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Send email

Send an email to multiple recipients
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Send mail GitHub Action

An action that simply sends a mail to multiple recipients.

Some features:

  • plain text body
  • HTML body
  • multipart body (plain text + HTML)
  • Markdown to HTML converting (use html_body, not body)
  • file attachments (supports globbing)


- name: Send mail
  uses: dawidd6/action-send-mail@v4
    # Specify connection via URL (replaces server_address, server_port, secure,
    # username and password)
    # Format:
    #  * smtp://user:password@server:port
    #  * smtp+starttls://user:password@server:port
    connection_url: ${{secrets.MAIL_CONNECTION}}
    # Required mail server address if not connection_url:
    # Server port, default 25:
    server_port: 465
    # Optional whether this connection use TLS (default is true if server_port is 465)
    secure: true
    # Optional (recommended) mail server username:
    username: ${{secrets.MAIL_USERNAME}}
    # Optional (recommended) mail server password:
    password: ${{secrets.MAIL_PASSWORD}}
    # Required mail subject:
    subject: Github Actions job result
    # Required recipients' addresses:
    to: [email protected],[email protected]
    # Required sender full name (address can be skipped):
    from: Luke Skywalker # <[email protected]>
    # Optional plain body:
    body: Build job of ${{github.repository}} completed successfully!
    # Optional HTML body read from file:
    html_body: file://README.html
    # Optional carbon copy recipients:
    cc: [email protected],[email protected]
    # Optional blind carbon copy recipients:
    bcc: [email protected],[email protected]
    # Optional recipient of the email response:
    reply_to: [email protected]
    # Optional Message ID this message is replying to:
    in_reply_to: <[email protected]>
    # Optional unsigned/invalid certificates allowance:
    ignore_cert: true
    # Optional converting Markdown to HTML (set content_type to text/html too):
    convert_markdown: true
    # Optional attachments:
    # Optional priority: 'high', 'normal' (default) or 'low'
    priority: low
    # Optional nodemailerlog: true/false
    nodemailerlog: false
    # Optional nodemailerdebug: true/false if true lognodem will also be set true
    nodemailerdebug: false



Instead of using your normal Google password, use an App password.

  1. Enable 2-Step Verification.. This is needed to create an App password.
  2. Create an App password for Mail.

Unauthenticated login (username/password fields)

The parameters username and password are set as optional to support self-hosted runners access to on-premise infrastructure. If you are accessing public email servers make sure you provide a username/password authentication through GitHub Secrets to make the email delivery secure.

Send email is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Send an email to multiple recipients

Send email is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.