diff --git a/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/README.md b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/README.md
index e72c891509..75434d03e2 100644
--- a/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/README.md
+++ b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/README.md
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 - VVS (Cronos)
 - Honeyswap (Gnosis, Polygon)
 - Pangolin (Avalanche)
+- VaporDEX (Avalanche)
 ## Calculation Methodology v1.0.0
diff --git a/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/abis/vapordex/ERC20.json b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/abis/vapordex/ERC20.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..405d6b3648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/abis/vapordex/ERC20.json
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [],
+    "name": "name",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "string"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "name": "_spender",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "_value",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "approve",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "bool"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [],
+    "name": "totalSupply",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "name": "_from",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "_to",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "_value",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "transferFrom",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "bool"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [],
+    "name": "decimals",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "uint8"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "name": "_owner",
+        "type": "address"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "balanceOf",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "name": "balance",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [],
+    "name": "symbol",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "string"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "name": "_to",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "_value",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "transfer",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "bool"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "name": "_owner",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "_spender",
+        "type": "address"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "allowance",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "payable": true,
+    "stateMutability": "payable",
+    "type": "fallback"
+  },
+  {
+    "anonymous": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "indexed": true,
+        "name": "owner",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "indexed": true,
+        "name": "spender",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "indexed": false,
+        "name": "value",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "Approval",
+    "type": "event"
+  },
+  {
+    "anonymous": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "indexed": true,
+        "name": "from",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "indexed": true,
+        "name": "to",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "indexed": false,
+        "name": "value",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "Transfer",
+    "type": "event"
+  }
diff --git a/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/abis/vapordex/Pair.json b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/abis/vapordex/Pair.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53582c1ed6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/abis/vapordex/Pair.json
@@ -0,0 +1,713 @@
+  {
+    "inputs": [],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+    "type": "constructor"
+  },
+  {
+    "anonymous": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "indexed": true,
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "owner",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "indexed": true,
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "spender",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "indexed": false,
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "value",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "Approval",
+    "type": "event"
+  },
+  {
+    "anonymous": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "indexed": true,
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "sender",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "indexed": false,
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "amount0",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      },
+      {
+        "indexed": false,
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "amount1",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      },
+      {
+        "indexed": true,
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "to",
+        "type": "address"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "Burn",
+    "type": "event"
+  },
+  {
+    "anonymous": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "indexed": true,
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "sender",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "indexed": false,
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "amount0",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      },
+      {
+        "indexed": false,
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "amount1",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "Mint",
+    "type": "event"
+  },
+  {
+    "anonymous": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "indexed": true,
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "sender",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "indexed": false,
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "amount0In",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      },
+      {
+        "indexed": false,
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "amount1In",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      },
+      {
+        "indexed": false,
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "amount0Out",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      },
+      {
+        "indexed": false,
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "amount1Out",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      },
+      {
+        "indexed": true,
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "to",
+        "type": "address"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "Swap",
+    "type": "event"
+  },
+  {
+    "anonymous": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "indexed": false,
+        "internalType": "uint112",
+        "name": "reserve0",
+        "type": "uint112"
+      },
+      {
+        "indexed": false,
+        "internalType": "uint112",
+        "name": "reserve1",
+        "type": "uint112"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "Sync",
+    "type": "event"
+  },
+  {
+    "anonymous": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "indexed": true,
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "from",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "indexed": true,
+        "internalType": "address",
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+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "indexed": false,
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "value",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "Transfer",
+    "type": "event"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [],
+    "name": "DOMAIN_SEPARATOR",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "bytes32",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "bytes32"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [],
+    "name": "MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [],
+    "name": "PERMIT_TYPEHASH",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "bytes32",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "bytes32"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "address"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "allowance",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "spender",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "value",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "approve",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "bool",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "bool"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "address"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "balanceOf",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "to",
