diff --git a/Extension/i18n/chs/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/chs/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json index 7ef2fa8ab5..89fc160b30 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/chs/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/chs/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compilerArgs": "用于修改所使用的包含或定义的编译器参数,例如 `-nostdinc++`、`-m32` 等。采用其他空格分隔参数的参数应在数组中作为单独的参数输入,例如,对于 `--sysroot ` 使用 `\"--sysroot\", \"\"`。", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cStandard": "用于 IntelliSense 的 C 语言标准的版本。注意: GNU 标准仅用于查询设置编译器以获取 GNU 定义,并且 IntelliSense 将模拟等效的 C 标准版本。", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cppStandard": "用于 IntelliSense 的 C++ 语言标准的版本。注意: GNU 标准仅用于查询设置用来获取 GNU 定义的编译器,并且 IntelliSense 将模拟等效的 C++ 标准版本。", - "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "工作区的 `compile_commands.json` 文件的完整路径。", + "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Full path or a list of full paths to `compile_commands.json` files for the workspace.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.includePath": "搜索包含的标头时,IntelliSense 引擎要使用的路径列表。在这些路径上进行搜索为非递归搜索。指定 `**` 以指示递归搜索。例如,`${workspaceFolder}/**` 将搜索所有子目录,而 `${workspaceFolder}` 则不会。通常,此操作不应包含系统包含项;请改为设置 `C_Cpp.default.compilerPath`。", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.macFrameworkPath": "IntelliSense 引擎在 Mac 框架中搜索包含的标头时要使用的路径的列表。仅在 Mac 配置中受支持。", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.windowsSdkVersion": "要在 Windows 上使用的 Windows SDK 包含路径的版本,例如 `10.0.17134.0`。", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/chs/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/chs/package.i18n.json index 48b573e65b..3b9cb836dc 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/chs/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/chs/package.i18n.json @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.showClear.AllAndAllTypeAndThis.description": "如果有多个问题类型,显示“全部清除”,如果有多个 问题,显示“清除所有 ”以及显示“清除此项”代码操作", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.formatFixes.markdownDescription": "如果为 `true`,则在“修复”代码操作更改的行上运行格式设置。", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.enabled.markdownDescription": "如果为 `true`,则在 `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.runAutomatically#` 为 `true` (默认值)时,将启用使用 `clang-tidy` 的代码分析,并在文件打开或保存后运行它。", - "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "`clang-tidy` 可执行文件的完整路径。如果未指定,并且 `clang-tidy` 在环境路径中可用,则使用该路径。如果在环境路径中找不到,则将使用与扩展捆绑的 `clang-tidy`。", + "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-tidy` executable. If not specified, and `clang-tidy` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-tidy` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config.markdownDescription": "指定 YAML/JSON 格式的 `clang-tidy` 配置: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{键: x, 值: y}]}`。当值为空时,`clang-tidy` 将尝试为其父目录中的每个源文件查找名为 `.clang-tidy` 的文件。", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.fallbackConfig.markdownDescription": "指定 YAML/JSON 格式的 `clang-tidy` 配置,以在未设置 `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config#`,并且未找到 `.clang-tidy` 文件: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{键: x, 值: y}]}` 时将其用作回退。", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.headerFilter.markdownDescription": "与要从中输出诊断的标头名称匹配的 POSIX 扩展正则表达式 (ERE)。始终显示来自每个翻译单元的主文件的诊断。支持 `${workspaceFolder}` 变量(如果不存在 `.clang-tidy` 文件,则该变量将用作默认回退值)。如果此选项不是 `null` (空),则将替代 `.clang-tidy` 文件中的 `HeaderFilterRegex` 选项(如果有)。", @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.oneLiners.markdownDescription": "在一行中输入的完整代码块会保留在一行上,不考虑`C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*` 设置的值。", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.allOneLineScopes.markdownDescription": "任何在一行中输入左大括号和右大括号的代码都会保留在一行上,不考虑任何 `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*` 设置的值。", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.never.markdownDescription": "代码块始终基于 `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*` 设置的值进行格式化。", - "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "`clang-format` 可执行文件的完整路径。如果未指定,则 `clang-format` 在使用的环境路径中可用。如果在环境路径中找不到,则将使用与扩展捆绑的 `clang-format`。", + "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-format` executable. If not specified, and `clang-format` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-format` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.markdownDescription": "编码样式目前支持: `Visual Studio`、`LLVM`、 `Google`、`Chromium`、`Mozilla`、`WebKit`、 `Microsoft`、`GNU`。使用 `file` 从当前目录或父目录中的 `.clang-format` 文件加载样式,或使用 `file:<路径>/.clang-format` 引用特定路径。使用 `{键: 值, ...}` 设置特定参数。例如,`Visual Studio` 样式类似于: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`。", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.markdownDescription": "用作回退的预定义样式的名称,以防使用样式 `file` 调用 `clang-format` 但找不到 `.clang-format` 文件。可能的值为 `Visual Studio`、`LLVM`、 `Google`、`Chromium`、`Mozilla`、`WebKit`、 `Microsoft`、`GNU`、`none`,或使用 `{键: 值, ...}` 以设置特定参数。例如,`Visual Studio` 样式类似于: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`。", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_sortIncludes.markdownDescription": "如果设置,则替换由 `SortIncludes` 参数确定的包含排序行为。", @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.markdownDescription": "当扩展在确定哪些文件应添加到代码导航数据库,并遍历 `browse.path` 数组中的路径时,指示其使用 `#files.exclude#` (和 `#C_Cpp.files.exclude#`)设置的时间。如果 `#files.exclude#` 设置仅包含文件夹,则 `checkFolders` 为最佳选择,且将提高扩展可以初始化代码导航数据库的速度。", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFolders.description": "排除筛选器将仅对每个文件夹进行一次评估(不检查单个文件)。", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFilesAndFolders.description": "将针对每个遇到的文件和文件夹评估排除筛选器。", - "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "用作 `#include` 自动完成结果的路径分隔符的字符。", + "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "The character used as a path separator for generated user paths.", "c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.markdownDescription": "如果为 `true`,则悬停和自动完成的工具提示将仅显示结构化注释的某些标签。否则,将显示所有注释。", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generateOnType.description": "控制在键入所选注释样式后是否自动插入 Doxygen 注释。", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generatedStyle.description": "用作 Doxygen 注释起始行的字符串。", @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.hover.description": "如果禁用,则语言服务器不再提供悬停详细信息。", "c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "为 [vcpkg 依存关系管理器](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/) 启用集成服务。", "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.markdownDescription": "当来自 `nan` 和 `node-addon-api` 的包含路径为依赖项时,请将其添加。", + "c_cpp.configuration.copilotHover.markdownDescription": "如果 `disabled`,则悬停时不会显示任何 Copilot 信息。", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.markdownDescription": "如果为 `true`,则“重命名符号”将需要有效的 C/C++ 标识符。", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.markdownDescription": "如果为 `true`,则自动完成将在函数调用后自动添加 `(` ,在这种情况下,也可以添加 `)` ,具体取决于 `#editor.autoClosingBrackets#` 设置的值。", "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.markdownDescription": "为排除文件夹(以及文件 - 如果更改了 `#C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy#`)配置 glob 模式。这些特定于 C/C++ 扩展,并且是 `#files.exclude#` 的补充,但与 `#files.exclude#` 不同,它们也适用于当前工作区文件夹之外的路径,并且不会从资源管理器视图中删除。详细了解 [glob 模式](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options)。", @@ -427,8 +428,8 @@ "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.title": "创建 C++ 文件", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.description": "[打开](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.openFile)或[创建](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)一个 C++ 文件。请确保将其保存为 \".cpp\" 扩展名,例如 \"helloworld.cpp\"。\n[创建 C++ 文件](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.altText": "使用 C++ 项目打开 C++ 文件或文件夹。", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "从开发人员命令提示启动", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "使用 Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 编译器时,C++ 扩展需要从开发人员命令提示符中启动 VS Code。请按照右侧的说明重新启动。\n[重新加载窗口](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Launch from the Developer Command Prompt for VS", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "When using the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler, the C++ extension requires you to launch VS Code from the Developer Command Prompt for VS. Follow the instructions on the right to relaunch.\r\n[Reload Window](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.title": "运行并调试 C++ 文件", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.mac.description": "打开你的 C++ 文件,在编辑器右上角点击播放按钮,或者在文件上按 F5。选择“clang++ - 构建和调试活动文件”以使用调试器运行。", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.linux.description": "打开 C++ 文件,在编辑器右上角点击播放按钮,或者在文件上按 F5。选择“g++ - 构建和调试活动文件”以使用调试器运行。", @@ -449,4 +450,4 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.refactoring.includeHeader.never.description": "从不包含头文件。", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.displayName": "C/C++ 配置", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.userDescription": "活动 C 或 C++ 文件的配置,例如语言标准版本和目标平台。" -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/chs/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/chs/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json index 0d36c0bafe..4d2509753c 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/chs/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/chs/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "pre.Launch.Task": "preLaunchTask: {0}", "debugger.path.not.exists": "找不到 {0} 调试器。将忽略 {1} 的调试配置。", "build.and.debug.active.file": "构建和调试活动文件", - "cl.exe.not.available": "仅当从 VS 开发人员命令提示符处运行 VS Code 时,{0} 生成和调试才可用。", + "cl.exe.not.available": "{0} is only usable when VS Code is run from the {1}.", "lldb.find.failed": "缺少 lldb-mi 可执行文件的依赖项“{0}”。", "lldb.search.paths": "搜索范围:", "lldb.install.help": "要解决此问题,请通过 Apple App Store 安装 XCode,或通过在终端窗口运行“{0}”来安装 XCode 命令行工具。", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/chs/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/chs/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0ba598f8d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Extension/i18n/chs/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. + *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. +{ + "generate.copilot.description": "生成 Copilot 摘要", + "copilot.disclaimer": "AI 生成的内容可能不正确。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/chs/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/chs/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json index 8b1c3f8031..d81cbb0e54 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/chs/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/chs/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json @@ -17,5 +17,6 @@ "path.is.not.a.directory": "路径不是目录: {0}", "duplicate.name": "{0} 重复。配置名称应是唯一的。", "multiple.paths.not.allowed": "不允许使用多个路径。", + "multiple.paths.should.be.separate.entries": "Multiple paths should be separate entries in an array.", "paths.are.not.directories": "路径不是目录: {0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/chs/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/chs/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json index d79ff61c1a..64e12ac67f 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/chs/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/chs/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json @@ -19,5 +19,7 @@ "code.action.aborted": "无法应用代码分析修复程序,因为文档已更改。", "prerelease.message": "C/C++ 扩展的预发行版本可用。是否要切换到它?", "yes.button": "是", - "no.button": "否" + "no.button": "否", + "copilot.hover.unavailable": "Copilot 摘要不可用于此符号。", + "copilot.hover.error": "生成 Copilot 摘要时出错。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/chs/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/chs/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json index 0cbb7cf896..9788d40cad 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/chs/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/chs/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json @@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ "fallback_to_64_bit_mode2": "未能查询编译器。正在回退到 64 位 intelliSenseMode。", "fallback_to_no_bitness": "未能查询编译器。正在回退到无位数。", "intellisense_client_creation_aborted": "已中止创建 IntelliSense 客户端: {0}", - "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled ": "基于 configurationProvider 设置提供的信息检测到 #include 错误。此翻译单元({0})的 IntelliSense 功能将由标记分析器提供。", - "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled ": "基于 configurationProvider 设置提供的信息检测到 #include 错误。已针对此翻译单元({0})禁用波形曲线。", + "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled": "基于 configurationProvider 设置提供的信息检测到 #include 错误。此翻译单元({0})的 IntelliSense 功能将由标记分析器提供。", + "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled": "基于 configurationProvider 设置提供的信息检测到 #include 错误。已针对此翻译单元({0})禁用波形曲线。", "preprocessor_keyword": "预处理器关键字", "c_keyword": "C 关键字", "cpp_keyword": "C++ 关键字", @@ -316,5 +316,6 @@ "refactor_extract_xborder_jump": "所选代码和外层代码之间的存在跳跃。", "refactor_extract_missing_return": "在所选代码中,一些控制路径退出而没有设置返回值。这只受标量、数字、和指针返回类型支持。", "expand_selection": "展开选择(以启用“提取到函数”)", - "file_not_found_in_path2": "在 compile_commands.json 文件中找不到 \"{0}\"。此文件将改用文件夹“{1}”中的 c_cpp_properties.json 中包含的 \"includePath\"。" + "file_not_found_in_path2": "在 compile_commands.json 文件中找不到 \"{0}\"。此文件将改用文件夹“{1}”中的 c_cpp_properties.json 中包含的 \"includePath\"。", + "copilot_hover_link": "生成 Copilot 摘要" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/chs/ui/settings.html.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/chs/ui/settings.html.i18n.json index 43036eea03..77e871079a 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/chs/ui/settings.html.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/chs/ui/settings.html.i18n.json @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ "dot.config": "点配置", "dot.config.description": "Kconfig 系统创建的 .config 文件的路径。Kconfig 系统生成包含所有定义的文件以生成项目。使用 Kconfig 系统的项目示例包括 Linux 内核和 NuttX RTOS。", "compile.commands": "编译命令", - "compile.commands.description": "工作区的 {0} 文件的完整路径。将使用在此文件中所发现的包含路径和定义,而不是为 {1} 和 {2} 设置设定的值。如果编译命令数据库不包含与你在编辑器中打开的文件对应的翻译单元条目,则将显示一条警告消息,并且扩展将改用 {3} 和 {4} 设置。", + "compile.commands.description": "A list of paths to {0} files for the workspace. The include paths and defines discovered in these files will be used instead of the values set for {1} and {2} settings. If the compile commands database does not contain an entry for the translation unit that corresponds to the file you opened in the editor, then a warning message will appear and the extension will use the {3} and {4} settings instead.", + "one.compile.commands.path.per.line": "One compile commands path per line.", "merge.configurations": "合并配置", "merge.configurations.description": "如果为 {0} (或已选中),则将包含路径、定义和强制包含与来自配置提供程序包含路径、定义和强制包含合并。", "browse.path": "浏览: 路径", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/chs/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/chs/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json index e2bccc71bf..38e15cd698 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/chs/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/chs/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. { - "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "使用开发人员命令提示符重新启动", - "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": "正在使用带有 MSVC 编译器的 Windows 机器,因此需要从开发人员命令提示符中启动 VS Code,以便所有环境变量都能正确设置。要使用开发人员命令提示符重新启动:", - "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "通过在 Windows 开始菜单中键入 \"developer\" 来打开 VS 的开发人员命令提示。选择 VS 的开发人员命令提示,它将自动导航到当前打开的文件夹。", - "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "在命令提示符中键入 \"code\",然后按 Enter。这应该重新启动 VS Code 并将你带回此演练。" + "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Relaunch using the {0}", + "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " You are using a windows machine with the MSVC compiler, so you need to start VS Code from the {0} for all environment variables to be set correctly. To relaunch using the {1}:", + "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing \"{1}\" in the Windows Start menu. Select the {2}, which will automatically navigate to your current open folder.", + "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Type \"{0}\" into the command prompt and hit enter. This should relaunch VS Code and take you back to this walkthrough. " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/chs/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/chs/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json index d7cae3b5b0..4833a9b9c5 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/chs/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/chs/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json @@ -16,10 +16,8 @@ "walkthrough.windows.link.install": "安装", "walkthrough.windows.note1": "注意", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "可以使用 Visual Studio 生成工具中的 C++ 工具集以及 Visual Studio Code 以编译、生成并验证任何 C++ 代码库,前提是同时具有有效的 Visual Studio 许可证(社区版、专业版或企业版),且正积极将其用于开发该 C++ 代码库。", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "在 Windows“开始”菜单中键入‘开发人员’以打开 {0}。", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "VS 的 Developer 命令提示", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "在 VS 的开发人员命令提示中键入 {0} 以检查 MSVC 安装。你应该会看到包含版本和基本使用说明的版权消息。", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "注意", - "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "要从命令行或 VS Code 使用 MSVC,必须从 {0} 运行。普通 shell (例如 {1}、{2} 或 Windows 命令提示符)未设置必要的路径环境变量。", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "VS 的开发人员命令提示" + "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "要从命令行或 VS Code 使用 MSVC,必须从 {0} 运行。普通 shell (例如 {1}、{2} 或 Windows 命令提示符)未设置必要的路径环境变量。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/chs/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/chs/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json index c7823f4c02..e63bd60af7 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/chs/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/chs/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "注意", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "可以使用 Visual Studio 生成工具中的 C++ 工具集以及 Visual Studio Code 以编译、生成并验证任何 C++ 代码库,前提是同时具有有效的 Visual Studio 许可证(社区版、专业版或企业版),且正积极将其用于开发该 C++ 代码库。", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "验证编译器安装", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "在 Windows“开始”菜单中键入‘开发人员’以打开 {0}。", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "VS 的 Developer 命令提示", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "在 VS 的开发人员命令提示中键入 {0} 以检查 MSVC 安装。你应该会看到包含版本和基本使用说明的版权消息。", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "注意", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "要从命令行或 VS Code 使用 MSVC,必须从 {0} 运行。普通 shell (例如 {1}、{2} 或 Windows 命令提示符)未设置必要的路径环境变量。", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "VS 的开发人员命令提示", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "其他编译器选项", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "如果面向的是 Windows 中的 Linux,请查看{0}。或者,可{1}。", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "在 VS Code 中使用 C++ 和 适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统(WSL)", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/chs/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/chs/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json index c7823f4c02..e63bd60af7 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/chs/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/chs/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "注意", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "可以使用 Visual Studio 生成工具中的 C++ 工具集以及 Visual Studio Code 以编译、生成并验证任何 C++ 代码库,前提是同时具有有效的 Visual Studio 许可证(社区版、专业版或企业版),且正积极将其用于开发该 C++ 代码库。", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "验证编译器安装", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "在 Windows“开始”菜单中键入‘开发人员’以打开 {0}。", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "VS 的 Developer 命令提示", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "在 VS 的开发人员命令提示中键入 {0} 以检查 MSVC 安装。你应该会看到包含版本和基本使用说明的版权消息。", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "注意", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "要从命令行或 VS Code 使用 MSVC,必须从 {0} 运行。普通 shell (例如 {1}、{2} 或 Windows 命令提示符)未设置必要的路径环境变量。", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "VS 的开发人员命令提示", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "其他编译器选项", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "如果面向的是 Windows 中的 Linux,请查看{0}。或者,可{1}。", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "在 VS Code 中使用 C++ 和 适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统(WSL)", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/cht/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/cht/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json index 02a9e7b4f2..587142d5fd 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/cht/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/cht/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compilerArgs": "用來修改所用 include 或 define 的編譯器引數,例如 `-nostdinc++`、`-m32` 等。採用其他空格分隔引數的引數應在陣列中輸入為個別的引數,例如,針對 `--sysroot ` 使用 `\"--sysroot\", \"\"`。", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cStandard": "用於 IntelliSense 的 C 語言標準版本。注意: GNU 標準僅會用於查詢設定編譯器以取得 GNU 定義,而 IntelliSense 將會模擬相同的 C 標準版本。", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cppStandard": "用於 IntelliSense 的 C++ 語言標準版本。注意: GNU 標準僅會用於查詢設定編譯器以取得 GNU 定義,而 IntelliSense 將會模擬相同的 C++ 標準版本。", - "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "工作區 `compile_commands.json` 檔案的完整路徑。", + "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Full path or a list of full paths to `compile_commands.json` files for the workspace.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.includePath": "IntelliSense 引擎在搜尋包含的標頭時使用的路徑清單。在這些路徑上的搜尋不會遞迴。請指定 `**` 以表示遞迴搜尋。例如 `${workspaceFolder}/**` 會搜尋所有子目錄,而 `${workspaceFolder}` 不會。此路徑通常不應包含系統 include; 請改為設定 `C_Cpp.default.compilerPath`。", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.macFrameworkPath": "供 IntelliSense 引擎在 Mac 架構中搜尋包含的標頭時使用的路徑清單。僅支援 Mac 設定。", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.windowsSdkVersion": "要在 Windows 上使用的 Windows SDK 包含路徑版本,例如 `10.0.17134.0`。", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/cht/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/cht/package.i18n.json index 32f54e3893..b39b355ba3 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/cht/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/cht/package.i18n.json @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.showClear.AllAndAllTypeAndThis.description": "顯示 '清除所有' (如果有多個問題類型)、'清除所有 ' (如果 有多個問題) 和 '清除此' 程式碼動作", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.formatFixes.markdownDescription": "如果為 `true`,格式就會在由「修正」程式碼動作變更的行上執行。", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.enabled.markdownDescription": "若為 `true`,會啟用使用 `clang-tidy` 的程式碼分析,並會在 `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.runAutomatically#` 為 `true` (預設) 時,在開啟或儲存檔案後執行。", - "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "`clang-tidy` 可執行檔的完整路徑。若未指定可執行檔,且可在環境路徑中使用 `clang-tidy`,則會加以使用。若在環境路徑中找不到可執行檔,則會使用與延伸模組搭配的 `clang-tidy`。", + "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-tidy` executable. If not specified, and `clang-tidy` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-tidy` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config.markdownDescription": "以 YAML/JSON 格式指定 `clang-tidy` 組態: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{索引鍵: x, 值: y}]}`。當值為空白時,`clang-tidy` 將會嘗試為其父目錄中的每個來源檔案尋找名為 `.clang-tidy` 的檔案。", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.fallbackConfig.markdownDescription": "當 `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config#` 未設定且找不到 `.clang-tidy` 檔案時,指定 YAML/JSON 格式的 `clang-tidy` 組態用作遞補: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{索引鍵: x, 值: y}]}`。", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.headerFilter.markdownDescription": "符合輸出診斷來源之標頭名稱的 POSIX 擴充規則運算式 (ERE)。來自每個編譯單位之主要檔案的診斷將一律顯示。支援 `${workspaceFolder}` 變數 (如果沒有 `.clang-tidy` 檔案,則作為預設後援值)。若此選項並非 `null` (空白),則會覆寫 `.clang-tidy` 檔案中的 `HeaderFilterRegex` 選項 (如果有的話)。", @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.oneLiners.markdownDescription": "在一行中所輸入的完整程式碼區塊都保留在同一行,而不考慮任何 `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*` 設定。", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.allOneLineScopes.markdownDescription": "在一行中所輸入由左大括號和右大括號括住的任何程式碼,都保留在同一行,而不考慮任何 `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*` 設定。", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.never.markdownDescription": "程式碼區塊一律根據 `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*` 設定的值來格式化。", - "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "此為 `clang-format` 可執行檔的完整路徑。如果未指定,且在環境路徑中可用 `clang-format`,即會使用該格式。如果在環境路徑中找不到,則會使用延伸模組所配備的 `clang-format`。", + "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-format` executable. If not specified, and `clang-format` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-format` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.markdownDescription": "編碼樣式,目前支援: `Visual Studio`、`LLVM`、`Google`、`Chromium`、`Mozilla`、`WebKit`、`Microsoft`、`GNU`。使用 `file` 可從目前目錄或父目錄的 `.clang-format` 檔案載入樣式,或使用 `file:<路徑>/.clang-format` 參照特定路徑。使用 `{索引鍵: 值, ...}` 可設定特定參數。例如,`Visual Studio` 樣式類似於: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`。", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.markdownDescription": "當已使用樣式 `file` 叫用 `clang-format`,但找不到 `.clang-format` 檔案時,用作後援的預先定義樣式名稱。可能的值包括 `Visual Studio`、`LLVM`、`Google`、`Chromium`、`Mozilla`、`WebKit`、`Microsoft`、`GNU`、`none` 或使用 `{索引鍵: 值, ...}` 來設定特定參數。例如,`Visual Studio` 樣式類似於: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`。", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_sortIncludes.markdownDescription": "若設定,會覆寫 `SortIncludes` 參數所決定的包含排序行為。", @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.markdownDescription": "在流覽 `browse.path` 陣列中的路徑並決定哪些檔案應新增至程式碼瀏覽資料庫時,指示延伸模組何時使用 `#files.exclude#` (和 `#C_Cpp.files.exclude#`) 設定。如果您的 `#files.exclude#` 設定只包含資料夾,則 `checkFolders` 是最佳選擇,而且會加快延伸模組初始化程式碼瀏覽資料庫的速度。", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFolders.description": "排除篩選每個資料夾只會評估一次 (不會檢查個別檔案)。", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFilesAndFolders.description": "將會針對每個遇到的檔案和資料夾評估排除篩選。", - "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "用作 `#include` 自動完成結果路徑分隔符號的字元。", + "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "The character used as a path separator for generated user paths.", "c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.markdownDescription": "若為 `true`,暫留與自動完成的工具提示只會顯示特定結構化註解標籤,否則將會顯示所有註解。", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generateOnType.description": "控制是否在輸入選擇的註解樣式後自動插入 Doxygen 註解。", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generatedStyle.description": "作為 Doxygen 註解起始行的字元字串。", @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.hover.description": "如果停用,語言伺服器將不再提供暫留詳細資料。", "c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "啟用 [vcpkg 相依性管理員](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/) 的整合服務。", "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.markdownDescription": "當 `nan` 和 `node-addon-api` 為相依性時,從中新增 include 路徑。", + "c_cpp.configuration.copilotHover.markdownDescription": "如果`disabled`,則暫留中將不會顯示 Copilot 資訊。", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.markdownDescription": "若為 `true`,則「重新命名符號」需要有效的 C/C++ 識別碼。", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.markdownDescription": "若為 `true`,自動完成將會在函式呼叫之後自動新增 `(`,在這種情況下也可能會新增 `)`,取決於 `editor.autoClosingBrackets` 設定的值。", "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.markdownDescription": "設定 Glob 模式以排除資料夾 (若變更 `#C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy#`,則也會排除檔案)。這些模式為 C/C++ 延伸模組所特有,且是對 `#files.exclude#` 的外加,但與 `#files.exclude#` 不同的是,它們也適用於目前工作區資料夾以外的路徑,並且不會將其從總管檢視中移除。深入了解 [Glob 模式](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options)。", @@ -427,8 +428,8 @@ "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.title": "建立 C++ 檔案", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.description": "[開啟](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.openFile) 或 [建立](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D) C++ 檔案。務必使用 \".cpp\" 副檔名來儲存它,例如 \"helloworld.cpp\"。\n[建立 C++ 檔案](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.altText": "使用 C++ 專案開啟 C++ 檔案或資料夾。", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "從開發人員命令提示字元啟動", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "使用 Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 編譯器時,C++ 延伸模組會要求您從開發人員命令提示字元啟動 VS Code。請遵循右側的指示來重新啟動。\n[重新載入視窗](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Launch from the Developer Command Prompt for VS", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "When using the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler, the C++ extension requires you to launch VS Code from the Developer Command Prompt for VS. Follow the instructions on the right to relaunch.\r\n[Reload Window](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.title": "執行和偵錯您的 C++ 檔案", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.mac.description": "開啟您的 C++ 檔案,然後按一下編輯器右上角的執行按鈕,或在開啟檔案上時按 F5。選取 [clang++ - 建置及偵錯使用中的檔案] 以使用偵錯工具執行。", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.linux.description": "開啟您的 C++ 檔案,然後按一下編輯器右上角的執行按鈕,或在開啟檔案上時按 F5。選取 [g++ - 建置及偵錯使用中的檔案] 以使用偵錯工具執行。", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/cht/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/cht/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json index 68d097829a..c59fe51d99 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/cht/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/cht/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "pre.Launch.Task": "preLaunchTask: {0}", "debugger.path.not.exists": "找不到 {0} 偵錯工具。已略過 {1} 的偵錯組態。", "build.and.debug.active.file": "建置及偵錯使用中的檔案", - "cl.exe.not.available": "只有從 VS 的開發人員命令提示字元執行 VS Code 時,才可使用 {0} 組建和偵錯。", + "cl.exe.not.available": "{0} is only usable when VS Code is run from the {1}.", "lldb.find.failed": "缺少 lldb-mi 可執行檔的相依性 '{0}'。", "lldb.search.paths": "已在下列位置中搜尋:", "lldb.install.help": "若要解決此問題,請透過 Apple App Store 安裝 XCode,或在終端機視窗中執行 '{0}' 以安裝 XCode 命令列工具。", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/cht/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/cht/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7a44aea557 --- /dev/null +++ b/Extension/i18n/cht/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. + *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. +{ + "generate.copilot.description": "產生 Copilot 摘要", + "copilot.disclaimer": "AI 產生的內容可能不正確。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/cht/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/cht/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json index 69ae82a11b..4a6c3092d1 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/cht/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/cht/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json @@ -17,5 +17,6 @@ "path.is.not.a.directory": "路徑不是目錄: {0}", "duplicate.name": "{0} 重複。組態名稱應該是唯一的。", "multiple.paths.not.allowed": "不允許使用多個路徑。", + "multiple.paths.should.be.separate.entries": "Multiple paths should be separate entries in an array.", "paths.are.not.directories": "路徑不是目錄: {0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/cht/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/cht/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json index 57de2833ff..cc9a4e6ec5 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/cht/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/cht/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json @@ -19,5 +19,7 @@ "code.action.aborted": "無法套用程式碼分析修正,因為文件已變更。", "prerelease.message": "已可使用 C/C++ 延伸模組的發行前版本。您要切換到此版本嗎?", "yes.button": "是", - "no.button": "否" + "no.button": "否", + "copilot.hover.unavailable": "此符號無法使用 Copilot 摘要。", + "copilot.hover.error": "產生 Copilot 摘要時發生錯誤。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/cht/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/cht/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json index 80b389294f..56a529c922 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/cht/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/cht/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json @@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ "fallback_to_64_bit_mode2": "無法查詢編譯器。請回復成 64 位元 intelliSenseMode。", "fallback_to_no_bitness": "無法查詢編譯器。請回復成沒有位元。", "intellisense_client_creation_aborted": "已中止建立 IntelliSense 用戶端: {0}", - "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled ": "根據 configurationProvider 設定提供的資訊,偵測到 #include 錯誤。此編譯單位 ({0}) 的 IntelliSense 功能將由標籤剖析器提供。", - "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled ": "根據 configurationProvider 設定提供的資訊,偵測到 #include 錯誤。已停用此編譯單位 ({0}) 的波浪線。", + "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled": "根據 configurationProvider 設定提供的資訊,偵測到 #include 錯誤。此編譯單位 ({0}) 的 IntelliSense 功能將由標籤剖析器提供。", + "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled": "根據 configurationProvider 設定提供的資訊,偵測到 #include 錯誤。已停用此編譯單位 ({0}) 的波浪線。", "preprocessor_keyword": "前置處理器關鍵字", "c_keyword": "C 關鍵字", "cpp_keyword": "C++ 關鍵字", @@ -316,5 +316,6 @@ "refactor_extract_xborder_jump": "所選程式碼與周圍的程式碼之間存在跳躍。", "refactor_extract_missing_return": "在選取的程式碼中,有一些控制項路徑未設定傳回值便結束。只有純量、數值與指標傳回類型支援此作法。", "expand_selection": "展開選取範圍 (以啟用 [擷取至函式])", - "file_not_found_in_path2": "在 compile_commands.json 檔案中找不到 \"{0}\"。將對此檔案改用資料夾 '{1}' 中 c_cpp_properties.json 的 'includePath'。" + "file_not_found_in_path2": "在 compile_commands.json 檔案中找不到 \"{0}\"。將對此檔案改用資料夾 '{1}' 中 c_cpp_properties.json 的 'includePath'。", + "copilot_hover_link": "產生 Copilot 摘要" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/cht/ui/settings.html.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/cht/ui/settings.html.i18n.json index 5cea0f81db..76d0227380 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/cht/ui/settings.html.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/cht/ui/settings.html.i18n.json @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ "intellisense.mode": "IntelliSense 模式", "intellisense.mode.description": "要使用的 IntelliSense 模式 (對應到 MSVC、gcc 或 Clang 的平台及架構變體)。如果未設定或設為 {0},延伸模組會選擇該平台的預設。Windows 預設為 {1}、Linux 預設為 {2}、macOS 預設為 {3}。選取特定的 IntelliSense 模式可覆寫 {4} 模式。僅指定 {5} 變體 (例如 {6}) 的 IntelliSense 模式即為舊版模式,會依據主機平台自動轉換為 {7} 變體。", "include.path": "包含路徑", - "include.path.description": "include 路徑是包含來源檔案所含之標頭檔 (例如 {0}) 的資料夾。請為 IntelliSense 引擎指定搜尋所含標頭檔時所要使用的路徑清單。這些路徑不會重複搜尋。若要重複搜尋,請指定 {1}。例如 {2} 會搜尋所有子目錄,而 {3} 不會。若在安裝了 Visual Studio 的 Windows 上,或在 {4} 設定中指定了編譯器,就無須在此清單中列出系統的 include 路徑。", + "include.path.description": "include 路徑是包含來源檔案所含之標頭檔 (例如 {0}) 的資料夾。請為 Intellisense 引擎指定搜尋所含標頭檔時所要使用的路徑清單。這些路徑不會重複搜尋。若要重複搜尋,請指定 {1}。例如 {2} 會搜尋所有子目錄,而 {3} 不會。若在安裝了 Visual Studio 的 Windows 上,或在 {4} 設定中指定了編譯器,就無須在此清單中列出系統的 include 路徑。", "one.include.path.per.line": "每行一個包含路徑。", "defines": "定義", "defines.description": "剖析檔案時,IntelliSense 引擎要使用的前置處理器定義清單。可使用 {0} 來設定值,例如 {1}。", @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ "dot.config": "點設定", "dot.config.description": "Kconfig 系統所建立之 .config 檔案的路徑。Kconfig 系統會產生具有建置專案之所有定義的檔案。使用 Kconfig 系統的專案範例為 Linux 核心與 NuttX RTOS。", "compile.commands": "編譯命令", - "compile.commands.description": "工作區 {0} 檔案的完整路徑。系統會使用在這個檔案中找到的 include 路徑和 define,而不是為 {1} 與 {2} 設定所指定的值。如果在編譯命令資料庫中,對應到您在編輯器中開啟之檔案的編譯單位,沒有任何項目,就會出現警告訊息,而延伸模組會改為使用 {3} 和 {4} 設定。", + "compile.commands.description": "A list of paths to {0} files for the workspace. The include paths and defines discovered in these files will be used instead of the values set for {1} and {2} settings. If the compile commands database does not contain an entry for the translation unit that corresponds to the file you opened in the editor, then a warning message will appear and the extension will use the {3} and {4} settings instead.", + "one.compile.commands.path.per.line": "One compile commands path per line.", "merge.configurations": "合併設定", "merge.configurations.description": "當為 {0} (或核取) 時,合併包含路徑、定義和強制包含來自設定提供者的路徑。", "browse.path": "瀏覽: 路徑", @@ -65,4 +66,4 @@ "limit.symbols.checkbox": "若為 {0} (或已選取),標籤剖析器只會剖析 {1} 中原始程式檔直接或間接包含的程式碼檔。若為 {2} (或未選取),標籤剖析器會剖析在 {3} 清單中的指定路徑找到的所有程式碼檔。", "database.filename": "瀏覽: 資料庫檔案名稱", "database.filename.description": "產生符號資料庫路徑。這會指示延伸模組將標籤剖析器的符號資料庫儲存在工作區預設儲存位置以外的某處。如果指定了相對路徑,就會是相對於工作區預設儲存位置 (非工作區資料夾本身) 的路徑。{0} 變數可用於指定相對於工作區資料夾的路徑 (例如 {1})。" -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/cht/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/cht/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json index 65e7c2798e..38e15cd698 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/cht/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/cht/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. { - "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "使用開發人員命令提示字元重新啟動", - "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": "您正使用 Windows 電腦搭配 MSVC 編譯器,因此您必須從開發人員命令提示字元啟動 VS Code,以便正確設定所有環境變數。若要使用開發人員命令提示字元重新啟動:", - "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "在 Windows 開始功能表中輸入「開發人員」,開啟 [VS 的開發人員命令提示字元]。選取 [VS 的開發人員命令提示字元],這會自動瀏覽至您目前開啟的資料夾。", - "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "在命令提示字元中輸入 \"code\",然後按 Enter。這應該會重新啟動 VS Code,並帶您回到此逐步解說。" + "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Relaunch using the {0}", + "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " You are using a windows machine with the MSVC compiler, so you need to start VS Code from the {0} for all environment variables to be set correctly. To relaunch using the {1}:", + "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing \"{1}\" in the Windows Start menu. Select the {2}, which will automatically navigate to your current open folder.", + "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Type \"{0}\" into the command prompt and hit enter. This should relaunch VS Code and take you back to this walkthrough. " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/cht/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/cht/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json index 851509f3ac..187a7ff180 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/cht/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/cht/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json @@ -16,10 +16,8 @@ "walkthrough.windows.link.install": "安裝", "walkthrough.windows.note1": "備註", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "您可以使用 Visual Studio Build Tools 中的 C++ 工具組以及 Visual Studio Code 來編譯、組建及驗證任何 C++ 程式碼基底,只要您也擁有有效的 Visual Studio 授權 (社群版、專業版或企業版),且您正積極開發該 C++ 程式碼基底。", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "在 Windows 開始頁面功能表中鍵入「開發人員」,以開啟 {0}。", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "VS 的開發人員命令提示字元", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "在 VS 的開發人員命令提示字元中輸入 {0},即可檢查 MSVC 安裝。畫面會顯示版本的著作權訊息以及基本的使用說明。", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "備註", - "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "若要從命令列或 VS Code 使用 MSVC,您必須從 {0} 執行。一般殼層,例如 {1}、{2} 或 Windows 命令提示字元,沒有設定必要的路徑環境變數集。", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "VS 的開發人員命令提示" + "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "若要從命令列或 VS Code 使用 MSVC,您必須從 {0} 執行。一般殼層,例如 {1}、{2} 或 Windows 命令提示字元,沒有設定必要的路徑環境變數集。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/cht/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/cht/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json index 17bc7b24d1..96e7ff3215 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/cht/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/cht/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "備註", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "您可以使用 Visual Studio Build Tools 中的 C++ 工具組以及 Visual Studio Code 來編譯、組建及驗證任何 C++ 程式碼基底,只要您也擁有有效的 Visual Studio 授權 (社群版、專業版或企業版),且您正積極開發該 C++ 程式碼基底。", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "驗證編譯器安裝", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "在 Windows 開始頁面功能表中鍵入「開發人員」,以開啟 {0}。", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "VS 的開發人員命令提示字元", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "在 VS 的開發人員命令提示字元中輸入 {0},即可檢查 MSVC 安裝。畫面會顯示版本的著作權訊息以及基本的使用說明。", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "備註", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "若要從命令列或 VS Code 使用 MSVC,您必須從 {0} 執行。一般殼層,例如 {1}、{2} 或 Windows 命令提示字元,沒有設定必要的路徑環境變數集。", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "VS 的開發人員命令提示", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "其他編譯器選項", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "如果您是以 Windows 的 Linux 為目標,請查看 {0}。或者,您也可以 {1}。", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "在 VS Code 中使用 C++ 與 Windows 子系統 Linux 版 (WSL) ", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/cht/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/cht/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json index 17bc7b24d1..96e7ff3215 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/cht/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/cht/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "備註", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "您可以使用 Visual Studio Build Tools 中的 C++ 工具組以及 Visual Studio Code 來編譯、組建及驗證任何 C++ 程式碼基底,只要您也擁有有效的 Visual Studio 授權 (社群版、專業版或企業版),且您正積極開發該 C++ 程式碼基底。", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "驗證編譯器安裝", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "在 Windows 開始頁面功能表中鍵入「開發人員」,以開啟 {0}。", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "VS 的開發人員命令提示字元", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "在 VS 的開發人員命令提示字元中輸入 {0},即可檢查 MSVC 安裝。