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This branch is 1 commit ahead of, 175 commits behind kristopolous/db.js:master.

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Finding and searching for data

  • find records through an expressive syntax
  • findFirst record through an easy syntax
  • not records that match the condition
  • like finds records by substring
  • isin finds whether the record is in a group
  • has looks inside a record stored as an array
  • missing records that have keys not defined
  • hasKey finds records that have keys defined
  • select one or more fields from a result
  • invert gets the unary inverse of a set of results
  • slice the records while maintaining the function chain
  • view data easily (or lazily)

Manipulating retrieved data

  • each or map results to new values
  • reduceLeft results to aggregate values
  • reduceRight results to aggregate values
  • order or sort results given some function or expression
  • group results by some key
  • keyBy a certain key to make a 1-to-1 map
  • indexBy to re-index the database by a sort constraint.

Storage options to importing and expoting data

  • sync the database when things are modified
  • transaction to help reduce expensive indexing

Miscellaneous non-awesome stuff

Agnes and Frederick [ top ]

We will follow two groups in our exploration:

  • Two time travellers from the 1700s
  • A secret agency of spies that are out to get them.

The time travellers have hacked into the spy's communication systems, but only have a browser to work with. The schema is a mess and they must make sense of it and find out what the spies know in order to escape their wrath.

We start our story shortly after they have discovered the large dataset.

Agnes: Why dearest me, Sir Frederick, this data manipulation dilemma is truly proving to be quite intractible. If only I or one such as me had for our immediate disposal and use **an expressive and flexible** syntax; much akin to SQL - for the use in the Browser or in other Javascript environments: then, we could resolve the issues that are contained within this problem with a great ease - indeed, that of which would be immeasurable and truly beneficial to the cause at hand.

Let's take a familiar everyday SQL query such as:

select spyname, location
  from hitlist
    target_time < NOW() and
    alive == true
  order by distance desc

Dance around a bit...

from hitlist
    target_time < NOW() and
    alive == true
  order by distance desc
  select spyname, location

Add some commas, a few parenthesis, lots of black magic, and here we go:

    'target_time < new Date()',
    'alive == true'
  .order('distance', 'desc')
  .select('spyname', 'location')
  .each(function(row) {
      row.spyname + ", you have moments to live." +
      "They know you are at " + row.location "." +
      "Use rule 37."

Who said life wasn't easy, my dear Frederick?

Expressions are the *biggest, most important part here*.

Let's go back to our coders. They have now created a bunch of underscore, jquery, and backbone mess of select, without, uniq, and other weird things to manipulate their data. They are getting nowhere.

One of them says:

Agnes: Sir Frederick, whilst looking at the code, one is apt to imagine that she is perusing some ill-written tale or romance, which instead of natural and agreeable images, exhibits to the mind nothing but frightful and distorted shapes "Gorgons, hydras, and chimeras dire"; discoloring and disfiguring whatever it represents, and transforming everything it touches into a monster.

Let's clean up that mess.

Expressions are a processing engine where you can toss in things and get matching functions.

For instance, say you want to find out what parts of your complex object datastore has a structure like this:

{ 'todo': { 'murder': <string> } } 

Agnes and Frederick have found this:

  { 'name': "Agnes",
    'location': 'Starbucks',
    'role': 'target',
    'kill-date': 'today',
    'hitmen' : ['Agent 86']
  { 'name': "Agent 86",
    'role': 'spy',
    'distance': 80000,
    'todo': { 'murder': 'Agnes' }
  { 'name': "Agent 99",
    'role': 'spy',
    'backup-for': ['Agent 86', 'Agent Orange']
  { 'name': "Frederick",
    'role': 'target',
    'location': 'Starbucks',
    'kill-date': 'today',
    'hitmen' : ['Agent 86', 'Agent Orange']
  { 'name': "Agent 007",
    'role': 'spy',
    'todo': { 'sleep-with': 'spy' }
  { 'name': "Agent Orange",
    'distance': 10000,
    'role': 'spy',
    'todo': { 'murder' : 'Frederick' },

We want to find out a few things:

  DB('.todo.murder == "Frederick"),
  DB('.todo.murder == "Agnes")

Gets you there, the Array means OR. Now they want to manipulate it further.