+        "type": "address"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "burn",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "amount0",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      },
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "amount1",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [],
+    "name": "decimals",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint8",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "uint8"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [],
+    "name": "factory",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "address"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [],
+    "name": "getReserves",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint112",
+        "name": "_reserve0",
+        "type": "uint112"
+      },
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint112",
+        "name": "_reserve1",
+        "type": "uint112"
+      },
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint32",
+        "name": "_blockTimestampLast",
+        "type": "uint32"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "_token0",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "_token1",
+        "type": "address"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "initialize",
+    "outputs": [],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [],
+    "name": "kLast",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "to",
+        "type": "address"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "mint",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "liquidity",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [],
+    "name": "name",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "string",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "string"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "address"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "nonces",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "owner",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "spender",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "value",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      },
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "deadline",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      },
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint8",
+        "name": "v",
+        "type": "uint8"
+      },
+      {
+        "internalType": "bytes32",
+        "name": "r",
+        "type": "bytes32"
+      },
+      {
+        "internalType": "bytes32",
+        "name": "s",
+        "type": "bytes32"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "permit",
+    "outputs": [],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [],
+    "name": "price0CumulativeLast",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [],
+    "name": "price1CumulativeLast",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "to",
+        "type": "address"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "skim",
+    "outputs": [],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "amount0Out",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      },
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "amount1Out",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      },
+      {
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "to",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "internalType": "bytes",
+        "name": "data",
+        "type": "bytes"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "swap",
+    "outputs": [],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [],
+    "name": "symbol",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "string",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "string"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": false,
+    "inputs": [],
+    "name": "sync",
+    "outputs": [],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [],
+    "name": "token0",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "address"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [],
+    "name": "token1",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "address"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": true,
+    "inputs": [],
+    "name": "totalSupply",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "view",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "to",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "value",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "transfer",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "bool",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "bool"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+    "type": "function"
+  },
+  {
+    "constant": false,
+    "inputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "from",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "internalType": "address",
+        "name": "to",
+        "type": "address"
+      },
+      {
+        "internalType": "uint256",
+        "name": "value",
+        "type": "uint256"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "transferFrom",
+    "outputs": [
+      {
+        "internalType": "bool",
+        "name": "",
+        "type": "bool"
+      }
+    ],
+    "payable": false,
+    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+    "type": "function"
+  }
diff --git a/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/configurations/configurations/configurations.ts b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/configurations/configurations/configurations.ts
index 80788577c3..e7b13cb53f 100644
--- a/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/configurations/configurations/configurations.ts
+++ b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/configurations/configurations/configurations.ts
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import { HoneyswapGnosisConfigurations } from "../../protocols/honeyswap/config/
 import { HoneyswapMaticConfigurations } from "../../protocols/honeyswap/config/deployments/honeyswap-polygon/configurations";
 import { PangolinAvalancheConfigurations } from "../../protocols/pangolin/config/deployments/pangolin-avalanche/configurations";
 import { BiswapBscConfigurations } from "../../protocols/biswap/config/deployments/biswap-bsc/configurations";
+import { VaporDEXAvalancheConfigurations } from "../../protocols/vapordex/config/deployments/vapordex-avalanche/configurations";
 import { Configurations } from "./interface";
 import { Deploy } from "./deploy";
@@ -124,6 +125,9 @@ export function getNetworkConfigurations(deploy: i32): Configurations {
     case Deploy.BISWAP_BSC: {
       return new BiswapBscConfigurations();
+    case Deploy.VAPORDEX_AVALANCHE: {
+      return new VaporDEXAvalancheConfigurations();
+    }
     default: {
         "No configurations found for deployment protocol/network",
diff --git a/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/configurations/configurations/deploy.ts b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/configurations/configurations/deploy.ts
index 570fd8165e..dc32e255d5 100644
--- a/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/configurations/configurations/deploy.ts
+++ b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/configurations/configurations/deploy.ts
@@ -31,4 +31,5 @@ export namespace Deploy {
   export const MM_FINANCE_POLYGON = 26;
   export const PANGOLIN_AVALANCHE = 27;
   export const BISWAP_BSC = 28;
+  export const VAPORDEX_AVALANCHE = 29;
diff --git a/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/configurations/configure.ts b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/configurations/configure.ts
index 3ca115adf1..52b50354c1 100644
--- a/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/configurations/configure.ts
+++ b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/configurations/configure.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { getNetworkConfigurations } from "./configurations/configurations";
 import { Deploy } from "./configurations/deploy";
 // Select the deployment protocol and network
-const deployment = Deploy.PANGOLIN_AVALANCHE;
+let deployment = Deploy.VAPORDEX_AVALANCHE;
 // export const NetworkConfigs = configurationsMap.get(deployment)!