畫面會顯示版本的著作權訊息以及基本的使用說明。", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "備註", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "若要從命令列或 VS Code 使用 MSVC,您必須從 {0} 執行。一般殼層,例如 {1}、{2} 或 Windows 命令提示字元,沒有設定必要的路徑環境變數集。", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "VS 的開發人員命令提示", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "其他編譯器選項", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "如果您是以 Windows 的 Linux 為目標,請查看 {0}。或者,您也可以 {1}。", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "在 VS Code 中使用 C++ 與 Windows 子系統 Linux 版 (WSL) ", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/csy/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/csy/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json index 0ef15f8f1f..29de030ba2 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/csy/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/csy/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compilerArgs": "Argumenty kompilátoru pro úpravu použitých zahrnutí nebo definic, například `-nostdinc++`, `-m32` atd. Argumenty, které přijímají další argumenty oddělené mezerou, by se měly zadat jako samostatné argumenty v poli, například pro `--sysroot ` použijte `\"--sysroot\", \"\"`.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cStandard": "Verze standardu jazyka C, která se použije pro IntelliSense. Poznámka: Standardy GNU se používají jen k odeslání dotazu nastavenému kompilátoru, aby se získaly definice GNU. IntelliSense bude emulovat ekvivalentní verzi standardu C.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cppStandard": "Verze standardu jazyka C++, která se použije pro IntelliSense. Poznámka: Standardy GNU se používají jen k odeslání dotazu nastavenému kompilátoru, aby se získaly definice GNU. IntelliSense bude emulovat ekvivalentní verzi standardu C++.", - "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Úplná cesta k souboru `compile_commands.json` pro pracovní prostor.", + "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Full path or a list of full paths to `compile_commands.json` files for the workspace.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.includePath": "Seznam cest, které modul IntelliSense použije při hledání zahrnutých hlaviček. Hledání v těchto cestách není rekurzivní. Pokud chcete zapnout rekurzivní hledání, zadejte `**`. Například při zadání `${workspaceFolder}/**` se bude hledat ve všech podadresářích, zatímco při zadání `${workspaceFolder}` nebude. Obvykle by se neměly zahrnovat systémové vložené soubory. Místo toho nastavte `C_Cpp.default.compilerPath`.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.macFrameworkPath": "Seznam cest pro modul IntelliSense, který se použije při hledání zahrnutých hlaviček z architektur Mac. Podporuje se jen pro konfiguraci pro Mac.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.windowsSdkVersion": "Verze cesty pro vložené soubory sady Windows SDK, která se má použít ve Windows, např. `10.0.17134.0`.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/csy/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/csy/package.i18n.json index 5c4fc0d0e1..ef2a86fc4b 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/csy/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/csy/package.i18n.json @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.maxConcurrentThreads.markdownDescription": "Maximální počet souběžných vláken, která se mají použít pro zpracování služby jazyka. Hodnota je nápověda a nemusí být vždy použita. Výchozí hodnota `null` (prázdná) používá počet dostupných logických procesorů.", "c_cpp.configuration.maxCachedProcesses.markdownDescription": "Maximální počet procesů uložených v mezipaměti, které se mají použít pro zpracování služby jazyka. Výchozí hodnota `null` (prázdná) používá dvojnásobek dostupného počtu logických procesorů.", "c_cpp.configuration.maxMemory.markdownDescription": "Maximální paměť (v MB), která je k dispozici pro zpracování služby jazyka. Po překročení tohoto využití paměti bude uloženo do mezipaměti méně procesů, které budou spuštěny souběžně. Výchozí hodnota `null` (prázdná) používá volnou paměť systému.", - "c_cpp.configuration.maxSymbolSearchResults.markdownDescription": "Maximální počet výsledků, které se mají zobrazit pro možnost 'Go to Symbol in Workspace'. Výchozí hodnota je `5000`.", + "c_cpp.configuration.maxSymbolSearchResults.markdownDescription": "Maximální počet výsledků, které se mají zobrazit pro možnost 'Go to Symbol in Workspace'. Výchozí hodnota je `5 000`.", "c_cpp.configuration.intelliSense.maxCachedProcesses.markdownDescription": "Maximální počet procesů IntelliSense, které mají být nadále spuštěny. Výchozí hodnota `null` (prázdná) používá hodnotu zděděnou z `#C_Cpp.maxCachedProcesses#`.", "c_cpp.configuration.intelliSense.maxMemory.markdownDescription": "Po překročení tohoto využití paměti (v MB) se starší procesy IntelliSense vypnou před vytvořením nových procesů. Výchozí hodnota `null` (prázdná) používá hodnotu zděděnou od `#C_Cpp.maxMemory#`.", "c_cpp.configuration.references.maxConcurrentThreads.markdownDescription": "Maximální počet souběžných vláken, která se mají použít pro možnosti Najít všechny odkazy a Přejmenovat. Výchozí hodnota `null` (prázdná) používá hodnotu zděděnou od `#C_Cpp.maxConcurrentThreads#`.", @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.showClear.AllAndAllTypeAndThis.description": "Zobrazení možnosti Vymazat vše (pokud existuje více typů problémů), Vymazat všechny (pokud existuje více problémů pro ) a Vymazat tento kód", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.formatFixes.markdownDescription": "Pokud je hodnota `true`, formátování se spustí na řádcích změněných akcemi kódu 'Opravit'.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.enabled.markdownDescription": "Pokud je hodnota `true`, analýza kódu s `clang-tidy` se povolí a spustí po otevření nebo uložení souboru, pokud je `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.runAutomatically#` nastaveno na `true` (výchozí).", - "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "Úplná cesta ke spustitelnému souboru `clang-tidy`. Pokud se nespecifikuje a `clang-tidy` je k dispozici na cestě prostředí, použije se. Pokud se na cestě prostředí nenajde, použije se kopie `clang-tidy`, která se dodává spolu s rozšířením.", + "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-tidy` executable. If not specified, and `clang-tidy` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-tidy` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config.markdownDescription": "Určuje konfiguraci `clang-tidy` ve formátu YAML/JSON: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{key: x, value: y}]}`. Když je hodnota prázdná, `clang-tidy` se pokusí najít soubor s názvem `.clang-tidy` pro každý zdrojový soubor v jeho nadřazených adresářích.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.fallbackConfig.markdownDescription": "Určuje konfiguraci `clang-tidy` ve formátu YAML/JSON, která se použije jako náhradní, když není nastavená konfigurace `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config#` a nenašel se žádný soubor `.clang-tidy`: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{key: x, value: y}]}`.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.headerFilter.markdownDescription": "Rozšířený regulární výraz POSIX (ERE) odpovídající názvům záhlaví pro výstup diagnostiky. Diagnostika z hlavního souboru každé jednotky překladu se vždy zobrazí. Proměnná `${workspaceFolder}` se podporuje (a používá se jako výchozí základní hodnota, pokud neexistuje žádný soubor `.clang-tidy`). Pokud tato možnost není `null` (prázdná), přepíše možnost `HeaderFilterRegex` v souboru `.clang-tidy`, pokud existuje.", @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.oneLiners.markdownDescription": "Celý blok kódu, který se zadá na jednom řádku, zůstane na jednom řádku bez ohledu na hodnoty kteréhokoli nastavení `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.allOneLineScopes.markdownDescription": "Jakýkoli kód, ve kterém se na jednom řádku zadají levá a pravá složená závorka, zůstane na jednom řádku bez ohledu na hodnoty kteréhokoli nastavení `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.never.markdownDescription": "Bloky kódu se budou vždy formátovat podle hodnot nastavení `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", - "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "Úplná cesta ke spustitelnému souboru `clang-format`. Pokud se nespecifikuje a `clang-format` je k dispozici na cestě prostředí, použije se. Pokud se na cestě prostředí nenajde, použije se kopie `clang-format`, která se dodává spolu s rozšířením.", + "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-format` executable. If not specified, and `clang-format` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-format` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.markdownDescription": "Styl kódování, v současné době se podporuje: `Visual Studio`, `LLVM`, `Google`, `Chromium`, `Mozilla`, `WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`. Pokud chcete načíst styl ze souboru `.clang-format` v aktuálním nebo nadřazeném adresáři, použijte možnost `file` nebo použijte `file:/.clang-format` k odkázání na konkrétní cestu. Pokud chcete zadat konkrétní parametry, použijte `{klíč: hodnota, ...}`. Například styl `Visual Studio` je podobný tomuto: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.markdownDescription": "Název předdefinovaného stylu, který se použije jako záloha v případě, že se vyvolá `clang-format` se stylem `file`, ale nenajde se soubor `.clang-format`. Možné hodnoty jsou `Visual Studio`, `LLVM`, `Google`, `Chromium`, `Mozilla`, `WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`, `none`, případně můžete použít `{klíč: hodnota, ...}` a nastavit konkrétní parametry. Například styl `Visual Studio` je podobný tomuto: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_sortIncludes.markdownDescription": "Pokud se nastaví, přepíše chování řazení vložených souborů určené parametrem `SortIncludes`.", @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.markdownDescription": "Dává rozšíření pokyn, kdy se při určování, které soubory se mají přidat do databáze navigace v kódu při průchodu cestami v poli `browse.path`, má používat nastavení `#files.exclude#` (a `#C_Cpp.files.exclude#`). Pokud vaše nastavení `#files.exclude#` obsahuje jen složky, `checkFolders` je nejlepší volbou, která zvýší rychlost, jakou rozšíření může inicializovat databázi navigace v kódu.", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFolders.description": "Filtry vyloučení se vyhodnotí pro každou složku jen jednou (jednotlivé soubory se nekontrolují).", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFilesAndFolders.description": "Filtry vyloučení se vyhodnotí pro každý soubor a složku, které se vyskytnou.", - "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "Znak, který se použije jako oddělovač cest pro výsledky automatického dokončení direktiv `#include`", + "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "The character used as a path separator for generated user paths.", "c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.markdownDescription": "Když se tato možnost nastaví na `true`, popisky ovládacích prvků po najetí myší a automatické dokončování budou zobrazovat jen určité popisky strukturovaných komentářů. Jinak se budou zobrazovat všechny komentáře.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generateOnType.description": "Určuje, jestli se má po zadání zvoleného stylu komentáře automaticky vložit komentář Doxygen.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generatedStyle.description": "Řetězec znaků použitý jako počáteční řádek komentáře Doxygen.", @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.hover.description": "Pokud je tato možnost zakázaná, podrobnosti o najetí myší už nebude poskytovat jazykový server.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "Povolte integrační služby pro [správce závislostí vcpkg](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/).", "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.markdownDescription": "Pokud existují závislosti, přidejte cesty pro zahrnuté soubory z `nan` a `node-addon-api`.", + "c_cpp.configuration.copilotHover.markdownDescription": "Pokud je tato možnost `disabled`, v hoveru se nezobrazí žádné informace Copilot.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.markdownDescription": "Když se tato hodnota nastaví na `true`, operace Přejmenovat symbol bude vyžadovat platný identifikátor C/C++.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.markdownDescription": "Pokud je hodnota `true`, automatické dokončování automaticky přidá za volání funkcí znak `(`. V takovém případě se může přidat i znak `)`, což záleží na hodnotě nastavení `#editor.autoClosingBrackets#`.", "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.markdownDescription": "Nakonfigurujte vzory glob pro vyloučení složek (a souborů, pokud se změní `#C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy#`). Ty jsou specifické pro rozšíření C/C++ a doplňují `#files.exclude#`, ale na rozdíl od `#files.exclude#` platí také pro cesty mimo aktuální složku pracovního prostoru a neodebírají se ze zobrazení Průzkumníka. Přečtěte si další informace o [vzorech glob](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", @@ -425,10 +426,10 @@ "c_cpp.walkthrough.compilers.found.description": "Rozšíření C++ funguje s kompilátorem C++. Vyberte jednu z těch, které už máte na počítači, kliknutím na tlačítko níže.\n[Vybrat výchozí kompilátor](command:C_Cpp.SelectIntelliSenseConfiguration?%22walkthrough%22)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.compilers.found.altText": "Obrázek znázorňující výběr výchozího rychlého výběru kompilátoru a seznam kompilátorů nalezených na počítači uživatelů, z nichž jeden je vybraný.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.title": "Vytvoření souboru C++", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.description": "[Otevřete](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.openFile) nebo [vytvořte](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D) soubor C++. Nezapomeňte ho uložit s příponou .cpp, například „helloworld.cpp“. \n[Vytvořte soubor C++](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.description": "[Otevřete] (command:toSide:workbench.action.files.openFile) nebo [vytvořte](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D) soubor C++. Nezapomeňte ho uložit s příponou .cpp, například „helloworld.cpp“. \n[Vytvořte soubor C++](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.altText": "Otevřete soubor C++ nebo složku s projektem C++.", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Spustit z příkazového řádku vývojáře", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "Při použití kompilátoru Microsoft Visual Studio C++ vyžaduje rozšíření C++ spuštění VS Code z příkazového řádku vývojáře. Postupujte podle pokynů na pravé straně a spusťte ho znovu.\n [Znovu načíst okno](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Launch from the Developer Command Prompt for VS", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "When using the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler, the C++ extension requires you to launch VS Code from the Developer Command Prompt for VS. Follow the instructions on the right to relaunch.\r\n[Reload Window](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.title": "Spuštění a ladění souboru C++", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.mac.description": "Otevřete soubor C++ a klikněte na tlačítko přehrát v pravém horním rohu editoru nebo stiskněte klávesu F5, když jste na souboru. Pokud chcete spustit s ladicím programem, vyberte clang++ – Sestavit a ladit aktivní soubor.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.linux.description": "Otevřete soubor C++ a klikněte na tlačítko přehrát v pravém horním rohu editoru nebo stiskněte klávesu F5, když jste na souboru. Pokud chcete spustit s ladicím programem, vyberte g++ – Sestavit a ladit aktivní soubor.", @@ -449,4 +450,4 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.refactoring.includeHeader.never.description": "Nikdy nezahrnujte soubor hlaviček.", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.displayName": "Konfigurace C/C++", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.userDescription": "Konfigurace aktivního souboru C nebo C++, jako je standardní verze jazyka a cílová platforma" -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/csy/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/csy/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json index f7c472f9d7..e77c94d7d9 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/csy/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/csy/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "pre.Launch.Task": "preLaunchTask: {0}", "debugger.path.not.exists": "Nepovedlo se najít ladicí program {0}. Konfigurace ladění pro {1} se ignoruje.", "build.and.debug.active.file": "sestavit a ladit aktivní soubor", - "cl.exe.not.available": "Sestavení a ladění {0} je k dispozici jen v případě, že se nástroj VS Code spustil z nástroje Developer Command Prompt pro VS.", + "cl.exe.not.available": "{0} is only usable when VS Code is run from the {1}.", "lldb.find.failed": "Chybí závislosti {0} pro spustitelný soubor lldb-mi.", "lldb.search.paths": "Prohledáno:", "lldb.install.help": "Pokud chcete tento problém vyřešit, buď nainstalujte XCode přes obchod Apple App Store, nebo v okně terminálu spusťte {0}, aby se nainstalovaly nástroje příkazového řádku XCode.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/csy/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/csy/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c3965738d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Extension/i18n/csy/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. + *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. +{ + "generate.copilot.description": "Vygenerovat souhrn Copilotu", + "copilot.disclaimer": "Obsah vygenerovaný umělou inteligencí může být nesprávný." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/csy/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/csy/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json index 86d2122157..bff479a6e8 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/csy/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/csy/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json @@ -17,5 +17,6 @@ "path.is.not.a.directory": "Cesta není adresář: {0}", "duplicate.name": "{0} je duplicitní. Název konfigurace by měl být jedinečný.", "multiple.paths.not.allowed": "Více cest není povoleno.", + "multiple.paths.should.be.separate.entries": "Multiple paths should be separate entries in an array.", "paths.are.not.directories": "Cesty nejsou adresáře: {0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/csy/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/csy/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json index 8396eb9c42..3a1e0f127a 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/csy/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/csy/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json @@ -19,5 +19,7 @@ "code.action.aborted": "Opravu analýzy kódu nelze použít, protože dokument byl změněn.", "prerelease.message": "K dispozici je předběžná verze rozšíření C/C++. Chcete na ni přepnout?", "yes.button": "Ano", - "no.button": "Ne" + "no.button": "Ne", + "copilot.hover.unavailable": "Souhrn Copilot není pro tento symbol k dispozici.", + "copilot.hover.error": "Při generování souhrnu Copilotu došlo k chybě." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/csy/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/csy/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json index 1dc2749586..458c05b87f 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/csy/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/csy/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json @@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ "fallback_to_64_bit_mode2": "Nepovedlo se poslat dotaz na kompilátor. Probíhá návrat k 64bitovému režimu intelliSenseMode.", "fallback_to_no_bitness": "Nepovedlo se poslat dotaz na kompilátor. Probíhá návrat k režimu bez bitové verze.", "intellisense_client_creation_aborted": "Vytváření klienta IntelliSense se přerušilo: {0}", - "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled ": "Na základě informací z nastavení configurationProvider se zjistily chyby direktivy #include. Funkce IntelliSense pro tuto jednotku překladu ({0}) bude poskytovat Tag Parser.", - "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled ": "Na základě informací z nastavení configurationProvider se zjistily chyby direktivy #include. Pro tuto jednotku překladu ({0}) se zakázaly vlnovky.", + "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled": "Na základě informací z nastavení configurationProvider se zjistily chyby direktivy #include. Funkce IntelliSense pro tuto jednotku překladu ({0}) bude poskytovat Tag Parser.", + "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled": "Na základě informací z nastavení configurationProvider se zjistily chyby direktivy #include. Pro tuto jednotku překladu ({0}) se zakázaly vlnovky.", "preprocessor_keyword": "klíčové slovo preprocesoru", "c_keyword": "Klíčové slovo jazyka C", "cpp_keyword": "Klíčové slovo jazyka C++", @@ -316,5 +316,6 @@ "refactor_extract_xborder_jump": "Přecházení mezi vybraným kódem a okolním kódem jsou k dispozici.", "refactor_extract_missing_return": "Ve vybraném kódu se některé cesty ovládacího prvku ukončují bez nastavení návratové hodnoty. To se podporuje jenom u skalárních, numerických a ukazovacích návratových typů.", "expand_selection": "Rozbalit výběr (pro povolení možnosti Extrahovat do funkce)", - "file_not_found_in_path2": "\"{0}\" not found in compile_commands.json files. 'includePath' from c_cpp_properties.json in folder '{1}' will be used for this file instead." + "file_not_found_in_path2": "V souborech compile_commands.json se nepovedlo najít {0}. Pro tento soubor se místo toho použije includePath ze souboru c_cpp_properties.json ve složce {1}.", + "copilot_hover_link": "Vygenerovat souhrn Copilotu" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/csy/ui/settings.html.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/csy/ui/settings.html.i18n.json index 95b595df8e..be9e1607aa 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/csy/ui/settings.html.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/csy/ui/settings.html.i18n.json @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ "dot.config": "Konfigurace tečky", "dot.config.description": "Cesta k souboru .config vytvořenému systémem Kconfig. Systém Kconfig vygeneruje soubor se všemi definicemi pro sestavení projektu. Příkladem projektů, které používají systém Kconfig, jsou Linux Kernel a NuttX RTOS.", "compile.commands": "Příkazy kompilace", - "compile.commands.description": "Úplná cesta k souboru {0} pro pracovní prostor. Cesty pro vložené soubory a direktivy define v tomto souboru se použijí namísto hodnot nastavených pro nastavení {1} a {2}. Pokud databáze příkazů pro kompilaci neobsahuje položku pro jednotku překladu, která odpovídá souboru otevřenému v editoru, zobrazí se zpráva upozornění a rozšíření místo toho použije nastavení {3} a {4}.", + "compile.commands.description": "A list of paths to {0} files for the workspace. The include paths and defines discovered in these files will be used instead of the values set for {1} and {2} settings. If the compile commands database does not contain an entry for the translation unit that corresponds to the file you opened in the editor, then a warning message will appear and the extension will use the {3} and {4} settings instead.", + "one.compile.commands.path.per.line": "One compile commands path per line.", "merge.configurations": "Sloučit konfigurace", "merge.configurations.description": "Pokud je tato možnost {0} (nebo zaškrtnutá), sloučí cesty k zahrnutým souborům, direktivy define a vynucená zahrnutí s těmi od poskytovatele konfigurace.", "browse.path": "Procházení: cesta", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/csy/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/csy/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json index f1dc14fc6b..38e15cd698 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/csy/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/csy/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. { - "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Opětovné spuštění pomocí příkazového řádku pro vývojáře", - "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " Používáte počítač s Windows s kompilátorem MVSC, takže musíte spustit VS Code z příkazového řádku vývojáře, aby se všechny proměnné prostředí správně nastavily. Opětovné spuštění pomocí příkazového řádku vývojáře:", - "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Otevřete Developer Command Prompt pro VS zadáním \"developer\" v nabídka Start Windows. Vyberte Developer Command Prompt pro VS, který automaticky přejde do aktuální otevřené složky.", - "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Do příkazového řádku zadejte „code“ a stiskněte Enter. Mělo by se znovu spustit VS Code a vrátit se k tomuto názorném postupu. " + "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Relaunch using the {0}", + "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " You are using a windows machine with the MSVC compiler, so you need to start VS Code from the {0} for all environment variables to be set correctly. To relaunch using the {1}:", + "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing \"{1}\" in the Windows Start menu. Select the {2}, which will automatically navigate to your current open folder.", + "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Type \"{0}\" into the command prompt and hit enter. This should relaunch VS Code and take you back to this walkthrough. " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/csy/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/csy/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json index 1ab43c76b6..41ebbdb790 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/csy/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/csy/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json @@ -16,10 +16,8 @@ "walkthrough.windows.link.install": "Nainstalovat", "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Poznámka", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Můžete použít sadu nástrojů C++ z Visual Studio Build Tools spolu s Visual Studio Code ke kompilaci, sestavení a ověření jakékoli kódové báze C++, pokud máte také platnou licenci Visual Studio (buď Community, Pro nebo Enterprise), kterou aktivně používáte k vývoji kódové báze C++.", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Otevřete {0} zadáním příkazu „developer“ do nabídky Start systému Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Developer Command Prompt for VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "MSVC instalaci zkontrolujte tak, že zadáte {0} do Developer Command Prompt for VS. Měla by se zobrazit zpráva o autorských právech v popisu verze a základního použití.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Poznámka", - "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Pokud chcete použít MSVC z příkazového řádku nebo VS Code, musíte spouštět z {0}. Běžné prostředí, jako je {1}, {2} nebo příkazový řádek Windows, nemá nastavenou nezbytnou proměnnou prostředí cesty.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Developer Command Prompt for VS" -} + "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Pokud chcete použít MSVC z příkazového řádku nebo VS Code, musíte spouštět z {0}. Běžné prostředí, jako je {1}, {2} nebo příkazový řádek Windows, nemá nastavenou nezbytnou proměnnou prostředí cesty." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/csy/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/csy/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json index 8e1973951e..5a8063f3e0 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/csy/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/csy/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json @@ -10,14 +10,12 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Poznámka", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Můžete použít sadu nástrojů C++ z Visual Studio Build Tools spolu s Visual Studio Code ke kompilaci, sestavení a ověření jakékoli kódové báze C++, pokud máte také platnou licenci Visual Studio (buď Community, Pro nebo Enterprise), kterou aktivně používáte k vývoji kódové báze C++.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "Ověřování instalace kompilátoru", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Otevřete {0} zadáním příkazu „developer“ do nabídky Start systému Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Developer Command Prompt for VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "MSVC instalaci zkontrolujte tak, že zadáte {0} do Developer Command Prompt for VS. Měla by se zobrazit zpráva o autorských právech v popisu verze a základního použití.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Poznámka", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Pokud chcete použít MSVC z příkazového řádku nebo VS Code, musíte spouštět z {0}. Běžné prostředí, jako je {1}, {2} nebo příkazový řádek Windows, nemá nastavenou nezbytnou proměnnou prostředí cesty.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Developer Command Prompt for VS", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "Další možnosti kompilátoru", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Pokud cílíte na Linux z Windows, podívejte se na {0}. Nebo můžete {1}.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "Použití C++ a subsystému Windows pro Linux (WSL) ve VS Code", "walkthrough.windows.link.title2": "instalovat GCC na Windows pomocí MinGW" -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/csy/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/csy/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json index 8e1973951e..5a8063f3e0 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/csy/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/csy/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json @@ -10,14 +10,12 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Poznámka", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Můžete použít sadu nástrojů C++ z Visual Studio Build Tools spolu s Visual Studio Code ke kompilaci, sestavení a ověření jakékoli kódové báze C++, pokud máte také platnou licenci Visual Studio (buď Community, Pro nebo Enterprise), kterou aktivně používáte k vývoji kódové báze C++.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "Ověřování instalace kompilátoru", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Otevřete {0} zadáním příkazu „developer“ do nabídky Start systému Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Developer Command Prompt for VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "MSVC instalaci zkontrolujte tak, že zadáte {0} do Developer Command Prompt for VS. Měla by se zobrazit zpráva o autorských právech v popisu verze a základního použití.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Poznámka", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Pokud chcete použít MSVC z příkazového řádku nebo VS Code, musíte spouštět z {0}. Běžné prostředí, jako je {1}, {2} nebo příkazový řádek Windows, nemá nastavenou nezbytnou proměnnou prostředí cesty.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Developer Command Prompt for VS", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "Další možnosti kompilátoru", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Pokud cílíte na Linux z Windows, podívejte se na {0}. Nebo můžete {1}.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "Použití C++ a subsystému Windows pro Linux (WSL) ve VS Code", "walkthrough.windows.link.title2": "instalovat GCC na Windows pomocí MinGW" -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/deu/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/deu/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json index 03f6cf1191..3003fd8855 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/deu/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/deu/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compilerArgs": "Compilerargumente zum Ändern der verwendeten Include- oder Define-Anweisungen, z. B.: `-nostdinc++`, `-m32` usw. Argumente, die zusätzliche durch Leerzeichen getrennte Argumente enthalten, sollten als separate Argumente in das Array eingegeben werden, z. B. für `--sysroot ` `\"--sysroot\", \"\"` verwenden.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cStandard": "Version des C-Sprachstandards, die für IntelliSense verwendet werden soll. Hinweis: GNU-Standards werden nur zum Abfragen des festgelegten Compilers zum Abrufen von GNU-Definitionen verwendet, und IntelliSense emuliert die äquivalente Version des C-Standards.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cppStandard": "Version des C++-Sprachstandards, die für IntelliSense verwendet werden soll. Hinweis: GNU-Standards werden nur zum Abfragen des festgelegten Compilers zum Abrufen von GNU-Definitionen verwendet, und IntelliSense emuliert die äquivalente Version des C++-Standards.", - "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Vollständiger Pfad zur Datei `compile_commands.json` für den Arbeitsbereich.", + "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Full path or a list of full paths to `compile_commands.json` files for the workspace.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.includePath": "Eine Liste mit Pfaden, die das IntelliSense-Modul bei der Suche nach eingeschlossenen Headern verwenden soll. Die Suche in diesen Pfaden ist nicht rekursiv. Geben Sie `**` an, um eine rekursive Suche durchzuführen. Beispiel: `${workspaceFolder}/**` durchsucht alle Unterverzeichnisse, `${workspaceFolder}` hingegen nicht. In der Regel sollte dies keine System-Includes enthalten; legen Sie stattdessen `C_Cpp.default.compilerPath` fest.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.macFrameworkPath": "Eine Liste von Pfaden für die IntelliSense-Engine, die bei der Suche nach eingeschlossenen Headern aus Mac-Frameworks verwendet werden sollen. Wird nur für die Mac-Konfiguration unterstützt.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.windowsSdkVersion": "Die Version des Windows SDK-Includepfads für die Verwendung unter Windows, z. B. `10.0.17134.0`.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/deu/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/deu/package.i18n.json index 48a34c6259..707dad9d12 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/deu/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/deu/package.i18n.json @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.showClear.AllAndAllTypeAndThis.description": "Zeigen Sie die Codeaktionen „Alle löschen“ (wenn mehrere Problemtypen vorhanden sind), „Alle löschen“ (wenn mehrere Probleme für den vorhanden sind) und „Diese löschen“ an.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.formatFixes.markdownDescription": "Bei `true` wird die Formatierung in den Zeilen ausgeführt, die durch Codeaktionen vom Typ 'Korrigieren' geändert wurden.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.enabled.markdownDescription": "Bei `true` wird die Codeanalyse mit `clang-tidy` aktiviert und nach dem Öffnen oder Speichern einer Datei ausgeführt, wenn `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.runAutomatically#` auf `true` festgelegt ist (Standardeinstellung).", - "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "Der vollständige Pfad der ausführbaren Datei `clang-tidy`. Wenn nicht angegeben, ist `clang-tidy` im verwendeten Umgebungspfad verfügbar. Wenn der Umgebungspfad nicht gefunden wird, wird die `clang-tidy` verwendet, die mit der Erweiterung gebündelt ist.", + "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-tidy` executable. If not specified, and `clang-tidy` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-tidy` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config.markdownDescription": "Gibt eine `clang-tidy`-Konfiguration im YAML-/JSON-Format an: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{Schlüssel: x, Wert: y}]}`. Wenn der Wert leer ist, versucht `clang-tidy`, eine Datei namens `.clang-tidy` für jede Quelldatei in den übergeordneten Verzeichnissen zu finden.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.fallbackConfig.markdownDescription": "Gibt eine `clang-tidy`-Konfiguration im YAML-/JSON-Format an, die als Fallback verwendet werden soll, wenn `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config#` nicht festgelegt ist und keine `.clang-tidy`-Datei gefunden wird: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{Schlüssel: x, Wert: y}]}`.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.headerFilter.markdownDescription": "Ein erweiterter regulärer POSIX-Ausdruck (Extended Regular Expression/ERE), der dem Namen der Header entspricht, aus denen die Diagnose ausgegeben werden soll. Diagnosen aus der Hauptdatei jeder Übersetzungseinheit werden immer angezeigt. Die Variable `${workspaceFolder}` wird unterstützt (und als standardmäßiger Fallbackwert benutzt, wenn keine `.clang-tidy`-Datei vorhanden ist). Wenn diese Option nicht `null` (leer) ist, überschreibt sie die Option `HeaderFilterRegex` in einer `.clang-tidy`-Datei, sofern vorhanden.", @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.oneLiners.markdownDescription": "Ein vollständiger Codeblock, der in einer Zeile eingegeben wird, wird unabhängig von den Werten der Einstellungen für `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*` in einer Zeile beibehalten.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.allOneLineScopes.markdownDescription": "Jeder Code, in dem die öffnende und schließende geschweifte Klammer in einer Zeile eingegeben wird, wird unabhängig von den Werten der Einstellungen für `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*` in einer Zeile beibehalten.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.never.markdownDescription": "Codeblöcke werden immer basierend auf den Werten der Einstellungen `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*` formatiert.", - "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "Der vollständige Pfad der ausführbaren `clang-format`-Datei. Wenn dieser nicht angegeben wird und `clang-format` im verwendeten Umgebungspfad verfügbar ist. Wenn sie nicht im Umgebungspfad gefunden wird, wird die mit der Erweiterung gebündelte `clang-format`-Datei verwendet.", + "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-format` executable. If not specified, and `clang-format` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-format` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.markdownDescription": "Codierungsformat, unterstützt derzeit:`Visual Studio`, `LLVM`, `Google`, `Chromium`, `Mozilla`, `WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`. Verwenden Sie `file`, um das Format aus einer `.clang-format`-Datei im aktuellen oder übergeordneten Verzeichnis zu laden, oder verwenden Sie `file:/.clang-format`, um auf einen speziellen Pfad zu verweisen. Verwenden Sie `{Schlüssel: Wert, ...}`, um bestimmte Parameter festzulegen. Beispielsweise ähnelt das Format `Visual Studio`: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.markdownDescription": "Name des vordefinierten Formats, das als Fallback verwendet wird, falls `clang-format` mit dem Format `file` aufgerufen wird, aber die `.clang-format`-Datei nicht gefunden wird. Mögliche Werte sind `Visual Studio`, `LLVM`, `Google`, `Chromium`, `Mozilla`, `WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`, `none`, oder verwenden Sie `{Schlüssel: Wert, ...}`, um bestimmte Parameter festzulegen. Beispielsweise ähnelt das Format `Visual Studio`: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_sortIncludes.markdownDescription": "Wenn diese Option festgelegt ist, wird das durch den Parameter `SortIncludes` festgelegte Sortierverhalten für Includes überschrieben.", @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.markdownDescription": "Instruiert die Erweiterung, wann die Einstellung `#files.exclude#` (und `#C_Cpp.files.exclude#`) verwendet werden soll, wenn bestimmt wird, welche Dateien der Codenavigationsdatenbank beim Durchlaufen der Pfade im Array `browse.path` hinzugefügt werden sollen. Wenn Ihre Einstellung `#files.exclude#` nur Ordner enthält, ist `checkFolders` die beste Wahl und erhöht die Geschwindigkeit, mit der die Erweiterung die Codenavigationsdatenbank initialisieren kann.", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFolders.description": "Die Ausschlussfilter werden nur einmal pro Ordner ausgewertet (einzelne Dateien werden nicht kontrolliert).", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFilesAndFolders.description": "Die Ausschlussfilter werden für jede gefundene Datei und jeden gefundenen Ordner ausgewertet.", - "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "Das Zeichen, das als Pfadtrennzeichen für die Ergebnisse der automatischen Vervollständigung `#include` verwendet wird.", + "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "The character used as a path separator for generated user paths.", "c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.markdownDescription": "Wenn `true` festgelegt ist, zeigen die QuickInfos für Draufzeigen und AutoVervollständigen nur bestimmte Bezeichnungen strukturierter Kommentare an. Andernfalls werden alle Kommentare angezeigt.