  'role': 'target',
  'kill-date': 'today'
  'location': 'across town'

There's a backup agent, Agent 99, to be used in case the other two fail. Agnes and Frederick want to foil her:

  'backup-for': DB.find(
    DB('.todo.murder.indexOf(["Frederick", "Agnes"]) > -1')
).update(function(who) {
  delete who['backup-for'];
  who.todo = 'lie around and sun bathe';

They find that there is a lot more to explore, try

DB(some string).toString()

to peek at the implementation. This is how they got started:

>> undefined

>> 1

>> undefined

>> [1,2,3]

To debug their expressions. Much to their delight, they found they can use these expressions and data manipulations just about everywhere in this library of black magic.

Our heros are now finally getting somewhere. They can bring down their data, and manipulate it with ease.

Frederick: A world of hope is but a few keystrokes away for us Agnes. However, I haven't uncovered a painless way to remove our true information, place in plausibly fraudulant information, and then automatically update the remote database with ease --- surely, there must be a way to trigger a function when our data-bank is manipulated.

Going to the documentation, they find a convenient sync function that is designed to do just that. Returning to their laptop:

var what_it_is_that_we_know = DB().sync(function(espionage_dataset) {
  $.put("/government-secrets", espionage_dataset);

$.get("/government-secrets", what_it_is_that_we_know);

And it's done. Now Agnes and Frederick can modify stuff in the browser and it automatically does a remote sync. It was 4 lines. That's really all it took.

Agnes and Frederick are in the clear for now. However, this isn't to last long

Agnes: Wouldn't it be a wonderful, and I do mean quite a pleasant reality if we had a more organized way of dealing with this immensely distraught set of information. If we could automatically decorate the data for our own purposes; through auto-incrementing or other things. This would make our lives easier.

Reading through the docs, Frederick finds that Templates can be used to create auto-incrementers.

  index = 0,
  our_copy = DB();

our_copy.template.create({id: (function(){ return index++; })});


>> our_copy.find()

  { 'id': 0,
    'name': "Agnes",
    'location': 'Starbucks',
    'role': 'target',
    'kill-date': 'today',
    'hitmen' : ['Agent 86']
  { 'id': 1,
    'name': "Agent 86",
    'role': 'spy',
    'distance': 80000,
    'todo': { 'murder': 'Agnes' }

This is quite pleasant, they think. But still not very useful. Wouldn't it be nice if they could just find out who the spies are?

Frederick: Really what we need is a way to group people.

After exploring some more, they find group and write this:"role")

{ 'spy': [
    { 'name': "Agent Orange",
      'distance': 10000,
      'role': 'spy',
      'todo': { 'murder' : 'Frederick' },
    { 'name': "Agent 007",
      'role': 'spy',
      'todo': { 'sleep-with': 'spy' }
{ 'target': [
    { 'name': "Frederick",
      'role': 'target',
      'location': 'Starbucks',
      'kill-date': 'today',
      'hitmen' : ['Agent 86', 'Agent Orange']
    { 'name': "Agnes",
      'location': 'Starbucks',
      'role': 'target',
      'kill-date': 'today',
      'hitmen' : ['Agent 86']

Now they are getting somewhere they say:

).find(DB(" == 'Agnes'"));

They become quite pleased with how easy it is to do things.

Create a new database and assign it to a variable. The variable is a function and has properties associated with it. The rest of this document will use "db" as in an instance of DB(). You can take existing data that is represented by an array-like entity of objects and use it as the data to test against.

