl FnMut(Arc<K>, Arc<Ctx>) -> ReconcilerFut,
         error_policy: impl Fn(Arc<K>, &ReconcilerFut::Error, Arc<Ctx>) -> Action,
         context: Arc<Ctx>,
-    ) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<(ObjectRef<K>, Action), Error<ReconcilerFut::Error, watcher::Error>>>
+    ) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<(ObjectRef, Action), Error<ReconcilerFut::Error, watcher::Error>>>
         K::DynamicType: Debug + Unpin,
         ReconcilerFut: TryFuture<Ok = Action> + Send + 'static,
@@ -899,7 +846,10 @@ mod tests {
     use futures::{pin_mut, StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
     use k8s_openapi::api::core::v1::ConfigMap;
-    use kube_client::{core::ObjectMeta, Api};
+    use kube_client::{
+        core::{ObjectMeta, ResourceExt},
+        Api,
+    };
     use tokio::time::timeout;
     fn assert_send<T: Send>(x: T) -> T {
@@ -935,13 +885,13 @@ mod tests {
         // Assume that everything's OK if we can reconcile every object 3 times on average
         let reconciles = items * 3;
-        let (queue_tx, queue_rx) = futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded::<ObjectRef<ConfigMap>>();
+        let (queue_tx, queue_rx) = futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded::<ObjectRef>();
         let (store_rx, mut store_tx) = reflector::store();
         let applier = applier(
-            |obj, _| {
+            |obj: Arc<ConfigMap>, _| {
                 Box::pin(async move {
                     // Try to flood the rescheduling buffer buffer by just putting it back in the queue immediately
-                    println!("reconciling {:?}", obj.metadata.name);
+                    println!("reconciling {:?}", obj.name_any());
diff --git a/kube-runtime/src/reflector/mod.rs b/kube-runtime/src/reflector/mod.rs
index 8932456c5..66600f200 100644
--- a/kube-runtime/src/reflector/mod.rs
+++ b/kube-runtime/src/reflector/mod.rs
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ pub mod store;
 pub use self::object_ref::{Extra as ObjectRefExtra, ObjectRef};
 use crate::watcher;
 use futures::{Stream, TryStreamExt};
-use kube_client::Resource;
+use kube_client::core::{Inspect, Resource};
 use std::hash::Hash;
 pub use store::{store, Store};
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ pub use store::{store, Store};
 /// the whole `Store` will be cleared whenever any of them emits a `Restarted` event.
 pub fn reflector<K, W>(mut writer: store::Writer<K>, stream: W) -> impl Stream<Item = W::Item>
-    K: Resource + Clone,
+    K: Resource + Inspect + Clone,
     K::DynamicType: Eq + Hash + Clone,
     W: Stream<Item = watcher::Result<watcher::Event<K>>>,
diff --git a/kube-runtime/src/reflector/object_ref.rs b/kube-runtime/src/reflector/object_ref.rs
index cc2049ca1..3dcf1e403 100644
--- a/kube-runtime/src/reflector/object_ref.rs
+++ b/kube-runtime/src/reflector/object_ref.rs
@@ -1,54 +1,56 @@
 use derivative::Derivative;
 use k8s_openapi::{api::core::v1::ObjectReference, apimachinery::pkg::apis::meta::v1::OwnerReference};
-use kube_client::{
-    api::{DynamicObject, Resource},
-    core::ObjectMeta,
-    ResourceExt,
-use std::{
-    fmt::{Debug, Display},
-    hash::Hash,
+use kube_client::core::{Inspect, ObjectMeta, Resource, TypeMeta};
+use std::fmt::{Debug, Display};
+use thiserror::Error;
-    Debug(bound = "K::DynamicType: Debug"),
-    PartialEq(bound = "K::DynamicType: PartialEq"),
-    Eq(bound = "K::DynamicType: Eq"),
-    Hash(bound = "K::DynamicType: Hash"),
-    Clone(bound = "K::DynamicType: Clone")
-/// A typed and namedspaced (if relevant) reference to a Kubernetes object
+#[derivative(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone)]
+/// A dynamically typed reference to an object along with its namespace
-/// `K` may be either the object type or `DynamicObject`, in which case the
-/// type is stored at runtime. Erased `ObjectRef`s pointing to different types
-/// are still considered different.