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generateOnType.description": "Steuert, ob der Doxygenkommentar nach Eingabe des ausgewählten Kommentarstils automatisch eingefügt wird.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generatedStyle.description": "Die Zeichenfolge von Zeichen, die als Startzeile des Doxygen-Kommentars verwendet wird.", @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.hover.description": "Wenn diese Option deaktiviert ist, werden die Hoverdetails nicht mehr vom Sprachserver bereitgestellt.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "Hiermit aktivieren Sie Integrationsdienste für den [vcpkg-Abhängigkeitsmanager](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/).", "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.markdownDescription": "Fügen Sie Includepfade aus `nan` und `node-addon-api` hinzu, wenn es sich um Abhängigkeiten handelt.", + "c_cpp.configuration.copilotHover.markdownDescription": "Wenn `disabled` festgelegt ist, werden beim Daraufzeigen mit der Maus keine Copilot-Informationen angezeigt.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.markdownDescription": "Wenn `true` festgelegt ist, erfordert 'Symbol umbenennen' einen gültigen C/C++-Bezeichner.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.markdownDescription": "Wenn `true` festgelegt ist, fügt AutoVervollständigen automatisch `(` nach Funktionsaufrufen hinzu. In diesem Fall kann auch `)` in Abhängigkeit vom Wert der Einstellung `#editor.autoClosingBrackets#` hinzugefügt werden.", "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.markdownDescription": "Konfigurieren Sie Globmuster zum Ausschließen von Ordnern (und Dateien, wenn `#C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy#` geändert wird). Diese sind spezifisch für die C/C++-Erweiterung und gelten zusätzlich zu `#files.exclude#`, aber im Gegensatz zu `#files.exclude#` gelten sie auch für Pfade außerhalb des aktuellen Arbeitsbereichsordners und werden nicht aus der Explorer-Ansicht entfernt. Weitere Informationen zu [Globmustern](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", @@ -425,10 +426,10 @@ "c_cpp.walkthrough.compilers.found.description": "Die C++-Erweiterung funktioniert mit einem C++-Compiler. Wählen Sie eines der bereits auf Ihrem Computer Vorhandenen aus, indem Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten klicken.\n[Select my Default Compiler](command:C_Cpp.SelectIntelliSenseConfiguration?%22walkthrough%22)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.compilers.found.altText": "Abbildung, das die Auswahl eines standardmäßigen Compilerschnellauswahl und die Liste der Compiler auf dem Benutzercomputer anzeigt, von denen einer ausgewählt ist.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.title": "C++-Datei erstellen", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.description": "[Open](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.openFile) oder [create](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D) eine C++-Datei. Speichern Sie die Datei unbedingt mit der Erweiterung \".cpp\", z. B. \"helloworld.cpp\". \n[C++-Datei erstellen](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.description": "[Open](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.openFile) oder [create](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D) eine C++-Datei. Speichern Sie die Datei unbedingt mit der Erweiterung \".cpp\", z. B. \"helloworld.cpp\". \n[C++-Datei erstellen] (command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.altText": "Öffnen Sie eine C++-Datei oder einen Ordner mit einem C++-Projekt.", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Starten über die Developer-Eingabeaufforderung", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "Wenn Sie den Microsoft Visual Studio C++-Compiler verwenden, erfordert die C++-Erweiterung, dass Sie VS Code über die Entwicklereingabeaufforderung starten. Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen auf der rechten Seite, um den Neustart zu starten.\n[Reload Window](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Launch from the Developer Command Prompt for VS", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "When using the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler, the C++ extension requires you to launch VS Code from the Developer Command Prompt for VS. Follow the instructions on the right to relaunch.\r\n[Reload Window](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.title": "Ausführen und Debuggen Ihrer C++-Datei", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.mac.description": "Öffnen Sie Ihre C++-Datei, und klicken Sie in der oberen rechten Ecke des Editors auf die Wiedergabeschaltfläche, oder drücken Sie F5, wenn Sie die Datei verwenden. Wählen Sie \"clang++ – Aktive Datei erstellen und debuggen\" aus, die mit dem Debugger ausgeführt werden soll.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.linux.description": "Öffnen Sie Ihre C++-Datei, und klicken Sie in der oberen rechten Ecke des Editors auf die Wiedergabeschaltfläche, oder drücken Sie F5, wenn Sie die Datei verwenden. Wählen Sie \"g++ – Aktive Datei erstellen und debuggen\" aus, die mit dem Debugger ausgeführt werden soll.", @@ -449,4 +450,4 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.refactoring.includeHeader.never.description": "Hiermit wird die Headerdatei nie eingeschlossen.", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.displayName": "C/C++-Konfiguration", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.userDescription": "Konfiguration der aktiven C- oder C++-Datei, z. B. Sprachstandardversion und Zielplattform." -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/deu/src/Debugger/ParsedEnvironmentFile.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/deu/src/Debugger/ParsedEnvironmentFile.i18n.json index adb3284ac3..1eada0e5d2 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/deu/src/Debugger/ParsedEnvironmentFile.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/deu/src/Debugger/ParsedEnvironmentFile.i18n.json @@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. { - "ignoring.lines.in.envfile": "Nicht analysierbare Zeilen in {0} {1} werden ignoriert: " -} + "ignoring.lines.in.envfile": "Nicht analysierbare Zeilen in {0} {1}werden ignoriert: " +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/deu/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/deu/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json index 378628c608..2ffc85934d 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/deu/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/deu/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "pre.Launch.Task": "preLaunchTask: {0}", "debugger.path.not.exists": "Der {0}-Debugger wurde nicht gefunden. Die Debugkonfiguration für {1} wird ignoriert.", "build.and.debug.active.file": "Aktive Datei erstellen und debuggen", - "cl.exe.not.available": "{0}-Build und -Debuggen können nur verwendet werden, wenn VS Code von der Developer-Eingabeaufforderung für VS ausgeführt wird.", + "cl.exe.not.available": "{0} is only usable when VS Code is run from the {1}.", "lldb.find.failed": "Fehlende Abhängigkeit \"{0}\" für ausführbare LLDB-MI-Datei.", "lldb.search.paths": "Gesucht in:", "lldb.install.help": "Um dieses Problem zu beheben, installieren Sie entweder XCode über den Apple App Store, oder installieren Sie die XCode-Befehlszeilentools, indem Sie \"{0}\" in einem Terminalfenster ausführen.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/deu/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/deu/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..85857d5841 --- /dev/null +++ b/Extension/i18n/deu/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. + *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. +{ + "generate.copilot.description": "Copilot-Zusammenfassung generieren", + "copilot.disclaimer": "KI-generierte Inhalte können falsch sein." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/deu/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/deu/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json index 5887699ce2..060700dcdd 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/deu/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/deu/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json @@ -17,5 +17,6 @@ "path.is.not.a.directory": "Der Pfad ist kein Verzeichnis: {0}", "duplicate.name": "\"{0}\" ist ein Duplikat. Der Konfigurationsname muss eindeutig sein.", "multiple.paths.not.allowed": "Mehrere Pfade sind nicht zulässig.", + "multiple.paths.should.be.separate.entries": "Multiple paths should be separate entries in an array.", "paths.are.not.directories": "Pfade sind keine Verzeichnisse: {0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/deu/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/deu/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json index 158b5119ab..1392b2a3bd 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/deu/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/deu/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json @@ -19,5 +19,7 @@ "code.action.aborted": "Der Codeanalysepatch konnte nicht angewendet werden, da sich das Dokument geändert hat.", "prerelease.message": "Eine Vorabversion der C/C++-Erweiterung ist verfügbar. Möchten Sie zu ihr wechseln?", "yes.button": "Ja", - "no.button": "Nein" + "no.button": "Nein", + "copilot.hover.unavailable": "Die Copilot-Zusammenfassung ist für dieses Symbol nicht verfügbar.", + "copilot.hover.error": "Fehler beim Generieren der Copilot-Zusammenfassung." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/deu/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/deu/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json index 059e84451f..a8e1d314ba 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/deu/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/deu/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json @@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ "fallback_to_64_bit_mode2": "Fehler beim Abfragen des Compilers. Es wird ein Fallback auf den 64-Bit-intelliSenseMode durchgeführt.", "fallback_to_no_bitness": "Fehler beim Abfragen des Compilers. Es wird ein Fallback auf keine Bitanzahl durchgeführt.", "intellisense_client_creation_aborted": "IntelliSense-Clienterstellung abgebrochen: {0}", - "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled ": "Basierend auf den von der configurationProvider-Einstellung bereitgestellten Informationen wurden #include-Fehler festgestellt. IntelliSense-Features für diese Übersetzungseinheit ({0}) werden vom Tagparser bereitgestellt.", - "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled ": "Basierend auf den von der configurationProvider-Einstellung bereitgestellten Informationen wurden #include-Fehler festgestellt. Wellenlinien sind für diese Übersetzungseinheit deaktiviert ({0}).", + "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled": "Basierend auf den von der configurationProvider-Einstellung bereitgestellten Informationen wurden #include-Fehler festgestellt. IntelliSense-Features für diese Übersetzungseinheit ({0}) werden vom Tagparser bereitgestellt.", + "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled": "Basierend auf den von der configurationProvider-Einstellung bereitgestellten Informationen wurden #include-Fehler festgestellt. Wellenlinien sind für diese Übersetzungseinheit deaktiviert ({0}).", "preprocessor_keyword": "Präprozessor-Schlüsselwort", "c_keyword": "C-Schlüsselwort", "cpp_keyword": "C++-Schlüsselwort", @@ -316,5 +316,6 @@ "refactor_extract_xborder_jump": "Es sind Sprünge zwischen dem ausgewählten und dem umgebenden Code vorhanden.", "refactor_extract_missing_return": "Im ausgewählten Code werden einige Steuerungspfade beendet, ohne den Rückgabewert festzulegen. Dies wird nur für skalare, numerische und Zeigerrückgabetypen unterstützt.", "expand_selection": "Auswahl erweitern (um „In Funktion extrahieren“ zu aktivieren)", - "file_not_found_in_path2": "„{0}“ wurde in compile_commands.json-Dateien nicht gefunden. Stattdessen wird „includePath“ aus „c_cpp_properties.json“ im Ordner „{1}“ für diese Datei verwendet." + "file_not_found_in_path2": "„{0}“ wurde in compile_commands.json-Dateien nicht gefunden. Stattdessen wird „includePath“ aus „c_cpp_properties.json“ im Ordner „{1}“ für diese Datei verwendet.", + "copilot_hover_link": "Copilot-Zusammenfassung generieren" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/deu/ui/settings.html.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/deu/ui/settings.html.i18n.json index e0ea7a68f6..ecfd7a015b 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/deu/ui/settings.html.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/deu/ui/settings.html.i18n.json @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ "dot.config": "„dotConfig“", "dot.config.description": "Ein Pfad zu einer „.config“-Datei, die vom „Kconfig“-System erstellt wurde. Das „Kconfig“-System generiert eine Datei mit allen Definitionen zum Erstellen eines Projekts. Beispiele für Projekte, die das „Kconfig“-System verwenden, sind Linux-Kernel und NuttX-RTOS.", "compile.commands": "Kompilierungsbefehle", - "compile.commands.description": "Der vollständige Pfad zur {0}-Datei für den Arbeitsbereich. Die in dieser Datei ermittelten Includepfade und Define-Anweisungen werden anstelle der für die Einstellungen \"{1}\" und \"{2}\" festgelegten Werte verwendet. Wenn die Datenbank für Kompilierungsbefehle keinen Eintrag für die Übersetzungseinheit enthält, die der im Editor geöffneten Datei entspricht, wird eine Warnmeldung angezeigt, und die Erweiterung verwendet stattdessen die Einstellungen \"{3}\" und \"{4}\".", + "compile.commands.description": "A list of paths to {0} files for the workspace. The include paths and defines discovered in these files will be used instead of the values set for {1} and {2} settings. If the compile commands database does not contain an entry for the translation unit that corresponds to the file you opened in the editor, then a warning message will appear and the extension will use the {3} and {4} settings instead.", + "one.compile.commands.path.per.line": "One compile commands path per line.", "merge.configurations": "Konfigurationen zusammenführen", "merge.configurations.description": "Wenn {0} (oder aktiviert) ist, schließen Sie Includepfade, Definitionen und erzwungene Includes mit denen eines Konfigurationsanbieters zusammen.", "browse.path": "Durchsuchen: Pfad", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/deu/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/deu/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json index ced93729d1..38e15cd698 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/deu/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/deu/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. { - "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Neustart mithilfe der Developer-Eingabeaufforderung", - "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " Sie verwenden einen Windows-Computer mit dem MSVC-Compiler. Sie müssen daher VS Code über die Entwicklereingabeaufforderung starten, damit alle Umgebungsvariablen ordnungsgemäß festgelegt werden. So starten Sie mithilfe der Entwicklereingabeaufforderung neu:", - "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Öffnen Sie die Developer-Eingabeaufforderung für VS, indem Sie im Windows Startmenü \"developer\" eingeben. Wählen Sie die Developer-Eingabeaufforderung für VS aus, die automatisch zu Ihrem aktuellen geöffneten Ordner navigiert.", - "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Geben Sie \"code\" in die Eingabeaufforderung ein, und drücken Sie die EINGABETASTE. Dies sollte VS Code neu starten und Sie zu dieser exemplarischen Vorgehensweise zurückkehren. " + "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Relaunch using the {0}", + "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " You are using a windows machine with the MSVC compiler, so you need to start VS Code from the {0} for all environment variables to be set correctly. To relaunch using the {1}:", + "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing \"{1}\" in the Windows Start menu. Select the {2}, which will automatically navigate to your current open folder.", + "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Type \"{0}\" into the command prompt and hit enter. This should relaunch VS Code and take you back to this walkthrough. " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/deu/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/deu/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json index 5c6cd1e9d3..f9d22594ce 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/deu/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/deu/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json @@ -16,10 +16,8 @@ "walkthrough.windows.link.install": "Installieren", "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Hinweis", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Sie können das C++-Toolset aus Visual Studio Build Tools zusammen mit Visual Studio Code zum Kompilieren, Erstellen und Überprüfen von C++-Codebasis verwenden, sofern Sie auch über eine gültige Visual Studio-Lizenz (Community, Pro oder Enterprise) verfügen, die Sie aktiv zum Entwickeln dieser C++-Codebasis verwenden.", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Öffnen Sie die {0}, indem Sie im Windows-Startmenü \"Developer\" eingeben.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Developer-Eingabeaufforderung für VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Überprüfen Sie die MSVC-Installation, indem Sie {0} in die Developer-Eingabeaufforderung für VS eingeben. Es sollten ein Copyrighthinweis mit der Version und der grundlegenden Nutzungsbeschreibung angezeigt werden.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Hinweis", - "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Um MSVC mithilfe der Befehlszeile oder mit VS Code zu verwenden, müssen Sie von einem {0} aus ausführen. Für eine normale Shell wie {1}, {2} oder die Windows-Eingabeaufforderung sind die erforderlichen PATH-Umgebungsvariablen nicht festgelegt.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Developer-Eingabeaufforderung für VS" + "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Um MSVC mithilfe der Befehlszeile oder mit VS Code zu verwenden, müssen Sie von einem {0} aus ausführen. Für eine normale Shell wie {1}, {2} oder die Windows-Eingabeaufforderung sind die erforderlichen PATH-Umgebungsvariablen nicht festgelegt." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/deu/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/deu/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json index 83641b2766..aeea5cf474 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/deu/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/deu/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Hinweis", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Sie können das C++-Toolset aus Visual Studio Build Tools zusammen mit Visual Studio Code zum Kompilieren, Erstellen und Überprüfen von C++-Codebasis verwenden, sofern Sie auch über eine gültige Visual Studio-Lizenz (Community, Pro oder Enterprise) verfügen, die Sie aktiv zum Entwickeln dieser C++-Codebasis verwenden.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "Überprüfen der Compilerinstallation", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Öffnen Sie die {0}, indem Sie im Windows-Startmenü \"Developer\" eingeben.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Developer-Eingabeaufforderung für VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Überprüfen Sie die MSVC-Installation, indem Sie {0} in die Developer-Eingabeaufforderung für VS eingeben. Es sollten ein Copyrighthinweis mit der Version und der grundlegenden Nutzungsbeschreibung angezeigt werden.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Hinweis", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Um MSVC mithilfe der Befehlszeile oder mit VS Code zu verwenden, müssen Sie von einem {0} aus ausführen. Für eine normale Shell wie {1}, {2} oder die Windows-Eingabeaufforderung sind die erforderlichen PATH-Umgebungsvariablen nicht festgelegt.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Developer-Eingabeaufforderung für VS", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "Andere Compileroptionen", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Wenn Sie Linux aus Windows verwenden, lesen Sie {0}. Oder Sie können {1}.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "Verwenden von C++ und Windows-Subsystem für Linux (WSL) in VS Code", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/deu/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/deu/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json index 83641b2766..aeea5cf474 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/deu/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/deu/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Hinweis", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Sie können das C++-Toolset aus Visual Studio Build Tools zusammen mit Visual Studio Code zum Kompilieren, Erstellen und Überprüfen von C++-Codebasis verwenden, sofern Sie auch über eine gültige Visual Studio-Lizenz (Community, Pro oder Enterprise) verfügen, die Sie aktiv zum Entwickeln dieser C++-Codebasis verwenden.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "Überprüfen der Compilerinstallation", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Öffnen Sie die {0}, indem Sie im Windows-Startmenü \"Developer\" eingeben.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Developer-Eingabeaufforderung für VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Überprüfen Sie die MSVC-Installation, indem Sie {0} in die Developer-Eingabeaufforderung für VS eingeben. Es sollten ein Copyrighthinweis mit der Version und der grundlegenden Nutzungsbeschreibung angezeigt werden.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Hinweis", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Um MSVC mithilfe der Befehlszeile oder mit VS Code zu verwenden, müssen Sie von einem {0} aus ausführen. Für eine normale Shell wie {1}, {2} oder die Windows-Eingabeaufforderung sind die erforderlichen PATH-Umgebungsvariablen nicht festgelegt.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Developer-Eingabeaufforderung für VS", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "Andere Compileroptionen", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Wenn Sie Linux aus Windows verwenden, lesen Sie {0}. Oder Sie können {1}.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "Verwenden von C++ und Windows-Subsystem für Linux (WSL) in VS Code", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/esn/Reinstalling the Extension.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/esn/Reinstalling the Extension.md.i18n.json index 0cebc625c5..a67cbf55b1 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/esn/Reinstalling the Extension.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/esn/Reinstalling the Extension.md.i18n.json @@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ "reinstall.extension.text5": "En Windows:", "reinstall.extension.text6": "En Linux:", "reinstall.extension.text7": "A continuación, reinstale mediante la interfaz de usuario de Marketplace en VS Code.", - "reinstall.extension.text8": "Si VS Code no puede implementar la versión correcta de la extensión, el VSIX correcto para el sistema se puede {0} e instalar mediante la opción 'Instalar desde VSIX...', en el menú '...' en la interfaz de usuario de Marketplace en VS Code.", + "reinstall.extension.text8": "Si VS Code no puede implementar la versión correcta de la extensión, el VSIX correcto para el sistema se puede {0} e instalar mediante la opción 'Instalar desde VSIX...', en el menú '..' en la interfaz de usuario de Marketplace en VS Code.", "download.vsix.link.title": "descargado del sitio web del Marketplace VS Code" -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/esn/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/esn/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json index 93d0a6b0df..2b48a2c31c 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/esn/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/esn/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compilerArgs": "Argumentos del compilador para modificar las inclusiones o definiciones usadas, por ejemplo, `-nostdinc++`, `-m32`, etc. Los argumentos que toman argumentos adicionales delimitados por espacios deben especificarse como argumentos independientes en la matriz; por ejemplo, para `--sysroot ` use `\"--sysroot\", \"\"`.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cStandard": "Versión del estándar del lenguaje C que se va a usar para IntelliSense. Nota: Los estándares GNU solo se usan para consultar el compilador de conjuntos a fin de obtener definiciones GNU e IntelliSense emulará la versión del estándar C equivalente.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cppStandard": "Versión del estándar del lenguaje C++ que se va a usar para IntelliSense. Nota: Los estándares GNU solo se usan para consultar el compilador de conjuntos a fin de obtener definiciones GNU e IntelliSense emulará la versión del estándar C++ equivalente.", - "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Ruta de acceso completa al archivo `compile_commands.json` del área de trabajo.", + "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Full path or a list of full paths to `compile_commands.json` files for the workspace.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.includePath": "Lista de rutas de acceso que el motor de IntelliSense debe usar al buscar los encabezados incluidos. La búsqueda en estas rutas de acceso no es recursiva. Especifique `**` para indicar una búsqueda recursiva. Por ejemplo, `${workspaceFolder}/**` buscará en todos los subdirectorios, mientras que `${workspaceFolder}` no lo hará. Normalmente, esto no debería incluir las inclusiones del sistema. Si desea que lo haga, establezca `C_Cpp.default.compilerPath`.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.macFrameworkPath": "Lista de rutas de acceso que el motor de IntelliSense necesita usar para buscar los encabezados incluidos de las plataformas Mac. Solo se admite en configuraciones para Mac.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.windowsSdkVersion": "Versión de la ruta de acceso de inclusión de Windows SDK que debe usarse en Windows; por ejemplo, `10.0.17134.0`.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/esn/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/esn/package.i18n.json index 8ba3441e3d..caf1c9c779 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/esn/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/esn/package.i18n.json @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.showClear.AllAndAllTypeAndThis.description": "Mostrar las acciones de código 'Borrar todo' (si hay varios tipos de problema), 'Borrar todos los ' (si hay varios problemas para el ) y 'Borrar este'", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.formatFixes.markdownDescription": "Si es `true`, el formato se ejecutará en las líneas modificadas por las acciones de código \"Corregir\".", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.enabled.markdownDescription": "Si es `true`, el análisis de código que usa `clang-tidy` se habilitará y se ejecutará automáticamente si `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.runAutomatically#` es `true` (valor predeterminado).", - "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "Ruta de acceso completa del archivo ejecutable de `clang-tidy`. Si no se especifica y `clang-tidy` está disponible en la ruta de acceso del entorno, se usará este. Si no se encuentra en la ruta de acceso del entorno, se usará el `clang-tidy` incluido con la extensión.", + "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-tidy` executable. If not specified, and `clang-tidy` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-tidy` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config.markdownDescription": "Especifica una configuración `clang-tidy` en formato YAML/JSON: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{clave: x, valor: y}]}`. Cuando el valor está vacío, `clang-tidy` intentará encontrar un archivo denominado `.clang-tidy` para cada archivo de origen en sus directorios primarios.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.fallbackConfig.markdownDescription": "Especifica una configuración `clang-tidy` en formato YAML/JSON que se usará como reserva cuando no se establezca `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config#` y no se encuentre ningún archivo `.clang-tidy`: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{clave: x, valor: y}]}`.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.headerFilter.markdownDescription": "Expresión regular extendida (ERE) POSIX que coincide con los nombres de los encabezados de los que se van a generar diagnósticos. Siempre se muestran los diagnósticos del archivo principal de cada unidad de traducción. Se admite la variable `${workspaceFolder}` (y se usa como valor de reserva predeterminado si no existe ningún archivo `.clang-tidy`). Si esta opción no es `null` (vacía), invalida la opción `HeaderFilterRegex` en un archivo `.clang-tidy`, si existe.", @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.oneLiners.markdownDescription": "Un bloque de código completo que se escribe en una línea se mantiene en una línea, independientemente de los valores de la configuración `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.allOneLineScopes.markdownDescription": "Cualquier código en el que la llave de apertura y de cierre se escriba en una línea se mantiene en una sola línea, independientemente de cualquiera de los valores de configuración de `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.never.markdownDescription": "Los bloques de código siempre tienen formato basado en los valores de la configuración `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", - "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "Ruta de acceso completa del archivo ejecutable de `clang-format`. Si no se especifica y `clang-format` está disponible en la ruta de acceso del entorno, se usará este. Si no se encuentra en la ruta de acceso del entorno, se usará el `clang-format` incluido con la extensión.", + "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-format` executable. If not specified, and `clang-format` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-format` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.markdownDescription": "Estilo de codificación. Actualmente, admite: `Visual Studio`, `LLVM`, `Google`, `Chromium`, `Mozilla`, `WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`. Use `file` para cargar el estilo de un archivo `.clang-format` en el directorio actual o primario, o use `file:/.clang-format` para hacer referencia a una ruta de acceso específica. Use `{clave: valor, ...}` para establecer parámetros específicos. Por ejemplo, el estilo de `Visual Studio` es similar a: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.markdownDescription": "Nombre del estilo predefinido que se usa como elemento fallback en el caso de que se invoque a `clang-format` con el estilo `file` y no se encuentre el archivo `.clang-format`. Los valores posibles son `Visual Studio`, `LLVM`, `Google`, `Chromium`, `Mozilla`, `WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`, `none` o usar `{clave: valor, ...}` para establecer parámetros específicos. Por ejemplo, el estilo `Visual Studio` es similar a: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_sortIncludes.markdownDescription": "Si se establece, invalida el comportamiento de ordenación de inclusiones que determina el parámetro `SortIncludes`.", @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.markdownDescription": "Indica a la extensión cuándo usar la configuración `#files.exclude#` (y `#C_Cpp.files.exclude#`) al determinar qué archivos se deben agregar a la base de datos de navegación de código mientras se recorren las rutas de acceso de la matriz `browse.path`. Si la configuración `#files.exclude#` solo contiene carpetas, entonces `checkFolders` es la mejor opción y aumentará la velocidad con la que la extensión puede inicializar la base de datos de navegación de código.", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFolders.description": "Los filtros de exclusión solo se evaluarán una vez por carpeta (no se comprueban los archivos individuales).", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFilesAndFolders.description": "Los filtros de exclusión se evaluarán con cada archivo y carpeta encontrados.", - "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "Carácter usado como separador de ruta de acceso para los resultados de finalización automática de instrucciones `#include`.", + "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "The character used as a path separator for generated user paths.", "c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.markdownDescription": "Si es `true`, la información sobre herramientas al mantener el puntero y autocompletar solo mostrará ciertas etiquetas de comentarios estructurados. De lo contrario, se muestran todos los comentarios.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generateOnType.description": "Controla si se va a insertar automáticamente el comentario de Doxygen después de escribir el estilo de comentario elegido.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generatedStyle.description": "La cadena de caracteres utilizada como línea de inicio del comentario de Doxygen.", @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.hover.description": "Si se deshabilita, el servidor de lenguaje ya no proporciona detalles al mantener el puntero.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "Habilita los servicios de integración para el [administrador de dependencias de vcpkgs](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/).", "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.markdownDescription": "Agrega rutas de acceso de inclusión de `nan` y `node-addon-api` cuando sean dependencias.", + "c_cpp.configuration.copilotHover.markdownDescription": "Si está `deshabilitado`, no aparecerá información de Copilot al mantener el puntero.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.markdownDescription": "Si es `true`, 'Cambiar nombre de símbolo' requerirá un identificador de C/C++ válido.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.markdownDescription": "Si es `true`, la opción de autocompletar agregará `(` de forma automática después de las llamadas a funciones, en cuyo caso puede que también se agregue `)`, en función del valor de la configuración de `editor.autoClosingBrackets`.", "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.markdownDescription": "Configure patrones globales para excluir carpetas (y archivos si se cambia `#C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy#`). Son específicos de la extensión de C/C++ y se agregan a `#files.exclude#`, pero a diferencia de `#files.exclude#`, también se aplican a las rutas de acceso fuera de la carpeta del área de trabajo actual y no se quitan de la vista del Explorador. Obtenga información sobre [patrones globales](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", @@ -420,15 +421,15 @@ "c_cpp.walkthrough.description": "Sumérgete en la enriquecida experiencia de desarrollo de C++ de VS Code.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.set.up.title": "Configurar el entorno de C++", "c_cpp.walkthrough.activating.description": "Activando la extensión de C++ para determinar si se ha configurado el entorno de C++.\nActivando extensión...", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.no.compilers.windows.description": "No pudimos encontrar un compilador de C++ en el equipo, que es necesario para usar la extensión de C++. Siga las instrucciones de la derecha para instalar una y, a continuación, haga clic en “Buscar mi nuevo compilador”.\n[Buscar mi nuevo compilador](command:C_Cpp.RescanCompilers?%22walkthrough%22)", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.no.compilers.description": "No pudimos encontrar un compilador de C++ en el equipo, que es necesario para usar la extensión de C++. Seleccione “Instalar un compilador de C++” para tener un compilador instalado automáticamente o siga las instrucciones de la derecha para instalar uno y, a continuación, haga clic en “Buscar mi nuevo compilador”.\n[Instalar un compilador de C++](command:C_Cpp.InstallCompiler?%22walkthrough%22)\n[Buscar mi nuevo compilador](command:C_Cpp.RescanCompilers?%22walkthrough%22)", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.compilers.found.description": "La extensión de C++ funciona con un compilador de C++. Seleccione una de las que ya están en el equipo haciendo clic en el botón siguiente.\n[Seleccionar mi compilador predeterminado](command:C_Cpp.SelectIntelliSenseConfiguration?%22walkthrough%22)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.no.compilers.windows.description": "No pudimos encontrar un compilador de C++ en el equipo, que es necesario para usar la extensión de C++. Siga las instrucciones de la derecha para instalar una y, a continuación, haga clic en “Buscar mi nuevo compilador”.\n[Buscar mi nuevo compilador](comando:C_Cpp.RescanCompilers?%22walkthrough%22)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.no.compilers.description": "No pudimos encontrar un compilador de C++ en el equipo, que es necesario para usar la extensión de C++. Seleccione “Instalar un compilador de C++” para tener un compilador instalado automáticamente o siga las instrucciones de la derecha para instalar uno y, a continuación, haga clic en “Buscar mi nuevo compilador”.\n[Instalar un compilador de C++](comando:C_Cpp.InstallCompiler?%22walkthrough%22)\n[Buscar mi nuevo compilador](comando:C_Cpp.RescanCompilers?%22walkthrough%22)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.compilers.found.description": "La extensión de C++ funciona con un compilador de C++. Seleccione una de las que ya están en el equipo haciendo clic en el botón siguiente.\n[Seleccionar mi compilador predeterminado](comando:C_Cpp.SelectIntelliSenseConfiguration?%22walkthrough%22)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.compilers.found.altText": "Imagen que muestra la selección de una selección rápida predeterminada del compilador y la lista de compiladores encontrados en el equipo de los usuarios, uno de los cuales está seleccionado.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.title": "Crear un archivo de C++", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.description": "[Abrir](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.openFile) o [crear](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D) un archivo de C++. Asegúrese de guardarlo con la extensión \".cpp\", como \"helloworld.cpp\". \n[Crear un archivo de C++](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.altText": "Abre un archivo de C++ o una carpeta con un proyecto de C++.", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Volver a iniciar desde el símbolo del sistema del desarrollador", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "Al usar el compilador de Microsoft Visual Studio C++, la extensión de C++ requiere que inicies VS Code desde el símbolo del sistema del desarrollador. Sigue las instrucciones de la derecha para volver a iniciar.\n[Volver a cargar ventana](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Launch from the Developer Command Prompt for VS", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "When using the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler, the C++ extension requires you to launch VS Code from the Developer Command Prompt for VS. Follow the instructions on the right to relaunch.\r\n[Reload Window](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.title": "Ejecución y depuración del archivo de C++", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.mac.description": "Abre el archivo de C++ y haz clic en el botón reproducir de la esquina superior derecha del editor o presiona F5 cuando estés en el archivo. Selecciona \"clang++ - Compilar y depurar archivo activo\" para ejecutarlo con el depurador.