Welcome to Ivy's tutorials webpage! Our goal is to provide you with a comprehensive learning experience on a variety of topics. We have organized our tutorials into three main sections to help you find exactly what you need.
If you are in a rush, you can jump straight into the Quickstart, a quick and general introduction to Ivy's features and capabilities!
- In the Learn the basics section, you will find basic and to the point tutorials to help you get started with Ivy.
- The Guides section includes more involved tutorials for those who want to dive deeper into the framework.
- Finally, in the Examples and Demos section, you will find start-to-finish projects and applications that showcase real-world applications of Ivy. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, we've got you covered!
Want to use Ivy locally? Check out the Get Started section of the docs!
.. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 quickstart.ipynb learn_the_basics.rst guides.rst examples_and_demos.rst