+/// Intended to be constructed from one of three sources:
+/// 1. an object returned by the apiserver through the `Inspect` trait
+/// 2. an `OwnerReference` found on an object returned by the apiserver
+/// 3. a type implementing `Inspect` but with only a `name` pointing to the type
 /// ```
-/// use kube_runtime::reflector::ObjectRef;
-/// use k8s_openapi::api::core::v1::{ConfigMap, Secret};
-/// assert_ne!(
-///     ObjectRef::<ConfigMap>::new("a").erase(),
-///     ObjectRef::<Secret>::new("a").erase(),
+/// use kube_client::core::Resource;
+/// use k8s_openapi::apimachinery::pkg::apis::meta::v1::OwnerReference;
+/// # use k8s_openapi::api::core::v1::Pod;
+/// # use kube_runtime::reflector::ObjectRef;
+/// let mut pod = Pod::default();
+/// pod.meta_mut().name = Some("foo".into());
+/// let oref = OwnerReference {
+///    api_version: "v1".into(),
+///    kind: "Pod".into(),
+///    name: "foo".into(),
+///    ..OwnerReference::default()
+/// };
+/// assert_eq!(
+///     ObjectRef::from_obj(&pod).within("ns"),
+///     ObjectRef::from_owner(&oref).within("ns"),
+/// );
+/// assert_eq!(
+///     ObjectRef::from_obj(&pod).within("ns"),
+///     ObjectRef::from_resource::<Pod>("foo").within("ns")
 /// );
 /// ```
-pub struct ObjectRef<K: Resource> {
-    pub dyntype: K::DynamicType,
+pub struct ObjectRef {
     /// The name of the object
     pub name: String,
     /// The namespace of the object
     /// May only be `None` if the kind is cluster-scoped (not located in a namespace).
-    /// Note that it *is* acceptable for an `ObjectRef` to a cluster-scoped resource to
-    /// have a namespace. These are, however, not considered equal:
-    /// ```
-    /// # use kube_runtime::reflector::ObjectRef;
-    /// # use k8s_openapi::api::core::v1::ConfigMap;
-    /// assert_ne!(ObjectRef::<ConfigMap>::new("foo"), ObjectRef::new("foo").within("bar"));
-    /// ```
+    /// When constructing an `ObjectRef` be sure to either:
+    ///
+    /// 1. supply a **known** namespace using `ObjectRef::within`
+    /// 2. supply an **optional** namespace using `ObjectRef::with_namespace` (when being generic over kinds)
     pub namespace: Option<String>,
+    /// The TypeMeta of the object
+    pub types: Option<TypeMeta>,
     /// Extra information about the object being referred to
     /// This is *not* considered when comparing objects, but may be used when converting to and from other representations,
@@ -69,31 +71,43 @@ pub struct Extra {
     pub uid: Option<String>,
-impl<K: Resource> ObjectRef<K>
-    K::DynamicType: Default,
+impl ObjectRef {
+    /// Creates an `ObjectRef` from an object implementing `Inspect`
-    pub fn new(name: &str) -> Self {
-        Self::new_with(name, Default::default())
+    pub fn from_obj<K: Inspect>(obj: &K) -> Self {
+        let meta = obj.meta();
+        Self {
+            name: meta.name.clone().unwrap_or_default(),
+            namespace: meta.namespace.clone(),
+            types: obj.types(),
+            extra: Extra::from_objectmeta(meta),
+        }
+    /// Creates an `ObjectRef` from an `OwnerReference`
-    pub fn from_obj(obj: &K) -> Self
-    where
-        K: Resource,
-    {
-        Self::from_obj_with(obj, Default::default())
+    pub fn from_owner(owner: &OwnerReference) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            name: owner.name.clone(),
+            namespace: None,
+            types: Some(TypeMeta {
+                api_version: owner.api_version.clone(),
+                kind: owner.kind.clone(),
+            }),
+            extra: Extra {
+                resource_version: None,
+                uid: Some(owner.uid.clone()),
+            },
+        }
-impl<K: Resource> ObjectRef<K> {
+    /// Creates an `ObjectRef` from a `Resource` along with name
-    pub fn new_with(name: &str, dyntype: K::DynamicType) -> Self {
+    pub fn from_resource<K: Resource>(name: &str) -> Self {
         Self {
-            dyntype,
-            name: name.into(),
+            name: name.to_string(),
             namespace: None,
+            types: K::typemeta(),
             extra: Extra::default(),
@@ -104,102 +118,62 @@ impl<K: Resource> ObjectRef<K> {
-    /// Creates `ObjectRef` from the resource and dynamic type.
