diff --git a/spec.html b/spec.html
index bb5931013d..ffdc1d7556 100644
--- a/spec.html
+++ b/spec.html
@@ -28936,7 +28936,7 @@
1. If _x_ is not a String, return _x_.
1. Let _evalRealm_ be the current Realm Record.
1. NOTE: In the case of a direct eval, _evalRealm_ is the realm of both the caller of `eval` and of the `eval` function itself.
- 1. Perform ? HostEnsureCanCompileStrings(_evalRealm_).
+ 1. Perform ? HostEnsureCanCompileStrings(_evalRealm_, « », _x_, _direct_).
1. Let _inFunction_ be *false*.
1. Let _inMethod_ be *false*.
1. Let _inDerivedConstructor_ be *false*.
@@ -28999,12 +28999,19 @@
HostEnsureCanCompileStrings (
_calleeRealm_: a Realm Record,
+ _parameterStrings_: a List of Strings,
+ _bodyString_: a String,
+ _direct_: a Boolean,
): either a normal completion containing ~unused~ or a throw completion
+ _parameterStrings_ represents the strings that, when using one of the function constructors, will be concatenated together to build the parameters list. _bodyString_ represents the function body or the string passed to an `eval` call.
+ _direct_ signifies whether the evaluation is a direct eval.
The default implementation of HostEnsureCanCompileStrings is to return NormalCompletion(~unused~).
@@ -30209,8 +30216,6 @@
_constructor_ is the constructor function that is performing this action. _newTarget_ is the constructor that `new` was initially applied to. _parameterArgs_ and _bodyArg_ reflect the argument values that were passed to _constructor_.
- 1. Let _currentRealm_ be the current Realm Record.
- 1. Perform ? HostEnsureCanCompileStrings(_currentRealm_).
1. If _newTarget_ is *undefined*, set _newTarget_ to _constructor_.
1. If _kind_ is ~normal~, then
1. Let _prefix_ be *"function"*.
@@ -30238,22 +30243,26 @@
1. Let _parameterSym_ be the grammar symbol |FormalParameters[+Yield, +Await]|.
1. Let _fallbackProto_ be *"%AsyncGeneratorFunction.prototype%"*.
1. Let _argCount_ be the number of elements in _parameterArgs_.
+ 1. Let _bodyString_ be ? ToString(_bodyArg_).
+ 1. Let _parameterStrings_ be a new empty List.
+ 1. For each element _arg_ of _parameterArgs_, do
+ 1. Append ? ToString(_arg_) to _parameterStrings_.
+ 1. Let _currentRealm_ be the current Realm Record.
+ 1. Perform ? HostEnsureCanCompileStrings(_currentRealm_, _parameterStrings_, _bodyString_, *false*).
1. Let _P_ be the empty String.
1. If _argCount_ > 0, then
- 1. Let _firstArg_ be _parameterArgs_[0].
- 1. Set _P_ to ? ToString(_firstArg_).
+ 1. Set _P_ to _parameterStrings_[0].
1. Let _k_ be 1.
1. Repeat, while _k_ < _argCount_,
- 1. Let _nextArg_ be _parameterArgs_[_k_].
- 1. Let _nextArgString_ be ? ToString(_nextArg_).
+ 1. Let _nextArgString_ be _parameterStrings_[_k_].
1. Set _P_ to the string-concatenation of _P_, *","* (a comma), and _nextArgString_.
1. Set _k_ to _k_ + 1.
- 1. Let _bodyString_ be the string-concatenation of 0x000A (LINE FEED), ? ToString(_bodyArg_), and 0x000A (LINE FEED).
- 1. Let _sourceString_ be the string-concatenation of _prefix_, *" anonymous("*, _P_, 0x000A (LINE FEED), *") {"*, _bodyString_, and *"}"*.
+ 1. Let _bodyParseString_ be the string-concatenation of 0x000A (LINE FEED), _bodyString_, and 0x000A (LINE FEED).
+ 1. Let _sourceString_ be the string-concatenation of _prefix_, *" anonymous("*, _P_, 0x000A (LINE FEED), *") {"*, _bodyParseString_, and *"}"*.
1. Let _sourceText_ be StringToCodePoints(_sourceString_).
1. Let _parameters_ be ParseText(StringToCodePoints(_P_), _parameterSym_).
1. If _parameters_ is a List of errors, throw a *SyntaxError* exception.
- 1. Let _body_ be ParseText(StringToCodePoints(_bodyString_), _bodySym_).
+ 1. Let _body_ be ParseText(StringToCodePoints(_bodyParseString_), _bodySym_).
1. If _body_ is a List of errors, throw a *SyntaxError* exception.
1. NOTE: The parameters and body are parsed separately to ensure that each is valid alone. For example, `new Function("/*", "*/ ) {")` does not evaluate to a function.
1. NOTE: If this step is reached, _sourceText_ must have the syntax of _exprSym_ (although the reverse implication does not hold). The purpose of the next two steps is to enforce any Early Error rules which apply to _exprSym_ directly.