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.linux.description": "Abre el archivo de C++ y haz clic en el botón reproducir de la esquina superior derecha del editor o presiona F5 cuando estés en el archivo. Selecciona \"g++ - Compilar y depurar archivo activo\" para ejecutarlo con el depurador.", @@ -449,4 +450,4 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.refactoring.includeHeader.never.description": "Nunca incluya el archivo de encabezado.", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.displayName": "Configuración de C/C++", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.userDescription": "Configuración del archivo activo de C o C++, como la versión estándar del lenguaje y la plataforma de destino." -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/esn/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/esn/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json index 2069ef23ea..733342767c 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/esn/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/esn/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "pre.Launch.Task": "preLaunchTask: {0}", "debugger.path.not.exists": "No se encuentra el depurador {0}. Se ha omitido la configuración de depuración de {1}.", "build.and.debug.active.file": "Compilar y depurar el archivo activo", - "cl.exe.not.available": "La compilación y depuración de {0} solo se puede usar cuando VS Code se ejecuta desde el Símbolo del sistema para desarrolladores de Visual Studio.", + "cl.exe.not.available": "{0} is only usable when VS Code is run from the {1}.", "lldb.find.failed": "Falta la dependencia \"{0}\" para el ejecutable lldb-mi.", "lldb.search.paths": "Buscado en:", "lldb.install.help": "Para resolver este problema, instale XCode mediante App Store de Apple o instale las herramientas de línea de comandos de XCode ejecutando \"{0}\" en una ventana de terminal.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/esn/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/esn/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fe8590759b --- /dev/null +++ b/Extension/i18n/esn/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. + *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. +{ + "generate.copilot.description": "Generar resumen de Copilot", + "copilot.disclaimer": "El contenido generado por inteligencia artificial puede ser incorrecto." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/esn/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/esn/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json index 2280d2d031..1b5ba310ca 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/esn/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/esn/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json @@ -17,5 +17,6 @@ "path.is.not.a.directory": "La ruta de acceso no es un directorio: {0}", "duplicate.name": "{0} es un duplicado. El nombre de la configuración debe ser único.", "multiple.paths.not.allowed": "No se permiten varias rutas de acceso.", + "multiple.paths.should.be.separate.entries": "Multiple paths should be separate entries in an array.", "paths.are.not.directories": "Las rutas de acceso no son directorios: {0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/esn/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/esn/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json index a275bdca84..5debc68170 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/esn/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/esn/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json @@ -19,5 +19,7 @@ "code.action.aborted": "No se pudo aplicar la corrección de análisis de código porque el documento ha cambiado.", "prerelease.message": "Hay disponible una versión preliminar de la extensión de C/C++. ¿Desea cambiar a ella?", "yes.button": "Sí", - "no.button": "No" + "no.button": "No", + "copilot.hover.unavailable": "El resumen de Copilot no está disponible para este símbolo.", + "copilot.hover.error": "Error al generar el resumen de Copilot." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/esn/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/esn/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json index 401ca51517..b7ce01d840 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/esn/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/esn/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json @@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ "fallback_to_64_bit_mode2": "No se pudo consultar el compilador. Revirtiendo a intelliSenseMode de 64 bits.", "fallback_to_no_bitness": "No se pudo consultar el compilador. Revirtiendo para no establecer ningún valor de bits.", "intellisense_client_creation_aborted": "Se anuló la creación del cliente de IntelliSense: {0}", - "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled ": "Se han detectado errores de #include basados en la información proporcionada por configurationProvider. El analizador de etiquetas proporcionará las características de IntelliSense para esta unidad de traducción ({0}).", - "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled ": "Se han detectado errores de #include basados en la información proporcionada por configurationProvider. El subrayado ondulado está deshabilitado para esta unidad de traducción ({0}).", + "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled": "Se han detectado errores de #include basados en la información proporcionada por configurationProvider. El analizador de etiquetas proporcionará las características de IntelliSense para esta unidad de traducción ({0}).", + "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled": "Se han detectado errores de #include basados en la información proporcionada por configurationProvider. El subrayado ondulado está deshabilitado para esta unidad de traducción ({0}).", "preprocessor_keyword": "palabra clave del preprocesador", "c_keyword": "Palabra clave de C", "cpp_keyword": "Palabra clave de C++", @@ -316,5 +316,6 @@ "refactor_extract_xborder_jump": "Hay saltos entre el código seleccionado y el código que lo rodea.", "refactor_extract_missing_return": "En el código seleccionado, algunas rutas de control salen sin establecer el valor devuelto. Esto se admite solo para tipos de valor devuelto escalar, numérico y puntero.", "expand_selection": "Expandir selección (para habilitar 'Extraer a función')", - "file_not_found_in_path2": "\"{0}\" no se encuentra en compile_commands.json archivos. ''includePath'' de c_cpp_properties.json de la carpeta ''{1}'' se usará en su lugar para este archivo." + "file_not_found_in_path2": "\"{0}\" no se encuentra en compile_commands.json archivos. ''includePath'' de c_cpp_properties.json de la carpeta ''{1}'' se usará en su lugar para este archivo.", + "copilot_hover_link": "Generar resumen de Copilot" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/esn/ui/settings.html.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/esn/ui/settings.html.i18n.json index 176cb3cab6..334257fa2b 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/esn/ui/settings.html.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/esn/ui/settings.html.i18n.json @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ "dot.config": "Dot Config", "dot.config.description": "Ruta de acceso a un archivo .config creado por el sistema Kconfig. El sistema Kconfig genera un archivo con todas las definiciones para compilar un proyecto. Algunos ejemplos de proyectos que usan el sistema Kconfig son Kernel Linux y NuttX RTOS.", "compile.commands": "Comandos de compilación", - "compile.commands.description": "Ruta de acceso completa al archivo {0} del área de trabajo. Se usarán las definiciones y rutas de acceso de inclusión detectadas en el archivo, en lugar de los valores establecidos para las opciones {1} y {2}. Si la base de datos de comandos de compilación no contiene una entrada para la unidad de traducción que se corresponda con el archivo que ha abierto en el editor, se mostrará un mensaje de advertencia y la extensión usará las opciones {3} y {4} en su lugar.", + "compile.commands.description": "A list of paths to {0} files for the workspace. The include paths and defines discovered in these files will be used instead of the values set for {1} and {2} settings. If the compile commands database does not contain an entry for the translation unit that corresponds to the file you opened in the editor, then a warning message will appear and the extension will use the {3} and {4} settings instead.", + "one.compile.commands.path.per.line": "One compile commands path per line.", "merge.configurations": "Combinar configuraciones", "merge.configurations.description": "Cuando {0} (o activado), la combinación incluye rutas de acceso, define e incluye forzadas con las de un proveedor de configuración.", "browse.path": "Examinar: ruta de acceso", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/esn/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/esn/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json index dcdef6b4f7..38e15cd698 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/esn/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/esn/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. { - "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Volver a iniciar con el símbolo del sistema del desarrollador", - "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " Estás usando una máquina Windows con el compilador de MSVC, por lo que debes iniciar VS Code desde el símbolo del sistema del desarrollador para que todas las variables de entorno se establezcan correctamente. Para reiniciar con el símbolo del sistema del desarrollador:", - "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Para abrir el Símbolo del sistema para desarrolladores para VS, escribe \"desarrollador\" en el menú Inicio de Windows. Selecciona el Símbolo del sistema para desarrolladores para VS, que irá automáticamente a la carpeta abierta actual.", - "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Escribe \"code\" en el símbolo del sistema y presiona Entrar. Esto debería reiniciar VS Code y hacerte volver a este tutorial. " + "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Relaunch using the {0}", + "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " You are using a windows machine with the MSVC compiler, so you need to start VS Code from the {0} for all environment variables to be set correctly. To relaunch using the {1}:", + "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing \"{1}\" in the Windows Start menu. Select the {2}, which will automatically navigate to your current open folder.", + "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Type \"{0}\" into the command prompt and hit enter. This should relaunch VS Code and take you back to this walkthrough. " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/esn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/esn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json index ade495068d..851ec383dd 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/esn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/esn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json @@ -16,10 +16,8 @@ "walkthrough.windows.link.install": "Instalar", "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Nota", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Puede usar el conjunto de herramientas de C++ de Visual Studio Build Tools junto con Visual Studio Code para compilar y comprobar cualquier código base de C++, siempre que también tenga una licencia de Visual Studio válida (Community, Pro o Enterprise) que esté usando de manera activa para desarrollar ese código base de C++.", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Abra el {0} al escribir \"developer\" en el menú Inicio de Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Símbolo del sistema para desarrolladores para VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Compruebe la instalación de MSVC escribiendo {0} en el Símbolo del sistema para desarrolladores para VS. Debería ver un mensaje de copyright con la versión y la descripción de uso básica.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Nota", - "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Para usar MSVC desde la línea de comandos o VS Code, debe ejecutar desde un {0}. Un shell normal como {1}, {2}, o el símbolo del sistema de Windows no tiene establecidas las variables de entorno de ruta de acceso necesarias.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Símbolo del sistema para desarrolladores para VS" + "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Para usar MSVC desde la línea de comandos o VS Code, debe ejecutar desde un {0}. Un shell normal como {1}, {2}, o el símbolo del sistema de Windows no tiene establecidas las variables de entorno de ruta de acceso necesarias." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/esn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/esn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json index 9268c8f1f7..454ec5c0e2 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/esn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/esn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Nota", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Puede usar el conjunto de herramientas de C++ de Visual Studio Build Tools junto con Visual Studio Code para compilar y comprobar cualquier código base de C++, siempre que también tenga una licencia de Visual Studio válida (Community, Pro o Enterprise) que esté usando de manera activa para desarrollar ese código base de C++.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "Comprobación de la instalación del compilador", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Abra el {0} al escribir \"developer\" en el menú Inicio de Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Símbolo del sistema para desarrolladores para VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Compruebe la instalación de MSVC escribiendo {0} en el Símbolo del sistema para desarrolladores para VS. Debería ver un mensaje de copyright con la versión y la descripción de uso básica.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Nota", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Para usar MSVC desde la línea de comandos o VS Code, debe ejecutar desde un {0}. Un shell normal como {1}, {2}, o el símbolo del sistema de Windows no tiene establecidas las variables de entorno de ruta de acceso necesarias.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Símbolo del sistema para desarrolladores para VS", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "Otras opciones del compilador", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Si su objetivo es Linux desde Windows, consulte {0}. O bien, consulte {1}.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "Uso de C++ y Subsistema de Windows para Linux (WSL) en VS Code", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/esn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/esn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json index 9268c8f1f7..454ec5c0e2 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/esn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/esn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Nota", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Puede usar el conjunto de herramientas de C++ de Visual Studio Build Tools junto con Visual Studio Code para compilar y comprobar cualquier código base de C++, siempre que también tenga una licencia de Visual Studio válida (Community, Pro o Enterprise) que esté usando de manera activa para desarrollar ese código base de C++.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "Comprobación de la instalación del compilador", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Abra el {0} al escribir \"developer\" en el menú Inicio de Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Símbolo del sistema para desarrolladores para VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Compruebe la instalación de MSVC escribiendo {0} en el Símbolo del sistema para desarrolladores para VS. Debería ver un mensaje de copyright con la versión y la descripción de uso básica.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Nota", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Para usar MSVC desde la línea de comandos o VS Code, debe ejecutar desde un {0}. Un shell normal como {1}, {2}, o el símbolo del sistema de Windows no tiene establecidas las variables de entorno de ruta de acceso necesarias.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Símbolo del sistema para desarrolladores para VS", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "Otras opciones del compilador", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Si su objetivo es Linux desde Windows, consulte {0}. O bien, consulte {1}.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "Uso de C++ y Subsistema de Windows para Linux (WSL) en VS Code", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/fra/Reinstalling the Extension.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/fra/Reinstalling the Extension.md.i18n.json index e44fd740df..d891ef0ac4 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/fra/Reinstalling the Extension.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/fra/Reinstalling the Extension.md.i18n.json @@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ "reinstall.extension.text5": "Sur Windows :", "reinstall.extension.text6": "Sur Linux :", "reinstall.extension.text7": "Réinstallez ensuite via l’interface utilisateur de la Place de marché dans VS Code.", - "reinstall.extension.text8": "Si la version correcte de l’extension ne peut pas être déployée par VS Code, le VSIX approprié pour votre système peut être {0} et installé à l’aide de l’option 'Installer à partir de VSIX...' sous le menu '...' de l’interface utilisateur de la Place de marché dans VS Code.", + "reinstall.extension.text8": "Si la version correcte de l’extension ne peut pas être déployée par VS Code, le VSIX approprié pour votre système peut être {0} et installé à l’aide de l’option 'Installer à partir de VSIX'...' sous le menu '...' de l’interface utilisateur de la Place de marché dans VS Code.", "download.vsix.link.title": "téléchargé à partir du site web de la place de marché VS Code" -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/fra/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/fra/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json index 9069cfc162..a3967a7a2b 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/fra/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/fra/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compilerArgs": "Arguments du compilateur pour modifier les include ou defines utilisés, par exemple `-nostdinc++`, `-m32`, etc. Les arguments qui acceptent des arguments supplémentaires délimités par des espaces doivent être entrés en tant qu’arguments distincts dans le tableau, par exemple pour `--sysroot ` use `\"--sysroot\", \"\"`.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cStandard": "Version de la norme de langage C à utiliser pour IntelliSense. Remarque : Les normes GNU sont utilisées uniquement pour interroger le compilateur défini afin d'obtenir les définitions GNU. IntelliSense émule la version C normalisée équivalente.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cppStandard": "Version de la norme de langage C++ à utiliser pour IntelliSense. Remarque : Les normes GNU sont utilisées uniquement pour interroger le compilateur défini afin d'obtenir les définitions GNU. IntelliSense émule la version C++ normalisée équivalente.", - "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Chemin complet du fichier `compile_commands.json` pour l'espace de travail.", + "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Full path or a list of full paths to `compile_commands.json` files for the workspace.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.includePath": "Liste des chemins d’accès à utiliser par le moteur IntelliSense lors de la recherche d’en-têtes inclus. La recherche sur ces chemins d’accès n’est pas récursive. Spécifiez `**` pour indiquer une recherche récursive. Par exemple, `${workspaceFolder}/**` effectue une recherche dans tous les sous-répertoires, contrairement à `${workspaceFolder}`. En règle générale, cela ne doit pas inclure les éléments système ; au lieu de cela, définissez `C_Cpp.default.compilerPath`.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.macFrameworkPath": "Liste de chemins que le moteur IntelliSense doit utiliser pour la recherche des en-têtes inclus dans les frameworks Mac. Prise en charge uniquement sur la configuration Mac.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.windowsSdkVersion": "Version du chemin d'inclusion du SDK Windows à utiliser sur Windows, par ex., `10.0.17134.0`.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/fra/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/fra/package.i18n.json index 2e83f529cf..4d04c2c302 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/fra/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/fra/package.i18n.json @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.showClear.AllAndAllTypeAndThis.description": "Afficher l’option « Effacer tout » (s’il existe plusieurs types de problèmes), « Effacer tous les » (s’il existe plusieurs problèmes pour le ) et les actions de code « Effacer ceci »", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.formatFixes.markdownDescription": "Si la valeur est `true`, la mise en forme est exécutée sur les lignes modifiées par les actions de code 'Corriger'.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.enabled.markdownDescription": "Si la valeur est `true`, l’analyse du code à l’aide de `clang-tidy` est activée et s’exécute après l’ouverture ou l’enregistrement d’un fichier si `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.runAutomatically#` a la valeur `true` (valeur par défaut).", - "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "Le chemin complet de l'exécutable `clang-tidy`. S'il n'est pas spécifié, et que `clang-tidy` est disponible dans le chemin de l'environnement, il sera utilisé. S'il n'est pas trouvé dans le chemin de l'environnement, le `clang-tidy` fourni avec l'extension sera utilisé.", + "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-tidy` executable. If not specified, and `clang-tidy` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-tidy` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config.markdownDescription": "Spécifie une configuration `clang-tidy` au format YAML/JSON : `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{clé : x, valeur : y}]}`. Quand la valeur est vide, `clang-tidy` tente de trouver un fichier nommé `.clang-tidy` pour chaque fichier source dans ses répertoires parents.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.fallbackConfig.markdownDescription": "Spécifie une configuration `clang-tidy` au format YAML/JSON à utiliser comme secours quand `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config#` n’est pas défini et qu’aucun fichier `.clang-tidy` n’est trouvé : `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{clé : x, valeur : y}]}`.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.headerFilter.markdownDescription": "Expression régulière étendue POSIX (ERE) correspondant aux noms des en-têtes à partir des diagnostics de sortie. Les diagnostics du fichier principal de chaque unité de traduction sont toujours affichés. La variable `${workspaceFolder}` est prise en charge (et est utilisée comme valeur de secours par défaut si aucun fichier `.clang-tidy` n’existe). Si cette option n’est pas `null` (vide), elle remplace l’option `HeaderFilterRegex` dans un fichier `.clang-tidy`, le cas échéant.", @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.oneLiners.markdownDescription": "Un bloc de code complet qui est entré sur une ligne est maintenu sur une ligne, quelles que soient les valeurs des paramètres `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.allOneLineScopes.markdownDescription": "Tout code où les accolades ouvrantes et fermantes sont saisies sur une ligne est maintenu sur une ligne, quelles que soient les valeurs des paramètres `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.never.markdownDescription": "Les blocs de code sont toujours mis en forme en fonction des valeurs des paramètres `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", - "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "Le chemin complet de l'exécutable `clang-format`. S'il n'est pas spécifié, et que `clang-format` est disponible dans le chemin de l'environnement, il est utilisé. S'il n'est pas trouvé dans le chemin de l'environnement, le `clang-format` fourni avec l'extension sera utilisé.", + "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-format` executable. If not specified, and `clang-format` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-format` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.markdownDescription": "Le style de codage prend actuellement en charge : `Visual Studio`, `LLVM`, `Google`, `Chromium`, `Mozilla`, `WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`. Utilisez `file` pour charger le style à partir d’un fichier `.clang-format` dans le répertoire actuel ou parent, ou utilisez `file:/.clang-format`pour référencer un chemin d'accès spécifique. Utiliser `{clé : valeur, ...}` pour définir des paramètres spécifiques. Par exemple, le style `Visual Studio` est similaire à : `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.markdownDescription": "Nom du style prédéfini utilisé comme secours dans le cas où `clang-format` est appelé avec le style `file`, mais le fichier `.clang-format` est introuvable. Les valeurs possibles sont `Visual Studio`, `LLVM`, `Google`, `Chromium`, `Mozilla`, `WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`, `none` ou utilisez `{clé : valeur, ...}` pour définir des paramètres spécifiques. Par exemple, le style `Visual Studio` est similaire à : `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_sortIncludes.markdownDescription": "S’il est défini, remplace le comportement de tri Include déterminé par le paramètre `SortIncludes`.", @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseEngine.default.description": "Fournit des résultats contextuels via un processus IntelliSense distinct.", "c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseEngine.tagParser.description": "Fournit des résultats « flous » qui ne sont pas compatibles avec le contexte.", "c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseEngine.disabled.description": "Désactive les fonctionnalités du service de langage C/C++.", - "c_cpp.configuration.autocomplete.markdownDescription": "Contrôle le fournisseur de la saisie semi-automatique. Si `disabled` et que vous souhaitez une complétion basée sur les mots, vous devrez également définir `\"[cpp]\": {\"editor.wordBasedSuggestions\": }` (et de même pour `c` et `cuda-cpp` langues).", + "c_cpp.configuration.autocomplete.markdownDescription": "Contrôle le fournisseur de la saisie semi-automatique. Si `désactivé` et que vous souhaitez une complétion basée sur les mots, vous devrez également définir `\"[cpp]\": {\"editor.wordBasedSuggestions\": }` (et de même pour `c` et `cuda-cpp` langues).", "c_cpp.configuration.autocomplete.default.description": "Utilise le moteur IntelliSense actif.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocomplete.disabled.description": "Utilise la saisie semi-automatique basée sur le mot fournie par Visual Studio Code.", "c_cpp.configuration.errorSquiggles.description": "Contrôle si les erreurs de compilation suspectes détectées par le moteur IntelliSense seront rapportées à l'éditeur. Il contrôle également si les avertissements d'analyse de code sont signalés si les includes ne peuvent pas être trouvés. Ce paramètre est ignoré par le moteur Tag Parser.", @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.markdownDescription": "Indique à l’extension quand utiliser le paramètre `#files.exclude#` (et `#C_Cpp.files.exclude#`) lors de la détermination des fichiers qui doivent être ajoutés à la base de données de navigation du code tout en parcourant les chemins d’accès dans le tableau `browse.path`. Si votre paramètre `#files.exclude#` contient uniquement des dossiers, `checkFolders` est le meilleur choix et augmente la vitesse à laquelle l’extension peut initialiser la base de données de navigation du code.", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFolders.description": "Les filtres d’exclusion ne seront évalués qu’une seule fois par dossier (les fichiers individuels ne sont pas vérifiés).", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFilesAndFolders.description": "Les filtres d'exclusion seront évalués pour chaque fichier et dossier rencontré.", - "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "Caractère utilisé comme séparateur de chemin dans les résultats d'autocomplétion de `#include`.", + "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "The character used as a path separator for generated user paths.", "c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.markdownDescription": "Si la valeur est `true`, les info-bulles de pointage et d'autocomplétion affichent uniquement certaines étiquettes de commentaires structurés. Sinon, tous les commentaires sont affichés.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generateOnType.description": "Contrôle s’il faut insérer automatiquement le commentaire Doxygen après avoir tapé le style de commentaire choisi.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generatedStyle.description": "Chaîne de caractères utilisée comme ligne de départ du commentaire Doxygen.", @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.hover.description": "Si cette option est désactivée, les détails du pointage ne sont plus fournis par le serveur de langage.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "Activez les services d'intégration pour le [gestionnaire de dépendances vcpkg](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/).", "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.markdownDescription": "Ajouter les chemins d'inclusion de `nan` et `node-addon-api` quand ils sont des dépendances.", + "c_cpp.configuration.copilotHover.markdownDescription": "Si l’option est `disabled`, aucune information Copilot n’apparaîtra dans Hover.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.markdownDescription": "Si `true`, 'Renommer le symbole' exigera un identifiant C/C++ valide.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.markdownDescription": "Si la valeur est `true`, l'autocomplétion ajoute automatiquement `(` après les appels de fonction. Dans ce cas `)` peut également être ajouté, en fonction de la valeur du paramètre `#editor.autoClosingBrackets#`.", "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.markdownDescription": "Configurer les modèles globaux pour exclure les dossiers (et les fichiers si `#C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy#` est modifié). Ils sont spécifiques à l’extension C/C++ et s’ajoutent à `#files.exclude#`, mais contrairement à `#files.exclude#`, ils s’appliquent également aux chemins en dehors du dossier de l’espace de travail actuel et ne sont pas supprimés de la vue de l’explorateur. En savoir plus sur les [motifs globaux](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", @@ -420,15 +421,15 @@ "c_cpp.walkthrough.description": "Permet de découvrir la riche expérience de développement C++ de VS Code.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.set.up.title": "Configurer votre environnement C++", "c_cpp.walkthrough.activating.description": "Activation de l’extension C++ pour déterminer si votre environnement C++ a été configuré.\nActivation de l’extension...", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.no.compilers.windows.description": "Nous n’avons pas trouvé de compilateur C++ sur votre machine, ce qui est nécessaire pour utiliser l’extension C++. Suivez les instructions de droite pour en installer un, puis cliquez sur « Rechercher mon nouveau compilateur » ci-dessous.\n[Rechercher mon nouveau compilateur](command:C_Cpp.RescanCompilers ?%22walkthrough%22)", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.no.compilers.description": "Nous n’avons pas trouvé de compilateur C++ sur votre machine, ce qui est nécessaire pour utiliser l’extension C++. Sélectionnez « Installer un compilateur C++ » pour installer un compilateur pour vous ou suivez les instructions à droite pour en installer un, puis cliquez sur « Rechercher mon nouveau compilateur » ci-dessous.\n[Installer un compilateur C++](command:C_Cpp.InstallCompiler ?%22walkthrough%22)\n[Rechercher mon nouveau compilateur](command:C_Cpp.RescanCompilers ?%22walkthrough%22)", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.compilers.found.description": "L’extension C++ fonctionne avec un compilateur C++. Sélectionnez-en un parmi ceux déjà présents sur votre ordinateur en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous.\n[Sélectionner mon compilateur par défaut](command:C_Cpp.SelectIntelliSenseConfiguration ?%22walkthrough%22)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.no.compilers.windows.description": "Nous n’avons pas trouvé de compilateur C++ sur votre machine, ce qui est nécessaire pour utiliser l’extension C++. Suivez les instructions de droite pour en installer un, puis cliquez sur « Rechercher mon nouveau compilateur » ci-dessous.\n[Rechercher mon nouveau compilateur](commande :C_Cpp.RescanCompilers ?%22walkthrough%22)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.no.compilers.description": "Nous n’avons pas trouvé de compilateur C++ sur votre machine, ce qui est nécessaire pour utiliser l’extension C++. Sélectionnez « Installer un compilateur C++ » pour installer un compilateur pour vous ou suivez les instructions à droite pour en installer un, puis cliquez sur « Rechercher mon nouveau compilateur » ci-dessous.\n[Installer un compilateur C++](commande :C_Cpp.InstallCompiler ?%22walkthrough%22)\n[Rechercher mon nouveau compilateur](commande :C_Cpp.RescanCompilers ?%22walkthrough%22)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.compilers.found.description": "L’extension C++ fonctionne avec un compilateur C++. Sélectionnez-en un parmi ceux déjà présents sur votre ordinateur en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous.\n[Sélectionner mon compilateur par défaut](commande :C_Cpp.SelectIntelliSenseConfiguration ?%22walkthrough%22)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.compilers.found.altText": "Image montrant la sélection d’une sélection rapide de compilateur par défaut et la liste des compilateurs trouvés sur l’ordinateur des utilisateurs, dont l’un est sélectionné.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.title": "Créer un fichier C++", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.description": "[Ouvrir](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.openFile) ou [créer](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D) un fichier C++. Veillez à l’enregistrer avec l’extension « .cpp », telle que « helloworld.cpp ». \n[Créer un fichier C++](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.description": "[Ouvrir](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.openFile) ou [créer](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D) un fichier C++. Veillez à l’enregistrer avec l’extension « .cpp », telle que « helloworld.cpp ». \n[Créer un fichier C++] (command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.altText": "Ouvrez un fichier C++ ou un dossier avec un projet C++.", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Lancer à partir de l’invite de commandes développeur", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "Quand vous utilisez le compilateur Microsoft Visual Studio C++, l’extension C++ vous demande de lancer VS Code à partir de l’invite de commandes du développeur. Suivez les instructions à droite pour relancer.\n[Recharger la fenêtre](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Launch from the Developer Command Prompt for VS", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "When using the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler, the C++ extension requires you to launch VS Code from the Developer Command Prompt for VS. Follow the instructions on the right to relaunch.\r\n[Reload Window](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.title": "Exécuter et déboguer votre fichier C++", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.mac.description": "Permet d’ouvrir votre fichier C++ et de cliquer sur le bouton lecture dans le coin supérieur droit de l’éditeur, ou d’appuyer sur F5 lorsque vous êtes sur le fichier. Vous pouvez sélectionner « clang++ – Générer et déboguer le fichier actif » pour l’exécuter avec le débogueur.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.linux.description": "Permet d’ouvrir votre fichier C++ et de cliquer sur le bouton lecture dans le coin supérieur droit de l’éditeur, ou d’appuyer sur F5 lorsque vous êtes sur le fichier. Vous pouvez sélectionner « g++ – Générer et déboguer le fichier actif » pour l’exécuter avec le débogueur.", @@ -449,4 +450,4 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.refactoring.includeHeader.never.description": "Ne jamais inclure le fichier d’en-tête.", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.displayName": "Configuration C/C++", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.userDescription": "Configuration du fichier C ou C++ actif, comme la version standard du langage et la plateforme cible." -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/fra/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/fra/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json index b57954e366..a3956a6949 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/fra/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/fra/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "pre.Launch.Task": "tâche de prélancement : {0}", "debugger.path.not.exists": "Impossible de trouver le débogueur {0}. La configuration de débogage pour {1} est ignorée.", "build.and.debug.active.file": "Générer et déboguer le fichier actif", - "cl.exe.not.available": "La génération et le débogage de {0} peuvent être utilisés uniquement quand VS Code est exécuté à partir de l'invite de commandes développeur pour VS.", + "cl.exe.not.available": "{0} is only usable when VS Code is run from the {1}.", "lldb.find.failed": "La dépendance '{0}' est manquante pour l'exécutable lldb-mi.", "lldb.search.paths": "Recherche effectuée dans :", "lldb.install.help": "Pour résoudre ce problème, installez XCode via l'Apple App Store ou installez les outils en ligne de commande XCode en exécutant '{0}' dans une fenêtre de terminal.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/fra/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/fra/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..97fe78f969 --- /dev/null +++ b/Extension/i18n/fra/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. + *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. +{ + "generate.copilot.description": "Générer un résumé de Copilot", + "copilot.disclaimer": "Il est possible que le contenu généré par IA soit incorrect." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/fra/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/fra/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json index 8de3546cc1..c34c6ff589 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/fra/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/fra/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json @@ -17,5 +17,6 @@ "path.is.not.a.directory": "Le chemin n'est pas un répertoire : {0}", "duplicate.name": "{0} est dupliqué. Le nom de configuration doit être unique.", "multiple.paths.not.allowed": "Il est interdit d’utiliser plusieurs chemin d’accès.", + "multiple.paths.should.be.separate.entries": "Multiple paths should be separate entries in an array.", "paths.are.not.directories": "Les chemins d’accès ne sont pas des répertoires : {0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/fra/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/fra/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json index 8fe95f27fa..22e7fb413b 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/fra/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/fra/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json @@ -19,5 +19,7 @@ "code.action.aborted": "Impossible d’appliquer le correctif d’analyse du code, car le document a changé.", "prerelease.message": "Une version préliminaire de l’extension C/C++ est disponible. Voulez-vous basculer vers celui-ci ?", "yes.button": "Oui", - "no.button": "Non" + "no.button": "Non", + "copilot.hover.unavailable": "Le résumé Copilot n’est pas disponible pour ce symbole.", + "copilot.hover.error": "Une erreur s’est produite lors de la génération du résumé Copilot." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/fra/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/fra/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json index 1ccfca5d6c..b6af549a6d 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/fra/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/fra/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json @@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ "fallback_to_64_bit_mode2": "Échec de l'interrogation du compilateur. Retour au intelliSenseMode 64 bits.", "fallback_to_no_bitness": "Échec de l'interrogation du compilateur. Retour au mode sans nombre de bits.", "intellisense_client_creation_aborted": "Abandon de la création du client IntelliSense : {0}", - "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled ": "Erreurs #include détectées d'après les informations fournies par le paramètre configurationProvider. Les fonctionnalités IntelliSense de cette unité de traduction ({0}) sont fournies par l'analyseur de balises.", - "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled ": "Erreurs #include détectées d'après les informations fournies par le paramètre configurationProvider. Les tildes sont désactivés pour cette unité de traduction ({0}).", + "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled": "Erreurs #include détectées d'après les informations fournies par le paramètre configurationProvider. Les fonctionnalités IntelliSense de cette unité de traduction ({0}) sont fournies par l'analyseur de balises.", + "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled": "Erreurs #include détectées d'après les informations fournies par le paramètre configurationProvider. Les tildes sont désactivés pour cette unité de traduction ({0}).", "preprocessor_keyword": "mot clé de préprocesseur", "c_keyword": "Mot clé C", "cpp_keyword": "Mot clé C++", @@ -316,5 +316,6 @@ "refactor_extract_xborder_jump": "Des sauts entre le code sélectionné et le code environnant sont présents.", "refactor_extract_missing_return": "Dans le code sélectionné, certains chemins de contrôle s'arrêtent sans définir la valeur renvoyée. Cela n'est pris en charge que pour les types de retour scalaire, numérique et pointeur.", "expand_selection": "Développer la sélection (pour activer ' Extraire vers la fonction')", - "file_not_found_in_path2": "« {0} » n'a pas été trouvé dans les fichiers compile_commands.json. « includePath » from c_cpp_properties.json in folder « {1} » sera utilisé pour ce fichier à la place." + "file_not_found_in_path2": "« {0} » n'a pas été trouvé dans les fichiers compile_commands.json. « includePath » from c_cpp_properties.json in folder « {1} » sera utilisé pour ce fichier à la place.", + "copilot_hover_link": "Générer un résumé de Copilot" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/fra/ui/settings.html.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/fra/ui/settings.html.i18n.json index 807cbdbef3..b673a0bc7a 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/fra/ui/settings.html.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/fra/ui/settings.html.i18n.json @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ "dot.config": "Dot Config", "dot.config.description": "Chemin d’accès à un fichier .config créé par le système Kconfig. Le système Kconfig génère un fichier avec toutes les définitions pour générer un projet. Les exemples de projets qui utilisent le système Kconfig sont le noyau Linux et NuttX RTOS.", "compile.commands": "Commandes de compilation", - "compile.commands.description": "Chemin complet du fichier {0} pour l'espace de travail. Les chemins d'inclusion et les définitions découverts dans ce fichier sont utilisés à la place des valeurs définies pour les paramètres {1} et {2}. Si la base de données des commandes de compilation n'a pas d'entrée pour l'unité de traduction qui correspond au fichier que vous avez ouvert dans l'éditeur, un message d'avertissement s'affiche et l'extension utilise les paramètres {3} et {4} à la place.", + "compile.commands.description": "A list of paths to {0} files for the workspace. The include paths and defines discovered in these files will be used instead of the values set for {1} and {2} settings. If the compile commands database does not contain an entry for the translation unit that corresponds to the file you opened in the editor, then a warning message will appear and the extension will use the {3} and {4} settings instead.", + "one.compile.commands.path.per.line": "One compile commands path per line.", "merge.configurations": "Fusionner les configurations", "merge.configurations.description": "Lorsque {0} (ou activé), la fusion inclut des chemins d’accès, des définitions et des éléments forcés avec ceux d’un fournisseur de configuration.", "browse.path": "Parcourir : chemin", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/fra/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/fra/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json index 27adc7c4d0..38e15cd698 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/fra/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/fra/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. { - "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Relancer à l’aide de l’invite de commandes développeur", - "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " Vous utilisez une machine Windows avec le compilateur MSVC. Vous devez donc démarrer VS Code à partir de l’invite de commandes développeur pour que toutes les variables d’environnement soient correctement définies. Pour relancer à l’aide de l’invite de commandes développeur :", - "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Ouvrez l’Invite de commandes développeur pour VS en tapant « développeur » dans le menu Démarrer Windows. Sélectionnez l’Invite de commandes développeur pour VS, qui naviguera automatiquement vers votre dossier ouvert actuel.", - "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Tapez « code » dans l’invite de commandes et appuyez sur Entrée. Vous devriez relancer VS Code et revenir à cette procédure pas à pas. " + "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Relaunch using the {0}", + "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " You are using a windows machine with the MSVC compiler, so you need to start VS Code from the {0} for all environment variables to be set correctly. To relaunch using the {1}:", + "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing \"{1}\" in the Windows Start menu. Select the {2}, which will automatically navigate to your current open folder.", + "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Type \"{0}\" into the command prompt and hit enter. This should relaunch VS Code and take you back to this walkthrough. " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/fra/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/fra/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json index 5900f2c401..782e5319d3 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/fra/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/fra/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json @@ -16,10 +16,8 @@ "walkthrough.windows.link.install": "Installer", "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Remarque", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Vous pouvez utiliser l’ensemble d’outils C++ à partir de Visual Studio Build Tools avec Visual Studio Code pour compiler, générer et vérifier n’importe quelle base de code C++, tant que vous disposez également d’une licence Visual Studio valide (Community, Pro ou Enterprise) que vous utilisez activement pour développer cette base de code C++.", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Ouvrez le {0} en tapant « développeur » dans le menu Démarrer de Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Invite de commandes Developer pour VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Vérifiez l’installation de votre MSVC en tapant {0} dans la Invite de commandes développeur pour VS. Vous devez voir un message de Copyright avec la version et la description de l’utilisation de base.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Remarque", - "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Pour utiliser MSVC à partir de la ligne de commande ou VS Code, vous devez exécuter à partir d’un {0}. Un interpréteur de commandes ordinaire, tel que {1}, {2} ou l’invite de commandes Windows, n’a pas les variables d’environnement de chemin d’accès nécessaires définies.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Invite de commandes développeur pour VS" + "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Pour utiliser MSVC à partir de la ligne de commande ou VS Code, vous devez exécuter à partir d’un {0}. Un interpréteur de commandes ordinaire, tel que {1}, {2} ou l’invite de commandes Windows, n’a pas les variables d’environnement de chemin d’accès nécessaires définies." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/fra/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/fra/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json index 41da8b169d..dde72e6082 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/fra/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/fra/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Remarque", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Vous pouvez utiliser l’ensemble d’outils C++ à partir de Visual Studio Build Tools avec Visual Studio Code pour compiler, générer et vérifier n’importe quelle base de code C++, tant que vous disposez également d’une licence Visual Studio valide (Community, Pro ou Enterprise) que vous utilisez activement pour développer cette base de code C++.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "Vérification de l’installation du compilateur", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Ouvrez le {0} en tapant « développeur » dans le menu Démarrer de Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Invite de commandes Developer pour VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Vérifiez l’installation de votre MSVC en tapant {0} dans la Invite de commandes développeur pour VS. Vous devez voir un message de Copyright avec la version et la description de l’utilisation de base.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Remarque", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Pour utiliser MSVC à partir de la ligne de commande ou VS Code, vous devez exécuter à partir d’un {0}. Un interpréteur de commandes ordinaire, tel que {1}, {2} ou l’invite de commandes Windows, n’a pas les variables d’environnement de chemin d’accès nécessaires définies.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Invite de commandes développeur pour VS", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "Autres options du compilateur", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Si vous ciblez Linux à partir de Windows, consultez {0}. Vous pouvez également {1}.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "Utilisation de C++ et du Sous-système Windows pour Linux (WSL) dans VS Code", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/fra/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/fra/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json index 41da8b169d..dde72e6082 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/fra/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/fra/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Remarque", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Vous pouvez utiliser l’ensemble d’outils C++ à partir de Visual Studio Build Tools avec Visual Studio Code pour compiler, générer et vérifier n’importe quelle base de code C++, tant que vous disposez également d’une licence Visual Studio valide (Community, Pro ou Enterprise) que vous utilisez activement pour développer cette base de code C++.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "Vérification de l’installation du compilateur", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Ouvrez le {0} en tapant « développeur » dans le menu Démarrer de Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Invite de commandes Developer pour VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Vérifiez l’installation de votre MSVC en tapant {0} dans la Invite de commandes développeur pour VS. Vous devez voir un message de Copyright avec la version et la description de l’utilisation de base.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Remarque", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Pour utiliser MSVC à partir de la ligne de commande ou VS Code, vous devez exécuter à partir d’un {0}. Un interpréteur de commandes ordinaire, tel que {1}, {2} ou l’invite de commandes Windows, n’a pas les variables d’environnement de chemin d’accès nécessaires définies.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Invite de commandes développeur pour VS", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "Autres options du compilateur", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Si vous ciblez Linux à partir de Windows, consultez {0}. Vous pouvez également {1}.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "Utilisation de C++ et du Sous-système Windows pour Linux (WSL) dans VS Code", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ita/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ita/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json index 35aa537ba7..a694fe356f 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ita/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ita/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compilerArgs": "Argomenti del compilatore per modificare le inclusioni o le definizioni usate, ad esempio `-nostdinc++`, `-m32` e così via. Gli argomenti che utilizzano argomenti delimitati da spazi aggiuntivi devono essere immessi come argomenti separati nella matrice, ad esempio per `--sysroot ` usare `\"--sysroot\", \"\"`.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cStandard": "Versione dello standard del linguaggio C da usare per IntelliSense. Nota: gli standard GNU vengono usati solo per eseguire query sul compilatore impostato per ottenere le definizioni di GNU. IntelliSense emulerà la versione dello standard di C equivalente.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cppStandard": "Versione dello standard del linguaggio C++ da usare per IntelliSense. Nota: gli standard GNU vengono usati solo per eseguire query sul compilatore impostato per ottenere le definizioni di GNU. IntelliSense emulerà la versione dello standard di C++ equivalente.", - "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Percorso completo del file `compile_commands.json` per l'area di lavoro.", + "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Full path or a list of full paths to `compile_commands.json` files for the workspace.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.includePath": "Elenco di percorsi che il motore IntelliSense usa durante la ricerca delle intestazioni incluse. La ricerca in questi percorsi non è ricorsiva. Specificare `**` per indicare la ricerca ricorsiva. Ad esempio: con `${workspaceFolder}/**` la ricerca verrà estesa a tutte le sottodirectory, mentre con `${workspaceFolder}` sarà limitata a quella corrente. In genere, ciò non deve includere le inclusioni di sistema, pertanto impostare `#C_Cpp.default.compilerPath#`.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.macFrameworkPath": "Elenco di percorsi che il motore IntelliSense userà durante la ricerca delle intestazioni incluse da framework Mac. Supportato solo nella configurazione Mac.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.windowsSdkVersion": "Versione del percorso di inclusione di Windows SDK da usare in Windows, ad esempio `10.0.17134.0`.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ita/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ita/package.i18n.json index d9bf9b2cc4..798428f6db 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ita/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ita/package.i18n.json @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.showClear.AllAndAllTypeAndThis.description": "Mostrare le azioni codice 'Cancella tutto' (se sono presenti più tipi di problema), 'Cancella tutti ' (se sono presenti più problemi per ) e 'Cancella questo'", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.formatFixes.markdownDescription": "Se `true`, la formattazione verrà eseguita nelle righe modificate dalle azioni del codice 'Correggi'.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.enabled.markdownDescription": "Se è `true`, l'analisi del codice che usa `clang-tidy` verrà abilitata ed eseguita dopo l'apertura o il salvataggio di un file se `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.runAutomatically#` è `true` (impostazione predefinita).", - "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "Percorso completo dell'eseguibile `clang-tidy`. Se non è specificato, `clang-tidy` è disponibile nel percorso dell'ambiente usato. Se non viene trovato nel percorso dell'ambiente, verrà usato `clang-tidy` in bundle con l'estensione.", + "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-tidy` executable. If not specified, and `clang-tidy` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-tidy` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config.markdownDescription": "Specifica una configurazione `clang-tidy` in formato YAML/JSON: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{chiave: x, valore: y}]}`. Quando il valore è vuoto, `clang-tidy` tenterà di trovare un file denominato `.clang-tidy` per ogni file di origine nelle directory padre.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.fallbackConfig.markdownDescription": "Specifica una configurazione `clang-tidy` in formato YAML/JSON da usare come fallback quando `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config#` non è impostato e non è stato trovato alcun file `.clang-tidy`: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{chiave: x, valore: y}]}`.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.headerFilter.markdownDescription": "Espressione regolare estesa POSIX (ERE) corrispondente ai nomi delle intestazioni da cui eseguire la diagnostica di output. La diagnostica dal file principale di ogni unità di conversione viene sempre visualizzata. La variabile `${workspaceFolder}` è supportata e viene usata come valore di fallback predefinito se non esiste alcun file `.clang-tidy`. Se questa opzione non è `null` (vuota), esegue l'override dell'opzione `HeaderFilterRegex` in un file `.clang-tidy`, se presente.", @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.oneLiners.markdownDescription": "Un blocco di codice completo immesso su una sola riga viene mantenuto su una sola riga, indipendentemente dai valori di qualsiasi impostazione `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.allOneLineScopes.markdownDescription": "Codice di qualsiasi tipo in cui le parentesi graffe di apertura e chiusura sono nella stessa riga viene mantenuto in una sola riga, indipendentemente dai valori di una delle impostazioni `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.never.markdownDescription": "I blocchi di codice vengono sempre formattati in base ai valori delle impostazioni `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", - "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "Percorso completo del file eseguibile `clang-format`. Se non è specificato, verrà usato lo strumento `clang-format` disponibile nel percorso dell'ambiente. Se non viene trovato nel percorso dell'ambiente, verrà usato il `clang-format` fornito in bundle con l'estensione.", + "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-format` executable. If not specified, and `clang-format` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-format` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.markdownDescription": "Stile di codifica, attualmente supporta: `Visual Studio`, `LLVM`, `Google`, `Chromium`, `Mozilla`, `WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`. Usare `file` per caricare lo stile da un file `.clang-format` nella directory corrente o padre, oppure usare `file:/.clang-format` per fare riferimento a un percorso specifico. Usare `{chiave: valore, ...}` per impostare parametri specifici. Ad esempio, lo stile `Visual Studio` è simile a: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.markdownDescription": "Nome dello stile predefinito usato come fallback nel caso in cui `clang-format` venga richiamato con lo stile `file`, ma il file `clang-format` non viene trovato. I valori possibili sono `Visual Studio`, `LLVM`, `Google`, `Chromium`, `Mozilla`, `WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`, `none`. In alternativa, usare `{chiave: valore, ...}` per impostare parametri specifici. Ad esempio, lo stile `Visual Studio` è simile a: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_sortIncludes.markdownDescription": "Se è impostata, esegue l'override del comportamento di ordinamento di inclusione determinato dal parametro `SortIncludes`.", @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseEngine.default.description": "Fornisce risultati compatibili con il contesto tramite un processo IntelliSense separato.", "c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseEngine.tagParser.description": "Fornisce risultati 'fuzzy' che non sono compatibili con il contesto.", "c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseEngine.disabled.description": "Disattiva le funzionalità del servizio di linguaggio C/C++.", - "c_cpp.configuration.autocomplete.markdownDescription": "Controlla il provider di completamento automatico. Se è `disabled` e si vuole il completamento basato sulle parole, sarà necessario impostare anche `\"[cpp]\": {\"editor.wordBasedSuggestions\": }` (e analogamente per i linguaggi `c` e `cuda-cpp`).", + "c_cpp.configuration.autocomplete.markdownDescription": "Controlla il provider di completamento automatico. Se è `disabilitato` e si vuole il completamento basato sulle parole, sarà necessario impostare anche `\"[cpp]\": {\"editor.wordBasedSuggestions\": }` (e analogamente per i linguaggi `c` e `cuda-cpp`).", "c_cpp.configuration.autocomplete.default.description": "Usa il motore IntelliSense attivo.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocomplete.disabled.description": "Usa il completamento basato su parole fornito da Visual Studio Code.", "c_cpp.configuration.errorSquiggles.description": "Controlla se i possibili errori di compilazione rilevati dal motore IntelliSense verranno segnalati all'editor. Controlla inoltre se vengono segnalati avvisi di analisi del codice se non è possibile trovare le inclusioni. Questa impostazione viene ignorata dal motore del parser di tag.", @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.markdownDescription": "Indica all'estensione quando usare l'opzione `#files.exclude#` (e `#C_Cpp.files.exclude#`) per determinare i file da aggiungere al database di esplorazione del codice durante l'attraversamento dei percorsi nella matrice `browse.path`. Se l'opzione `#files.exclude#` contiene solo cartelle, `checkFolders` è la scelta migliore e consentirà di velocizzare l'inizializzazione del database di esplorazione del codice nell'estensione.", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFolders.description": "I filtri di esclusione verranno valutati una sola volta per cartella (i singoli file non verranno controllati).", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFilesAndFolders.description": "I filtri di esclusione verranno valutati in base a ogni file e cartella rilevati.", - "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "Carattere usato come separatore di percorso per i risultati di completamento automatico di `#include`.", + "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "The character used as a path separator for generated user paths.", "c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.markdownDescription": "Se è `true`, le descrizioni comando al passaggio del mouse e del completamento automatico visualizzeranno solo alcune etichette di commenti strutturati. In caso contrario, vengono visualizzati tutti i commenti.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generateOnType.description": "Controlla se inserire automaticamente il commento Doxygen dopo aver digitato lo stile di commento scelto.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generatedStyle.description": "Stringa di caratteri utilizzata come riga iniziale del commento Doxygen.", @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.hover.description": "Se questa opzione è disabilitata, i dettagli al passaggio del mouse non vengono più forniti dal server di linguaggio.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "Abilita i servizi di integrazione per l'[utilità di gestione dipendenze di vcpkg](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/).", "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.markdownDescription": "Aggiungere percorsi di inclusione da `nan` e `node-addon-api` quando sono dipendenze.", + "c_cpp.configuration.copilotHover.markdownDescription": "Se è `disabilitato`, nessuna informazione di Copilot verrà visualizzata al passaggio del mouse.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.markdownDescription": "Se è `true`, con 'Rinomina simbolo' sarà richiesto un identificatore C/C++ valido.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.markdownDescription": "Se è `true`, il completamento automatico aggiungerà automaticamente `(` dopo le chiamate di funzione. In tal caso potrebbe essere aggiunto anche `)`, a seconda del valore dell'impostazione `#editor.autoClosingBrackets#`.", "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.markdownDescription": "Configurare i criteri GLOB per escludere le cartelle (e i file se `#C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy#` viene modificato). Sono specifici dell'estensione C/C++ e si aggiungono a `#files.exclude#`, ma diversamente da `#files.exclude#` si applicano anche ai percorsi esterni alla cartella dell'area di lavoro corrente e non vengono rimossi dalla visualizzazione Esplora risorse. Altre informazioni su [criteri GLOB](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", @@ -421,14 +422,14 @@ "c_cpp.walkthrough.set.up.title": "Configurare l'ambiente C++", "c_cpp.walkthrough.activating.description": "Attivazione dell'estensione C++ per determinare se l'ambiente C++ è stato configurato.\nAttivazione dell'estensione...", "c_cpp.walkthrough.no.compilers.windows.description": "Non è stato possibile trovare un compilatore C++ nel computer, necessario per usare l'estensione C++. Seguire le istruzioni a destra per installarne uno, quindi fare clic su “Trova il nuovo compilatore” di seguito.\n[Trova il nuovo compilatore](command:C_Cpp.RescanCompilers?%22walkthrough%22)", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.no.compilers.description": "Non è stato possibile trovare un compilatore C++ nel computer, necessario per usare l'estensione C++. Selezionare \"Installa un compilatore C++\" per installare automaticamente un compilatore, oppure seguire le istruzioni a destra per installarne uno, quindi fare clic su \"Trova il nuovo compilatore\" di seguito.\n[Installa un compilatore C++](command:C_Cpp.InstallCompiler?%22walkthrough%22)\n[Trova il nuovo compilatore](command:C_Cpp.RescanCompilers?%22walkthrough%22)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.no.compilers.description": "Non è stato possibile trovare un compilatore C++ nel computer, necessario per usare l'estensione C++. Selezionare \"Installa un compilatore C++\" per installare automaticamente un compilatore, oppure seguire le istruzioni a destra per installarne uno, quindi fare clic su \"Trova il nuovo compilatore\" di seguito.\n[Installa un compilatore C++ ](command:C_Cpp.InstallCompiler?%22walkthrough%22)\n[Trova il nuovo compilatore](command:C_Cpp.RescanCompilers?%22walkthrough%22)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.compilers.found.description": "L'estensione C++ funziona con un compilatore C++. Selezionare una delle opzioni già presenti nel computer facendo clic sul pulsante seguente.\n[Selezionare il compilatore predefinito](command:C_Cpp.SelectIntelliSenseConfiguration?%22walkthrough%22)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.compilers.found.altText": "Immagine che mostra la selezione di un quickpick del compilatore predefinito e l'elenco dei compilatori trovati nel computer degli utenti, uno dei quali è selezionato.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.title": "Creare un file C++", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.description": "[Open](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.openFile) o [creare](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D) un file C++. Assicurasi di salvarlo con l'estensione \".cpp\", ad esempio \"helloworld.cpp\". \n[Creare un file C++](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.description": "[Open](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.openFile) o [creare](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D) un file C++. Assicurasi di salvarlo con l'estensione \".cpp\", ad esempio \"helloworld.cpp\". \n[Creare un file C++] (command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.altText": "Apre un file C++ o una cartella con un progetto C++.", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Prompt dei comandi per gli sviluppatori", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "Quando si usa il compilatore C++ Microsoft Visual Studio, l'estensione C++ richiede di avviare VS Code dal prompt dei comandi per sviluppatori. Seguire le istruzioni a destra per riavviare.\n[Reload Window](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Launch from the Developer Command Prompt for VS", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "When using the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler, the C++ extension requires you to launch VS Code from the Developer Command Prompt for VS. Follow the instructions on the right to relaunch.\r\n[Reload Window](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.title": "Esegui con debug il file C++", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.mac.description": "Aprire il file C++ e fare clic sul pulsante Riproduci nell'angolo in alto a destra dell'editor oppure premere F5 quando è presente sul file. Selezionare \"clang++ - Compila ed esegui il debug del file attivo\" da eseguire con il debugger.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.linux.description": "Aprire il file C++ e fare clic sul pulsante Riproduci nell'angolo in alto a destra dell'editor oppure premere F5 quando è presente sul file. Selezionare \"g++ - Compila ed esegue il debug del file attivo\" da eseguire con il debugger.", @@ -449,4 +450,4 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.refactoring.includeHeader.never.description": "Non includere mai il file di intestazione.", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.displayName": "Configurazione di C/C++", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.userDescription": "Configurazione del file C o C++ attivo, ad esempio la versione standard del linguaggio e la piattaforma di destinazione." -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ita/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ita/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json index 64cb06e190..c32f2d5250 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ita/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ita/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "pre.Launch.Task": "preLaunchTask: {0}", "debugger.path.not.exists": "Impossibile trovare il debugger {0}. La configurazione di debug per {1} viene ignorata.", "build.and.debug.active.file": "compilare ed eseguire il debug del file attivo", - "cl.exe.not.available": "La compilazione e il debug di {0} sono utilizzabili solo quando VS Code viene eseguito da Prompt dei comandi per gli sviluppatori per Visual Studio.", + "cl.exe.not.available": "{0} is only usable when VS Code is run from the {1}.", "lldb.find.failed": "Manca la dipendenza '{0}' per l'eseguibile lldb-mi.", "lldb.search.paths": "Ricerca effettuata in:", "lldb.install.help": "Per risolvere questo problema, installare Xcode tramite Apple App Store oppure installare gli strumenti da riga di comando di Xcode eseguendo '{0}' in una finestra di terminale.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ita/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ita/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9589a4d345 --- /dev/null +++ b/Extension/i18n/ita/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. + *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. +{ + "generate.copilot.description": "Genera riepilogo Copilot", + "copilot.disclaimer": "Il contenuto generato dall'intelligenza artificiale potrebbe non essere corretto." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ita/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ita/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json index 5cf8051916..2e0def1486 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ita/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ita/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json @@ -17,5 +17,6 @@ "path.is.not.a.directory": "Il percorso non è una directory: {0}", "duplicate.name": "{0} è duplicato. Il nome della configurazione deve essere univoco.", "multiple.paths.not.allowed": "Più percorsi non sono consentiti.", + "multiple.paths.should.be.separate.entries": "Multiple paths should be separate entries in an array.", "paths.are.not.directories": "I percorsi non sono directory: {0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ita/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ita/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json index 9c0e143699..7b3c1720e5 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ita/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ita/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json @@ -19,5 +19,7 @@ "code.action.aborted": "Impossibile applicare la correzione di analisi codice perché il documento è stato modificato.", "prerelease.message": "È disponibile una versione non definitiva dell'estensione C/C++. Passare a questa versione?", "yes.button": "Sì", - "no.button": "No" + "no.button": "No", + "copilot.hover.unavailable": "Il riepilogo di Copilot non è disponibile per questo simbolo.", + "copilot.hover.error": "Errore durante la generazione del riepilogo di Copilot." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ita/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ita/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json index 66f44f3036..0f9ae629c8 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ita/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ita/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json @@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ "fallback_to_64_bit_mode2": "Non è stato possibile eseguire una query sul compilatore. Verrà eseguito il fallback a intelliSenseMode a 64 bit.", "fallback_to_no_bitness": "Non è stato possibile eseguire una query sul compilatore. Verrà eseguito il fallback alla modalità senza numero di bit.", "intellisense_client_creation_aborted": "La creazione del client IntelliSense è stata interrotta: {0}", - "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled ": "Sono stati rilevati errori #include sulla base delle informazioni fornite dall'impostazione configurationProvider. Le funzionalità IntelliSense per questa unità di conversione ({0}) verranno fornite dal parser di tag.", - "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled ": "Sono stati rilevati errori #include sulla base delle informazioni fornite dall'impostazione configurationProvider. I segni di revisione sono disabilitati per questa unità di conversione ({0}).", + "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled": "Sono stati rilevati errori #include sulla base delle informazioni fornite dall'impostazione configurationProvider. Le funzionalità IntelliSense per questa unità di conversione ({0}) verranno fornite dal parser di tag.", + "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled": "Sono stati rilevati errori #include sulla base delle informazioni fornite dall'impostazione configurationProvider. I segni di revisione sono disabilitati per questa unità di conversione ({0}).", "preprocessor_keyword": "parola chiave del preprocessore", "c_keyword": "parola chiave C", "cpp_keyword": "parola chiave C++", @@ -316,5 +316,6 @@ "refactor_extract_xborder_jump": "Sono presenti collegamenti tra il codice selezionato e quello circostante.", "refactor_extract_missing_return": "Nel codice selezionato alcuni percorsi di controllo terminano senza impostare il valore restituito. Questo comportamento è supportato solo per tipi restituiti scalari, numerici e puntatore.", "expand_selection": "Espandi selezione (per abilitare 'Estrai in funzione')", - "file_not_found_in_path2": "\"{0}\" non è stato trovato nei file compile_commands.json. In alternativa per questo file verrà usato ''includePath'' del file c_cpp_properties.json nella cartella ''{1}''." + "file_not_found_in_path2": "\"{0}\" non è stato trovato nei file compile_commands.json. In alternativa per questo file verrà usato ''includePath'' del file c_cpp_properties.json nella cartella ''{1}''.", + "copilot_hover_link": "Genera riepilogo Copilot" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ita/ui/settings.html.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ita/ui/settings.html.i18n.json index 181b6bcd85..65ec7483ef 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ita/ui/settings.html.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ita/ui/settings.html.i18n.json @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ "dot.config": "Dot Config", "dot.config.description": "Il percorso a un file .config creato dal sistema Kconfig. Il sistema Kconfig genera un file con tutte le define per compilare un progetto. Esempi di progetti che usano il sistema Kconfig sono Kernel Linux e NuttX RTOS.", "compile.commands": "Comandi di compilazione", - "compile.commands.description": "Percorso completo del file {0} per l'area di lavoro. Verranno usati i percorsi di inclusione e le direttive define individuati in questo file invece dei valori specificati per le impostazioni {1} e {2}. Se il database dei comandi di compilazione non contiene una voce per l'unità di conversione corrispondente al file aperto nell'editor, verrà visualizzato un messaggio di avviso e l'estensione userà le impostazioni {3} e {4}.", + "compile.commands.description": "A list of paths to {0} files for the workspace. The include paths and defines discovered in these files will be used instead of the values set for {1} and {2} settings. If the compile commands database does not contain an entry for the translation unit that corresponds to the file you opened in the editor, then a warning message will appear and the extension will use the {3} and {4} settings instead.", + "one.compile.commands.path.per.line": "One compile commands path per line.", "merge.configurations": "Unire configurazioni", "merge.configurations.description": "Quando è impostato su {0} (o selezionato), l'unione include percorsi di inclusione, definizioni e inclusioni forzate con quelli di un provider di configurazione.", "browse.path": "Sfoglia: percorso", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ita/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ita/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json index b69d560419..38e15cd698 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ita/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ita/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. { - "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Riavviare utilizzando il prompt dei comandi per sviluppatori", - "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " Si sta usando un computer Windows con il compilatore MSVC, quindi è necessario avviare VS Code dal prompt dei comandi per sviluppatori per impostare correttamente tutte le variabili di ambiente. Per riavviare utilizzando il prompt dei comandi per sviluppatori:", - "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Per aprire il Prompt dei comandi per gli sviluppatori per Visual Studio, digitare \"developer\" nel menu Start di Windows. Selezionare il Prompt dei comandi per gli sviluppatori per Visual Studio, che passerà automaticamente alla cartella aperta corrente.", - "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Digitare \"code\" nel prompt dei comandi e premere INVIO. È consigliabile riavviare VS Code e tornare a questa procedura dettagliata. " + "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Relaunch using the {0}", + "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " You are using a windows machine with the MSVC compiler, so you need to start VS Code from the {0} for all environment variables to be set correctly. To relaunch using the {1}:", + "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing \"{1}\" in the Windows Start menu. Select the {2}, which will automatically navigate to your current open folder.", + "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Type \"{0}\" into the command prompt and hit enter. This should relaunch VS Code and take you back to this walkthrough. " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ita/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ita/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json index e7a8f16d40..02d5c0481f 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ita/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ita/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json @@ -16,10 +16,8 @@ "walkthrough.windows.link.install": "Installa", "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Nota", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "È possibile usare il set di strumenti C++ di Visual Studio Build Tools insieme a Visual Studio Code per compilare, creare e verificare qualsiasi codebase C++, purché sia disponibile una licenza di Visual Studio valida (Community, Pro o Enterprise) usata attivamente per sviluppare la codebase C++.", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Per aprire {0}, digitare 'developer' nel menu Start di Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Prompt dei comandi per gli sviluppatori per Visual Studio", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Verificare l'installazione di MSVC digitando {0} al Prompt dei comandi per gli sviluppatori per Visual Studio. Verranno visualizzati un messaggio di copyright, la versione e la descrizione sulla sintassi di base.