From a2c49f9f2cd46d14c50be3505edaec8d7aff327f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rafael Almeida <>
Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2025 15:23:28 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Add initial plugin implementation based on Deduplicate

 .../safe-null-comparison-plugin.ts            | 28 +++++++++++
 .../safe-null-comparison-transformer.ts       | 47 +++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 75 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/plugin/safe-null-comparison/safe-null-comparison-plugin.ts
 create mode 100644 src/plugin/safe-null-comparison/safe-null-comparison-transformer.ts

diff --git a/src/plugin/safe-null-comparison/safe-null-comparison-plugin.ts b/src/plugin/safe-null-comparison/safe-null-comparison-plugin.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e2fe9c8ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugin/safe-null-comparison/safe-null-comparison-plugin.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import { QueryResult } from '../../driver/database-connection.js'
+import { RootOperationNode } from '../../query-compiler/query-compiler.js'
+import { UnknownRow } from '../../util/type-utils.js'
+import {
+  KyselyPlugin,
+  PluginTransformQueryArgs,
+  PluginTransformResultArgs,
+} from '../kysely-plugin.js'
+import { SafeNullComparisonTransformer } from './safe-null-comparison-transformer.js'
+ * Plugin that removes duplicate joins from queries.
+ *
+ * See [this recipe](
+ */
+export class SafeNullComparisonPlugin implements KyselyPlugin {
+  readonly #transformer = new SafeNullComparisonTransformer()
+  transformQuery(args: PluginTransformQueryArgs): RootOperationNode {
+    return this.#transformer.transformNode(args.node)
+  }
+  transformResult(
+    args: PluginTransformResultArgs,
+  ): Promise<QueryResult<UnknownRow>> {
+    return Promise.resolve(args.result)
+  }
diff --git a/src/plugin/safe-null-comparison/safe-null-comparison-transformer.ts b/src/plugin/safe-null-comparison/safe-null-comparison-transformer.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27a904dd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugin/safe-null-comparison/safe-null-comparison-transformer.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import { BinaryOperationNode } from '../../operation-node/binary-operation-node.js'
+import { OperationNodeTransformer } from '../../operation-node/operation-node-transformer.js'
+import { OperatorNode } from '../../operation-node/operator-node.js'
+import { ValueNode } from '../../operation-node/value-node.js'
+export class SafeNullComparisonTransformer extends OperationNodeTransformer {
+  protected transformBinaryOperation(
+    node: BinaryOperationNode,
+  ): BinaryOperationNode {
+    const { operator, leftOperand, rightOperand } =
+      super.transformBinaryOperation(node)
+    if (
+      ! ||
+      rightOperand.value !== null ||
+      !
+    ) {
+      return node
+    }
+    const op = operator.operator
+    if (op !== '=' && op !== '!=' && op !== '<>') {
+      return node
+    }
+    return BinaryOperationNode.create(
+      leftOperand,
+      OperatorNode.create(op === '=' ? 'is' : 'is not'),
+      rightOperand,
+    )
+    // if (
+    // &&
+    //   transformed.operator.operator === '=' &&
+    // &&
+    //   transformed.rightOperand.value === null
+    // ) {
+    //   return BinaryOperationNode.create(
+    //     transformed.leftOperand,
+    //     OperatorNode.create('is'),
+    //     ValueNode.createImmediate(null),
+    //   )
+    // }
+    // return transformed
+  }

From 135c6a12e2b9720c764f654f7852a47a9da940c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rafael Almeida <>
Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2025 16:16:50 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Add tests

 src/index.ts                                  |   1 +
 .../src/safe-null-comparison-plugin.test.ts   | 244 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 245 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 test/node/src/safe-null-comparison-plugin.test.ts

diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts
index 9818f1131..6121f0394 100644
--- a/src/index.ts
+++ b/src/index.ts
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ export * from './plugin/camel-case/camel-case-plugin.js'
 export * from './plugin/deduplicate-joins/deduplicate-joins-plugin.js'
 export * from './plugin/with-schema/with-schema-plugin.js'
 export * from './plugin/parse-json-results/parse-json-results-plugin.js'
+export * from './plugin/safe-null-comparison/safe-null-comparison-plugin.js'
 export * from './operation-node/add-column-node.js'
 export * from './operation-node/add-constraint-node.js'
diff --git a/test/node/src/safe-null-comparison-plugin.test.ts b/test/node/src/safe-null-comparison-plugin.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..131345d9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/node/src/safe-null-comparison-plugin.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+import { SafeNullComparisonPlugin } from '../../..'
+import {
+  clearDatabase,
+  destroyTest,
+  initTest,
+  TestContext,
+  testSql,
+  insertDefaultDataSet,
+} from './test-setup.js'
+for (const dialect of DIALECTS) {
+  describe(`${dialect}: safe null comparison`, () => {
+    let ctx: TestContext
+    before(async function () {
+      ctx = await initTest(this, dialect)
+    })
+    beforeEach(async () => {
+      await insertDefaultDataSet(ctx)
+    })
+    afterEach(async () => {
+      await clearDatabase(ctx)
+    })
+    after(async () => {
+      await destroyTest(ctx)
+    })
+    it('should replace = with is for null values', async () => {
+      const query = ctx.db
+        .withPlugin(new SafeNullComparisonPlugin())
+        .selectFrom('person')
+        .where('first_name', '=', null)
+      testSql(query, dialect, {
+        postgres: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" is $1',
+          parameters: [null],
+        },
+        mysql: {
+          sql: 'select from `person` where `first_name` is ?',
+          parameters: [null],
+        },
+        mssql: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" is @1',
+          parameters: [null],
+        },
+        sqlite: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" is ?',
+          parameters: [null],
+        },
+      })
+    })
+    it('should not replace = with is for non-null values', async () => {
+      const query = ctx.db
+        .withPlugin(new SafeNullComparisonPlugin())
+        .selectFrom('person')
+        .where('first_name', '=', 'Foo')
+      testSql(query, dialect, {
+        postgres: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" = $1',
+          parameters: ['Foo'],
+        },
+        mysql: {
+          sql: 'select from `person` where `first_name` = ?',
+          parameters: ['Foo'],
+        },
+        mssql: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" = @1',
+          parameters: ['Foo'],
+        },
+        sqlite: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" = ?',
+          parameters: ['Foo'],
+        },
+      })
+    })
+    it('should replace != with is not for null values', async () => {
+      const query = ctx.db
+        .withPlugin(new SafeNullComparisonPlugin())
+        .selectFrom('person')
+        .where('first_name', '!=', null)
+      testSql(query, dialect, {
+        postgres: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" is not $1',
+          parameters: [null],
+        },
+        mysql: {
+          sql: 'select from `person` where `first_name` is not ?',
+          parameters: [null],
+        },
+        mssql: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" is not @1',
+          parameters: [null],
+        },
+        sqlite: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" is not ?',
+          parameters: [null],
+        },
+      })
+    })
+    it('should not replace != with is not for non-null values', async () => {
+      const query = ctx.db
+        .withPlugin(new SafeNullComparisonPlugin())
+        .selectFrom('person')
+        .where('first_name', '!=', 'Foo')
+      testSql(query, dialect, {
+        postgres: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" != $1',
+          parameters: ['Foo'],
+        },
+        mysql: {
+          sql: 'select from `person` where `first_name` != ?',
+          parameters: ['Foo'],
+        },
+        mssql: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" != @1',
+          parameters: ['Foo'],
+        },
+        sqlite: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" != ?',
+          parameters: ['Foo'],
+        },
+      })
+    })
+    it('should replace <> with is not for null values', async () => {
+      const query = ctx.db
+        .withPlugin(new SafeNullComparisonPlugin())
+        .selectFrom('person')
+        .where('first_name', '<>', null)
+      testSql(query, dialect, {
+        postgres: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" is not $1',
+          parameters: [null],
+        },
+        mysql: {
+          sql: 'select from `person` where `first_name` is not ?',
+          parameters: [null],
+        },
+        mssql: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" is not @1',
+          parameters: [null],
+        },
+        sqlite: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" is not ?',
+          parameters: [null],
+        },
+      })
+    })
+    it('should not replace <> with is not for non-null values', async () => {
+      const query = ctx.db
+        .withPlugin(new SafeNullComparisonPlugin())
+        .selectFrom('person')
+        .where('first_name', '<>', 'Foo')
+      testSql(query, dialect, {
+        postgres: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" <> $1',
+          parameters: ['Foo'],
+        },
+        mysql: {
+          sql: 'select from `person` where `first_name` <> ?',
+          parameters: ['Foo'],
+        },
+        mssql: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" <> @1',
+          parameters: ['Foo'],
+        },
+        sqlite: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" <> ?',
+          parameters: ['Foo'],
+        },
+      })
+    })
+    it('should replace = with is with multiple where clauses', async () => {
+      const query = ctx.db
+        .withPlugin(new SafeNullComparisonPlugin())
+        .selectFrom('person')
+        .where('first_name', '=', null)
+        .where('last_name', '=', null)
+      testSql(query, dialect, {
+        postgres: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" is $1 and "last_name" is $2',
+          parameters: [null, null],
+        },
+        mysql: {
+          sql: 'select from `person` where `first_name` is ? and `last_name` is ?',
+          parameters: [null, null],
+        },
+        mssql: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" is @1 and "last_name" is @2',
+          parameters: [null, null],
+        },
+        sqlite: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" is ? and "last_name" is ?',
+          parameters: [null, null],
+        },
+      })
+    })
+    it('should work with mixed null and non-null values', async () => {
+      const query = ctx.db
+        .withPlugin(new SafeNullComparisonPlugin())
+        .selectFrom('person')
+        .where('first_name', '=', null)
+        .where('last_name', '!=', null)
+        .where('last_name', '=', 'Foo')
+      testSql(query, dialect, {
+        postgres: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" is $1 and "last_name" is not $2 and "last_name" = $3',
+          parameters: [null, null, 'Foo'],
+        },
+        mysql: {
+          sql: 'select from `person` where `first_name` is ? and `last_name` is not ? and `last_name` = ?',
+          parameters: [null, null, 'Foo'],
+        },
+        mssql: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" is @1 and "last_name" is not @2 and "last_name" = @3',
+          parameters: [null, null, 'Foo'],
+        },
+        sqlite: {
+          sql: 'select from "person" where "first_name" is ? and "last_name" is not ? and "last_name" = ?',
+          parameters: [null, null, 'Foo'],
+        },
+      })
+    })
+  })

