Copy the following snipet of code into a new test file and update the TO DO items.
#region Header
using module .\..\..\..\Module\Convert.xRule\Convert.xRule.psm1 # TO DO - Update the path to the module
. $PSScriptRoot\.tests.header.ps1
InModuleScope -ModuleName $script:moduleName {
#region Test Setup
#region Class Tests
# TO DO - Add test from Unit\Public\Class Class Region
#region Method Tests
# TO DO - Add test from Unit\Public\Class Method Region
#region Function Tests
# TO DO - Add test from Unit\Private\Class
#region Data Tests
# TO DO - Add test from Unit\Public\Data
. $PSScriptRoot\.tests.footer.ps1
Copy the following snipet of code into a new *.integration.tests.ps1 test file and add your integration tests.
#region Header
. $PSScriptRoot\.tests.Header.ps1
#region Test Setup
#region Tests
. $PSScriptRoot\.tests.Footer.ps1