 export const NetworkConfigs = getNetworkConfigurations(deployment);
diff --git a/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/package-lock.json b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/package-lock.json
index 5905333c59..2d95de7389 100644
--- a/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/package-lock.json
+++ b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/package-lock.json
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
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@@ -3773,18 +3772,6 @@
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@@ -12627,12 +12614,6 @@
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-      "dev": true
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diff --git a/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/protocols/pangolin/config/deployments/pangolin-avalanche/deploymentJsonContext.json b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/protocols/pangolin/config/deployments/pangolin-avalanche/deploymentJsonContext.json
index fb5d018c9b..bc65047a00 100644
--- a/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/protocols/pangolin/config/deployments/pangolin-avalanche/deploymentJsonContext.json
+++ b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/protocols/pangolin/config/deployments/pangolin-avalanche/deploymentJsonContext.json
@@ -6,6 +6,12 @@
     "subgraph": "1.0.0",
     "methodology": "1.0.0"
+  "services": {
+    "hosted-service": {
+      "slug": "pangolin-avalanche",
+      "query-id": "pangolin-avalanche"
+    }
+  },
   "files": {
     "template": "pangolin.template.yaml"
@@ -13,12 +19,6 @@
     "prepare:yaml": true,
     "prepare:constants": true
-  "services": {
-    "hosted-service": {
-      "slug": "pangolin-avalanche",
-      "query-id": "pangolin-avalanche"
-    }
-  },
   "protocol": "pangolin",
   "base": "uniswap-forks",
   "schema": "dex-amm",
diff --git a/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/protocols/vapordex/README.md b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/protocols/vapordex/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7d9306fdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/protocols/vapordex/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# VaporDEX Subgraph
+- The code that faciliates the basic operations of this exchange are forked from Uniswap V2. The two main contracts that are forked and used to index data from swaps, deposits, withdraws, and more are the `UniswapV2Factory` and `Pair` contracts.
+## Networks
+- Avalanche
+## Calculation Methodology v1.0.0
+- Sum accross all liquidity pools for protocol metric.
+### Total Value Locked (TVL) USD
+- The value of all tokens provided in the liquidity pools.
+### Volume
+- The total value or amount from swaps in liquidity pools. The value of a swap in USD is single-sided, and is only used to update protocol and financial metrics if at least one token is a part of our token whitelist.
+### Total Revenue USD
+- `Pool Swap Trading Volume * Total Swap Fee Percentage`
+- Total Swap Fee: %0.29.
+- Protocol Side Fee: `off`.
+More info on swaps found here:
+### Protocol-Side Revenue USD
+- `Pool Swap Trading Volume * Protocol Side Fee Percentage`
+- `Protocol Side Fee Percentage = Total Swap Fee Percentage - Supply Side Fee Percentage`
+- Protocol Side Fee (On): %0.05.
+- Protocol Side Fee (Off): %0.00.
+### Supply-Side Revenue USD
+- `Pool Swap Trading Volume * Supply Side Fee Percentage`
+- `Supply Side Fee Percentage = Total Swap Fee Percentage - Protocol Side Fee Percentage`
+- Supply Side Fee (On): %0.24.
+- Supply Side Fee (Off): %0.29.
+### Total Unique Users
+**Count of Unique Addresses which have interacted with the protocol via any transaction:**
+- Swaps
+- Deposits
+- Withdraws
+### Reward Token Emissions Amount
+- Not Applicable for this subgraph.
+### Protocol Controlled Value
+- Not Applicable for this subgraph.
