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Asciidoctor Gradle Plugin

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The asciidoctor-gradle-plugin is the official means of using Asciidoctor to render all your AsciiDoc documentation using Gradle.

This is a port of the asciidoctor-maven-plugin project by @LightGuard. Relies on asciidoctor-java-integration by @lordofthejars.


Use the following snippet inside a Gradle build file:

buildscript {
    repositories {

    dependencies {
        classpath 'org.asciidoctor:asciidoctor-gradle-plugin:0.8.0.SNAPSHOT'

apply plugin: 'asciidoctor'


The plugin adds a new task named asciidoctor. This task exposes 6 properties as part of its configuration


where the asciidoc sources are. Type: File. Default: src/asciidoc.


an override to process a single source file. Type: File. Defaults to all files in ${sourceDir}


an override to process multiple source files, which may be a subset of all files available in ${sourceDir}. This property has precedence over sourceDocumentName which means the latter will be discarded if the former is defined. Type: FileCollection. Defaults to all files in ${sourceDir}


where generated docs go. Type: File. Default: $buildDir/asciidoc.


the backend to use. Type: String. Default: html5. This option is a convenience for using backends property.


the backends to use. Type: Set<String>. Default: [html5].


a Map specifying different options that can be sent to Asciidoctor.


a boolean specifying if documents being processed should be logged on console. Type: boolean. Default: false

Sources may have any of the following extensions in order to be discovered

  • .asciidoc

  • .adoc

  • .asc

  • .ad

The following attributes are automatically set by the Asciidoctor task

  • project-name : matches $

  • project-version: matches $project.version (if defined). Empty String value if undefined

  • project-group: matches $ (if defined). Empty String value if undefined

These attributes may be overridden by explicit user input.


The following options may be set using the task’s options property

  • header_footer - boolean

  • template_dir - String

  • template_engine - String

  • compact - boolean

  • doctype - String

  • attributes - Map

Any key/values set on attributes are sent as is to Asciidoctor. You may use this Map to specify an stylesheet for example. The following snippet shows a sample configuration defining attributes

// append below the line: apply plugin: 'asciidoctor'

asciidoctor {
    outputDir = new File("$buildDir/docs")
    options = [
        eruby: 'erubis',
        attributes: [
            'source-highlighter': 'coderay',
            toc: '',
            idprefix: '',
            idseparator: '-'

You may need to include extra content into the head of the exported document. For example, you might want to include jQuery inside the <head> element of the HTML export. To do so, first create a docinfo file src/asciidoc/docinfo.html containing the content to include, in this case the <script> tag to load jQuery.

<script src="//"></script>

Then, add the docinfo1 attribute to the attributes list in the previous example:

attributes: [
    // ...
    docinfo1: '',
    // ...

The value of attributes my be specified as a Map, List, Array or String, for example the following Map definition

options = [
    attributes: [
        toc: 'right',
        'source-highlighter': 'coderay',
        'toc-title': 'Table of Contents'

may be rewritten in List/Array form as follows

options = [
    attributes: [
        'toc-title=Table of Contents'

or in String form like so

options = [
    attributes: 'toc=right source-highlighter=coderay toc-title=Table\\ of\\ Contents'

Notice how spaces are escaped in the last key/value pair.

Refer to the Asciidoctor documentation to learn more about these options and attributes.

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