We first get onto a theta login node.
ssh theta.alcf.anl.gov # the MobilePASS+ application gives the password
Then load the module that makes all Cobalt commands
use their thetaGPU versions.
We also make tmux
because tmux
module load cobalt/cobalt-gpu
module load tmux
To launch batch jobs this should be sufficient. But to build software, we need to build on a thetaGPU compute node. Cross-compiling for thetaGPU from the theta login node is possible at this time.
# If you are working on a project other than gccy3, then use the name of that
# project as the argument for -A in the qsub command
qsub -I -q single-gpu -n 1 -t 60 -A gccy3 --attrs=pubnet
This gives access to a single GPU. This is adequate for building software and running unit tests.
If you are working on y3_cluster_cpp
but do not need to modify code in CosmoSIS itself,
then I recommend sharing my build of CosmoSIS and its dependencies.
To do so,
use the commands below to set up the environment:
module load conda/2022-07-01
module load cmake-3.20.3-gcc-9.3.0-57eqw4f
conda activate /grand/gccy3/cosmosis-4
export TOPDIR=/grand/gccy3/topdir
export COSMOSIS_SRC_DIR=${TOPDIR}/cosmosis
export GSL_INC=$CONDA_PREFIX/include
export LAPACK_LINK="-L${LAPACK_LIB} -llapack -lblas"
export COSMOSIS_LIB_PATH=${COSMOSIS_SRC_DIR}/cosmosis/datablock/:${COSMOSIS_SRC_DIR}/cosmosis-standard-library/likelihood/planck/plc-1.0/lib/:${COSMOSIS_SRC_DIR}/cosmosis-standard-library/likelihood/planck2015/plc-2.0/lib/:${COSMOSIS_SRC_DIR}/cosmosis-standard-library/likelihood/planck2015/plc-2.0/builddir:${CFITSIO_LIB}
export PYTHONPATH=${COSMOSIS_SRC_DIR} # There is no previous value of PYTHONPATH
export PAGANI_DIR=${TOPDIR}/gpuintegration
export Y3_CLUSTER_CPP_DIR=${TOPDIR}/y3_cluster_cpp
export Y3_CLUSTER_WORK_DIR=${TOPDIR}/y3_cluster_cpp
We rely on system (Lmod) modules for system-related items that are very specific to thetaGPU. Upon login we have:
$ module list
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) openmpi/openmpi-4.0.5 2) Core/StdEnv
The Core/StdEnv
module seems only to cause the loading of the openmpi
The openmpi
module provides the specially-built MPI required for use on thetaGPU.
The we get Python, and many Python modules, from a conda
module load conda/2021-11-30 # this is the newest at the time of writing
Loading the conda
module does not activate the base
We are creating our own environment, and so do not need to use base
However, it does reload a different version of the openmpi
$ module list
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) Core/StdEnv 2) openmpi/openmpi-4.1.1_ucx-1.11.2_gcc-9.3.0 3) conda/2021-11-30
We do not need the nvhpc
which seems only to define things like CXX
to point to the nvc++
and to put cuda include
directories into $CPATH
and library directories onto LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Note the critical feature of this step
is that we do not use conda
to install
anything that is related to MPI,
nor CUDA,
nor do we use conda
to install any compilers.
conda create -p /grand/gccy3/cosmosis-4 -c conda-forge libgcc-ng=9.3.0 libgfortran5=9.3.0 astropy cffi cfitsio click configparser cython emcee==2.2.1 fftw fitsio future gsl jinja2 kombine matplotlib minuit2 numba numpy openblas pycparser pytest pyyaml scipy six pytest-runner ripgrep
Note that we have specified versions of libgcc-ng
and libgfortran5
so that we end up with are getting builds that are based on our system compiler suite, which is GCC 9.3.0.
The ripgrep
package is not needed to build any of our software
but is very useful for searching through code.
We must first activate the newly-created conda
and then build mpipy
from downloaded source
in a manner that will connect to the system's OpenMPI version.
module load conda/2021-11-30
conda activate /grand/gccy3/cosmosis-4
To see which (if any) conda
environment you have active,
If this is not defined, then you have no active environment; otherwise, this returns the name of a named environment, or the path to an unnamed environment.
You should have the /grand/gccy3/cosmosis-4
environment active before starting.
First we need to clone the CosmoSIS and CSL repositories.
I recommend creating a directory into which these directories,
and other items we will need,
are to be cloned.
I refer to this directory through the environment variable TOPDIR
My installation on thetaGPU puts this in /grand/gccy3/topdir
On thetaGPU,
do not put this directory on the home filesystem.