-    #[must_use]
-    pub fn from_obj_with(obj: &K, dyntype: K::DynamicType) -> Self
-    where
-        K: Resource,
-    {
-        let meta = obj.meta();
-        Self {
-            dyntype,
-            name: obj.name_unchecked(),
-            namespace: meta.namespace.clone(),
-            extra: Extra::from_obj_meta(meta),
-        }
-    }
-    /// Create an `ObjectRef` from an `OwnerReference`
-    ///
-    /// Returns `None` if the types do not match.
-    pub fn from_owner_ref(
-        namespace: Option<&str>,
-        owner: &OwnerReference,
-        dyntype: K::DynamicType,
-    ) -> Option<Self> {
-        if owner.api_version == K::api_version(&dyntype) && owner.kind == K::kind(&dyntype) {
-            Some(Self {
-                dyntype,
-                name: owner.name.clone(),
-                namespace: namespace.map(String::from),
-                extra: Extra {
-                    resource_version: None,
-                    uid: Some(owner.uid.clone()),
-                },
-            })
-        } else {
-            None
-        }
+    pub fn with_namespace(mut self, namespace: Option<&str>) -> Self {
+        self.namespace = namespace.map(String::from);
+        self
-    /// Convert into a reference to `K2`
-    ///
-    /// Note that no checking is done on whether this conversion makes sense. For example, every `Service`
-    /// has a corresponding `Endpoints`, but it wouldn't make sense to convert a `Pod` into a `Deployment`.
-    pub fn into_kind_unchecked<K2: Resource>(self, dt2: K2::DynamicType) -> ObjectRef<K2> {
-        ObjectRef {
-            dyntype: dt2,
-            name: self.name,
-            namespace: self.namespace,
-            extra: self.extra,
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn erase(self) -> ObjectRef<DynamicObject> {
-        ObjectRef {
-            dyntype: kube_client::api::ApiResource::erase::<K>(&self.dyntype),
-            name: self.name,
-            namespace: self.namespace,
-            extra: self.extra,
-        }
+    pub fn with_types(mut self, types: &TypeMeta) -> Self {
+        self.types = Some(types.clone());
+        self
-impl<K: Resource> From<ObjectRef<K>> for ObjectReference {
-    fn from(val: ObjectRef<K>) -> Self {
-        let ObjectRef {
-            dyntype: dt,
-            name,
-            namespace,
-            extra: Extra {
+#[derive(Debug, Error)]
+#[error("missing type information from ObjectRef")]
+/// Source does not have `TypeMeta`
+pub struct MissingTypeInfo;
+impl TryFrom<ObjectRef> for ObjectReference {
+    type Error = MissingTypeInfo;
+    fn try_from(val: ObjectRef) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+        if let Some(t) = &val.types {
+            let ObjectRef {
+                name,
+                namespace,
+                extra:
+                    Extra {
+                        resource_version,
+                        uid,
+                    },
+                ..
