Improve documentation in most backend classes
Improve documentation in most backend classes
Clear unused files, major changes in other files
Clear unused files, major changes in other files
Add others files, with diagrams
Add others files, with diagrams
Add table of contents in
Add table of contents in
Add documentation section in
Add documentation section in
Change file to reflect what the project is
Change file to reflect what the project is
Add custom request files, add task object and sse controller
Add custom request files, add task object and sse controller
Load documents to the docs database when they are added/ Keep documen…
Load documents to the docs database when they are added/ Keep documen…
Add frontend files, integrate with backend, many other changes
Add frontend files, integrate with backend, many other changes
Add structure to generate action items based on the transcription
Add structure to generate action items based on the transcription
Remove FollowUp name from meeting minutes code logic
Remove FollowUp name from meeting minutes code logic
Add first version of som frontend pages and files
Add first version of som frontend pages and files
Put python types in all python functions, remove unnecessary files an…
Put python types in all python functions, remove unnecessary files an…
Remove unused file, remove unnecessary comments and minimum organization
Remove unused file, remove unnecessary comments and minimum organization
Implement summarization, implement summarization evalluation based on…
Implement summarization, implement summarization evalluation based on…
Initial files and tests, running local models and creating local vect…
Initial files and tests, running local models and creating local vect…