- Category: Crypto
- Score: 500/500
- Solves: 1
A zero-day challenge for a crypto paper?!
The target is to break the two public-key cryptosystem construction from iacr:2023/1745: Direct and Alternating.
The writeup here would use the same notation as the paper, so it is recommended to read and understand the paper first.
The ciphertext matrix $M$ defined by:
M = \prod_{i=0}^{k-1} \bar{A}{\sigma(i)} = E \left( \prod{i=0}^{k-1} A_{\sigma(i)} \right) E^{-1}
We know that trace is not changed by conjugation, so we try to multiply $M$ by every inverse of $\bar{A}_i$ and check if the trace getting smaller, hence recovered the entire permutation $\sigma$.
See solve_direct.py for the solver for direct construction.
The ciphertext matrix $M$ defined by:
M = \prod_{i=0}^{k-1} \bar{A}i^{m_i} = \prod{i=0}^{k-1} E_i A_i^{m_i} E_{i+1}^{-1} = E_0 \left( \prod_{i=0}^{k-1} A_i^{m_i} \right) E_k^{-1}
where $m_i$ is the binary digits of the plaintext $m$.
We know that every $A_i$ (without bar) have small entries, so their trace are small too. The trace of their product are small too.
Also, using the cyclic property of trace, we see that:
\mathop{\text{tr}}(\prod_{i=0}^{k-1} A_i^{m_i}) = \mathop{\text{tr}}(M E_k E_0^{-1})
There is also an interesting property of the trace of a product of matrices, which is:
\mathop{\text{tr}}(AB) = \mathop{\text{flatten}}(A) \cdot \mathop{\text{flatten}}(B^T)
where $\mathop{\text{flatten}}$ is a function that flatten a $n \times n$ matrix into a $n^2$ dimension vector. (i.e. SageMath's vector(mat.list())
Combining them, we have:
\mathop{\text{tr}}(\prod_{i=0}^{k-1} A_i^{m_i}) = \mathop{\text{flatten}}(M) \cdot \mathop{\text{flatten}}((E_k E_0^{-1})^T)
which is small.
Note that it also holds if we multiply the correct inverse of $\bar{A}_i^b$ to $M$, and any incorrect inverse of $\bar{A}_i^b$ to $M$ will suddenly increase the trace a lot.
So my idea is to brute force some bits for the start and end of the $m_i$ (e.g. $a$ bits from front and $b$ bits from end), and multiply all the inverse to $M$ and resulting in bunch of $M'_j$.
Then we generate some random partial ciphertext $M_r$ that have same rank with $M'j$ (i.e. start and ends with same index like $a$ to $k-b$). For each $M_r$, flatten it and put it into a column of a lattice $L$, then reduce it modulo $p$. Take the shortest non-zero vector $v$ from the reduced basis and solve for $t$ that satisfy $tL=v$, and $t$ is a vector that can be seen as (quasi-)equivalent to $\mathop{\text{flatten}}((E{k-b} E_a^{-1})^T)$.
Finally, for each $M'_j$ we compute $s_j = t \cdot \mathop{\text{flatten}}(M'_j)$, and if there is a $s_j$ that is significantly smaller than the rest ($\approx p$) then it is the correct guess. Simply repeat these steps iteratively until we get the entire $m$ and we are done.
The reason that $t$ can only be seen as a (quasi-)equivalent to the flattened binding matrix is because any entries in the product of $A_i^{m_i}$ is also small (even slightly smaller than the trace), and every one of them can also be written as a linear combination of the flattened binding matrix. Therefore the $s_j$ values we get is also not the trace that we expect, but some randomly small linear combination of the matrix entries.
See solve_alternting.py for the solver for alternating construction.
Just run both solver to get the plaintext for both challenge, and execute:
python solve.py <direct-plaintext> <alternating-plaintext>
to decrypt the flag.
See solve.py.