N.B.: this installation uses a version of CosmoSIS and the CSL from the official repository. However, it is not yet using an official release of CosmoSIS or the CSL.
N.B.: CosmoSIS can use, but does not require, the minuit2 library. I have not bothered to install minuit2 because we do not make use of it.
cd /grand/gccy3/topdir # Replace this with your own installation if desired
export TOPDIR=$PWD
git clone -b develop https://bitbucket.org/joezuntz/cosmosis
cd cosmosis
git clone -b develop https://bitbucket.org/joezuntz/cosmosis-standard-library
export GSL_INC=$CONDA_PREFIX/include
export LAPACK_LINK="-L${LAPACK_LIB} -llapack -lblas"
export COSMOSIS_LIB_PATH=${COSMOSIS_SRC_DIR}/cosmosis/datablock/:${COSMOSIS_SRC_DIR}/cosmosis-standard-library/likelihood/planck/plc-1.0/lib/:${COSMOSIS_SRC_DIR}/cosmosis-standard-library/likelihood/planck2015/plc-2.0/lib/:${COSMOSIS_SRC_DIR}/cosmosis-standard-library/likelihood/planck2015/plc-2.0/builddir:${CFITSIO_LIB}
Next, we need mpi4py1
We do not install this with conda
because doing so causes conda
to install its own MPI implementation.
Instead, in the active conda
environment and with the right MPI module loaded, we use pip install
which will install mpi4py
into the active conda
pip install mpi4py
We do not do a parallel make because not all of the components included in the CSL support parallel make.
If you are developing code in y3_cluster_cpp
but are not modifying the underlying requirements
then in addition to sharing the CosmoSIS installation,
you can share the installation of the additional requirements needed by our analysis code.
Unfortunately cluster_toolkit
is available neither through conda
nor pip
So we download and build source ourselves.
Note that the commands below will build cluster_toolkit
and install it into the currently-active conda
If you are sharing the /grand/gccy3/cosmosis-4
environment, and you do not plan to modify cluster_toolkit
then do not attempt to repeat this installation.
If you do plan to modify cluster_toolkit
, and so need your own installation,
you Will either need to create your own conda
environment, so that you can install it there,
or to do some sort of --user
I do not have instructions for doing that.
mkdir -p ${TOPDIR}/tmp
cd ${TOPDIR}/tmp
wget https://github.com/marcpaterno/cluster_toolkit/archive/master.tar.gz
tar xf master.tar.gz
cd cluster_toolkit-master/
python setup.py install # This will install into the environment
Note that we use my copy of CUBA, not the original. The difference is that my repository has the script that builds a shared library, while the original builds only a static library.
cd ${TOPDIR}
git clone https://github.com/marcpaterno/cuba.git
cd cuba
CC=$(which gcc) ./configure
mv cuba.h include/
mv libcuba.so lib/
There is no code to build for cubacpp
unless you want to run tests.
So generally you only need to clone the repository.
cd ${TOPDIR}
git clone http://bucket.org/mpaterno/cubacpp.git
Unless you are doing development of gpuintegration
or you wish to use the Kokkos algorithms,
there is nothing to build.
The y3_cluster_cpp
analysis code is currently using
the CUDA/C++ implementation of the algorithms,
and does not yet support the Kokkos versions.
So generally you only need to clone the repository.
cd ${TOPDIR}
git clone http://github.com/marcpaterno/gpuintegration.git
You only need to bother with this if you plan to modify the CUDA/C++ code
in gpuintegration
(in particular, in cudaPagani
mkdir build
# Change the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE if you want a debug build for testing.
# Note you can also have side-by-side builds; just put them into different
# subdirectories.
make -j 8 # adjust the parallelism as you like
ctest # all the tests should pass
It is assumed that everyone wants to do development of y3_cluster_cpp
cd ${TOPDIR}
git clone http://bitbucket.org/mpaterno/y3_cluster_cpp.git
cd y3_cluster_cpp
# Clean up a previous run of cmake, if necessary
# rm -r CMakeFiles/ CTestTestfile.cmake CMakeCache.txt cmake_install.cmake Makefile Testing/
The command I used to create the new conda environment is:
mamba create -c conda-forge -n cosmosis-2022-09-26 fftw fitsio libgfortran5=9.4.0 pytest-runner matplotlib-base minuit2 click openblas cfitsio astropy cython future kombine emcee scipy numpy pyyaml pytest numba gsl pycparser cffi libgcc-ng=9.4.0 jinja2 configparser ripgrep ninja cosmosis cosmosis-build-standard-library