In this tutorial, you will learn - how to use kustomize
to customize a basic Spring Boot application's
k8s configuration for production use cases.
In the production environment we want to customize the following:
- add application specific configuration for this Spring Boot application
- configure prod DB access configuration
- resource names to be prefixed by 'prod-'.
- resources to have 'env: prod' labels.
- JVM memory to be properly set.
- health check and readiness check.
First make a place to work:
DEMO_HOME=$(mktemp -d)
To keep this document shorter, the base resources needed to run springboot on a k8s cluster are off in a supplemental data directory rather than declared here as HERE documents.
Download them:
curl -s -o "$DEMO_HOME/#1.yaml" \
The kustomize
program gets its instructions from
a file called kustomization.yaml
Start this file:
touch $DEMO_HOME/kustomization.yaml
kustomize edit add resource service.yaml
kustomize edit add resource deployment.yaml
cat kustomization.yaml
's resources section should contain:
resources: - service.yaml - deployment.yaml
echo " Demo" >$DEMO_HOME/
kustomize edit add configmap demo-configmap \
cat kustomization.yaml
's configMapGenerator section should contain:
configMapGenerator: - files: - name: demo-configmap
We want to add database credentials for the prod environment. In general, these credentials can be put into the file
However, for some cases, we want to keep the credentials in a different file and keep application specific configs in
With this clear separation, the credentials and application specific things can be managed and maintained flexibly by different teams.
For example, application developers only tune the application configs in
and operation teams or SREs
only care about the credentials.
For Spring Boot application, we can set an active profile through the environment variable
. Then
the application will pick up an extra application-<profile>.properties
file. With this, we can customize the configMap in two
steps. Add an environment variable through the patch and add a file to the configMap.
cat <<EOF >$DEMO_HOME/patch.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: sbdemo
- name: sbdemo
- name:
value: prod
kustomize edit add patch --path patch.yaml --name sbdemo --kind Deployment --group apps --version v1
cat <<EOF >$DEMO_HOME/
kustomize edit add configmap \
demo-configmap --from-file
cat kustomization.yaml
's configMapGenerator section should contain:
configMapGenerator: - files: - - name: demo-configmap
Arrange for the resources to begin with prefix prod- (since they are meant for the production environment):
kustomize edit set nameprefix 'prod-'
should have updated value of namePrefix field:
namePrefix: prod-
This namePrefix
directive adds prod- to all
resource names, as can be seen by building the
kustomize build $DEMO_HOME | grep prod-
We want resources in production environment to have certain labels so that we can query them by label selector.
does not have edit set label
command to
add a label, but one can always edit
cat <<EOF >>$DEMO_HOME/kustomization.yaml
env: prod
Confirm that the resources now all have names prefixed
by prod-
and the label tuple env:prod
kustomize build $DEMO_HOME | grep -C 3 env
When a Spring Boot application is deployed in a k8s cluster, the JVM is running inside a container. We want to set memory limit for the container and make sure the JVM is aware of that limit. In K8s deployment, we can set the resource limits for containers and inject these limits to some environment variables by downward API. When the container starts to run, it can pick up the environment variables and set JVM options accordingly.
Download the patch memorylimit_patch.yaml
. It contains the memory limits setup.
curl -s -o "$DEMO_HOME/#1.yaml" \
cat $DEMO_HOME/memorylimit_patch.yaml
The output contains
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: sbdemo spec: template: spec: containers: - name: sbdemo resources: limits: memory: 1250Mi requests: memory: 1250Mi env: - name: MEM_TOTAL_MB valueFrom: resourceFieldRef: resource: limits.memory
We also want to add liveness check and readiness check in the production environment. Spring Boot application
has end points such as /actuator/health
for this. We can customize the k8s deployment resource to talk to Spring Boot end point.
Download the patch healthcheck_patch.yaml
. It contains the liveness probes and readyness probes.
curl -s -o "$DEMO_HOME/#1.yaml" \
cat $DEMO_HOME/healthcheck_patch.yaml
The output contains
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: sbdemo spec: template: spec: containers: - name: sbdemo livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /actuator/health port: 8080 initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 3 readinessProbe: initialDelaySeconds: 20 periodSeconds: 10 httpGet: path: /actuator/info port: 8080
Add these patches to the kustomization:
kustomize edit add patch --path memorylimit_patch.yaml --name sbdemo --kind Deployment --group apps --version v1
kustomize edit add patch --path healthcheck_patch.yaml --name sbdemo --kind Deployment --group apps --version v1
should have patches field:
patches: - path: patch.yaml target: group: apps version: v1 kind: Deployment name: sbdemo - path: memorylimit_patch.yaml target: group: apps version: v1 kind: Deployment name: sbdemo - path: healthcheck_patch.yaml target: group: apps version: v1 kind: Deployment name: sbdemo
The output of the following command can now be applied
to the cluster (i.e. piped to kubectl apply
) to
create the production environment.
kustomize build $DEMO_HOME # | kubectl apply -f -