🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute to torch-pme! 🎉
If you want to contribute but feel a bit lost, do not hesitate to contact us and ask your questions! We will happily mentor you through your first contributions.
The first and best way to contribute to torch-pme is to use it and advertise it to other potential users. Other than that, you can help with:
- documentation: correcting typos, making various documentation clearer;
- bug fixes and improvements to existing code;
- adding new architectures
- and many more ...
All these contributions are very welcome. We accept contributions via Github pull request. If you want to work on the code and pick something easy to get started, have a look at the good first issues.
You will need to install and get familiar with the following tools when working on torch-pme:
- git: the software we use for version control of the source code. See https://git-scm.com/downloads for installation instructions.
- Python: you can install
from your operating system. We require a Python version of at least 3.9. - tox: a Python test runner, cf https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/. You
can install tox with
pip install tox
The first step when developing torch-pme is to create a fork of the main repository on github, and then clone it locally:
git clone <insert/your/fork/url/here>
cd torch-pme
# setup the local repository so that the main branch tracks changes in
# the original repository
git remote add upstream https://github.com/lab-cosmo/torch-pme.git
git fetch upstream
git branch main --set-upstream-to=upstream/main
Once you get the code locally, you will want to run the tests to check everything is working as intended. See the next section on this subject.
If everything is working, you can create your own branches to work on your changes:
git checkout -b <my-branch-name>
# code code code
# push your branch to your fork
git push -u origin <my-branch-name>
# follow the link in the message to open a pull request (PR)
The testsuite is implemented using the pytest framework and should be set-up and run in an isolated virtual environment with tox. All tests can be run with
tox # all tests
If you wish to test only specific functionalities, for example:
tox -e lint # code style
tox -e tests # unit tests of the main library
You can also use tox -e format
to use tox to do actual formatting instead of just
testing it. Also, you may want to setup your editor to automatically apply the ruff
code formatter when saving your files, there are plugins to do this with all major
The documentation is written in reStructuredText (rst) and uses sphinx documentation generator. In order to modify the documentation, first create a local version on your machine as described above. Then, build the documentation with
tox -e docs
You can then visualize the local documentation with your favorite browser using the following command (or open the :file:`docs/build/html/index.html` file manually).
# on linux, depending on what package you have installed:
xdg-open docs/build/html/index.html
firefox docs/build/html/index.html
# on macOS:
open docs/build/html/index.html
Prepare a Release Pull Request
- Create a new Pull Request (PR) with the changes you want to release.
- Ensure that all CI tests pass.
- Optionally, run the tests locally to double-check.
Update the Changelog
- Edit the changelog located in
: - Add a new section for the new version, summarizing the changes.
- Leave a placeholder section titled Unreleased for future updates.
- Edit the changelog located in
Add a new back reference link in the
.. version-list::
:.. version:: 0.1.1
Merge the PR and Create a Tag
After the release PR is merged, create a Git tag and push it to GitHub. For example for a release of version
:git tag -a v0.1.1 -m "Release v0.1.1" git push origin --tags
For a release candidate, the tag should include an additional dash, e.g.,
Finalize the GitHub Release
- Once the PR is merged, the CI will automatically:
- Publish the package to PyPI.
- Create a draft release on GitHub.
- Update the GitHub release notes by pasting the changelog for the version.
Merge Conda Recipe Changes
- May resolve and then merge an automatically created PR on the conda recipe.
- Once thus PR is merged and the new version will be published automatically on the conda-forge channel.