+## References and Useful Links
+Documentation: https://docs.vapordex.io/
diff --git a/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/protocols/vapordex/config/deployments/vapordex-avalanche/configurations.json b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/protocols/vapordex/config/deployments/vapordex-avalanche/configurations.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b274438e39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/protocols/vapordex/config/deployments/vapordex-avalanche/configurations.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+  "deployment": "VAPORDEX_AVALANCHE",
+  "network": "avalanche",
+  "factory": {
+    "address": "0xC009a670E2B02e21E7e75AE98e254F467f7ae257",
+    "startBlock": 19911183
+  },
+  "graftEnabled": false,
+  "subgraphId": "",
+  "graftStartBlock": 0
diff --git a/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/protocols/vapordex/config/deployments/vapordex-avalanche/configurations.ts b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/protocols/vapordex/config/deployments/vapordex-avalanche/configurations.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d295bf82d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/protocols/vapordex/config/deployments/vapordex-avalanche/configurations.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+import { Address, BigDecimal, BigInt } from "@graphprotocol/graph-ts";
+import { Factory } from "../../../../../generated/Factory/Factory";
+import {
+  FeeSwitch,
+  Network,
+  RewardIntervalType,
+} from "../../../../../src/common/constants";
+import { Configurations } from "../../../../../configurations/configurations/interface";
+import {
+} from "../../../src/common/constants";
+import {
+  toLowerCase,
+  toLowerCaseList,
+} from "../../../../../src/common/utils/utils";
+export class VaporDEXAvalancheConfigurations implements Configurations {
+  getNetwork(): string {
+    return Network.AVALANCHE;
+  }
+  getSchemaVersion(): string {
+  }
+  getSubgraphVersion(): string {
+  }
+  getMethodologyVersion(): string {
+  }
+  getProtocolName(): string {
+    return PROTOCOL_NAME;
+  }
+  getProtocolSlug(): string {
+    return PROTOCOL_SLUG;
+  }
+  getFactoryAddress(): string {
+    return toLowerCase("0xC009a670E2B02e21E7e75AE98e254F467f7ae257");
+  }
+  getFactoryContract(): Factory {
+    return Factory.bind(
+      Address.fromString(
+        toLowerCase("0xC009a670E2B02e21E7e75AE98e254F467f7ae257")
+      )
+    );
+  }
+  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
+  getTradeFee(blockNumber: BigInt): BigDecimal {
+    return BigDecimal.fromString("0.29");
+  }
+  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
+  getProtocolFeeToOn(blockNumber: BigInt): BigDecimal {
+    return BigDecimal.fromString("0.05");
+  }
+  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
+  getLPFeeToOn(blockNumber: BigInt): BigDecimal {
+    return BigDecimal.fromString("0.24");
+  }
+  getProtocolFeeToOff(): BigDecimal {
+    return BigDecimal.fromString("0");
+  }
+  getLPFeeToOff(): BigDecimal {
+    return BigDecimal.fromString("0.29");
+  }
+  getFeeOnOff(): string {
+    return FeeSwitch.OFF;
+  }
+  getRewardIntervalType(): string {
+    return RewardIntervalType.NONE;
+  }
+  getRewardTokenRate(): BigInt {
+    return BIGINT_ZERO;
+  }
+  getReferenceToken(): string {
+    return toLowerCase("0xb31f66aa3c1e785363f0875a1b74e27b85fd66c7"); // wAVAX
+  }
+  getRewardToken(): string {
+    return toLowerCase("");
+  }
+  getWhitelistTokens(): string[] {
+    return toLowerCaseList([
+      "0xb31f66aa3c1e785363f0875a1b74e27b85fd66c7", // wAVAX
+      "0xb97ef9ef8734c71904d8002f8b6bc66dd9c48a6e", // USDC
+      "0x9702230a8ea53601f5cd2dc00fdbc13d4df4a8c7", // USDT
+      "0xc7198437980c041c805a1edcba50c1ce5db95118", // USDT.e
+      "0x83a283641C6B4DF383BCDDf807193284C84c5342", // VPND
+      "0x7bddaF6DbAB30224AA2116c4291521C7a60D5f55", // VAPE