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Nota", - "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Per usare MSVC dalla riga di comando o da VS Code, è necessario eseguire l'applicazione da {0}. Con una shell normale, ad esempio {1}, {2} o il prompt dei comandi di Windows le variabili di ambiente del percorso necessarie non sono impostate.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Prompt dei comandi per gli sviluppatori per Visual Studio" + "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Per usare MSVC dalla riga di comando o da VS Code, è necessario eseguire l'applicazione da {0}. Con una shell normale, ad esempio {1}, {2} o il prompt dei comandi di Windows le variabili di ambiente del percorso necessarie non sono impostate." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ita/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ita/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json index 50e0606f36..5ddb2013fe 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ita/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ita/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Nota", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "È possibile usare il set di strumenti C++ di Visual Studio Build Tools insieme a Visual Studio Code per compilare, creare e verificare qualsiasi codebase C++, purché sia disponibile una licenza di Visual Studio valida (Community, Pro o Enterprise) usata attivamente per sviluppare la codebase C++.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "Verifica dell'installazione del compilatore", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Per aprire {0}, digitare 'developer' nel menu Start di Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Prompt dei comandi per gli sviluppatori per Visual Studio", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Verificare l'installazione di MSVC digitando {0} al Prompt dei comandi per gli sviluppatori per Visual Studio. Verranno visualizzati un messaggio di copyright, la versione e la descrizione sulla sintassi di base.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Nota", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Per usare MSVC dalla riga di comando o da VS Code, è necessario eseguire l'applicazione da {0}. Con una shell normale, ad esempio {1}, {2} o il prompt dei comandi di Windows le variabili di ambiente del percorso necessarie non sono impostate.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Prompt dei comandi per gli sviluppatori per Visual Studio", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "Altre opzioni del compilatore", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Se la destinazione è Linux da Windows, vedere {0}. In alternativa, è possibile {1}.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "Uso di C++ e del sottosistema Windows per Linux (WSL) in VS Code", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ita/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ita/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json index 50e0606f36..5ddb2013fe 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ita/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ita/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Nota", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "È possibile usare il set di strumenti C++ di Visual Studio Build Tools insieme a Visual Studio Code per compilare, creare e verificare qualsiasi codebase C++, purché sia disponibile una licenza di Visual Studio valida (Community, Pro o Enterprise) usata attivamente per sviluppare la codebase C++.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "Verifica dell'installazione del compilatore", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Per aprire {0}, digitare 'developer' nel menu Start di Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Prompt dei comandi per gli sviluppatori per Visual Studio", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Verificare l'installazione di MSVC digitando {0} al Prompt dei comandi per gli sviluppatori per Visual Studio. Verranno visualizzati un messaggio di copyright, la versione e la descrizione sulla sintassi di base.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Nota", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Per usare MSVC dalla riga di comando o da VS Code, è necessario eseguire l'applicazione da {0}. Con una shell normale, ad esempio {1}, {2} o il prompt dei comandi di Windows le variabili di ambiente del percorso necessarie non sono impostate.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Prompt dei comandi per gli sviluppatori per Visual Studio", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "Altre opzioni del compilatore", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Se la destinazione è Linux da Windows, vedere {0}. In alternativa, è possibile {1}.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "Uso di C++ e del sottosistema Windows per Linux (WSL) in VS Code", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/jpn/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/jpn/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json index 038492d02e..50010d7fb7 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/jpn/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/jpn/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compilerArgs": "たとえば `-nostdinc++`、`-m32` など、使用されているインクルードや定義を変更するコンパイラ引数。追加のスペース区切りの引数を受け取る引数は、配列内の別の引数として入力する必要があります。たとえば、`--sysroot ` の場合、`\"--sysroot\", \"\"` を使用します。", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cStandard": "IntelliSense に使用する C 言語標準のバージョンです。注意: GNU 標準は、set コンパイラをクエリして GNU 定義を取得するためにのみ使用されるため、IntelliSense は同等の C 標準バージョンをエミュレートします。", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cppStandard": "IntelliSense に使用する C++ 言語標準のバージョンです。注意: GNU 標準は、set コンパイラをクエリして GNU 定義を取得するためにのみ使用されるため、IntelliSense は同等の C++ 標準バージョンをエミュレートします。", - "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "ワークスペースの `compile_commands.json` ファイルへの完全なパス。", + "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Full path or a list of full paths to `compile_commands.json` files for the workspace.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.includePath": "インクルードされたヘッダーを検索する際に IntelliSense エンジンによって使用されるパスの一覧です。これらのパスでの検索は再帰的ではありません。再帰的な検索を示すには、`**` を指定します。たとえば、`${workspaceFolder}/**` を指定するとすべてのサブディレクトリが検索されますが、`${workspaceFolder}` はそうではありません。通常、これにはシステム インクルードを含めるべきではありません。 代わりに、`C_Cpp.default.compilerPath` を設定します。", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.macFrameworkPath": "Mac フレームワークからインクルードされたヘッダーを検索する際に IntelliSense エンジンが使用するパスの一覧です。Mac 構成でのみサポートされます。", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.windowsSdkVersion": "Windows で使用する Windows SDK インクルード パスのバージョン (例: `10.0.17134.0`)。", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/jpn/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/jpn/package.i18n.json index 0e889f90c2..63e509a64e 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/jpn/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/jpn/package.i18n.json @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.showClear.AllAndAllTypeAndThis.description": "[すべてクリア] (複数の問題の種類がある場合)、[すべてののクリア] (に複数の問題がある場合)、'これをクリア' コード アクションを表示する", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.formatFixes.markdownDescription": "`true` の場合、'修正' コード アクションによって変更された行に対して書式設定が実行されます。", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.enabled.markdownDescription": "`true` の場合、`clang-tidy` を使用したコード分析が有効になり、`#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.runAutomatically#` が `true` (既定値) の場合、ファイルを開いたり保存したりした後に実行されます。", - "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "`clang-tidy` の実行可能ファイルの完全なパスです。指定されておらず、`clang-tidy` が環境パスに置かれている場合は、それが使用されます。環境パスに見つからない場合は、拡張機能にバンドルされている `clang-tidy` が使用されます。", + "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-tidy` executable. If not specified, and `clang-tidy` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-tidy` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config.markdownDescription": "YAML/JSON 形式の `clang-tidy` 構成を指定します: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*',CheckOptions: [{キー: x, 値: y}]}`。値が空の場合、`clang-tidy` は親ディレクトリ内の各ソース ファイルの `.clang-tidy` という名前のファイルの検索を試みます。", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.fallbackConfig.markdownDescription": "`#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config#` が設定されておらず、`clang-tidy` ファイルが見つからない場合に、フォールバックとして使用する YAML/JSON 形式の `clang-tidy` 構成を指定します: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*',CheckOptions: [{キー: x, 値: y}]}`。", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.headerFilter.markdownDescription": "診断を出力するヘッダーの名前と一致する POSIX 拡張正規表現 (ERE)。各翻訳単位のメイン ファイルからの診断は常に表示されます。`${workspaceFolder}` 変数はサポートされています (`.clang-tidy` ファイルが存在しない場合は、既定のフォールバック値として使用されます)。このオプションが `null` (空) でない場合は、`.clang-tidy` ファイルの `HeaderFilterRegex` オプションがオーバーライドされます (存在する場合)。", @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.oneLiners.markdownDescription": "`C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*` 設定の値に関係なく、1 行に入力された完全なコード ブロックは、1 行に保持されます。", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.allOneLineScopes.markdownDescription": "`C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*` 設定の値に関係なく、左および右中かっこが 1 行に入力されているコードは、1 行に保持されます。", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.never.markdownDescription": "コード ブロックは、常に `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*` 設定の値に基づいて書式設定されます。", - "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "`clang-format` の実行可能ファイルの完全なパスです。指定されておらず、`clang-format` が環境パスに置かれている場合は、それが使用されます。環境パスに見つからない場合は、拡張機能にバンドルされている `clang-format` が使用されます。", + "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-format` executable. If not specified, and `clang-format` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-format` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.markdownDescription": "次のコーディング スタイルが現在サポートされています: `Visual Studio`、`LLVM`、`Google`、`Chromium`、`Mozilla`、`WebKit`、`Microsoft`、`GNU`。`file` を使用して、現在のディレクトリまたは親ディレクトリにある `.clang-format` ファイルからスタイルを読み込むか、`file:<パス>/.clang-format` を使用して特定のパスを参照します。特定のパラメーターを設定するには、`{キー: 値, ...}` を使用します。たとえば、`Visual Studio` のスタイルは次のようになります: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`。", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.markdownDescription": "`clang-format` が`file`スタイルで呼び出されたものの`.clang-format`ファイルが見つからない場合に、フォールバックとして使用される定義済みスタイルの名前。使用可能な値は、`Visual Studio`、`LLVM`、`Google`、`Chromium`、`Mozilla`、`WebKit`、`Microsoft`、`GNU`、`none` です。または、`{キー:値, ...}`を使用して特定のパラメーターを設定することもできます。たとえば、`Visual Studio`スタイルは次のようになります: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`。", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_sortIncludes.markdownDescription": "設定されている場合、`SortIncludes` パラメーターによって決定されるインクルードの並べ替え動作がオーバーライドされます。", @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.markdownDescription": "`browse.path` 配列内のパスを走査する際、コード ナビゲーションのデータベースに追加する必要があるファイルを決定するときに、いつ `#files.exclude#` (および `#C_Cpp.files.exclude#`) 設定を使用するかを拡張機能に指示します。`#files.exclude#` 設定にフォルダーのみが含まれる場合は `checkFolders` が最適で、拡張機能がコード ナビゲーションのデータベースを初期化する速度が向上します。", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFolders.description": "除外フィルターはフォルダーごとに 1 回だけ評価されます (個々のファイルはチェックされません)。", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFilesAndFolders.description": "除外フィルターは、検出されたすべてのファイルとフォルダーに対して評価されます。", - "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "`#include` のオートコンプリート結果でパス区切り記号として使用される文字です。", + "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "The character used as a path separator for generated user paths.", "c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.markdownDescription": "`true` の場合、ホバーおよびオートコンプリートのヒントに、構造化されたコメントの特定のラベルのみが表示されます。それ以外の場合は、すべてのコメントが表示されます。", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generateOnType.description": "選択したコメント スタイルを入力した後に、Doxygen コメントを自動的に挿入するかどうかを制御します。", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generatedStyle.description": "Doxygen コメントの開始行として使用される文字列です。", @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.hover.description": "無効にすると、ホバーの詳細が言語サーバーから提供されなくなります。", "c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "[vcpkg 依存関係マネージャー](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/) の統合サービスを有効にします。", "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.markdownDescription": "依存関係である場合は、`nan` および `node-addon-api` のインクルード パスを追加してください。", + "c_cpp.configuration.copilotHover.markdownDescription": "`disabled` の場合、ホバーに Copilot 情報は表示されません。", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.markdownDescription": "`true` の場合、'シンボルの名前変更' には有効な C/C++ 識別子が必要です。", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.markdownDescription": "`true` の場合、関数呼び出しの後に `(` が自動的に追加されます。その場合は、`#editor.autoClosingBrackets#` 設定の値に応じて、`)` も追加される場合があります。", "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.markdownDescription": "フォルダー (および `#C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy#` が変更されている場合はファイル) を除外するための glob パターンを構成します。これらは C/C++ 拡張機能に固有であり、`#files.exclude#` に加えてありますが、`#files.exclude#` とは異なり、現在のワークスペース フォルダーの外部のパスにも適用され、エクスプローラー ビューからは削除されません。[glob パターン](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options) についての詳細をご確認ください。", @@ -427,8 +428,8 @@ "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.title": "C++ ファイルの作成", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.description": "[開く](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.openFile) または [作成](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D) C++ ファイル。\"helloworld.cpp\" などの \".cpp\" 拡張子を使用して保存してください。\n[C++ ファイルの作成](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.altText": "C++ ファイル または C++ プロジェクトを含むフォルダーを開きます。", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "開発者コマンド プロンプトから再起動する", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "Microsoft Visual Studio C++ コンパイラを使用する場合、C++ 拡張機能では、開発者コマンド プロンプトから VS Code を起動する必要があります。右側の指示に従って再起動してください。\n[ウィンドウの再読み込み](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Launch from the Developer Command Prompt for VS", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "When using the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler, the C++ extension requires you to launch VS Code from the Developer Command Prompt for VS. Follow the instructions on the right to relaunch.\r\n[Reload Window](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.title": "お使いの C++ ファイルを実行してデバッグする", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.mac.description": "C++ ファイルを開いてエディターの右上隅にある [再生] ボタンをクリックするか、ファイル上で F5 キーを押します。デバッガーで実行するには、[clang++ - アクティブ ファイルのビルドとデバッグ] を選択します。", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.linux.description": "C++ ファイルを開いてエディターの右上隅にある [再生] ボタンをクリックするか、ファイル上で F5 キーを押します。デバッガーで実行するには、[g++ - アクティブ ファイルのビルドとデバッグ] を選択します。", @@ -449,4 +450,4 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.refactoring.includeHeader.never.description": "ヘッダー ファイルを含めることはありません。", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.displayName": "C/C++ 構成", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.userDescription": "言語標準バージョンやターゲット プラットフォームなど、アクティブ C または C++ ファイルの構成。" -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json index 0f009dc4ee..73ab2c3c6b 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "pre.Launch.Task": "preLaunchTask: {0}", "debugger.path.not.exists": "{0} デバッガーが見つかりません。{1} のデバッグ構成は無視されます。", "build.and.debug.active.file": "アクティブ ファイルのビルドとデバッグ", - "cl.exe.not.available": "{0} のビルドとデバッグを使用できるのは、VS 用開発者コマンド プロンプトから VS Code を実行する場合のみです。", + "cl.exe.not.available": "{0} is only usable when VS Code is run from the {1}.", "lldb.find.failed": "lldb-mi 実行可能ファイルの依存関係 '{0}' が見つかりません。", "lldb.search.paths": "検索対象:", "lldb.install.help": "この問題を解決するには、Apple App Store から XCode をインストールするか、またはターミナル ウィンドウで '{0}' を実行して XCode コマンド ライン ツールをインストールしてください。", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c48e773b79 --- /dev/null +++ b/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. + *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. +{ + "generate.copilot.description": "Copilot 要約を生成します", + "copilot.disclaimer": "AI によって生成されたコンテンツが正しくない可能性があります。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json index bbc6b07715..f628617a75 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json @@ -17,5 +17,6 @@ "path.is.not.a.directory": "パスがディレクトリではありません: {0}", "duplicate.name": "{0} が重複しています。構成名は一意である必要があります。", "multiple.paths.not.allowed": "複数のパスは使用できません。", + "multiple.paths.should.be.separate.entries": "Multiple paths should be separate entries in an array.", "paths.are.not.directories": "パスはディレクトリではありません: {0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json index fe3c55f22d..60a5d17350 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json @@ -19,5 +19,7 @@ "code.action.aborted": "ドキュメントが変更されたため、コード分析修正プログラムを適用できませんでした。", "prerelease.message": "C/C++ 拡張機能のプレリリース版が利用可能です。切り替えますか?", "yes.button": "はい", - "no.button": "いいえ" + "no.button": "いいえ", + "copilot.hover.unavailable": "Copilot の概要は、このシンボルでは使用できません。", + "copilot.hover.error": "Copilot 要約の生成中にエラーが発生しました。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json index ad82921c55..9012c476bf 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json @@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ "fallback_to_64_bit_mode2": "コンパイラを照会できませんでした。64 ビットの intelliSenseMode に戻しています。", "fallback_to_no_bitness": "コンパイラを照会できませんでした。ビットなしに戻ります。", "intellisense_client_creation_aborted": "IntelliSense クライアントの作成が中止されました: {0}", - "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled ": "configurationProvider 設定によって提供された情報に基づいて、#include エラーが検出されました。この翻訳単位 ({0}) の IntelliSense 機能は、タグ パーサーによって提供されます。", - "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled ": "configurationProvider 設定によって提供された情報に基づいて、#include エラーが検出されました。この翻訳単位 ({0}) では、波線が無効になっています。", + "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled": "configurationProvider 設定によって提供された情報に基づいて、#include エラーが検出されました。この翻訳単位 ({0}) の IntelliSense 機能は、タグ パーサーによって提供されます。", + "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled": "configurationProvider 設定によって提供された情報に基づいて、#include エラーが検出されました。この翻訳単位 ({0}) では、波線が無効になっています。", "preprocessor_keyword": "プリプロセッサ キーワード", "c_keyword": "C キーワード", "cpp_keyword": "C++ キーワード", @@ -316,5 +316,6 @@ "refactor_extract_xborder_jump": "選択したコードと周囲のコードの間にジャンプが存在します。", "refactor_extract_missing_return": "選択したコードでは、戻り値を設定せずに一部のコントロール パスが終了します。これは、スカラー型、数値型、およびポインター型の戻り値に対してのみサポートされます。", "expand_selection": "選択範囲を展開する ([関数に抽出] を有効にする)", - "file_not_found_in_path2": "\"{0}\" が compile_commands.json ファイルに見つかりません。フォルダー '{1}' にある c_cpp_properties.json からの 'includePath' が、このファイルで代わりに使用されます。" + "file_not_found_in_path2": "\"{0}\" が compile_commands.json ファイルに見つかりません。フォルダー '{1}' にある c_cpp_properties.json からの 'includePath' が、このファイルで代わりに使用されます。", + "copilot_hover_link": "Copilot 要約の生成" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/jpn/ui/settings.html.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/jpn/ui/settings.html.i18n.json index e514a50651..39667904b3 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/jpn/ui/settings.html.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/jpn/ui/settings.html.i18n.json @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ "dot.config": "Dot Config", "dot.config.description": "Kconfig システムによって作成された.config ファイルへのパス。Kconfig システムは、プロジェクトをビルドするためのすべての定義を含むファイルを生成します。Kconfig システムを使用するプロジェクトの例としては、Linux Kernel と NuttX RTOS があります。", "compile.commands": "コンパイル コマンド", - "compile.commands.description": "ワークスペースの {0} ファイルへの完全なパスです。このファイルで検出されたインクルード パスおよび定義は、{1} および {2} の設定に設定されている値の代わりに使用されます。コンパイル コマンド データベースに、エディターで開いたファイルに対応する翻訳単位のエントリが含まれていない場合は、警告メッセージが表示され、代わりに拡張機能では {3} および {4} の設定が使用されます。", + "compile.commands.description": "A list of paths to {0} files for the workspace. The include paths and defines discovered in these files will be used instead of the values set for {1} and {2} settings. If the compile commands database does not contain an entry for the translation unit that corresponds to the file you opened in the editor, then a warning message will appear and the extension will use the {3} and {4} settings instead.", + "one.compile.commands.path.per.line": "One compile commands path per line.", "merge.configurations": "構成のマージ", "merge.configurations.description": "{0} (またはチェックボックスがオン) の場合、インクルード パス、定義、および強制インクルードを構成プロバイダーのものにマージします。", "browse.path": "参照: パス", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/jpn/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/jpn/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json index 13e8874291..38e15cd698 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/jpn/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/jpn/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. { - "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "開発者コマンド プロンプトを使用した再起動", - "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " MSVC コンパイラで Windows マシンを使用しているため、すべての環境変数を正しく設定するには、開発者コマンド プロンプトから VS Code を開始する必要があります。開発者コマンド プロンプトを使用して再起動するには:", - "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Windows スタート メニューで 「developer」と入力して、VS の開発者コマンド プロンプトを開きます。VS の開発者コマンド プロンプトを選択すると、現在開いているフォルダーに自動的に移動します。", - "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "コマンド プロンプトに「code」と入力して Enter キーを押します。これにより、VS Code が再起動され、このチュートリアルに戻ります。 " + "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Relaunch using the {0}", + "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " You are using a windows machine with the MSVC compiler, so you need to start VS Code from the {0} for all environment variables to be set correctly. To relaunch using the {1}:", + "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing \"{1}\" in the Windows Start menu. Select the {2}, which will automatically navigate to your current open folder.", + "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Type \"{0}\" into the command prompt and hit enter. This should relaunch VS Code and take you back to this walkthrough. " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/jpn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/jpn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json index b59ce0ea58..d373859d8d 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/jpn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/jpn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json @@ -16,10 +16,8 @@ "walkthrough.windows.link.install": "インストール", "walkthrough.windows.note1": "メモ", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "有効な Visual Studio ライセンス (Community、Pro、Enterprise のいずれか) があり、その C++ コードベースの開発に積極的に使用している場合は、Visual Studio Build Tools の C++ ツールセットを Visual Studio Code と合わせて使用して、C++ コードベースのコンパイル、ビルド、および検証を行うことができます。", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Windows スタート メニューに '開発者' と入力して、{0} を開きます。", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "VS 向け developer コマンド プロンプト", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "VS の開発者コマンド プロンプトに {0} を入力して、MSVC インストールを確認します。バージョンと基本的な使用法の説明とともに、著作権に関するメッセージが表示されます。", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "メモ", - "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "コマンド ラインまたは VS Code で MSVC を使用するには、{0} で実行する必要があります。{1}、{2}、Windows コマンド プロンプトなどの通常のシェルには、必要なパス環境変数が設定されていません。", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "VS 向け開発者コマンド プロンプト" + "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "コマンド ラインまたは VS Code で MSVC を使用するには、{0} で実行する必要があります。{1}、{2}、Windows コマンド プロンプトなどの通常のシェルには、必要なパス環境変数が設定されていません。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/jpn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/jpn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json index caff1dfdb7..1496009863 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/jpn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/jpn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "メモ", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "有効な Visual Studio ライセンス (Community、Pro、Enterprise のいずれか) があり、その C++ コードベースの開発に積極的に使用している場合は、Visual Studio Build Tools の C++ ツールセットを Visual Studio Code と合わせて使用して、C++ コードベースのコンパイル、ビルド、および検証を行うことができます。", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "コンパイラのインストールの確認中", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Windows スタート メニューに '開発者' と入力して、{0} を開きます。", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "VS 向け developer コマンド プロンプト", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "VS の開発者コマンド プロンプトに {0} を入力して、MSVC インストールを確認します。バージョンと基本的な使用法の説明とともに、著作権に関するメッセージが表示されます。", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "メモ", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "コマンド ラインまたは VS Code で MSVC を使用するには、{0} で実行する必要があります。{1}、{2}、Windows コマンド プロンプトなどの通常のシェルには、必要なパス環境変数が設定されていません。", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "VS 向け開発者コマンド プロンプト", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "その他のコンパイラ オプション", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Windows から Linux に貼り付ける場合は、{0} をチェックしてください。あるいは、{1} も使用できます。", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "VS Code で C++ と Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) を使用する", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/jpn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/jpn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json index caff1dfdb7..1496009863 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/jpn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/jpn/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "メモ", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "有効な Visual Studio ライセンス (Community、Pro、Enterprise のいずれか) があり、その C++ コードベースの開発に積極的に使用している場合は、Visual Studio Build Tools の C++ ツールセットを Visual Studio Code と合わせて使用して、C++ コードベースのコンパイル、ビルド、および検証を行うことができます。", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "コンパイラのインストールの確認中", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Windows スタート メニューに '開発者' と入力して、{0} を開きます。", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "VS 向け developer コマンド プロンプト", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "VS の開発者コマンド プロンプトに {0} を入力して、MSVC インストールを確認します。バージョンと基本的な使用法の説明とともに、著作権に関するメッセージが表示されます。", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "メモ", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "コマンド ラインまたは VS Code で MSVC を使用するには、{0} で実行する必要があります。{1}、{2}、Windows コマンド プロンプトなどの通常のシェルには、必要なパス環境変数が設定されていません。", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "VS 向け開発者コマンド プロンプト", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "その他のコンパイラ オプション", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Windows から Linux に貼り付ける場合は、{0} をチェックしてください。あるいは、{1} も使用できます。", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "VS Code で C++ と Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) を使用する", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/kor/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/kor/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json index 563ee6e6b3..6b50418825 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/kor/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/kor/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compilerArgs": "사용된 포함 또는 정의를 수정하기 위한 컴파일러 인수입니다. `-nostdinc++`, `-m32` 등 추가 공백으로 구분된 인수를 사용하는 인수는 배열에 별도의 인수로 입력해야 합니다(예: `--sysroot `의 경우 `\"--sysroot\", \"\"`를 사용하세요).", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cStandard": "IntelliSense에 사용할 C 언어 표준의 버전입니다. 참고: GNU 표준은 GNU 정의를 가져오기 위해 설정된 컴파일러를 쿼리하는 데만 사용되며, IntelliSense는 해당 C 표준 버전을 에뮬레이트합니다.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cppStandard": "IntelliSense에 사용할 C++ 언어 표준의 버전입니다. 참고: GNU 표준은 GNU 정의를 가져오기 위해 설정된 컴파일러를 쿼리하는 데만 사용되며, IntelliSense는 해당 C++ 표준 버전을 에뮬레이트합니다.", - "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "작업 영역의 `compile_commands.json` 파일 전체 경로입니다.", + "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Full path or a list of full paths to `compile_commands.json` files for the workspace.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.includePath": "포함된 헤더를 검색하는 동안 사용할 IntelliSense 엔진의 경로 목록입니다. 이러한 경로 검색은 비재귀적입니다. 재귀적 검색을 나타내려면 `**`를 지정합니다. 예를 들어 `${workspaceFolder}/**`는 모든 하위 디렉터리를 검색하지만 `${workspaceFolder}`는 하위 디렉터리를 검색하지 않습니다. 일반적으로 시스템 포함은 포함되지 않아야 하고 `C_Cpp.default.compilerPath`가 설정되어야 합니다.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.macFrameworkPath": "Mac 프레임워크에서 포함된 헤더를 검색하는 동안 사용할 IntelliSense 엔진의 경로 목록입니다. Mac 구성에서만 지원됩니다.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.windowsSdkVersion": "Windows에서 사용할 Windows SDK 포함 경로의 버전입니다(예: `10.0.17134.0`).", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/kor/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/kor/package.i18n.json index 3a092f7d53..5adc6b088b 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/kor/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/kor/package.i18n.json @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.showClear.AllAndAllTypeAndThis.description": "'모두 지우기'(여러 문제 유형이 있는 경우), '모두 지우기 '(에 대해 여러 문제가 있는 경우) 및 '이 항목 지우기' 코드 작업 표시", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.formatFixes.markdownDescription": "`true`이면 '수정' 코드 동작에 의해 변경된 줄에서 서식이 실행됩니다.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.enabled.markdownDescription": "`true`인 경우 `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.runAutomatically#`가 `true`(기본값)이면 `clang-tidy`를 사용한 코드 분석을 사용하도록 설정되고 파일을 열거나 저장한 뒤 실행됩니다.", - "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "`clang-tidy` 실행 파일의 전체 경로입니다. 지정하지 않은 경우 `clang-tidy`를 환경 경로에서 사용할 수 있으면 해당 실행 파일이 사용됩니다. 환경 경로에 없는 경우에는 확장과 함께 제공된 `clang-tidy`가 사용됩니다.", + "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-tidy` executable. If not specified, and `clang-tidy` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-tidy` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config.markdownDescription": "YAML/JSON 형식의 `clang-tidy` 구성을 지정합니다. `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{키: x, 값: y}]}`. 값이 비어 있으면 `clang-tidy`는 상위 디렉터리의 각 소스 파일에 대해 `.clang-tidy`라는 파일을 찾으려고 시도합니다.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.fallbackConfig.markdownDescription": "`#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config#`가 설정되지 않고 `.clang-tidy` 파일을 찾을 수 없는 경우 대체로 사용할 YAML/JSON 형식의 `clang-tidy` 구성을 지정합니다. `{Checks: '-*, clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{키: x, 값: y}]}`.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.headerFilter.markdownDescription": "진단을 출력할 헤더의 이름과 일치하는 POSIX 확장 정규식(ERE)입니다. 각 번역 단위의 기본 파일에서 진단이 항상 표시됩니다. `${workspaceFolder}` 변수가 지원됩니다(`.clang-tidy` 파일이 없는 경우 기본 폴백 값으로 사용됨). 이 옵션이 `null`(비어 있음)이 아닌 경우 `.clang-tidy` 파일의 `HeaderFilterRegex` 옵션(있는 경우)을 재정의합니다.", @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.oneLiners.markdownDescription": "모든 `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*` 설정의 값에 관계없이 한 줄에 입력된 전체 코드 블록이 한 줄에 유지됩니다.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.allOneLineScopes.markdownDescription": "모든 `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*` 설정의 값에 관계없이 여는 중괄호와 닫는 중괄호가 입력된 모든 코드가 한 줄에 유지됩니다.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.never.markdownDescription": "코드 블록은 항상 `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*` 설정의 값에 따라 서식이 지정됩니다.", - "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "`clang-format` 실행 파일의 전체 경로입니다. 지정하지 않은 경우 `clang-format`을 환경 경로에서 사용할 수 있으면 해당 실행 파일이 사용됩니다. 환경 경로에 없는 경우에는 확장과 함께 제공된 `clang-format`이 사용됩니다.", + "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-format` executable. If not specified, and `clang-format` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-format` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.markdownDescription": "코딩 스타일은 현재 `Visual Studio`, `LLVM`, `Google`, `Chromium`, `Mozilla`, `WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`을 지원합니다. `file`을 사용하여 현재 또는 상위 디렉터리의 `.clang-format` 파일에서 스타일을 로드하거나 `file:<경로>/.clang-format`을 사용하여 특정 경로를 참조하세요. `{키: 값, ...}`을 사용하여 특정 매개 변수를 설정합니다. 예를 들어 `Visual Studio` 스타일은 `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`와 유사합니다.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.markdownDescription": "`clang-format`이 `file` 스타일을 사용하여 호출되지만 `clang-format` 파일을 찾을 수 없는 경우 대체로 사용되는 미리 정의된 스타일의 이름입니다. 가능한 값은 `Visual Studio`, `LLVM`, `Google`, `Chromium`, `Mozilla`, `WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`, `none`이거나 `{key: value, ...}`를 사용하여 특정 매개 변수를 설정합니다. 예를 들어 `Visual Studio` 스타일은 `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`와 유사합니다.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_sortIncludes.markdownDescription": "설정되는 경우 `SortIncludes` 매개 변수로 결정된 포함 정렬 동작을 재정의합니다.", @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.markdownDescription": "`browse.path` 배열의 경로를 통과하는 동안 코드 탐색 데이터베이스에 추가할 파일을 결정할 때 `#files.exclude#`(및 `#C_Cpp.files.exclude#`) 설정을 사용할 시기를 확장에 지시합니다. `#files.exclude#` 설정에 폴더만 포함되어 있는 경우 `checkFolders`가 가장 좋은 선택이며 확장이 코드 탐색 데이터베이스를 초기화하는 속도를 향상시킵니다.", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFolders.description": "제외 필터는 폴더당 한 번만 평가됩니다(개별 파일은 검사되지 않음).", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFilesAndFolders.description": "제외 필터는 발생한 모든 파일 및 폴더에 대해 평가됩니다.", - "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "`#include` 자동 완성 결과의 경로 구분 기호로 사용되는 문자입니다.", + "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "The character used as a path separator for generated user paths.", "c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.markdownDescription": "`true`인 경우 가리키기 및 자동 완성 도구 설명에 구조적 주석의 특정 레이블만 표시됩니다. 그렇지 않으면 모든 주석이 표시됩니다.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generateOnType.description": "선택한 주석 스타일을 입력한 후 Doxygen 주석을 자동으로 삽입할지 여부를 제어합니다.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generatedStyle.description": "Doxygen 주석의 시작 줄로 사용되는 문자 문자열입니다.", @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.hover.description": "사용하지 않도록 설정하면 언어 서버에서 마우스로 가리키기 세부 정보를 더 이상 제공하지 않습니다.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "[vcpkg 종속성 관리자](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/)에 대해 통합 서비스를 사용하도록 설정합니다.", "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.markdownDescription": "`nan` 및 `node-addon-api`가 종속성일 때 해당 포함 경로를 추가합니다.", + "c_cpp.configuration.copilotHover.markdownDescription": "`disabled`인 경우 Hover에 Copilot 정보가 표시되지 않습니다.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.markdownDescription": "`true`이면 '기호 이름 바꾸기'에 유효한 C/C++ 식별자가 필요합니다.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.markdownDescription": "`true`이면 자동 완성에서 `#editor.autoClosingBrackets#` 설정 값에 따라 함수 호출 뒤에 `(`를 자동으로 추가하며, 이 경우 `)`도 추가될 수 있습니다.", "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.markdownDescription": "폴더를 제외하기 위한 glob 패턴을 구성합니다(`#C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy#`가 변경된 경우 파일도). 이는 C/C++ 확장에만 해당하며 `#files.exclude#`와 더불어 사용되지만 `#files.exclude#`와 달리 현재 작업 영역 폴더 외부의 경로에도 적용되며 탐색기 보기에서 제거되지 않습니다. [glob 패턴](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options)에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.", @@ -427,8 +428,8 @@ "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.title": "C++ 파일 만들기", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.description": "C++를 [열거나](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.openFile) [만드세요](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D). \"helloworld.cpp\"와 같이 \".cpp\" 확장자로 저장해야 합니다. \n[C++ 파일 만들기](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.altText": "C++ 프로젝트를 사용하여 C++ 파일 또는 폴더를 엽니다.", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "개발자 명령 프롬프트에서 시작", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 컴파일러를 사용하는 경우 C++ 확장을 사용하려면 개발자 명령 프롬프트에서 VS Code를 시작해야 합니다. 다시 시작하려면 오른쪽의 지침을 따르세요.\n[Window 다시 로드](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Launch from the Developer Command Prompt for VS", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "When using the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler, the C++ extension requires you to launch VS Code from the Developer Command Prompt for VS. Follow the instructions on the right to relaunch.\r\n[Reload Window](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.title": "C++ 파일 실행 및 디버그", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.mac.description": "C++ 파일을 열고 편집기의 오른쪽 상단 모서리에 있는 재생 버튼을 클릭하거나 파일에서 F5를 누릅니다. 디버거와 함께 실행하려면 \"clang++ - 활성 파일 빌드 및 디버그\"를 선택합니다.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.linux.description": "C++ 파일을 열고 편집기의 오른쪽 상단 모서리에 있는 재생 버튼을 클릭하거나 파일에서 F5를 누릅니다. 디버거와 함께 실행하려면 \"g++- 활성 파일 빌드 및 디버그\"를 선택합니다.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/kor/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/kor/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json index 826cc718f7..efeb7b6a31 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/kor/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/kor/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "pre.Launch.Task": "preLaunchTask: {0}", "debugger.path.not.exists": "{0} 디버거를 찾을 수 없습니다. {1}에 대한 디버그 구성은 무시됩니다.", "build.and.debug.active.file": "활성 파일 빌드 및 디버그", - "cl.exe.not.available": "{0} 빌드 및 디버그는 VS의 개발자 명령 프롬프트에서 VS Code를 실행하는 경우에만 사용할 수 있습니다.", + "cl.exe.not.available": "{0} is only usable when VS Code is run from the {1}.", "lldb.find.failed": "lldb-mi 실행 파일에 대한 '{0}' 종속성이 없습니다.", "lldb.search.paths": "다음에서 검색됨:", "lldb.install.help": "이 문제를 해결하려면 Apple App Store를 통해 XCode를 설치하거나, 터미널 창에서 '{0}'을(를) 실행하여 XCode 명령줄 도구를 설치하세요.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/kor/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/kor/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0ca285c6e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Extension/i18n/kor/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. + *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. +{ + "generate.copilot.description": "Copilot 요약 생성", + "copilot.disclaimer": "AI 생성 콘텐츠가 잘못되었을 수 있습니다." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/kor/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/kor/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json index bba8f04b9f..815fbe420b 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/kor/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/kor/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json @@ -17,5 +17,6 @@ "path.is.not.a.directory": "경로가 디렉터리가 아닙니다. {0}", "duplicate.name": "{0}은(는) 중복됩니다. 구성 이름은 고유해야 합니다.", "multiple.paths.not.allowed": "여러 경로는 허용되지 않습니다.", + "multiple.paths.should.be.separate.entries": "Multiple paths should be separate entries in an array.", "paths.are.not.directories": "경로는 디렉터리가 아닙니다. {0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/kor/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/kor/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json index 5b547e76b7..2abbfb7dab 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/kor/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/kor/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json @@ -19,5 +19,7 @@ "code.action.aborted": "문서가 변경되어 코드 분석 수정 사항을 적용할 수 없습니다.", "prerelease.message": "C/C++ 확장의 시험판 버전을 사용할 수 있습니다. 전환하시겠습니까?", "yes.button": "예", - "no.button": "아니요" + "no.button": "아니요", + "copilot.hover.unavailable": "이 기호에는 Copilot 요약을 사용할 수 없습니다.", + "copilot.hover.error": "Copilot 요약을 생성하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/kor/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/kor/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json index 9b6dc985e0..eeed677d5b 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/kor/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/kor/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json @@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ "fallback_to_64_bit_mode2": "컴파일러를 쿼리하지 못했습니다. 64비트 intelliSenseMode로 대체하는 중입니다.", "fallback_to_no_bitness": "컴파일러를 쿼리하지 못했습니다. 0비트로 대체하는 중입니다.", "intellisense_client_creation_aborted": "IntelliSense 클라이언트 만들기가 중단되었습니다. {0}", - "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled ": "configurationProvider 설정에서 제공하는 정보를 기준으로 #include 오류가 검색되었습니다. 태그 파서가 이 변환 단위({0})에 적합한 IntelliSense 기능을 제공합니다.", - "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled ": "configurationProvider 설정에서 제공하는 정보를 기준으로 #include 오류가 검색되었습니다. 