Releases: maptalks/maptalks.three
Releases · maptalks/maptalks.three
- [Fix] Adapt to low version of typescript issue303
Incompatible changes
- three.js >=128 the default umd package is ES6
- Starting from version 0.16.0, the default umd package is ES6,To fit the new version of three.js about three umd package change
- If your running environment does not support ES6, we also provide Es5 version maptalks.three.es5.js,This requires the version of three.js < = 127,
1.[Feature] ExtrudePolygon ExtrudePolygons Line Lines FatLine FatLines ExtrudeLine ExtrudeLines support bottomHeight
2.[Feature] points support custom size and color
3.[Example] add extrudepolygon-bottomheight
4.[Example] add fatlines-bottomheight
5.[Example] add points-sizes
6.[Example] add points-icons
1.[Feature] 整个工程切换到typescript
2.[Fix] 高版本three>117上 heatmap不显示的问题
3.[Fix] toExtrudeMesh在高版本three>=125 报错的问题
4.[Fix] 在地图动画过程中 BaseObject不触发 mouseout的问题
5.[Fix] ESM模式下worker无法load的问题
6.[Enhancement] 动画的BaseObject确保其动画函数在一帧内只执行一次(以前当地图单位时间内多次renderScene会导致 动画函数被多次回调执行,导致动画效果变快,比如动画的线条其动画会变快)
- [fix] fix BaseObject.getType() under mini package
- [feature] ExtrudeLine support VertexColors
- [performance] gpupick geometry multiplexing _geometryCache,this reduces memory usage by 20% about bars boxs,extrudepolygons extrudelines
- [performance] length calculation uses cache to reduce the amount of calculation