For instance, this works:

var something_i_dont_have_time_to_rewrite = 
      node: $("<div />").blahblah
      name: "something else"
      other_legacy_stuff: "blah blah"

  .find({name: 'something else'})

There is also a routine named DB.objectify which takes a set of keys and values and emits an object. For instance, if you had a flat data structure, say, from CSV, like this:

var FlatData = [
  [ "FIRST", "LAST" ],
  [ "Alice", "Foo" ],
  [ "Bob", "Bar" ],
  [ "Carol", "Baz" ]

Then you can do this:

DB.objectify(FlatData[0], FlatData.slice(1));

And you'd get:

  { First: "Alice", Last: "Foo" },
  { First: "Bob", Last: "Bar" },
  { First: "Carol", Last: "Baz" }

So you can combine these two and then do an insertion:

var myDB = DB( DB.objectify(FlatData[0], FlatData.slice(1)) );
This is to insert data into the database. You can either insert data as a list of arguments, as an array, or as a single object.

After you have inserted the data, you are returned references to the data you insert. This allows you to have a function like:

function my_insert(data) {

      uid: ++my_uid,
      accounting: data
   }).update( data );


In the function above you have a generic function that inserts data and puts in some type of record keeping information and accounting.

Instead of doing a JQuery $.extend or other magic, you can simply insert the data you want, then update it with more data.

Inserting on a database with constraints

If you have a constrained unique key and are inserting entries which would conflict with the key, the return value is the inserted data intersperesed with existing data and a list of the fields which caused a failed to insert.

For example, if there was a unique constraint of "id" and the existing data was

db = [
  { id: 1, a:1 }
  { id: 2, a:1 }
  { id: 3, a:1 }

And we run

var ret = db.insert([
  { id: 0, b:1 },
  { id: 1, b:1 },
  { id: 2, b:1 },
  { id: 3, b:1 },
  { id: 5, b:1 }

Then ret.existing would have the content of

[1, 2]

And ret itself would be:

{ id: 0, b:1 },

{ id: 1, a:1 }, << the existing record.
{ id: 2, a:1 }, << the existing record.

{ id: 3, b:1 },
{ id: 5, b:1 }

Inserting by Reference

Normally insert is a copy, but you can also simulate an insert by reference by doing a reassignment:

data = db.insert(data)[0];
data.newkey = value;
db.find({newkey: value});

would work.

Values can also be mutators. This semantically changes what update and find mean. Value based mutators can be used to achieve many aspects of list comprehension. Find will run the mutator with no arguments while update will pass the argument to the mutator; with the argument itself of course, possible to be another lambda.

To help wrap your head around it, the example below adds or subtracts a local variable based on the value passed in:

var db = DB({key: (function(){
  var value = 0; 

  return function(modifier){
    if(arguments.length) {
      value += modifier;
    return value;

If you run a db.find({key: 0}) on this then the function will be run, returning the value at its initial state. In this case it would be 0.

Semantically, the update will now pass in a value, as mentioned above. So if you do something like:

db.update({key: 4});

Now the value in the closure will be "4" and a db.find({key: 4}) will return.

Templates permit you to have a set of K/V pairs or K/lambda pairs that act as a baseline for record insertion. You can create, update, get, and destroy templates. They are not retroactive and only affect insertions that are done after the template is created.

The template itself is implicit and modal; applying to all insertions until it is modified or removed.


To create a template use template.create( fields )


Updating overwrite previous values as specified whilst retaining the old values of those which are not. To update a template use template.update( fields )


You can get the current template with template.get()


You can destroy a template with template.destroy()

Update allows you to set newvalue to all parameters matching a constraint. You can pass a lambda in to assign new values to a record. For instance:
db.find().update( function(record) { record.key = 'value' } );

will work. The object syntax, similar to find will also work. So you can do

db.find().update({ key: function() { return 'value' } });

And lastly, you can do static assignment two ways:

db.find().update({ key: 'value' });
db.find().update('key', 'value');
Unsets the keys in the find clause or over the entire db. Returns a chain. This will remove the entries from the database but also return them if you want to manipulate them. You can invoke this with a constraint. This is to constrain the database. Only unique types are supported.

You can enforce a unique key value through something like db.constrain('unique', 'somekey'). You should probably run this early, as unlike in RDBMSs, it doesn't do a historical check nor does it create a optimized hash to index by this key ... it just does a lookup every time as of now.