+    ]);
+  }
+  getStableCoins(): string[] {
+    return toLowerCaseList([
+      "0xb97ef9ef8734c71904d8002f8b6bc66dd9c48a6e", // USDC
+      "0xa7d7079b0fead91f3e65f86e8915cb59c1a4c664", // USDC.e
+      "0x9702230a8ea53601f5cd2dc00fdbc13d4df4a8c7", // USDT
+      "0xc7198437980c041c805a1edcba50c1ce5db95118", // USDT.e
+    ]);
+  }
+  getStableOraclePools(): string[] {
+    return toLowerCaseList([
+      "0x6cd2c4c74125a6ee1999a061b1cea9892e331339", // USDC/wAVAX
+      "0x6b4bb60cfd7e9e4fc9a6f3bc7a5a52715443c37d", // USDC.e/wAVAX
+      "0x437dcce15eb801093e6427147df9b08f67cb69d5", // USDT/wAVAX
+      "0xc0ab231e82894a1b05f7369f617474138d378495", // USDT.e/wAVAX
+    ]);
+  }
+  getUntrackedPairs(): string[] {
+    return toLowerCaseList([]);
+  }
+  getUntrackedTokens(): string[] {
+    return [];
+  }
+  getBrokenERC20Tokens(): string[] {
+    return [];
+  }
+  getMinimumLiquidityThresholdTrackVolume(): BigDecimal {
+  }
+  getMinimumLiquidityThresholdTrackPrice(): BigDecimal {
+  }
diff --git a/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/protocols/vapordex/config/templates/vapordex.template.yaml b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/protocols/vapordex/config/templates/vapordex.template.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5308bd9072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/protocols/vapordex/config/templates/vapordex.template.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+specVersion: 0.0.2
+  file: ./schema.graphql
+description: ...
+  base: {{subgraphId}} # Subgraph ID of base subgraph
+  block: {{graftStartBlock}} # Block number
+  - kind: ethereum/contract
+    name: Factory
+    network: {{network}}
+    source:
+      address: "{{factory.address}}"
+      abi: Factory
+      startBlock: {{factory.startBlock}}
+    mapping:
+      kind: ethereum/events
+      apiVersion: 0.0.6
+      language: wasm/assemblyscript
+      entities: []
+      abis:
+        - name: Factory
+          file: ./abis/vapordex/Factory.json
+        - name: TokenABI
+          file: ./abis/vapordex/ERC20.json
+      eventHandlers:
+        - event: PairCreated(indexed address,indexed address,address,uint256)
+          handler: handlePairCreated
+      file: ./src/mappings/factory.ts
+  - kind: ethereum/contract
+    name: Pair
+    network: {{network}}
+    source:
+      abi: Pair
+    mapping:
+      kind: ethereum/events
+      apiVersion: 0.0.6
+      language: wasm/assemblyscript
+      file: ./src/mappings/pool.ts
+      entities: []
+      abis:
+        - name: Pair
+          file: ./abis/vapordex/Pair.json
+        - name: Factory
+          file: ./abis/vapordex/Factory.json
+        - name: TokenABI
+          file: ./abis/vapordex/ERC20.json
+      eventHandlers:
+        - event: Mint(indexed address,uint256,uint256)
+          handler: handleMint
+        - event: Burn(indexed address,uint256,uint256,indexed address)
+          handler: handleBurn
+        - event: Swap(indexed address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,indexed address)
+          handler: handleSwap
+        - event: Transfer(indexed address,indexed address,uint256)
+          handler: handleTransfer
+        - event: Sync(uint112,uint112)
+          handler: handleSync
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/protocols/vapordex/src/common/constants.ts b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/protocols/vapordex/src/common/constants.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6173548a64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subgraphs/uniswap-forks/protocols/vapordex/src/common/constants.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+export const PROTOCOL_SUBGRAPH_VERSION = "1.0.0";
+export const PROTOCOL_METHODOLOGY_VERSION = "1.0.0";
+export const PROTOCOL_NAME = "VaporDEX";
+export const PROTOCOL_SLUG = "vapordex";