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Java Streams Overview

Maybe because the JVM was never designed with functional programming (functions are not a first class citizen in the Java world), the bytecode needs to jump through hoops to use lambda functions.

Consider the following code:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    List<String> strings = Arrays.asList(args);
        .filter(s -> s.startsWith("A"))
        .map(s -> s.toLowerCase())
        .forEach(s -> System.out.println(s));

Its gets compiled in the following:

invokestatic 0x2                      [Arrays.asList()]
invokeinterface 0x3 0x1               []
invokedynamic 0x4                     [LambdaMetafactory.metafactory()]
invokeinterface 0x5 0x2               [Stream.filter()]
invokedynamic 0x6                     [LambdaMetafactory.metafactory()]
invokeinterface 0x7 0x2               []
invokedynamic 0x8                     [LambdaMetafactory.metafactory()]
invokeinterface 0x9 0x2               [Stream.forEach()]

The invokedynamic instruction has only one argument (say 0x4). The JVM needs to do the following to decode it:

  • Get the CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic constant at index 0x4. It contains a bootstrap method index (0x0) as well as a name/type index (name is test and type is ()Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)
  • To get the bootstrap method, look for an attribute of type BootstrapMethods at the end of the class bytecode. This class attribute will contain three bootstrap methods in the current case
  • Each bootstrap method contains a method reference index (all pointing to java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory.metafactory()) and three arguments
  • The second argument of the bootstrap method points to a CONSTANT_MethodHandle which points to a method defined in the class (lambda$main$0()). This function contains the bytecode for the s -> s.startsWith("A") lambda function. lambda$main$1() and lambda$main$2() are also defined for the other two lambdas.

The execution of the code works as follows:

Instruction Description Stack
aload0 Push the content of variable 0 (set to the args array passed to the function) to the stack ["Ann","Bob"]
invokestatic 0x2 Calls Arrays.asList() which pops the array from the stack and transforms it into a List instance <List>
astore_1 Pops the array reference from the stack to store it in the JVM value 1
aload1 Pushes the value of JVM variable 1 onto the stack <List>
invokeinterface 0x3 0x1 Calls, which pops the list from the stack and pushes a Stream object whose source is this list <Stream>
invokedynamic 0x4 Calls LambdaMetafactory.metafactory() with 6 arguments (the current class, "test", the method description and the three bootstrap method arguments). After processing, a Predicate instance which points to the s -> s.startsWith("A") lambda function is pushed to the stack <Stream>
invokeinterface 0x5 0x2 Calls Stream.filter(), which pops the two arguments from the stack and adds the predicate to the stream instance which is pushed back to the stack <Stream>
invokedynamic 0x6 Calls LambdaMetafactory.metafactory() with 6 arguments (the current class, "apply", the method description and the three bootstrap method arguments). After processing, a Function instance which points to the s -> s.toLowerCase() lambda function is pushed to the stack <Stream>
invokeinterface 0x7 0x2 Calls, which pops the two arguments from the stack and adds the function to the stream instance which is pushed back to the stack <Stream>
invokedynamic 0x8 Calls LambdaMetafactory.metafactory() with 6 arguments (the current class, "accept", the method description and the three bootstrap method arguments). After processing, a Consumer instance which points to the s -> System.out.println(s) lambda function is pushed to the stack <Stream>
invokeinterface 0x9 0x2 Calls Stream.forEach() which pops the two arguments from the stack. Because this method is acting on a Consumer, the stream execution starts. Strings from the original list gets read, goes through the Predicate. If successful they are sent to the Function where they are transformed. Last but not least they are sent to the Consumer which prints them on the screen