Additionally, if a failure to insert happens, then the insert returns the conflicting entry (see below) Example:

db.constrain('unique', 'uuid');

var val = db.insert(
  {uuid: '1384e53d', data: 'xyz'}, // This will go in
  {uuid: '1384e53d', data: 'abc'} // This will not.

// Now val will be
val = [
  // This was inserted correctly
  {uuid: '1384e53d', data: 'xyz'}, 

  // The second value was not inserted - it conflicted with the 
  // first value, which is here:
  {uuid: '1384e53d', data: 'xyz'}
Specify a function that will get the candidate object to be added and return either true or false specifying (true) to add it or (false) to not. This feature was added to implement blacklisting.

When you run addIf with or without arguments you get an array of the functions back. You can then splice, shift, pop, push, or unshift the array to do those respective functions.


db.addIf(function(what) {
  return ('key' in what);

  {key: 'value'}, // This will go in
  {foo: 'bar'} // This will not.

db.addIf().pop(); // This will remove the constraint
beforeAdd allows you to mutate (or modify) data prior to inserting it. This is effectively an event or a 'middleware' that permits you to do things like type casting or OOB accounting prior to something existing in the database. See Syncing for after-style events.

It returns a list of the callbacks that are being run ...


Say we get dates from a database as string values and want to convert them to javascript Dates prior to insertion (so that we can sort and filter by them). Here is how you may achieve that (this is taken from a project using laravel blade templating on a table with timestamps enabled):

var db = DB();
db.beforeAdd(function(entry) {
  _.each(['created_at','updated_at'], function(what) {
    entry[what] = new Date(entry[what]);
db.insert({{ $data }});

Implementation Notes

beforeAdd is a light wrapper around addif which exploits the fact that candidates come in as a reference and can be modified. It provides a semantically distinct function at a level that is nearly equivalent in implementation.


db.beforeAdd(function(what) {
  what.length = parseInt(what.length, 10); = unescape(;

  length: "123",
  name: "Alice%20and%20Bob"

db.find() ->
  [ {
      length: 123,
      name: "Alice and Bob"
  } ]
*Also a top level function*

This is like the "where" clause in SQL. You can invoke it one of the following ways:

  • by Object: find({key: 'value'})
  • by ArgList: find('key', 'value')
  • by record Function: find(function(record) { return record.value < 10; })`
  • by key Function: find({key: function(value) { return value < 10; })
  • by key Expression: find({key: db('< 10')})
  • by anonymous Expression: find(db('key', '< 10'))

Return value

find returns a reference to the objects in the table in an array. As a convenience two additional properties are always set:

  • first: corresponding to the first result, ie, [0]
  • last: corresponding to the last result, ie, slice(-1)[0]


In order for things to match multiple conditions, provide those conditions as arguments to find. For instance, if you want to find things where "a = 1" **AND** "b = 1" you could do:
  {a: 1},
  {b: 1}

which is equivalent to

find({a: 1}).find({b: 1})
Or is nearly identical to And but you wrap the arguments in an array. For instance, if you want to find things where "a = 1" **OR** "b = 1" you could do:
    {a: 1},
    {b: 1}

You can also use the Or semantics to find multiple keys equaling a value at once. For instance, the previous query could have been written as

  [ 'a', 'b' ],


Not is handled in its own wrapper function


lol, yeah right. what would that even mean?


Normally a query such as find({key: ['v1', 'v2', 'v3']}); is treated as "is key one of either v1, v2, or v3". If, instead, you'd like to look for the array ['v1', 'v2', 'v3'] use DB.isArray, for instance:

var db = DB({key: [1,2,3]});

db.find({key: [1,2,3]})  -> false

db.find({key: DB.isArray([1,2,3])}) -> true

About the callback function style

The arguments passed in for the functional style are either the whole record if invoked in the style of `find( lambda )` or the key being argument 0 and the record being argument 1 in the style of `find({key: lambda})`. Therein you can have something like
find(function(record) {
   return record.key1 > record.key2;
*Also a top level function*

This is a wrapper of find for when you are only expecting one result. Please note that findFirst ALWAYS returns an object. If there was no match then the returned object is empty.

