Added the following STIGs
- IIS Site 8.5 STIG V1R2
- IIS Site 8.5 STIG V1R3
- Oracle JRE 8 STIG V1R5
- Microsoft Outlook 2013 STIG V1R12
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 Stig V1R6
- Microsoft Excel 2013 STIG V1R7
- Microsoft Word 2013 STIG V1R6
Added the following DSC Composite Resources
- Microsoft Office 2013 STIGs
- FireFox STIG
- IIS Server STIG
- Oracle JRE STIG
- Windows10 STIG
Newly required modules
- PolicyFileEditor
- FileContentDsc
- WindowsDefenderDSC
- xWebAdministration
- xWinEventLog
Updated required module versions
- xDnsServer from to
- SecurityPolicyDsc from to
- Migrated Composite resources to the xRegistry resource
- Fixed 2012R2 V-15713 default org setting value
- Updated IE STIGs (V-46477) with the decimal value
- Updated New-StigCheckList to output StigViewer 2.7.1 ckl files
- Added SkipRule functionality to all composite resources
- Added StigData for FireFox STIG V4R21
- Added Sql2012 1.17 to Archive and processed
- Updated Sql2012 1.16 to fix broken rules
- Removed Sql2012 1.14 from archives to comply with n-2 version policy
- Updated data for 2012R2 Stigs to fix broken rules
Added a Document module to automatically create a Stig Checklist (EXPERIMENTAL)
Merged PowerStigDsc into PowerStig so there is only one module to maintain
- Replaced PowerStig Technology Class with Enumeration
- Added script module back to manifest
- Added DotNetFramework composite resource
Added the following STIGs
- Windows Server 2012R2 MS STIG V2R13
- Windows Server 2012R2 DC STIG V2R13
- Windows 2012 DNS V1R10
- Windows Domain V2R10
- Windows Forest V2R8
- IE11-V1R16
Corrected parsing of rule V-46477 in the IE STIGs
- Updated StigData
- Bug fixes
- Removed Windows Server 2012R2 MS and DC StigData v2.9
Update IIS Server STIG V-76723.a with correct value
Replaced Technology class with enumeration. This breaks PowerStigDsc <
Added the following STIGs:
- IIS 8.5 Server STIG V1R3
- Updated SQL STIG code to account for SQL STIGS being added in PowerStigDsc
- Update to PowerStig.psm1 to fix issue were StigData class was not accessible to PowerStigDsc
Added the following STIGs:
- Windows Server 2012R2 MS STIG V2R12
- Windows Server 2012R2 DC STIG V2R12
- Windows Server DNS V1R9
- Windows AD Domain V2R9
- IE11 V1R15