이 변환 단위({0})에서 물결선을 사용할 수 없습니다.", + "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled": "configurationProvider 설정에서 제공하는 정보를 기준으로 #include 오류가 검색되었습니다. 태그 파서가 이 변환 단위({0})에 적합한 IntelliSense 기능을 제공합니다.", + "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled": "configurationProvider 설정에서 제공하는 정보를 기준으로 #include 오류가 검색되었습니다. 이 변환 단위({0})에서 물결선을 사용할 수 없습니다.", "preprocessor_keyword": "전처리기 키워드", "c_keyword": "C 키워드", "cpp_keyword": "C++ 키워드", @@ -316,5 +316,6 @@ "refactor_extract_xborder_jump": "선택된 코드와 주변 코드 사이에 점프가 있습니다.", "refactor_extract_missing_return": "선택된 코드에서 일부 제어 경로가 반환 값 설정 없이 종료됩니다. 이는 스칼라, 숫자 및 포인터 반환 형식에 대해서만 지원됩니다.", "expand_selection": "선택 영역 확장('함수로 추출'을 사용하도록 설정)", - "file_not_found_in_path2": "compile_commands.json 파일에서 \"{0}\"을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. '{1}' 폴더의 c_cpp_properties.json 'includePath'가 대신 이 파일에 사용됩니다." + "file_not_found_in_path2": "compile_commands.json 파일에서 \"{0}\"을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. '{1}' 폴더의 c_cpp_properties.json 'includePath'가 대신 이 파일에 사용됩니다.", + "copilot_hover_link": "Copilot 요약 생성" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/kor/ui/settings.html.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/kor/ui/settings.html.i18n.json index be74f775fe..0c5bd87377 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/kor/ui/settings.html.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/kor/ui/settings.html.i18n.json @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ "dot.config": "Dot Config", "dot.config.description": "Kconfig 시스템에서 만든 .config 파일의 경로입니다. Kconfig 시스템은 프로젝트를 빌드하기 위한 모든 정의가 포함된 파일을 생성합니다. Kconfig 시스템을 사용하는 프로젝트의 예로는 Linux 커널 및 NuttX RTOS가 있습니다.", "compile.commands": "컴파일 명령", - "compile.commands.description": "작업 영역의 {0} 파일 전체 경로입니다. 이 파일에서 검색된 포함 경로 및 정의가 {1} 및 {2} 설정에 설정된 값 대신 사용됩니다. 사용자가 편집기에서 연 파일에 해당하는 변환 단위에 대한 항목이 컴파일 명령 데이터베이스에 포함되지 않는 경우, 경고 메시지가 나타나고 확장에서 대신 {3} 및 {4} 설정을 사용합니다.", + "compile.commands.description": "A list of paths to {0} files for the workspace. The include paths and defines discovered in these files will be used instead of the values set for {1} and {2} settings. If the compile commands database does not contain an entry for the translation unit that corresponds to the file you opened in the editor, then a warning message will appear and the extension will use the {3} and {4} settings instead.", + "one.compile.commands.path.per.line": "One compile commands path per line.", "merge.configurations": "구성 병합", "merge.configurations.description": "{0}(또는 선택)인 경우, 포함 경로, 정의 및 강제 포함을 구성 제공자의 경로와 병합합니다.", "browse.path": "찾아보기: 경로", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/kor/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/kor/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json index 0e4eb2779e..38e15cd698 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/kor/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/kor/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. { - "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "개발자 명령 프롬프트를 사용하여 다시 시작", - "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " MSVC 컴파일러와 함께 Windows 시스템을 사용하고 있으므로 모든 환경 변수를 올바르게 설정하려면 개발자 명령 프롬프트에서 VS Code를 시작해야 합니다. 개발자 명령 프롬프트를 사용하여 다시 실행하려면 다음을 수행하세요.", - "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Windows 시작 메뉴에 \"developer\"를 입력하여 VS용 개발자 명령 프롬프트를 엽니다. 현재 열려 있는 폴더로 자동으로 이동하는 VS용 개발자 명령 프롬프트를 선택합니다.", - "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "명령 프롬프트에 \"code\"를 입력하고 Enter 키를 누릅니다. 이렇게 하면 VS Code가 다시 시작되고 이 연습으로 다시 돌아옵니다. " + "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Relaunch using the {0}", + "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " You are using a windows machine with the MSVC compiler, so you need to start VS Code from the {0} for all environment variables to be set correctly. To relaunch using the {1}:", + "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing \"{1}\" in the Windows Start menu. Select the {2}, which will automatically navigate to your current open folder.", + "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Type \"{0}\" into the command prompt and hit enter. This should relaunch VS Code and take you back to this walkthrough. " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/kor/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/kor/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json index 21d96a14fd..ec51e9abc9 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/kor/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/kor/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json @@ -16,10 +16,8 @@ "walkthrough.windows.link.install": "설치", "walkthrough.windows.note1": "메모", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "현재 C++ 코드베이스를 개발하는 데 적극적으로 사용 중인 유효한 Visual Studio 라이선스(Community, Pro 또는 Enterprise)가 있는 한 Visual Studio Build Tools의 C++ 도구 집합을 Visual Studio Code와 함께 사용하여 모든 C++ 코드베이스를 컴파일, 빌드 및 확인할 수 있습니다.", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Windows 시작 메뉴에서 '개발자'를 입력하여 {0}을(를) 엽니다.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "VS용 개발자 명령 프롬프트", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "VS용 개발자 명령 프롬프트에 {0}을(를) 입력하여 MSVC 설치를 확인합니다. 버전 및 기본 사용 설명과 함께 저작권 메시지가 표시되어야 합니다.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "메모", - "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "명령줄 또는 VS Code에서 MSVC를 사용하려면 {0}에서 실행해야 합니다. {1}, {2} 또는 Windows 명령 프롬프트와 같은 일반 셸에는 필요한 경로 환경 변수가 설정되어 있지 않습니다.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "VS용 개발자 명령 프롬프트" + "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "명령줄 또는 VS Code에서 MSVC를 사용하려면 {0}에서 실행해야 합니다. {1}, {2} 또는 Windows 명령 프롬프트와 같은 일반 셸에는 필요한 경로 환경 변수가 설정되어 있지 않습니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/kor/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/kor/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json index ba8c49b02b..30027d43e7 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/kor/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/kor/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "메모", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "현재 C++ 코드베이스를 개발하는 데 적극적으로 사용 중인 유효한 Visual Studio 라이선스(Community, Pro 또는 Enterprise)가 있는 한 Visual Studio Build Tools의 C++ 도구 집합을 Visual Studio Code와 함께 사용하여 모든 C++ 코드베이스를 컴파일, 빌드 및 확인할 수 있습니다.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "컴파일러 설치 확인 중", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Windows 시작 메뉴에서 '개발자'를 입력하여 {0}을(를) 엽니다.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "VS용 개발자 명령 프롬프트", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "VS용 개발자 명령 프롬프트에 {0}을(를) 입력하여 MSVC 설치를 확인합니다. 버전 및 기본 사용 설명과 함께 저작권 메시지가 표시되어야 합니다.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "메모", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "명령줄 또는 VS Code에서 MSVC를 사용하려면 {0}에서 실행해야 합니다. {1}, {2} 또는 Windows 명령 프롬프트와 같은 일반 셸에는 필요한 경로 환경 변수가 설정되어 있지 않습니다.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "VS용 개발자 명령 프롬프트", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "기타 컴파일러 옵션", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Windows에서 Linux를 대상으로 하는 경우 {0}을(를) 확인하세요. {1}을(를) 수행할 수도 있습니다.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "VS Code에서 C++ 및 Linux용 Windows 하위 시스템(WSL) 사용", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/kor/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/kor/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json index ba8c49b02b..30027d43e7 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/kor/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/kor/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "메모", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "현재 C++ 코드베이스를 개발하는 데 적극적으로 사용 중인 유효한 Visual Studio 라이선스(Community, Pro 또는 Enterprise)가 있는 한 Visual Studio Build Tools의 C++ 도구 집합을 Visual Studio Code와 함께 사용하여 모든 C++ 코드베이스를 컴파일, 빌드 및 확인할 수 있습니다.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "컴파일러 설치 확인 중", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Windows 시작 메뉴에서 '개발자'를 입력하여 {0}을(를) 엽니다.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "VS용 개발자 명령 프롬프트", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "VS용 개발자 명령 프롬프트에 {0}을(를) 입력하여 MSVC 설치를 확인합니다. 버전 및 기본 사용 설명과 함께 저작권 메시지가 표시되어야 합니다.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "메모", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "명령줄 또는 VS Code에서 MSVC를 사용하려면 {0}에서 실행해야 합니다. {1}, {2} 또는 Windows 명령 프롬프트와 같은 일반 셸에는 필요한 경로 환경 변수가 설정되어 있지 않습니다.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "VS용 개발자 명령 프롬프트", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "기타 컴파일러 옵션", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Windows에서 Linux를 대상으로 하는 경우 {0}을(를) 확인하세요. {1}을(를) 수행할 수도 있습니다.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "VS Code에서 C++ 및 Linux용 Windows 하위 시스템(WSL) 사용", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/plk/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/plk/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json index 7fa4581cea..2beeff016b 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/plk/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/plk/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compilerArgs": "Argumenty kompilatora do modyfikowania użytych dołączeń lub definicji, np. `-nostdinc++`, `-m32` itp. Argumenty, które przyjmują dodatkowe argumenty rozdzielone spacjami, powinny być wprowadzane jako osobne argumenty w tablicy, na przykład dla argumentu `--sysroot ` należy użyć `\"--sysroot\", \"\"`.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cStandard": "Wersja standardu języka C, która ma być używana na potrzeby funkcji IntelliSense. Uwaga: standardy GNU są używane tylko do wykonywania zapytań względem kompilatora w celu pobrania dyrektyw define systemu GNU, a funkcja IntelliSense będzie emulować odpowiednią wersję standardu języka C.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cppStandard": "Wersja standardu języka C++, która ma być używana na potrzeby funkcji IntelliSense. Uwaga: standardy GNU są używane tylko do wykonywania zapytań względem kompilatora w celu pobrania dyrektyw define systemu GNU, a funkcja IntelliSense będzie emulować odpowiednią wersję standardu języka C++.", - "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Pełna ścieżka do pliku `compile_commands.json` na potrzeby obszaru roboczego.", + "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Full path or a list of full paths to `compile_commands.json` files for the workspace.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.includePath": "Lista ścieżek na potrzeby aparatu funkcji IntelliSense, która ma być używana podczas wyszukiwania dołączanych nagłówków. Wyszukiwanie w tych ścieżkach nie jest rekurencyjne. Uściślij za pomocą znaku `**`, aby wskazać wyszukiwanie rekurencyjne. Na przykład wyrażenie `${workspaceFolder}/**` powoduje przeszukiwanie wszystkich podkatalogów, podczas gdy wyrażenie `${workspaceFolder}` tego nie robi. Zazwyczaj nie powinno to zawierać elementów dołączanych systemu; zamiast tego ustaw `C_Cpp.default.compilerPath`.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.macFrameworkPath": "Lista ścieżek, których aparat IntelliSense ma używać podczas wyszukiwania dołączanych nagłówków ze struktur na komputerach Mac. Obsługiwane tylko w konfiguracji dla komputerów Mac.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.windowsSdkVersion": "Wersja ścieżki dołączania zestawu Microsoft Windows SDK do użycia w systemie Windows, np. `10.0.17134.0`.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/plk/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/plk/package.i18n.json index 262e12efdf..fe75a91a50 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/plk/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/plk/package.i18n.json @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.showClear.AllAndAllTypeAndThis.description": "Pokaż polecenie „Wyczyść wszystko” (jeśli istnieje wiele typów problemów), „Wyczyść wszystkie ” (jeśli istnieje wiele problemów dotyczących ), a także działanie kodu „Wyczyść to”", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.formatFixes.markdownDescription": "W przypadku wartości `true` formatowanie będzie uruchamiane w wierszach zmienionych przez akcje kodu „Rozwiąż”.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.enabled.markdownDescription": "W przypadku wartości `true` analiza kodu przy użyciu polecenia `clang-tidy` zostanie włączona i zostanie uruchomiona po otwarciu lub zapisaniu pliku, jeśli parametr `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.runAutomatically#` ma wartość `true` (wartość domyślna).", - "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "Pełna ścieżka pliku wykonywalnego `clang-tidy`. Jeśli nie zostanie określony, a element `clang-tidy` jest dostępny w ścieżce środowiska, jest używany. Jeśli ścieżka środowiska nie zostanie znaleziona, zostanie użyty element `clang-tidy` w pakiecie z rozszerzeniem.", + "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-tidy` executable. If not specified, and `clang-tidy` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-tidy` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config.markdownDescription": "Określa konfigurację `clang-tidy` w formacie YAML/JSON: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{klucz: x, wartość: y}]}`. Gdy wartość jest pusta, element `clang-tidy` podejmie próbę znalezienia pliku o nazwie `clang-tidy` dla każdego pliku źródłowego w jego katalogach nadrzędnych.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.fallbackConfig.markdownDescription": "Określa konfigurację `clang-tidy` w formacie YAML/JSON, który ma być używany jako rezerwowy, gdy konfiguracja `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config#` nie jest ustawiona i nie znaleziono pliku `.clang-tidy`: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{klucz: x, wartość: y}]}`.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.headerFilter.markdownDescription": "Rozszerzone wyrażenie regularne (ERE) POSIX pasujące do nazw nagłówków do diagnostyki wyjściowej. Diagnostyka z głównego pliku każdej jednostki tłumaczenia jest zawsze wyświetlana. Zmienna `${workspaceFolder}` jest obsługiwana (i jest używana jako domyślna wartość rezerwowa, jeśli plik `.clang-tidy` nie istnieje). Jeśli ta opcja nie ma wartości `null` (pusta), zastępuje opcję `HeaderFilterRegex` w pliku `.clang-tidy`, jeśli istnieje.", @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.oneLiners.markdownDescription": "Pełny blok kodu, który został wprowadzony w jednym wierszu, jest pozostawiany w jednym wierszu, niezależnie od wartości ustawień elementu `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.allOneLineScopes.markdownDescription": "Dowolny kod, w którym otwierający i zamykający nawias klamrowy został wprowadzony w jednym wierszu, jest pozostawiany w jednym wierszu, niezależnie od wartości ustawień elementu `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.never.markdownDescription": "Bloki kodu są zawsze formatowane na podstawie wartości ustawień `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", - "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "Pełna ścieżka do pliku wykonywalnego elementu `clang-format`. Jeśli nie zostanie ona określona, a element `clang-format` będzie dostępny w ścieżce środowiska, to zostanie on użyty. Jeśli nie zostanie znaleziony w ścieżce środowiska, zostanie użyty element `clang-format` powiązany z danym rozszerzeniem.", + "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-format` executable. If not specified, and `clang-format` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-format` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.markdownDescription": "Styl kodowania, obecnie obsługiwane: `Visual Studio`, `LLVM`, `Google`, `Chromium`, `Mozilla`, `WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`. Użyj elementu `file`, aby załadować styl z pliku `.clang-format` znajdującego się w bieżącym lub nadrzędnym katalogu lub ścieżki `file:<ścieżka>/.clang-format`, aby odwołać się do określonej ścieżki. Użyj składni `{klucz: wartość, ...}`, aby ustawić określone parametry. Na przykład styl `Visual Studio` jest podobny do następującego: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.markdownDescription": "Nazwa wstępnie zdefiniowanego stylu używana jako rezerwa w przypadku, gdy plik `clang-format` zostanie wywołany przy użyciu stylu `file`, natomiast plik `.clang-format` nie zostanie znaleziony. Możliwe wartości to `Visual Studio`, `LLVM`, `Google`, `Chromium`, `Mozilla`, `WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`, `none`, bądź użycie składni `{klucz: wartość, ...}` do ustawienia określonych parametrów. Na przykład styl `Visual Studio` jest podobny do następującego: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_sortIncludes.markdownDescription": "Jeśli jest ustawiony, zastępuje zachowanie sortowania dołączanych elementów określane za pomocą parametru `SortIncludes`.", @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.markdownDescription": "Określa, kiedy rozszerzenie ma używać ustawienia `#files.exclude#` (oraz `#C_Cpp.files.exclude#`) podczas ustalania, które pliki powinny być dodawane do bazy danych nawigacji kodu w trakcie przechodzenia przez ścieżki w tablicy `browse.path`. Jeśli ustawienie `#files.exclude#` zawiera tylko foldery, wtedy opcja `checkFolders` jest najlepszym wyborem, który zwiększy szybkość, przy jakiej rozszerzenie może inicjować bazę danych nawigacji kodu.", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFolders.description": "Filtry wykluczeń będą oceniane tylko raz dla danego folderu (pojedyncze pliki nie są sprawdzane).", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFilesAndFolders.description": "Filtry wykluczeń będą oceniane w stosunku do każdego napotkanego pliku lub folderu.", - "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "Znak używany jako separator ścieżki na potrzeby wyników automatycznego uzupełniania dyrektywy `#include`.", + "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "The character used as a path separator for generated user paths.", "c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.markdownDescription": "W przypadku wartości `true` etykietki narzędzi najechania kursorem oraz automatycznego uzupełniania będą wyświetlać tylko określone etykiety komentarzy ze strukturą. W przeciwnym razie wyświetlane będą wszystkie komentarze.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generateOnType.description": "Określa, czy komentarz Doxygen ma być wstawiany automatycznie po wpisaniu wybranego stylu komentarza.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generatedStyle.description": "Ciąg znaków używany jako wiersz początkowy komentarza Doxygen.", @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.hover.description": "W przypadku wyłączenia szczegóły dotyczące umieszczania wskaźnika myszy nie będą już udostępniane przez serwer języka.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "Włącz usługi integracji dla elementu [vcpkg dependency manager](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/).", "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.markdownDescription": "Dodaj ścieżki dołączania z plików `nan` i `node-addon-api`, jeśli są one zależnościami.", + "c_cpp.configuration.copilotHover.markdownDescription": "W przypadku wartości `disabled` po najechaniu kursorem nie będą wyświetlane żadne informacje funkcji Copilot.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.markdownDescription": "Jeśli ma wartość `true`, element „Symbol zmiany nazwy” będzie wymagać prawidłowego identyfikatora C/C++.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.markdownDescription": "Jeśli ma wartość `true`, autouzupełnianie będzie automatycznie dodawać znak `(` po wywołaniach funkcji, a w niektórych przypadkach może również dodawać znak `)`, zależnie od ustawienia `#editor.autoClosingBrackets#`.", "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.markdownDescription": "Skonfiguruj wzorce globalne na potrzeby wykluczania folderów (i plików w przypadku zmiany zasad `#C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy#`). Są one specyficzne dla rozszerzenia języka C/C++ i są dodatkiem do elementu `#files.exclude#`, ale w przeciwieństwie do elementu `#files.exclude#` mają również zastosowanie do ścieżek spoza bieżącego folderu obszaru roboczego i nie są usuwane z widoku Eksploratora. Przeczytaj więcej o [wzorcach globalnych](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", @@ -425,10 +426,10 @@ "c_cpp.walkthrough.compilers.found.description": "Rozszerzenie języka C++ działa z kompilatorem języka C++. Wybierz jedną z tych, które są już na Twojej maszynie, klikając poniższy przycisk.\n[Select my Default Compiler](command:C_Cpp.SelectIntelliSenseConfiguration?%22walkthrough%22)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.compilers.found.altText": "Obraz przedstawiający wybieranie domyślnego kompilatora za pomocą narzędzia QuickPick oraz listę kompilatorów znalezionych na maszynach użytkowników, z których jeden jest zaznaczony.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.title": "Tworzenie pliku C++", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.description": "[Otwórz](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.openFile) lub [utwórz](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D) plik C++. Pamiętaj, aby zapisać go z rozszerzeniem „.cpp” (na przykład „helloworld.cpp”). \n[Utwórz plik C++](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.description": "[Otwórz](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.openFile) lub [utwórz](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D) plik C++. Pamiętaj, aby zapisać go z rozszerzeniem „.cpp” (na przykład „helloworld.cpp”). \n[Utwórz plik C++ ] (command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.altText": "Otwórz plik C++ lub folder z projektem C++.", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Uruchamianie z wiersza polecenia dla deweloperów", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "Jeśli korzystasz z kompilatora języka C++ programu Microsoft Visual Studio, rozszerzenie języka C++ wymaga uruchomienia edytora VS Code z poziomu wiersza polecenia dla deweloperów. Postępuj zgodnie z instrukcjami po prawej stronie, aby uruchomić ponownie.\n[Załaduj ponownie okno](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Launch from the Developer Command Prompt for VS", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "When using the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler, the C++ extension requires you to launch VS Code from the Developer Command Prompt for VS. Follow the instructions on the right to relaunch.\r\n[Reload Window](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.title": "Uruchamianie i debugowanie pliku C++", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.mac.description": "Otwórz plik C++ i kliknij przycisk odtwarzania w prawym górnym rogu edytora lub naciśnij klawisz F5, gdy korzystasz z pliku. Wybierz pozycję „clang++ — kompiluj i debuguj aktywny plik\", aby uruchomić go za pomocą debugera.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.linux.description": "Otwórz plik C++ i kliknij przycisk odtwarzania w prawym górnym rogu edytora lub naciśnij klawisz F5, gdy korzystasz z pliku. Wybierz pozycję „g++ — kompiluj i debuguj aktywny plik\", aby uruchomić go za pomocą debugera.", @@ -449,4 +450,4 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.refactoring.includeHeader.never.description": "Nigdy nie uwzględniaj pliku nagłówkowego.", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.displayName": "Konfiguracja języka C/C++", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.userDescription": "Konfiguracja aktywnego pliku C lub C++, na przykład standardowa wersja języka i platforma docelowa." -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/plk/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/plk/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json index 290a1f405b..2b6592ebe3 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/plk/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/plk/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "pre.Launch.Task": "preLaunchTask: {0}", "debugger.path.not.exists": "Nie można odnaleźć debugera {0}. Konfiguracja debugowania dla {1} jest ignorowana.", "build.and.debug.active.file": "Kompiluj i debuguj aktywny plik", - "cl.exe.not.available": "{0} — funkcji kompilacji i debugowania można używać tylko wtedy, gdy program VS Code został uruchomiony z wiersza polecenia dla deweloperów w programie VS.", + "cl.exe.not.available": "{0} is only usable when VS Code is run from the {1}.", "lldb.find.failed": "Brak zależności „{0}” dla pliku wykonywalnego lldb-mi.", "lldb.search.paths": "Wyszukano w:", "lldb.install.help": "Aby rozwiązać ten problem, zainstaluj środowisko XCode za pośrednictwem sklepu Apple App Store lub zainstaluj narzędzia wiersza polecenia środowiska XCode, uruchamiając polecenie „{0}” w oknie terminala.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/plk/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/plk/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0ee5e0e2a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Extension/i18n/plk/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. + *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. +{ + "generate.copilot.description": "Generuj podsumowanie funkcji Copilot", + "copilot.disclaimer": "Zawartość wygenerowana przez sztuczną inteligencję może być niepoprawna." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/plk/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/plk/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json index 190871a1cd..5144e674f6 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/plk/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/plk/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json @@ -17,5 +17,6 @@ "path.is.not.a.directory": "Ścieżka nie jest katalogiem: {0}", "duplicate.name": "Element {0} jest duplikatem. Nazwa konfiguracji musi być unikatowa.", "multiple.paths.not.allowed": "Wiele ścieżek jest niedozwolonych.", + "multiple.paths.should.be.separate.entries": "Multiple paths should be separate entries in an array.", "paths.are.not.directories": "Ścieżki nie są katalogami: {0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/plk/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/plk/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json index fcf4c8d988..cca3459875 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/plk/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/plk/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json @@ -19,5 +19,7 @@ "code.action.aborted": "Nie można rozwiązać problemu z analizą kodu, ponieważ dokument został zmieniony.", "prerelease.message": "Dostępna jest wersja wstępna rozszerzenia C/C++. Czy chcesz się na nią przełączyć?", "yes.button": "Tak", - "no.button": "Nie" + "no.button": "Nie", + "copilot.hover.unavailable": "Podsumowanie Copilot jest niedostępne dla tego symbolu.", + "copilot.hover.error": "Wystąpił błąd podczas generowania podsumowania funkcji Copilot." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/plk/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/plk/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json index 3587ff53ab..cd9de4b4d5 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/plk/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/plk/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json @@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ "fallback_to_64_bit_mode2": "Nie można wykonać zapytania dotyczącego kompilatora. Powrót do 64-bitowego trybu intelliSenseMode.", "fallback_to_no_bitness": "Nie można wykonać zapytania dotyczącego kompilatora. Powrót do braku liczby bitów.", "intellisense_client_creation_aborted": "Przerwano tworzenie klienta IntelliSense: {0}", - "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled ": "Wykryto błędy #include na podstawie informacji podanych przez ustawienie configurationProvider. Funkcje IntelliSense dla tej jednostki tłumaczeniowej ({0}) będą udostępniane przez analizator tagów.", - "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled ": "Wykryto błędy #include na podstawie informacji podanych przez ustawienie configurationProvider. Zygzaki dla tej jednostki tłumaczeniowej ({0}) są wyłączone.", + "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled": "Wykryto błędy #include na podstawie informacji podanych przez ustawienie configurationProvider. Funkcje IntelliSense dla tej jednostki tłumaczeniowej ({0}) będą udostępniane przez analizator tagów.", + "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled": "Wykryto błędy #include na podstawie informacji podanych przez ustawienie configurationProvider. Zygzaki dla tej jednostki tłumaczeniowej ({0}) są wyłączone.", "preprocessor_keyword": "słowo kluczowe preprocesora", "c_keyword": "Słowo kluczowe języka C", "cpp_keyword": "Słowo kluczowe języka C++", @@ -316,5 +316,6 @@ "refactor_extract_xborder_jump": "Występują skoki między zaznaczonym kodem a otaczającym kodem.", "refactor_extract_missing_return": "W zaznaczonym kodzie niektóre ścieżki kontroli kończą działanie bez ustawienia zwracanej wartości. Jest to obsługiwane tylko w przypadku zwracanych typów skalarnych, liczbowych i wskaźnikowych.", "expand_selection": "Rozwiń wybór (aby włączyć opcję „Wyodrębnij do funkcji”)", - "file_not_found_in_path2": "\"{0}\" not found in compile_commands.json files. 'includePath' from c_cpp_properties.json in folder '{1}' will be used for this file instead." + "file_not_found_in_path2": "Nie znaleziono elementu „{0}” w plikach compile_commands.json. Zamiast tego dla tego pliku zostanie użyty element „includePath” z c_cpp_properties.json w folderze „{1}”.", + "copilot_hover_link": "Generuj podsumowanie funkcji Copilot" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/plk/ui/settings.html.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/plk/ui/settings.html.i18n.json index 232d523122..dddea6f123 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/plk/ui/settings.html.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/plk/ui/settings.html.i18n.json @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ "dot.config": "Dot Config", "dot.config.description": "Ścieżka do pliku .config utworzonego przez system Kconfig. System Kconfig generuje plik ze wszystkimi definicjami na potrzeby kompilowania projektu. Przykłady projektów używających systemu Kconfig to jądro systemu Linux i system NuttX RTOS.", "compile.commands": "Polecenia kompilacji", - "compile.commands.description": "Pełna ścieżka do pliku {0} dla obszaru roboczego. Ścieżki dołączania i definicje wykryte w tym pliku będą używane zamiast wartości określonych dla ustawień {1} i {2}. Jeśli baza danych poleceń kompilacji nie zawiera wpisu dla jednostki translacji odpowiadającej plikowi, który został otwarty w edytorze, pojawi się komunikat ostrzegawczy, a rozszerzenie użyje zamiast tego ustawień {3} i {4}.", + "compile.commands.description": "A list of paths to {0} files for the workspace. The include paths and defines discovered in these files will be used instead of the values set for {1} and {2} settings. If the compile commands database does not contain an entry for the translation unit that corresponds to the file you opened in the editor, then a warning message will appear and the extension will use the {3} and {4} settings instead.", + "one.compile.commands.path.per.line": "One compile commands path per line.", "merge.configurations": "Scal konfiguracje", "merge.configurations.description": "Jeśli wartość jest równa {0} (lub jest zaznaczona), scala ścieżki dołączenia, definiuje i wymusza dołączenie ze ścieżkami od dostawcy konfiguracji.", "browse.path": "Przeglądaj: ścieżka", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/plk/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/plk/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json index 44bbedf7f7..38e15cd698 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/plk/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/plk/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. { - "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Uruchom ponownie przy użyciu wiersza polecenia dla deweloperów", - "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " Ponieważ używasz maszyny z systemem Windows z kompilatorem MSVC, uruchom edytor VS Code z wiersza polecenia dla deweloperów, aby wszystkie zmienne środowiskowe zostały prawidłowo skonfigurowane. Aby uruchomić ponownie przy użyciu wiersza polecenia dla deweloperów:", - "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Otwórz wiersz polecenia dla deweloperów dla edytora VS, wpisując „deweloper” w menu Start systemu Windows. Wybierz wiersz polecenia dla deweloperów dla edytora VS, który automatycznie przejdzie do bieżącego otwartego folderu.", - "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Wpisz „code” w wierszu polecenia i naciśnij klawisz Enter. To powinno ponownie uruchomić edytor VS Code i przenieść Cię z powrotem do tego przewodnika. " + "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Relaunch using the {0}", + "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " You are using a windows machine with the MSVC compiler, so you need to start VS Code from the {0} for all environment variables to be set correctly. To relaunch using the {1}:", + "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing \"{1}\" in the Windows Start menu. Select the {2}, which will automatically navigate to your current open folder.", + "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Type \"{0}\" into the command prompt and hit enter. This should relaunch VS Code and take you back to this walkthrough. " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/plk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/plk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json index ea8f9bc4b9..bee53bb121 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/plk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/plk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json @@ -16,10 +16,8 @@ "walkthrough.windows.link.install": "Zainstaluj", "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Uwaga", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Zestawu narzędzi języka C++ z narzędzi Visual Studio Build Tools wraz z programem Visual Studio Code można używać do kompilowania, tworzenia i weryfikowania dowolnej bazy kodu języka C++, o ile masz również ważną licencję programu Visual Studio (Community, Pro lub Enterprise), której aktywnie używasz do opracowywania tej bazy kodu języka C++.", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Otwórz pozycję {0}, wpisując „deweloper” w menu Start systemu Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Wiersz polecenia Developer dla programu VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Sprawdź instalację programu MSVC, wpisując {0} w wierszu polecenia dewelopera dla programu VS. Powinien zostać wyświetlony komunikat o prawach autorskich z wersją i opisem użycia podstawowego.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Uwaga", - "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Aby użyć programu MSVC z wiersza polecenia lub programu VS Code, należy uruchomić z {0}. Zwykła powłoka, taka jak {1}, {2} lub wiersz polecenia systemu Windows, nie ma ustawionych wymaganych zmiennych środowiskowych ścieżki.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Wiersz polecenia dla deweloperów dla programu VS" + "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Aby użyć programu MSVC z wiersza polecenia lub programu VS Code, należy uruchomić z {0}. Zwykła powłoka, taka jak {1}, {2} lub wiersz polecenia systemu Windows, nie ma ustawionych wymaganych zmiennych środowiskowych ścieżki." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/plk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/plk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json index 24a8856488..43759d0963 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/plk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/plk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Notatka", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Zestawu narzędzi języka C++ z narzędzi Visual Studio Build Tools wraz z programem Visual Studio Code można używać do kompilowania, tworzenia i weryfikowania dowolnej bazy kodu języka C++, o ile masz również ważną licencję programu Visual Studio (Community, Pro lub Enterprise), której aktywnie używasz do opracowywania tej bazy kodu języka C++.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "Weryfikowanie instalacji kompilatora", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Otwórz pozycję {0}, wpisując „deweloper” w menu Start systemu Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Wiersz polecenia Developer dla programu VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Sprawdź instalację programu MSVC, wpisując {0} w wierszu polecenia dewelopera dla programu VS. Powinien zostać wyświetlony komunikat o prawach autorskich z wersją i opisem użycia podstawowego.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Notatka", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Aby użyć programu MSVC z wiersza polecenia lub programu VS Code, należy uruchomić z {0}. Zwykła powłoka, taka jak {1}, {2} lub wiersz polecenia systemu Windows, nie ma ustawionych wymaganych zmiennych środowiskowych ścieżki.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Wiersz polecenia dla deweloperów dla programu VS", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "Inne opcje kompilatora", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Jeśli zamierzasz korzystać z systemu Linux z poziomu systemu Windows, sprawdź {0}. Możesz też {1}.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "Używanie języka C++ i podsystemu Windows dla systemu Linux (WSL) w programie VS Code", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/plk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/plk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json index 24a8856488..43759d0963 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/plk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/plk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Notatka", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Zestawu narzędzi języka C++ z narzędzi Visual Studio Build Tools wraz z programem Visual Studio Code można używać do kompilowania, tworzenia i weryfikowania dowolnej bazy kodu języka C++, o ile masz również ważną licencję programu Visual Studio (Community, Pro lub Enterprise), której aktywnie używasz do opracowywania tej bazy kodu języka C++.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "Weryfikowanie instalacji kompilatora", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Otwórz pozycję {0}, wpisując „deweloper” w menu Start systemu Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Wiersz polecenia Developer dla programu VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Sprawdź instalację programu MSVC, wpisując {0} w wierszu polecenia dewelopera dla programu VS. Powinien zostać wyświetlony komunikat o prawach autorskich z wersją i opisem użycia podstawowego.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Notatka", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Aby użyć programu MSVC z wiersza polecenia lub programu VS Code, należy uruchomić z {0}. Zwykła powłoka, taka jak {1}, {2} lub wiersz polecenia systemu Windows, nie ma ustawionych wymaganych zmiennych środowiskowych ścieżki.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Wiersz polecenia dla deweloperów dla programu VS", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "Inne opcje kompilatora", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Jeśli zamierzasz korzystać z systemu Linux z poziomu systemu Windows, sprawdź {0}. Możesz też {1}.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "Używanie języka C++ i podsystemu Windows dla systemu Linux (WSL) w programie VS Code", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ptb/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ptb/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json index 96be96a646..ee1a0ccde3 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ptb/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ptb/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compilerArgs": "Argumentos do compilador para modificar as inclusões ou definições usadas, por exemplo `-nostdinc++`, `-m32`, etc. Argumentos que usam argumentos adicionais delimitados por espaço devem ser inseridos como argumentos separados na matriz, por exemplo para `--sysroot ` use `\"--sysroot\", \"\"`.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cStandard": "Versão do padrão da linguagem C a ser usada para o IntelliSense. Observação: os padrões GNU são usados apenas para consultar o compilador de conjunto para obter definições GNU e o IntelliSense emulará a versão padrão do C equivalente.