Changed on 2015-05-04. Now findFirst returns the boolean false if nothing is found.

A macro lambda for find that does a case-insensitive regex search on the values for keys. This is similar to the SQL like command and it takes the value and does
  ) > -1
A wrapper function that returns the boolean inverse of the function passed in. You can use it in combination with many other function like so:
  a: db.not(
    db.isin([ 1, 2, 3 ])
*Also a top level function*

A macro lambda for find which tests for set membership. This is like the SQL "in" operator. You can invoke it either with a static array or a callback like so:

  • db.isin('months', ['jan','feb','march'])
  • db.isin('months', function(){ ... })

A usage scenario may be as follows:

db.find({months: db.isin(['jan', 'feb', 'march']));

There's also a shortcut available by just providing an array as an argument. The previous query could have been written as:

db.find({months: ['jan', 'feb', 'march']});
Missing is a macro lambda for find that can either be combined with find or called in a chain. It will return records where ALL the fields supplied in the argList are missing. For instance, if you have the following records:
{ a: 1,
  b: 2,
  c: 3
{ a: 4,
  b: 5
{ a: 6 }

And ran the following:


You'd get the second and third record. Similarly, if you did

find(db.missing('c', 'b'))

You'd get an implicit "AND" and get only record 3.

hasKey is simply missing followed by an invert. It's worth noting that this means it's implicitly an OR because ! A & B = A | B This is the reverse of isin. If you do
db.insert({a: [1, 2, 3]})

You can do

db.find({a: db.has(1)})
This will extract the values of a particular key from the filtered list and then return it as an array or an array of arrays, depending on which is relevant for the query.

You can also do' * ') to retrieve all fields, although the key values of these fields aren't currently being returned.

You can do

  • select('one', 'two')
  • select(['one', 'two'])

But not:


Since ',' is actually a valid character for keys in objects. Yeah, it's the way it is. Sorry.

Invert a set of results. This is a direct map of slice from `Array.prototype` with the addition of permitting a chaining of events after the slice. This is useful if for example, you want to apply a function to only the first 10 results of a find.


  condition: true
  .slice(0, 10)
Views are an expensive, unoptimized, naively implemented synchronization macro that return an object that can be indexed in order to get into the data. Don't use views if performance is required. If keys aren't unique, then the value for the key is not defined (but not the undefined JS type).


if db was [{a: 1}, {a: 2}, {a: 3}], doing db.view('a') will return an object like so:

  1: {a: 1},
  2: {a: 2},
  3: {a: 3}

Syntax Notes

There's two inferred formats for views:
  • keys
  • functions

Keys get tacked to the end of the reference of the object, so you can have a key such as a[0] or a.b.c. For the function based format (which is inferred by the existence of a paren, ( )) this is instead eval'd. In function style, say you had

{ obj: {a: 1, b: 2}, }
{ obj: {c: 3, d: 4}  }

And, with underscore, wanted to take the _.values of an object and then take the first value there from the resulting array. As in db.view('_.values(obj)[0]') will do the job.

Other Notes

  • Unlike the other parts of the api, there's one option, a string.
  • This is similar to a group by, but the values are Not Arrays.
  • The values are direct tie ins to the database. You can change them silently. Use caution.
  • Deletion of course only decreases a reference count, so the data doesn't actually get removed from the raw db.
  • If you create N views, then N objects get updated each time.
  • The object returned will always be up to date. At a synchronization instance
    • All the keys are discarded
    • The entire dataset is gone over linearly
    • The table is recreated.
    • This is about as expensive as it sounds.
lazyViews are views that don't update automatically. Their invocation style is the same as views and they return a function with properties that correspond to the view. That means that you can use it the same way but in order to update it you have to call it as a function. Because of this they should be more performant.

The lambda that gets returned accepts one optional argument which can be either ins or del.

Internally, there are atomic insert and delete counters on a per-database instance that tells features whether they need to update references or not.

