data: invalid # invalidates the file
data: unseen # marks data as previously unseen, asking the user to submit a sample at the end of parsing
endian: big # set endian to big/little
label: '"DIRENTRY"' # set label decoration for the current struct
label: self.Key + " = " self.Value # evaluate strings
offset: self.BaseOffset # set offset to evaluated struct field
parse: stop # stops parsing. used to signal the shape of a slice to the parser
parse: continue # continue to next slice. used to signal the shape of a slice to the parser
In order to parse multi-byte data fields, the template needs to know the byte order (big/little).
If endianness is unknown by the reader, it will error out.
You can set endian in the top level document:
endian: little
kind: archive
Or on a single field:
be:filetime Time: ??
You can also change endianness during struct evaluation, like this:
endian: big
u16 Big A: ??
u16 Big B: ??
endian: little
u16 Little A: ??
A common pattern is:
endian: big # top level default endianness
# in a struct, change endianness
u16 Align:
if self.Align == LITTLE_ENDIAN:
endian: little
You can also set endianness in the magic match block:
- offset: 0000
match: c'P3D' ff
endian: little
- offset: 0000
match: ff c'D3P'
endian: big
For weak matches, you can also enforce matching file extension (case insensitive):
- offset: 0000
match: 0a
extensions: [.pcx]
This will not match a file unless both magic bytes and file extension matches.
FILE_SIZE # int: the file size in bytes
FILE_NAME # string: the opened filename, with full path
OFFSET # int: current offset
self # this expression evaluates to the name of the current struct
self.index # int: slice-based iteration index, 0-based
You can specify a required byte sequence like this
ascii[2] Magic: c'PK'
u16 TYPE: 00 01 ff
abs(-95) = 95 returns absolute value
peek_i8(123) = -1 returns i8 value from offset
peek_i16(123) = -1 returns i16 value from offset
peek_i16("0100") hex string offset
peek_i32(123) = -1 returns i32 value from offset
atoi("123") = 123 returns integer from alphanumeric string
otoi("123") = 83 returns integer from octal numeric string (archives/tar)
alignment(3,4) = 1 returns the number of bytes needed to align the first arg to the second arg (add padding bytes)
not(self.Value, 4, 5) = true returns true if self.Value is neither 4 or 5
either(self.Value, 4, 5) = false returns true if self.Value is either 4 or 5
sevenbitstring(self.Filename) = "chars" returns string value of input field as 7bit ascii (masking off bit7)
bitset(self.Value, 7) = true returns true if bit 7 of self.Value is set
cleanstring("self.Value") = "chars" cleans input ascii string, terminates at first nul byte
no_ext("hello.ext") = "hello", return input string (filename) without extension
ext("hello.ext") = ".ext", return the extension of input filename
basename("path/to/file.ext") = "file.ext", returns basename without file path
struct(self.index, "Filename", "Name") = reads a value from a field in a struct array
u8, u16, u24, u32, u64
i8, i16, i32, i64
numeric bit fields
u16 Type:
eq 0000: TYPE_NULL
default: invalid
ascii[5] ascii string
asciiz zero terminated ascii string
asciinl newline-terminated (\n) ascii string
utf8z zero terminated utf8 string
utf16[6] 6-byte area with utf16 encoded string data (utf16 le == wchar_t)
utf16z zero terminated utf16 string
sjis[4] 4-byte area with ShiftJIS encoded string data
date / time
time_t_32 32-bit Windows timestamp of seconds since 00:00 January 1, 1970, in UTC
filetime 64-bit Windows timestamp, in UTC
dosdate 16-bit MS-DOS datestamp, in UTC
dostime 16-bit MS-DOS timestamp, in UTC
dostimedate 32-bit MS-DOS (dostime, dosdate)
rgb8 3 x 8-bit values for R, G, B
rgba32 4 x 32-bit values for R, G, B, A
3d data
xyzm32 x,y,z,m matrix of f32 values
data tagging (for extraction feature)
raw:u8[40] mark area as raw data (extracted as-is)
u32 Size: ??
compressed:zlib[self.Size] mark area as zlib compressed data
compressed:gzip[self.Size] mark area as gzip compressed data
compressed:deflate[self.Size] mark area as DEFLATE compressed data
compressed:lzo1x[self.Size] mark area as Lzo1x compressed data
compressed:lzss[self.Size] mark area as Lzss compressed data
compressed:lz4[self.Size] mark area as Lz4 compressed data
compressed:lzf[self.Size] mark area as LZF compressed data
compressed:lzma[self.Size] mark area as Lzma compressed data
compressed:lzma2[self.Size] mark area as Lzma2 compressed data
compressed:pkware[self.Size] mark area as PKWARE DCL compressed data (aka blast/explode/implode)
filename: self.Filename set the filename to use while extracting for the next data area
variable length encoding
vu32 variable-length u32 (fonts/woff2, images/bpg)
vu64 variable-length u64 (archives/xz, archives/7zip)
vs64 variable-length u64 (systems/macos/nibarchive) where sign bit denotes end of stream
pattern matching data types
until: u8 scanData ff d9 maps all bytes to scanData until marker is seen (images/jpeg)
Decode data using a Xor key
xor_key: ff
Mark an area to be decrypted.
u32 Size: ??
encryption: aes_128_cbc, 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77
encrypted:u8[self.Size] Data: ??
label: >
"FILE_OR_DIR " + self.FileName
label: self.FileName + " (FILE_OR_DIR)"
The eq
and bit
pattern matches automatically evaluates to constants
u16 Type:
eq 0000: TYPE_NULL
default: invalid
if self.Type == TYPE_NULL:
u8 Footer: ??
u16 Flag:
bit b0000_0000_0111_1111: Lo
bit b0000_1111_1000_0000: B3
bit b1111_0000_0000_0000: Hi
if self.Flag & Lo:
u8 LoData: ??
u8[FILE_SIZE - OFFSET] Extra: ?? tags the remaining bytes
NOTE: variables used in if-statements cannot contain spaces
if self.Signature == BIG: # where big is a constant or a eq pattern type value
if self.Signature == 5:
# bit pattern matching example from bmp.yml
u32 HeaderSize:
eq 0000_000c: V2 # V2 automatically becomes a constant
eq 0000_0028: V3
eq 0000_006c: V4
eq 0000_007c: V5
default: invalid
if either(self.HeaderSize, V3, V4, V5):
i32 Width: ??
# example from cab.yml
u16 Flags:
bit b00000000_00000100: ReservePresent # ReservePresent automatically becomes a constant
if self.Flags & ReservePresent:
u16 cbCFHeader: ??
You can import data from external files like this:
u32 Offset: ??
u32 Size: ??
import: raw:u8, self.Offset, self.Size, no_ext(FILE_NAME) + ".arc"