Maybe because the JVM was never designed with functional programming (functions are not a first class citizen in the Java world), the bytecode needs to jump through hoops to use lambda functions.
Consider the following code:
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> strings = Arrays.asList(args);
.filter(s -> s.startsWith("A"))
.map(s -> s.toLowerCase())
.forEach(s -> System.out.println(s));
Its gets compiled in the following:
invokestatic 0x2 [Arrays.asList()]
invokeinterface 0x3 0x1 []
invokedynamic 0x4 [LambdaMetafactory.metafactory()]
invokeinterface 0x5 0x2 [Stream.filter()]
invokedynamic 0x6 [LambdaMetafactory.metafactory()]
invokeinterface 0x7 0x2 []
invokedynamic 0x8 [LambdaMetafactory.metafactory()]
invokeinterface 0x9 0x2 [Stream.forEach()]
The invokedynamic
instruction has only one argument (say 0x4
). The JVM needs to do the following to decode it:
- Get the
constant at index 0x4. It contains a bootstrap method index (0x0) as well as a name/type index (name istest
and type is()Ljava/util/function/Predicate;
) - To get the bootstrap method, look for an attribute of type
at the end of the class bytecode. This class attribute will contain three bootstrap methods in the current case - Each bootstrap method contains a method reference index (all pointing to
) and three arguments - The second argument of the bootstrap method points to a
which points to a method defined in the class (lambda$main$0()
). This function contains the bytecode for thes -> s.startsWith("A")
lambda function.lambda$main$1()
are also defined for the other two lambdas.
The execution of the code works as follows:
Instruction | Description | Stack |
aload0 | Push the content of variable 0 (set to the args array passed to the function) to the stack |
["Ann","Bob"] |
invokestatic 0x2 | Calls Arrays.asList() which pops the array from the stack and transforms it into a List instance |
<List> |
astore_1 | Pops the array reference from the stack to store it in the JVM value 1 | |
aload1 | Pushes the value of JVM variable 1 onto the stack | <List> |
invokeinterface 0x3 0x1 | Calls , which pops the list from the stack and pushes a Stream object whose source is this list |
<Stream> |
invokedynamic 0x4 | Calls LambdaMetafactory.metafactory() with 6 arguments (the current class, "test" , the method description and the three bootstrap method arguments). After processing, a Predicate instance which points to the s -> s.startsWith("A") lambda function is pushed to the stack |
<Stream> <Predicate> |
invokeinterface 0x5 0x2 | Calls Stream.filter() , which pops the two arguments from the stack and adds the predicate to the stream instance which is pushed back to the stack |
<Stream> |
invokedynamic 0x6 | Calls LambdaMetafactory.metafactory() with 6 arguments (the current class, "apply" , the method description and the three bootstrap method arguments). After processing, a Function instance which points to the s -> s.toLowerCase() lambda function is pushed to the stack |
<Stream> <Function> |
invokeinterface 0x7 0x2 | Calls , which pops the two arguments from the stack and adds the function to the stream instance which is pushed back to the stack |
<Stream> |
invokedynamic 0x8 | Calls LambdaMetafactory.metafactory() with 6 arguments (the current class, "accept" , the method description and the three bootstrap method arguments). After processing, a Consumer instance which points to the s -> System.out.println(s) lambda function is pushed to the stack |
<Stream> <Consumer> |
invokeinterface 0x9 0x2 | Calls Stream.forEach() which pops the two arguments from the stack. Because this method is acting on a Consumer, the stream execution starts. Strings from the original list gets read, goes through the Predicate . If successful they are sent to the Function where they are transformed. Last but not least they are sent to the Consumer which prints them on the screen |