If you pass ins you are saying "only update the references if something has been inserted since the last call" ... if you do del it's the "delete" version of that.

Note: Since things can be updated out of band, there is no way of internally keeping track of updates effeciently.


var db = DB({key: 'a', a: 'apple'}, {key: 'b', a: 'banana'});
var lv = db.lazyView('key');

lv.a.a ==> 'apple'
lv.b.a ==> 'banana'

db.insert({key: 'c', a: 'carrot');

lv('del'); <-- this won't update because the delete counters haven't incremented.

lv.c.a ==> undefined.

lv('ins'); <-- now we'll get an update

lv.c.a ==> 'carrot'

lv(); <-- this will update things regardless.

Deep indexing

Views and lazyViews support deep indexing, which means that if you have an db like this:
var db = DB([
  { value: [1, 2, 3] },
  { value: [11, 12, 13] },
  { value: [21, 22, 23] }

You can do

var deepIndex = db.view('value[0]');

To get the deep records unraveled to the top.

  • Re-orders the raw index for the DB by the specified sort constraint. For instance:

    db.indexBy('key', 'asc')

Or, any other style that sorting and orderBy support

*Aliased to map* *Also a top level function*

The arguments for the lambda for each is either the return of a select as an array or the record as a return of a find.

This is a convenience on select for when you do select('one', 'two') and then you want to format those fields. The example file included in the git repo has a usage of this.

In some functions, such as console.log there has to be a contextualized thi pointer established in order to map the caller indirectly. In these cases, you have to do a very crufty version of the call like so:


Passing the object and the function as an arrayed argument ... I know --- I hate it to. I wish I could find something better.

This is a macro lambda for each that implements a traditional functional list-reduction. You can use it like so:
db.each( DB.reduceLeft(0, ' += x.value');

The y parameter is the iterated reduction and the x parameter is the record to reduce. The second value, the lambda function can either be a partial expression which will be evaluated to ('y = ' + expression) or it can be a passed in lambda.


DB.reduceLeft(0, '+x.time')(dbLog);

In the above example, the reduceLeft returns a function which then takes the parameter dbLog as its argument, summing the .time over the set.

This is a right-wise reduction. It is simply a left-wise with the input list being reversed. *Aliased to sort* *Aliased to orderBy*

This is like SQLs orderby function. If you pass it just a field, then the results are returned in ascending order (x - y).

You can also supply a second parameter of a case insensitive "asc" and "desc" like in SQL.


  • order('key')
  • order('key', 'asc')
  • order('key', 'desc')

Note that the invocation styles above don't work on String values by default as of now.

Callback based ordering

You can also do callback based sorting like so:

  • order('key', function(x, y) { return x - y } )
  • order(function(a, b) { return a[key] - b[key] })
  • order('key', 'x - y') see below

It's worth noting that if you are using the last invocation style, the first parameter is going to be x and the second one, y.

This is like SQLs groupby function. It will take results from any other function and then return them as a hash where the keys are the field values and the results are a chained array of the rows that match that value; each one supporting all the usual functions.

Note that the values returned do not update. You can create a view if you want something that stays relevant.


Pretend I had the following data:

{ department: accounting, name: Alice }
{ department: accounting, name: Bob }
{ department: IT, name: Eve }

If I ran the following:


I'd get the result:

  accounting: [
    { department: accounting, name: Alice }
    { department: accounting, name: Bob }
  IT: [
    { department: IT, name: Eve }

If the values of the field are an array, then the keys of the array are respected as the values.

There's another example in the test.html file at around line 414

This is similar to the group feature except that the values are never arrays and are instead just a single entry. If there are multiple values, then the first one acts as the value. This should probably be done on unique keys (or columns if you will) What if you have an existing database from somewhere and you want to import your data when you load the page. You can supply the data to be imported as an initialization variable. For instance, say you are using localStorage you could initialize the database as follows:
var db = DB(
To store the data when it is updated, you define a "sync" function. Using our jStorage example from above, we would 'sync' back to by doing the following:
db.sync(function(data) { 
  $.put("/government-secrets", data); 

The example file includes a synchronization function that logs to screen when it is run so you can see when this function would be called. Basically it is done at the END of a function call, regardless of invocation. That is to say, that if you update 10 records, or insert 20, or remove 50, it would be run, once, once, and once respectively.

