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A better QR Code Generator

A GitHub Action that generates a QR code and outputs Base64 data
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Better QR Code Generator

A GitHub Action that generates a QR Code and returns base64 Data + Ascii Representation of the QR Code

▶️ Usage

  - name: Generate QR Code
    id: qrcode
    uses: fedeorlandau/better-qr-code-generator@main
      # Example using text outputted from another step action
      content: "${{ steps.deploy.outputs.preview_url }}"
  # Use the QR Code in another step, e.g. to embed the image in a slack message
  - name: Do Something
    run: echo ${{ }}

Set up required parameters

Need to contain the required parameters on the workflow file.

  • content The content to encode to QR code. Must be string.


Need to contain the required parameters on the workflow file.

  • data The base64 encoded representation of the QR Code
  • text The ascii text representation of the QR Code

Use a text outputted from the other action as input

You can use a text outputted from the other action as input.

Check the following page about the detail of outputs syntax: Metadata syntax for GitHub Actions - GitHub Help

📝 Licence


A better QR Code Generator is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


A GitHub Action that generates a QR code and outputs Base64 data

A better QR Code Generator is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.