title: nodeppt 动效演示 speaker: 三水清 url: https://github.com/ksky521/nodeppt
This is probably the best web presentation tool so far! {.text-intro.animated.fadeInUp.delay-800}
:fa-github: Github{.button.ghost.animated.flipInX.delay-1500}
animate with {.text-subtitle}
需要添加动效的元素添加 .tobuild
+ 动效class {.tobuild.fadeInRight}
动效是手动触发的 {.tobuild.fadeInLeft}
- fadeIn{.bounce}
- swing{.swing}
- flash{.flash}
- pulse{.pulse}
- shake{.shake}
- bounceIn{.bounceIn}
- wobble{.wobble}
- fadeInLeft{.fadeInLeft}
- flipInX{.flipInX}
- tada{.tada}
- slideInUp{.slideInUp}
- jello{.jello}
- heartBeat{.heartBeat}
- fadeInUp{.fadeInUp}
- lightSpeedIn{.lightSpeedIn} {.text-cols.build}
:::column {.vertical-align}
- Highlights embedded languages (e.g. CSS inside HTML, JavaScript inside HTML)
- Highlights inline code as well, not just code blocks
- Highlights nested languages (CSS in HTML, JavaScript in HTML)
<article id="webslides">
<!-- Slide 1 -->
<h1>Design for trust</h1>
<!-- Slide 2 -->
<section class="bg-primary">
<div class="wrap">
<h2>.wrap = container (width: 90%)</h2>
Autoplay is generally disabled on all mobile devices to prevent bandwidth consumption. User must execute the play manually. {.text-intro}
# Design :for: understanding :::flexblock {.features.fadeInUp}:100^%^: purpose
Useful → Easy → Fast → Beautiful :::
::: div {.content-left.bg-trans-dark.animated.fadeInRight} !
自动播放的animate.css :::
* * * {.text-symbols}
* [:fa-th-large: Layout](./layout.html) * [:fa-magic: Animation](./animation.html) * [:fa-cube: Component](./component.html) * [:fa-youtube: Media](./media.html) * [:fa-css3: Classes](./index.html)快使用 nodeppt 轻松搞定高大上PPT
nodeppt 助力你的人生逆袭之路! {.text-into.animated.delay-800.fadeIn}
:fa-cloud-download: Github{.button.animated.delay-1s.fadeInUp}