If you run sync with no arguments then it will not add an undefined to the function stack and then crash on an update; on the contrary, it will run the synchronization function stack; just as one would expect.

This primitive function turns off all the synchronization callbacks after a start, and then restores them after a end, running them.

This is useful if you have computed views or if you are sync'ing remotely with a data-store.

This is a binary system. That is to say that transactions can't be nested.


// Sync will only run after the end
db.transaction.start(); {
  for(var i = 0; i < 10;i ++) {
    db.insert({k: i});
} db.transaction.end(); 
Lets start with a trivial example; we will create a database and then just add the object `{key: value}` into it.
var db = DB();
db.insert({key: value});

Now let's say we want to insert {one: 1, two: 2} into it

db.insert({one: 1, two: 2})

Alright, let's say that we want to do this all over again and now insert both fields in. We can do this a few ways:

  1. As two arguments: db.insert({key: value}, {one: 1, two: 2});
  2. As an array: db.insert([{key: value}, {one: 1, two: 2}]);
  3. Or even chained: db.insert({key: value}).insert({one: 1, two: 2});

Refer to the test suite for more examples.

Visitor Pattern

So there's quite a bit of that here. For instance, there's a right reduce, which is really just a left reduce with the list inverted.

So to pull this off,

  1. We call reduceLeft which returns a function, we'll call that the left-reducer.
  2. We wrap the left-reducer in another function, that will be returned, which takes the arguments coming in, and reverses them.

This means that all it really is, (unoptimized) is this:

function reduceRight(memo, callback) {
  return function(list) {
    return (
      (reduceLeft(memo, callback))

Strategy Pattern

No DB would be complete without a strategy. An example of this would be isin, which creates different macro functions depending on the arguments.

Of course, isin returns a function which can then be applied to find. This has another name.

Command Pattern

So almost everything can take functions and this includes other functions. So for instance, pretend we had an object whitelist and we wanted to find elements within it. Here's a way to do it:

var whitelistFinder = db.isin({key: "whitelist"});
}, 100);

Let's go over this. By putting whitelist in quotes, isin thinks it's an expression that needs to be evaluated. This means that a function is created:

function(test) {
  return indexOf(whitelist, test) > -1;

indexOf works on array like objects (has a .length and a [], similar to Array.prototype). So it works on those generics.

Ok, moving on. So what we almost get is a generic function. But this goes one step further, it binds things to data ... after all this is a "database". The invocation style

db.isin({key: "whitelist"});

Means that it will actually return

{key: function...}

Which then is a valid thing to stuff into almost everything else.

Great lengths have been taken to have a flexible and expressive API that conforms to dynamic coding styles.

For instance, if you wanted to update 'key' to be 'value' for all records in the database, you could do it like

db.update('key', 'value')


db.update({key: 'value'})

or you can chain this under a find if you want to only update some records

  .find({key: 'value'})
  .update({key: 'somethingelse'})


The basic idea is that you are using this API because you want life to be painless and easy. You certainly don't want to wade through a bunch of documentation or have to remember strange nuances of how to invoke something. You should be able to take the cavalier approach and Get Shit Done(tm).

Also, please note:

Every command is not only chainable, but also returns a standard javascript array of results.

What I mean by this is that you can do

var result = db.find({processed: true});
  result[result.length - 1],

result.find({hasError: true}).remove();

Note that my arrays are pure magic here and I do not beligerently append arbitrary functions to Array.prototype.

This has been tested and is known to work on

  • IE 5.5+
  • Firefox 2+
  • Chrome 8+
  • Safari 2+
  • Opera 7+
none. Read [this comparison]( by Dan Stocker. Dual-Licensed under MIT and GPL. [Join the mailing list]( Read [this comparison]( by Dan Stocker.

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