From 7724c0501c2909e95ccc24683eceb29802c0b429 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rafael Almeida <>
Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2025 16:30:48 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Add doc comment

 .../safe-null-comparison-plugin.ts                | 15 +++++++++++++--
 .../safe-null-comparison-transformer.ts           | 15 ---------------
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/plugin/safe-null-comparison/safe-null-comparison-plugin.ts b/src/plugin/safe-null-comparison/safe-null-comparison-plugin.ts
index e2fe9c8ce..80dabf3b7 100644
--- a/src/plugin/safe-null-comparison/safe-null-comparison-plugin.ts
+++ b/src/plugin/safe-null-comparison/safe-null-comparison-plugin.ts
@@ -9,9 +9,20 @@ import {
 import { SafeNullComparisonTransformer } from './safe-null-comparison-transformer.js'
- * Plugin that removes duplicate joins from queries.
+ * Plugin that handles NULL comparisons to prevent common SQL mistakes.
- * See [this recipe](
+ * In SQL, comparing values with NULL using standard comparison operators (=, !=, <>)
+ * always yields NULL, which is usually not what developers expect. The correct way
+ * to compare with NULL is using IS NULL and IS NOT NULL.
+ *
+ * When working with nullable variables (e.g. string | null), you need to be careful to
+ * manually handle these cases with conditional WHERE clauses. This plugins automatically
+ * applies the correct operator based on the value, allowing you to simply write `query.where('name', '=', name)`.
+ *
+ * The plugin transforms the following operators when comparing with NULL:
+ * - `=` becomes `IS`
+ * - `!=` becomes `IS NOT`
+ * - `<>` becomes `IS NOT`
 export class SafeNullComparisonPlugin implements KyselyPlugin {
   readonly #transformer = new SafeNullComparisonTransformer()
diff --git a/src/plugin/safe-null-comparison/safe-null-comparison-transformer.ts b/src/plugin/safe-null-comparison/safe-null-comparison-transformer.ts
index 27a904dd8..173d21973 100644
--- a/src/plugin/safe-null-comparison/safe-null-comparison-transformer.ts
+++ b/src/plugin/safe-null-comparison/safe-null-comparison-transformer.ts
@@ -28,20 +28,5 @@ export class SafeNullComparisonTransformer extends OperationNodeTransformer {
       OperatorNode.create(op === '=' ? 'is' : 'is not'),
-    // if (
-    // &&
-    //   transformed.operator.operator === '=' &&
-    // &&
-    //   transformed.rightOperand.value === null
-    // ) {
-    //   return BinaryOperationNode.create(
-    //     transformed.leftOperand,
-    //     OperatorNode.create('is'),
-    //     ValueNode.createImmediate(null),
-    //   )
-    // }
-    // return transformed

From bebff55a18c06f00b727b88769bf688ae73fd0a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rafael Almeida <>
Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2025 19:07:23 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Add the plugin to the /plugins doc page

 site/docs/ | 4 ++++
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/site/docs/ b/site/docs/
index f9f23230b..c327c8c25 100644
--- a/site/docs/
+++ b/site/docs/
@@ -21,3 +21,7 @@ A plugin that converts snake_case identifiers in the database into camelCase in
 ### Deduplicate joins plugin
 Plugin that removes duplicate joins from queries. You can read more about it in the [examples](/docs/recipes/deduplicate-joins) section or check the [API docs](
+### Safe null comparison plugin
+A plugin that automatically converts `=`, `!=` and `<>` to the equivalent `is` and `is not` predicates depending on the value of the variable. [Learn more](