All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- added .phpstorm.meta.php file to fix RDI typehinting
- update the return type phpdoc for AbstractController::get()
- support for reflection based dependency injection
- resolve controller actions via container
- strict type declarations to all classes (including tests)
- type hinting for method parameters and return types
- contracts for Router and View classes
- php7.3 to travis config
- updated phpunit package and tests
- version from composer.json
- Updated dependencies to PHP >=7.1 and Symfony ^4.0
- Updated starlit inter-package dependencies
- Updated Travis CI to run tests on PHP 7.1 and 7.2
- Extends the routing by adding support for:
- route names
- HTTP methods
- Update composer.json.
- Bootable service providers.
- App container methods moved into separate Container class.
- Container now implements PSR-11.
- Set new request properties when forwarding.
- support for more clean app structure for non module projects.
- initial release