+            } = val;
+            Ok(ObjectReference {
+                api_version: Some(t.api_version.clone()),
+                kind: Some(t.kind.clone()),
+                field_path: None,
+                name: Some(name),
+                namespace,
-            },
-        } = val;
-        ObjectReference {
-            api_version: Some(K::api_version(&dt).into_owned()),
-            kind: Some(K::kind(&dt).into_owned()),
-            field_path: None,
-            name: Some(name),
-            namespace,
-            resource_version,
-            uid,
+            })
+        } else {
+            Err(MissingTypeInfo)
-impl<K: Resource> Display for ObjectRef<K> {
+impl Display for ObjectRef {
     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
-        write!(
-            f,
-            "{}.{}.{}/{}",
-            K::kind(&self.dyntype),
-            K::version(&self.dyntype),
-            K::group(&self.dyntype),
-            self.name
-        )?;
+        if let Some(tm) = &self.types {
+            write!(f, "{}.{}/{}", tm.kind, tm.api_version, self.name)?;
+        } else {
+            write!(f, "unknown/{}", self.name)?;
+        }
         if let Some(namespace) = &self.namespace {
             write!(f, ".{namespace}")?;
@@ -208,10 +182,10 @@ impl<K: Resource> Display for ObjectRef<K> {
 impl Extra {
-    fn from_obj_meta(obj_meta: &ObjectMeta) -> Self {
+    fn from_objectmeta(meta: &ObjectMeta) -> Self {
         Self {
-            resource_version: obj_meta.resource_version.clone(),
-            uid: obj_meta.uid.clone(),
+            resource_version: meta.resource_version.clone(),
+            uid: meta.uid.clone(),
@@ -224,43 +198,23 @@ mod tests {
     use super::{Extra, ObjectRef};
-    use k8s_openapi::api::{
-        apps::v1::Deployment,
-        core::v1::{Node, Pod},
-    };
+    use k8s_openapi::api::{apps::v1::Deployment, core::v1::Pod};
+    use kube_client::Resource;
     fn display_should_follow_expected_format() {
-        assert_eq!(
-            format!("{}", ObjectRef::<Pod>::new("my-pod").within("my-namespace")),
-            "Pod.v1./my-pod.my-namespace"
-        );
-        assert_eq!(
-            format!(
-                "{}",
-                ObjectRef::<Deployment>::new("my-deploy").within("my-namespace")
-            ),
-            "Deployment.v1.apps/my-deploy.my-namespace"
-        );
-        assert_eq!(
-            format!("{}", ObjectRef::<Node>::new("my-node")),
-            "Node.v1./my-node"
-        );
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn display_should_be_transparent_to_representation() {
-        let pod_ref = ObjectRef::<Pod>::new("my-pod").within("my-namespace");
-        assert_eq!(format!("{pod_ref}"), format!("{}", pod_ref.erase()));
-        let deploy_ref = ObjectRef::<Deployment>::new("my-deploy").within("my-namespace");
-        assert_eq!(format!("{deploy_ref}"), format!("{}", deploy_ref.erase()));
-        let node_ref = ObjectRef::<Node>::new("my-node");
-        assert_eq!(format!("{node_ref}"), format!("{}", node_ref.erase()));
+        let pod = ObjectRef::from_resource::<Pod>("my-pod").within("my-ns");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{}", pod), "Pod.v1/my-pod.my-ns");
+        let deploy = ObjectRef::from_resource::<Deployment>("my-dep").within("my-ns");
+        assert_eq!(format!("{}", deploy), "Deployment.apps/v1/my-dep.my-ns");
     fn comparison_should_ignore_extra() {
-        let minimal = ObjectRef::<Pod>::new("my-pod").within("my-namespace");
+        let mut pod = Pod::default();
+        pod.meta_mut().name = Some("my-pod".into());
+        pod.meta_mut().namespace = Some("my-namespace".into());
+        let minimal = ObjectRef::from_obj(&pod);
         let with_extra = ObjectRef {
             extra: Extra {
                 resource_version: Some("123".to_string()),
@@ -273,7 +227,7 @@ mod tests {
         assert_eq!(minimal, with_extra);
         // Hash should be unaffected by the contents of `extra`
-        let hash_value = |value: &ObjectRef<Pod>| {
+        let hash_value = |value: &ObjectRef| {
             let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
             value.hash(&mut hasher);
diff --git a/kube-runtime/src/reflector/store.rs b/kube-runtime/src/reflector/store.rs
index 49032934c..fdc617060 100644
--- a/kube-runtime/src/reflector/store.rs
+++ b/kube-runtime/src/reflector/store.rs
@@ -2,38 +2,28 @@ use super::ObjectRef;
 use crate::watcher;
 use ahash::AHashMap;
 use derivative::Derivative;
-use kube_client::Resource;
+use kube_client::{core::Inspect, Resource};
 use parking_lot::RwLock;
 use std::{fmt::Debug, hash::Hash, sync::Arc};
-type Cache<K> = Arc<RwLock<AHashMap<ObjectRef<K>, Arc<K>>>>;
+type Cache<K> = Arc<RwLock<AHashMap<ObjectRef, Arc<K>>>>;
 /// A writable Store handle
 /// This is exclusive since it's not safe to share a single `Store` between multiple reflectors.
