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=== Mailercloud - Integrate webforms and synchronize website contacts ===
Tags: mailercloud, newsletter, campaigns, forms, emails
Contributors: Mailercloud
Donate link: 
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 5.8.1
Requires PHP: 5.5.0
Stable tag: 1.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Mailercloud - Integrate webforms and synchronize website contacts

== Description ==

The Official [Mailercloud]( Plugins will help you integrate webforms and sync your contacts. Send emails in an even more efficient way and improve your experience with Mailercloud to fit your business needs. 

= Customize webforms for WordPress =

Create attractive webforms with our Drag and Drop Builder and easily integrate them in WordPress.
* Design contact us forms, sign-up forms, pop-up subscriber forms, and more.
* Integrate these forms in your WordPress pages, posts, and widgets with ease.
* Easily integrate captcha technology and make the webforms more secure.

= Synchronize your WordPress contacts =

By installing our WordPress Plugin, all your changes will be reflected in the Mailercloud contact list as well. This means, when a new contact is created or an existing contact is updated, the plugin will make sure the changes are made to your Mailercloud list also.

== Installation ==

= Method 1 =

1. Login to your WordPress admin panel.
2. Open Plugins in the left sidebar, click Add New, and search for Mailercloud plugin.
3. Install the plugin and activate it.

= Method 2 =

1. Download the Mailercloud plugin.
2. Unzip the downloaded file and upload to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
3. Activate the plugin in Wordpress admin panel.

== Privacy Notes ==

This plugin does not track any additional data other than what WordPress natively collects upon registration. It just makes the data visble.

= GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) =

The plugin is GDPR compliant. It does not use or store any kind of user information/data. In fact, it's functionality has nothing to do with user data (personal or otherwise). So there's that.

== Screenshots ==
1. Home
2. Contact attribute mapping
3. Create New attribute
4. Contact Synch
5. Signup form listing
6. Form integration in Post page
7. Mailercloud widget

== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
Initial Version Launch

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= What is Mailercloud ? =
Mailercloud is a cloud-based email marketing platform that allows businesses to launch email marketing campaigns without having any technical expertise. Introduced to streamline the B2B and B2C interaction, it offers features like Drag and Drop Builder, custom HTML editor, ready-to-use email templates, email automation, A/B testing, customizable domains, analytics, and beyond to prepare an ideal email marketing campaign.

= Why do I need a Mailercloud account? =
Having a Mailercloud account can be a great decision for your business. Its free and paid plan, user-friendly interface, real-time metrics report, dedicated customer support, and personalized templates make it an important email marketing tool. To sign up for free, visit here.

= Do I need a Mailercloud account to use this plugin? =
Yes, you would need a Mailercloud account to use the plugin.

= How to display a form in posts or pages? =
There are two simple ways to display forms in posts and pages. First, you can use the shortcode which you have created [sibwp_form name="popup"]. Second, select the Mailercloud (MC) forms from the Block section and choose the forms which you created.

= How to display a form in widget areas like a sidebar? =
Simply add “Mailercloud widget” and select the form you created. 

= Where can I find my Mailercloud API key? =
To check your Mailercloud API key, visit here

= How can I get support? =
In case you face any issue, you can write to us at [email protected]. 

== Upgrade Notice ==
-  None


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