 /// In particular, `Restarted` events will clobber the state of other connected reflectors.
 #[derive(Debug, Derivative)]
-#[derivative(Default(bound = "K::DynamicType: Default"))]
-pub struct Writer<K: 'static + Resource>
-    K::DynamicType: Eq + Hash,
+#[derivative(Default(bound = ""))]
+pub struct Writer<K: 'static + Resource> {
     store: Cache<K>,
-    dyntype: K::DynamicType,
-impl<K: 'static + Resource + Clone> Writer<K>
-    K::DynamicType: Eq + Hash + Clone,
+impl<K: 'static + Resource + Inspect + Clone> Writer<K> {
     /// Creates a new Writer with the specified dynamic type.
-    ///
-    /// If the dynamic type is default-able (for example when writer is used with
-    /// `k8s_openapi` types) you can use `Default` instead.
-    pub fn new(dyntype: K::DynamicType) -> Self {
+    #[must_use]
+    pub fn new() -> Self {
         Writer {
             store: Default::default(),
-            dyntype,
@@ -52,23 +42,18 @@ where
     pub fn apply_watcher_event(&mut self, event: &watcher::Event<K>) {
         match event {
             watcher::Event::Applied(obj) => {
-                let key = ObjectRef::from_obj_with(obj, self.dyntype.clone());
+                let key = ObjectRef::from_obj(obj);
                 let obj = Arc::new(obj.clone());
                 self.store.write().insert(key, obj);
             watcher::Event::Deleted(obj) => {
-                let key = ObjectRef::from_obj_with(obj, self.dyntype.clone());
+                let key = ObjectRef::from_obj(obj);
             watcher::Event::Restarted(new_objs) => {
                 let new_objs = new_objs
-                    .map(|obj| {
-                        (
-                            ObjectRef::from_obj_with(obj, self.dyntype.clone()),
-                            Arc::new(obj.clone()),
-                        )
-                    })
+                    .map(|obj| (ObjectRef::from_obj(obj), Arc::new(obj.clone())))
                     .collect::<AHashMap<_, _>>();
                 *self.store.write() = new_objs;
@@ -82,16 +67,14 @@ where
 /// Cannot be constructed directly since one writer handle is required,
 /// use `Writer::as_reader()` instead.
-#[derivative(Debug(bound = "K: Debug, K::DynamicType: Debug"), Clone)]
-pub struct Store<K: 'static + Resource>
-    K::DynamicType: Hash + Eq,
+#[derivative(Debug(bound = "K: Debug"), Clone)]
+pub struct Store<K: 'static + Resource> {
     store: Cache<K>,
-impl<K: 'static + Clone + Resource> Store<K>
+impl<K: 'static + Clone + Resource + Inspect> Store<K>
     K::DynamicType: Eq + Hash + Clone,
@@ -105,7 +88,7 @@ where
     /// If you use `kube_rt::controller` then you can do this by returning an error and specifying a
     /// reasonable `error_policy`.
-    pub fn get(&self, key: &ObjectRef<K>) -> Option<Arc<K>> {
+    pub fn get(&self, key: &ObjectRef) -> Option<Arc<K>> {
         let store = self.store.read();
@@ -162,8 +145,7 @@ where
 pub fn store<K>() -> (Store<K>, Writer<K>)
-    K: Resource + Clone + 'static,
-    K::DynamicType: Eq + Hash + Clone + Default,
+    K: Resource + Inspect + Clone + 'static,
     let w = Writer::<K>::default();
     let r = w.as_reader();