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cppStandard": "Versão do padrão da linguagem C++ a ser usada para o IntelliSense. Observação: os padrões GNU são usados apenas para consultar o compilador de conjunto para obter definições de GNU e o IntelliSense emulará a versão do C++ padrão equivalente.", - "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Caminho completo para o arquivo `compile_commands.json` para o espaço de trabalho.", + "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Full path or a list of full paths to `compile_commands.json` files for the workspace.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.includePath": "Uma lista de caminhos para o mecanismo IntelliSense usar ao pesquisar cabeçalhos incluídos. A pesquisa nesses caminhos não é recursiva. Especifique `**` para indicar pesquisa recursiva. Por exemplo, `${workspaceFolder}/**` irá pesquisar em todos os subdiretórios enquanto `${workspaceFolder}` não irá. Normalmente, isso não deve incluir inclusões de sistema; em vez disso, defina `C_Cpp.default.compilerPath`.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.macFrameworkPath": "Uma lista de caminhos para o mecanismo IntelliSense usar durante a pesquisa de cabeçalhos incluídos nas estruturas do Mac. Suportado apenas na configuração do Mac.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.windowsSdkVersion": "A versão do SDK do Windows inclui o caminho a ser usado no Windows, por exemplo, `10.0.17134.0`.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ptb/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ptb/package.i18n.json index 96de292e6c..2867e7d15c 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ptb/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ptb/package.i18n.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "c_cpp.subheaders.intelliSense.title": "IntelliSense", "c_cpp.subheaders.formatting.title": "Formatação", "c_cpp.subheaders.codeDocumentation.title": "Documentação do Código", - "c_cpp.subheaders.codeAnalysis.title": "Análise de Código", + "c_cpp.subheaders.codeAnalysis.title": "Análise de código", "c_cpp.subheaders.debugging.title": "Depurando", "c_cpp.subheaders.resourceManagement.title": "Gerenciamento de Recursos", "c_cpp.subheaders.miscellaneous.title": "Diversos", @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ "c_cpp.command.RunCodeAnalysisOnActiveFile.title": "Executar Análise de Código no Arquivo Ativo", "c_cpp.command.RunCodeAnalysisOnOpenFiles.title": "Executar Análise de Código em Abrir Arquivos", "c_cpp.command.RunCodeAnalysisOnAllFiles.title": "Executar Análise de Código em Todos os Arquivos", - "c_cpp.command.RemoveAllCodeAnalysisProblems.title": "Limpar Todos os Problemas de Análise de Código", + "c_cpp.command.RemoveAllCodeAnalysisProblems.title": "Limpar todos os problemas de Análise de código", "c_cpp.command.BuildAndDebugFile.title": "Depurar Arquivo C/C++", "c_cpp.command.BuildAndRunFile.title": "Executar Arquivo C/C++", "c_cpp.command.AddDebugConfiguration.title": "Adicionar a Configuração de Depuração", @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.showClear.AllAndAllTypeAndThis.description": "Mostrar 'Limpar tudo' (se houver vários tipos de problema), 'Limpar todos os ' (se houver vários problemas para o ), e 'Limpar isso' para código de ações", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.formatFixes.markdownDescription": "Se for `true`, a formatação será executada nas linhas alteradas pelas ações de código 'Corrigir'.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.enabled.markdownDescription": "Se for `true`, a análise de código usando `clang-tidy` será habilitada e será executada depois que um arquivo for aberto ou salvo se `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.runAutomatically#` for `true` (o padrão).", - "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "O caminho completo do executável `clang-tidy`. Se não for especificado, o `clang-tidy` estará disponível no caminho do ambiente usado. Se não for encontrado no caminho do ambiente, o `clang-tidy` empacotado com a extensão será usado.", + "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-tidy` executable. If not specified, and `clang-tidy` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-tidy` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config.markdownDescription": "Especifica uma configuração `clang-tidy` no formato YAML/JSON: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{chave: x, valor: y}]}`. Quando o valor estiver vazio, `clang-tidy` tentará localizar um arquivo chamado `.clang-tidy` para cada arquivo de origem em seus diretórios pai.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.fallbackConfig.markdownDescription": "Especifica uma configuração `clang-tidy` no formato YAML/JSON a ser usada como fallback quando `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config#` não estiver definido e nenhum arquivo `.clang-tidy` for encontrado: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{chave: x, valor: y}]}`.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.headerFilter.markdownDescription": "Uma expressão regular estendida (ERE) que corresponde ao nome do cabeçalho a partir do qual o diagnóstico deve ser gerado. Os diagnósticos do arquivo principal de cada unidade de tradução são sempre exibidos. A variável `${workspaceFolder}` é suportada (e será usada como o valor de fallback padrão se o arquivo `.clang-tidy` não existir). Se esta opção não for `null` (vazia), ela substituirá a opção `HeaderFilterRegex` em um arquivo `.clang-tidy`, se houver.", @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.oneLiners.markdownDescription": "Um bloco de código completo inserido em uma linha é mantido em uma linha, independentemente dos valores de qualquer uma das configurações `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.allOneLineScopes.markdownDescription": "Qualquer código onde a chave de abertura e fechamento é inserida em uma linha é mantido em uma linha, independentemente dos valores de qualquer uma das configurações `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.never.markdownDescription": "Os blocos de código são sempre formatados com base nos valores das configurações `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine. *`.", - "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "O caminho completo do executável `clang-format`. Se não for especificado, o `clang-format` estará disponível no caminho do ambiente usado. Se não for encontrado no caminho do ambiente, o `clang-format` empacotado com a extensão será usado.", + "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-format` executable. If not specified, and `clang-format` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-format` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.markdownDescription": "Estilo de codificação, atualmente suporta: `Visual Studio`, `LLVM`, `Google`, `Chromium`, `Mozilla`, `WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`. Use `file` para carregar o estilo de um arquivo `.clang-format` no diretório atual ou pai, ou use `file:/.clang-format` para referenciar um caminho específico. Use `{chave: valor, ...}` para definir parâmetros específicos. Por exemplo, o estilo `Visual Studio` é semelhante a: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: - 4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.markdownDescription": "Nome do estilo predefinido usado como fallback no caso de `clang-format` ser invocado com o estilo `file`, mas o arquivo `.clang-format` não for encontrado. Os valores possíveis são `Visual Studio`,`LLVM`, `Google`,`Chromium`, `Mozilla`,`WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`, `none` ou use `{key: value, .. .}` para definir parâmetros específicos. Por exemplo, o estilo `Visual Studio` é semelhante a: `{BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifier: - 4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false}`.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_sortIncludes.markdownDescription": "Se definido, substitui o comportamento de classificação de inclusão determinado pelo parâmetro `SortIncludes`.", @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseEngine.default.description": "Fornece resultados baseados no contextopor meio de um processo IntelliSense separado.", "c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseEngine.tagParser.description": "Fornece resultados \"difusos\" que não são sensíveis ao contexto.", "c_cpp.configuration.intelliSenseEngine.disabled.description": "Desabilita os recursos do serviço de linguagem C/C++.", - "c_cpp.configuration.autocomplete.markdownDescription": "Controla o provedor de preenchimento automático. Se estiver `disabled` e você quiser a conclusão baseada em palavras, também precisará definir `\"[cpp]\": {\"editor.wordBasedSuggestions\": }` (e da mesma forma para linguagens `c` e `cuda-cpp`).", + "c_cpp.configuration.autocomplete.markdownDescription": "Controla o provedor de preenchimento automático. Se estiver `desabilitado` e você quiser a conclusão baseada em palavras, também precisará definir `\"[cpp]\": {\"editor.wordBasedSuggestions\": }` (e da mesma forma para linguagens `c` e `cuda-cpp`).", "c_cpp.configuration.autocomplete.default.description": "Usa o mecanismo IntelliSense ativo.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocomplete.disabled.description": "Usa o preenchimento baseado em palavras fornecido pelo Visual Studio Code.", "c_cpp.configuration.errorSquiggles.description": "Controla se os erros de compilação suspeitos detectados pelo mecanismo do IntelliSense serão relatados de volta ao editor. Ele também controla se os avisos de análise de código são relatados se as inclusões não puderem ser encontradas. Essa configuração é ignorada pelo mecanismo do Analisador de Marca.", @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.markdownDescription": "Instrui a extensão quando usar a configuração `#files.exclude#` (e `#C_Cpp.files.exclude#`) ao determinar quais arquivos devem ser adicionados ao banco de dados de navegação de código enquanto percorre os caminhos em `browse.path` matriz. Se sua configuração `#files.exclude#` contém apenas pastas, então `checkFolders` é a melhor escolha e aumentará a velocidade na qual a extensão pode inicializar o banco de dados de navegação de código.", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFolders.description": "Os filtros de exclusão serão avaliados apenas uma vez por pasta (arquivos individuais não são verificados).", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFilesAndFolders.description": "Os filtros de exclusão serão avaliados em relação a todos os arquivos e pastas encontrados.", - "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "O caractere usado como separador de caminho para resultados de preenchimento automático de `#include`.", + "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "The character used as a path separator for generated user paths.", "c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.markdownDescription": "Se for `true`, as dicas de passar o mouse e autocompletar exibirão apenas alguns rótulos de comentários estruturados. Caso contrário, todos os comentários serão exibidos.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generateOnType.description": "Controle se o comentário Doxygen deve ser inserido automaticamente depois de digitar o estilo de comentário escolhido.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generatedStyle.description": "A cadeia de caracteres usada como a linha inicial do comentário Doxygen.", @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.hover.description": "Se desabilitado, os detalhes do hover não são mais fornecidos pelo servidor de idiomas.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "Habilitar os serviços de integração para o [gerenciador de dependências vcpkg](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/).", "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.markdownDescription": "Adicione caminhos de inclusão de `nan` e `node-addon-api` quando forem dependências.", + "c_cpp.configuration.copilotHover.markdownDescription": "Se `desabilitado`, nenhuma informação do Copilot será exibida em Hover.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.markdownDescription": "Se `true`, 'Renomear Símbolo' exigirá um identificador C/C++ válido.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.markdownDescription": "Se `true`, autocomplete adicionará automaticamente `(` após chamadas de função, neste caso `)` também pode ser adicionado, dependendo do valor da configuração `#editor.autoClosingBrackets#`.", "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.markdownDescription": "Configure padrões glob para excluir pastas (e arquivos se `#C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy#` for alterado). Esses são específicos para a extensão C/C++ e são adicionais a `#files.exclude#`, mas ao contrário de `#files.exclude#`, eles também se aplicam a caminhos fora do espaço de trabalho atual e não são removidos da visualização do Explorer. Saiba mais sobre [glob patterns](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", @@ -420,15 +421,15 @@ "c_cpp.walkthrough.description": "Mergulhe na rica experiência de desenvolvimento C++ do VS Code.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.set.up.title": "Configure seu ambiente C++", "c_cpp.walkthrough.activating.description": "Ativando a extensão C++ para determinar se seu ambiente C++ foi configurado.\nAtivando extensão...", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.no.compilers.windows.description": "Não foi possível encontrar um compilador C++ em sua máquina, que é necessário para usar a extensão C++. Siga as instruções à direita para instalar um e clique em “Encontrar meu novo compilador” abaixo.\n[Encontre meu novo Compilador](command:C_Cpp.RescanCompilers?%22walkthrough%22)", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.no.compilers.description": "Não foi possível encontrar um compilador C++ em sua máquina, que é necessário para usar a extensão C++. Selecione “Instalar um compilador C++” para ter um compilador instalado para você ou siga as instruções à direita para instalar um e clique em “Encontrar meu novo compilador” abaixo.\n[Instalar um Compilador C++](command:C_Cpp.InstallCompiler?%22walkthrough%22)\n[Encontre meu novo Compilador](command:C_Cpp.RescanCompilers?%22walkthrough%22)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.no.compilers.windows.description": "Não foi possível encontrar um compilador C++ em sua máquina, que é necessário para usar a extensão C++. Siga as instruções à direita para instalar um e clique em “Encontrar meu novo compilador” abaixo.\n[Encontre meu novo Compilador](comando:C_Cpp.RescanCompilers?%22walkthrough%22)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.no.compilers.description": "Não foi possível encontrar um compilador C++ em sua máquina, que é necessário para usar a extensão C++. Selecione “Instalar um compilador C++” para ter um compilador instalado para você ou siga as instruções à direita para instalar um e clique em “Encontrar meu novo compilador” abaixo.\n[Instalar um Compilador C++](comando:C_Cpp.InstallCompiler?%22walkthrough%22)\n[Encontre meu novo Compilador](comando:C_Cpp.RescanCompilers?%22walkthrough%22)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.compilers.found.description": "A extensão C++ funciona com um compilador C++. Selecione um daqueles que já estão em sua máquina clicando no botão abaixo.\n[Selecione meu Compilador Padrão](command:C_Cpp.SelectIntelliSenseConfiguration?%22walkthrough%22)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.compilers.found.altText": "Imagem mostrando a seleção rápida de um compilador padrão e a lista de compiladores encontrados na máquina do usuário, um dos quais está selecionado.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.title": "Criar um arquivo C++", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.description": "[Abrir](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.openFile) ou [criar](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D) em C++ arquivo. Certifique-se de salvá-lo com a extensão \".cpp\", como \"helloworld.cpp\".\n[Criar um arquivo C++](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.description": "[Abrir](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.openFile) ou [criar](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D) em C++ arquivo. Certifique-se de salvá-lo com a extensão \".cpp\", como \"helloworld.cpp\".\n[Criar um arquivo C++](comando:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.altText": "Abra um arquivo C++ ou uma pasta com um projeto C++.", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Iniciar no prompt de comando do desenvolvedor", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "Ao usar o compilador Microsoft Visual Studio C++, a extensão C++ exige que você inicie o VS Code no prompt de comando do desenvolvedor. Siga as instruções à direita para reiniciar.\n[Recarregar Janela](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Launch from the Developer Command Prompt for VS", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "When using the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler, the C++ extension requires you to launch VS Code from the Developer Command Prompt for VS. Follow the instructions on the right to relaunch.\r\n[Reload Window](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.title": "Executar e depurar o arquivo C++", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.mac.description": "Abra seu arquivo C++ e clique no botão play no canto superior direito do editor ou pressione F5 quando estiver no arquivo. Selecione \"clang++ - Compilar e depurar arquivo ativo\" para executar com o depurador.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.linux.description": "Abra seu arquivo C++ e clique no botão play no canto superior direito do editor ou pressione F5 quando estiver no arquivo. Selecione \"g++ - Compilar e depurar arquivo ativo\" para executar com o depurador.", @@ -449,4 +450,4 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.refactoring.includeHeader.never.description": "Nunca inclua o arquivo de cabeçalho.", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.displayName": "Configuração C/C++", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.userDescription": "Configuração do arquivo C ou C++ ativo, como versão do padrão da linguagem e plataforma de destino." -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json index b37bea2731..3dc577fe31 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "pre.Launch.Task": "preLaunchTask: {0}", "debugger.path.not.exists": "Não foi possível localizar o {0} depurador. A configuração de depuração para {1} é ignorada.", "build.and.debug.active.file": "Compilar e depurar o arquivo ativo", - "cl.exe.not.available": "A criação e a depuração de {0} só podem ser usadas quando o VS Code é executado por meio do Prompt de Comando do Desenvolvedor para VS.", + "cl.exe.not.available": "{0} is only usable when VS Code is run from the {1}.", "lldb.find.failed": "Dependência ausente '{0}' no executável lldb-mi.", "lldb.search.paths": "Pesquisado em:", "lldb.install.help": "Para resolver esse problema, instale o XCode por meio da Apple App Store ou instale as Ferramentas de Linha de Comando do XCode executando '{0}' em uma janela de Terminal.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0c95ceba05 --- /dev/null +++ b/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. + *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. +{ + "generate.copilot.description": "Gerar resumo do Copilot", + "copilot.disclaimer": "O conteúdo gerado pela IA pode estar incorreto." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json index 0408803c48..3808bb2382 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json @@ -17,5 +17,6 @@ "path.is.not.a.directory": "O caminho não é um diretório: {0}", "duplicate.name": "{0} é uma duplicata. O nome da configuração deve ser exclusivo.", "multiple.paths.not.allowed": "Vários caminhos não são permitidos.", + "multiple.paths.should.be.separate.entries": "Multiple paths should be separate entries in an array.", "paths.are.not.directories": "Os caminhos não são diretórios: {0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json index 8c8660acc4..9ee0368ac1 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json @@ -19,5 +19,7 @@ "code.action.aborted": "Não foi possível aplicar a correção de análise de código porque o documento foi alterado.", "prerelease.message": "Uma versão de pré-lançamento da extensão C/C++ está disponível. Deseja alternar para ela?", "yes.button": "Sim", - "no.button": "Não" + "no.button": "Não", + "copilot.hover.unavailable": "O resumo do Copilot não está disponível para este símbolo.", + "copilot.hover.error": "Ocorreu um erro ao gerar o resumo do Copilot." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json index ac5a72e538..bff77952d2 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json @@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ "fallback_to_64_bit_mode2": "Falha ao consultar o compilador. Voltando para o intelliSenseMode de 64 bits.", "fallback_to_no_bitness": "Falha ao consultar o compilador. Voltando para nenhum número de bit.", "intellisense_client_creation_aborted": "Criação de cliente do IntelliSense anulada: {0}", - "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled ": "#inclui erros detectados com base nas informações fornecidas pela configuração configurationProvider. Os recursos do IntelliSense para essa unidade de conversão ({0}) serão fornecidos pelo Analisador de Marca.", - "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled ": "#inclui erros detectados com base nas informações fornecidas pela configuração configurationProvider. Os rabiscos estão desabilitados para esta unidade de tradução ({0}).", + "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled": "#inclui erros detectados com base nas informações fornecidas pela configuração configurationProvider. Os recursos do IntelliSense para essa unidade de conversão ({0}) serão fornecidos pelo Analisador de Marca.", + "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled": "#inclui erros detectados com base nas informações fornecidas pela configuração configurationProvider. Os rabiscos estão desabilitados para esta unidade de tradução ({0}).", "preprocessor_keyword": "palavra-chave do pré-processador", "c_keyword": "Palavra-chave C", "cpp_keyword": "Palavra-chave C++", @@ -316,5 +316,6 @@ "refactor_extract_xborder_jump": "Saltos entre o código selecionado e o código ao redor estão presentes.", "refactor_extract_missing_return": "No código selecionado, alguns caminhos de controle são encerrados sem definir o valor retornado. Isso tem suporte apenas para os tipos de retorno escalar, numérico e de ponteiro.", "expand_selection": "Expandir seleção (para habilitar \"Extrair para função\")", - "file_not_found_in_path2": "\"{0}\" não encontrado nos arquivos compile_commands.json. \"includePath\" de c_cpp_properties.json na pasta \"{1}\" será usado para esse arquivo." + "file_not_found_in_path2": "\"{0}\" não encontrado nos arquivos compile_commands.json. \"includePath\" de c_cpp_properties.json na pasta \"{1}\" será usado para esse arquivo.", + "copilot_hover_link": "Gerar resumo do Copilot" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ptb/ui/settings.html.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ptb/ui/settings.html.i18n.json index 3b8868583e..bf056ff247 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ptb/ui/settings.html.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ptb/ui/settings.html.i18n.json @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ "dot.config": "Configuração de Ponto", "dot.config.description": "Um caminho para um arquivo .config criado pelo sistema Kconfig. O sistema Kconfig gera um arquivo com todas as definições para construir um projeto. Exemplos de projetos que utilizam o sistema Kconfig são o Kernel Linux e o NuttX RTOS.", "compile.commands": "Compilar comandos", - "compile.commands.description": "O caminho completo para o arquivo {0} para o workspace. Os caminhos de inclusão e as definições descobertas neste arquivo serão usados no lugar dos valores definidos para as configurações {1} e {2}. Se o banco de dados de comandos de compilação não contiver uma entrada para a unidade de tradução que corresponda ao arquivo aberto no editor, uma mensagem de aviso será exibida e, em vez disso, a extensão usará as configurações {3} e {4}.", + "compile.commands.description": "A list of paths to {0} files for the workspace. The include paths and defines discovered in these files will be used instead of the values set for {1} and {2} settings. If the compile commands database does not contain an entry for the translation unit that corresponds to the file you opened in the editor, then a warning message will appear and the extension will use the {3} and {4} settings instead.", + "one.compile.commands.path.per.line": "One compile commands path per line.", "merge.configurations": "Mesclar as configurações", "merge.configurations.description": "Quando definido como {0} (ou verificado), mesclar os caminhos de inclusão, definições e inclusões forçadas com aqueles de um provedor de configuração.", "browse.path": "Procurar: caminho", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ptb/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ptb/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json index 1884b7bcb1..38e15cd698 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ptb/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ptb/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. { - "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Reiniciar usando o prompt de comando do desenvolvedor", - "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " Você está usando uma máquina Windows com o compilador MSVC, então você precisa iniciar o VS Code a partir do prompt de comando do desenvolvedor para que todas as variáveis de ambiente sejam definidas corretamente. Para reiniciar usando o prompt de comando do desenvolvedor:", - "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Abra o prompt de Comando do Desenvolvedor para VS digitando \"desenvolvedor\" no menu Iniciar do Windows. Selecione o prompt de Comando do Desenvolvedor para VS, que navegará automaticamente para sua pasta aberta atual.", - "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Digite \"código\" no prompt de comando e pressione enter. Isso deve reiniciar o VS Code e levá-lo de volta a este passo a passo. " + "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Relaunch using the {0}", + "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " You are using a windows machine with the MSVC compiler, so you need to start VS Code from the {0} for all environment variables to be set correctly. To relaunch using the {1}:", + "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing \"{1}\" in the Windows Start menu. Select the {2}, which will automatically navigate to your current open folder.", + "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Type \"{0}\" into the command prompt and hit enter. This should relaunch VS Code and take you back to this walkthrough. " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ptb/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ptb/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json index 69ca126dc1..ca936a2dcf 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ptb/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ptb/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json @@ -16,10 +16,8 @@ "walkthrough.windows.link.install": "Instalar", "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Observação", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Você pode usar o conjunto de ferramentas C++ das Ferramentas de Build do Visual Studio junto com o Visual Studio Code para compilar, construir e verificar qualquer base de código C++, contanto que também tenha uma licença válida do Visual Studio (Community, Pro ou Enterprise) que esteja ativamente usando para desenvolver essa base de código C++.", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Abra o {0} digitando 'desenvolvedor' no menu Iniciar do Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Prompt de comando developer para VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Verifique a instalação do MSVC digitando {0} no Prompt de comando do desenvolvedor para VS. Você deve ver uma mensagem de copyright com a versão e a descrição básica de uso.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Observação", - "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Para usar o MSVC a partir da linha de comando ou Código VS, você deve executar a partir de um {0}. Um shell comum como {1}, {2} ou o prompt de comando do Windows não possui as variáveis ​​de ambiente de caminho necessárias definidas.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Prompt de comando do desenvolvedor para VS" + "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Para usar o MSVC a partir da linha de comando ou Código VS, você deve executar a partir de um {0}. Um shell comum como {1}, {2} ou o prompt de comando do Windows não possui as variáveis ​​de ambiente de caminho necessárias definidas." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ptb/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ptb/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json index 43c5f573bc..8463e6709c 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ptb/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ptb/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Observação", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Você pode usar o conjunto de ferramentas C++ das Ferramentas de Build do Visual Studio junto com o Visual Studio Code para compilar, construir e verificar qualquer base de código C++, contanto que também tenha uma licença válida do Visual Studio (Community, Pro ou Enterprise) que esteja ativamente usando para desenvolver essa base de código C++.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "Verificando a instalação do compilador", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Abra o {0} digitando 'desenvolvedor' no menu Iniciar do Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Prompt de comando developer para VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Verifique a instalação do MSVC digitando {0} no Prompt de comando do desenvolvedor para VS. Você deve ver uma mensagem de copyright com a versão e a descrição básica de uso.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Observação", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Para usar o MSVC a partir da linha de comando ou Código VS, você deve executar a partir de um {0}. Um shell comum como {1}, {2} ou o prompt de comando do Windows não possui as variáveis ​​de ambiente de caminho necessárias definidas.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Prompt de comando do desenvolvedor para VS", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "Outras opções do compilador", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Se você está segmentando o Linux a partir do Windows, verifique {0}. Ou você pode {1}.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "Usando C++ e Subsistema Windows para Linux (WSL) no código VS", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ptb/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ptb/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json index 43c5f573bc..8463e6709c 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ptb/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ptb/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Observação", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Você pode usar o conjunto de ferramentas C++ das Ferramentas de Build do Visual Studio junto com o Visual Studio Code para compilar, construir e verificar qualquer base de código C++, contanto que também tenha uma licença válida do Visual Studio (Community, Pro ou Enterprise) que esteja ativamente usando para desenvolver essa base de código C++.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "Verificando a instalação do compilador", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Abra o {0} digitando 'desenvolvedor' no menu Iniciar do Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Prompt de comando developer para VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Verifique a instalação do MSVC digitando {0} no Prompt de comando do desenvolvedor para VS. Você deve ver uma mensagem de copyright com a versão e a descrição básica de uso.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Observação", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Para usar o MSVC a partir da linha de comando ou Código VS, você deve executar a partir de um {0}. Um shell comum como {1}, {2} ou o prompt de comando do Windows não possui as variáveis ​​de ambiente de caminho necessárias definidas.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Prompt de comando do desenvolvedor para VS", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "Outras opções do compilador", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Se você está segmentando o Linux a partir do Windows, verifique {0}. Ou você pode {1}.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "Usando C++ e Subsistema Windows para Linux (WSL) no código VS", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/rus/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/rus/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json index 37330ce654..22f3e5546c 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/rus/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/rus/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compilerArgs": "Аргументы компилятора для изменения используемых включений или определений, например `-nostdinc++`, `-m32` и т. д. Аргументы, которые принимают дополнительные аргументы, разделенные пробелами, должны быть введены как отдельные аргументы в массиве, например для `--sysroot ` используйте `\"--sysroot\", \"\"`.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cStandard": "Версия стандарта языка C, используемая для IntelliSense. Примечание: стандарты GNU используются только для запроса определений GNU у установленного компилятора, а IntelliSense будет эмулировать эквивалентную версию стандарта C.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cppStandard": "Версия стандарта языка C++, используемая для IntelliSense. Примечание: стандарты GNU используются только для запроса определений GNU у установленного компилятора, а IntelliSense будет эмулировать эквивалентную версию стандарта C++.", - "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Полный путь к файлу `compile_commands.json` рабочей области.", + "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Full path or a list of full paths to `compile_commands.json` files for the workspace.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.includePath": "Список путей для подсистемы IntelliSense, используемых при поиске включаемых файлов заголовков. Поиск по этим путям не является рекурсивным. Чтобы использовать рекурсивный поиск, укажите `**`. Например, если указать `${workspaceFolder}/**`, будет выполнен поиск по всем подкаталогам, а если указать `${workspaceFolder}` — не будет. Обычно системное содержимое не включается; вместо этого установите значение `C_Cpp.default.compilerPath`.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.macFrameworkPath": "Список путей для подсистемы IntelliSense, используемых при поиске включаемых файлов заголовков из платформ Mac. Поддерживается только в конфигурации для Mac.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.windowsSdkVersion": "Версия пути включения Windows SDK для использования в Windows, например `10.0.17134.0`.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/rus/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/rus/package.i18n.json index 80249d88bb..00e915fe4b 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/rus/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/rus/package.i18n.json @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.showClear.AllAndAllTypeAndThis.description": "Отображение действий кода \"Очистить все проблемы\" (при множестве типов проблем), \"Очистить все проблемы типа <тип>\" (при множестве проблем определенного <типа>) и \"Очистить эту проблему\".", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.formatFixes.markdownDescription": "Если установлено значение `true`, форматирование будет выполняться в строках, измененных действиями кода \"Исправить\".", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.enabled.markdownDescription": "При значении `true` анализ кода с использованием `clang-tidy` будет включен и он будет запускаться после открытия или сохранения файла, если `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.runAutomatically#` имеет значение `true` (по умолчанию).", - "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "Полный путь к исполняемому файлу `clang-tidy`. Если значение не указано, а `clang-tidy` доступен в переменной среды PATH, используется именно он. Если `clang-tidy` не найден в переменной среды PATH, будет использоваться, связанный с расширением.", + "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-tidy` executable. If not specified, and `clang-tidy` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-tidy` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config.markdownDescription": "Задает конфигурацию `clang-tidy` в формате YAML/JSON: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{ключ: x, значение: y}]}`. Если значение пусто, `clang-tidy` попытается найти файл с именем `.clang-tidy` для каждого исходного файла в его родительских каталогах.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.fallbackConfig.markdownDescription": "Задает конфигурацию `clang-tidy` в формате YAML/JSON, которая будет использоваться в качестве резервной, если не задана конфигурация `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config#`, а файл `.clang-tidy` не найден: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{ключ: x, значение: y}]}`.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.headerFilter.markdownDescription": "Расширенное регулярное выражение (ERE) POSIX, соответствующее именам заголовков для вывода диагностики. Диагностика основного файла каждой единицы трансляции отображается всегда. Поддерживается переменная `${workspaceFolder}` (и используется в качестве резервного значения по умолчанию, если файл `.clang-tidy` не существует). Если данный параметр не имеет значение `null` (пусто), он переопределяет параметр `HeaderFilterRegex` в файле `.clang-tidy` (если таковой существует).", @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.oneLiners.markdownDescription": "Полный блок кода, введенный в одной строке, остается в ней вне зависимости от значений параметров `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.allOneLineScopes.markdownDescription": "Любой код, в котором открывающая и закрывающая фигурные скобки введены в одной строке, остается в ней вне зависимости от значений параметров `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.never.markdownDescription": "Блоки кода всегда форматируются на основе значений параметров `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*`.", - "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "Полный путь к исполняемому файлу `clang-format`. Если значение не указано, а `clang-format` доступен в пути среды, используется. Если `clang-format` не найден в пути среды, будет использоваться вместе с расширением.", + "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-format` executable. If not specified, and `clang-format` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-format` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.markdownDescription": "Стиль кодирования сейчас поддерживает: `Visual Studio`, `LLVM`, `Google`, `Chromium`, `Mozilla`, `WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`. Используйте `file`, чтобы загрузить стиль из файла `.clang-format` в текущем или родительском каталоге, или используйте `file:/.clang-format`, чтобы сослаться на определенный. Используйте `{ключ: значение, ...}`, чтобы установить определенные параметры. Например, стиль `Visual Studio` похож на: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.markdownDescription": "Имя предварительно определенного стиля, используемое в качестве резервного варианта при вызове `clang-format` со стилем `file`, когда файл `.clang-format` не найден. Возможные значения: `Visual Studio`, `LLVM`, `Google`, `Chromium`, `Mozilla`, `WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`, `none`. Используйте синтаксис `{ключ: значение, ...}`, чтобы задать конкретные параметры. Например, стиль `Visual Studio` похож на следующий: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_sortIncludes.markdownDescription": "Если параметр задан, он переопределяет поведение сортировки включения, определяемое параметром `SortIncludes`.", @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.markdownDescription": "Предписывает расширению, когда использовать параметр `#files.exclude#` (и `#C_Cpp.files.exclude#`) при определении файлов, которые нужно добавить в базу данных навигации по коду при обходе путей в массиве `browse.path`. Если параметр `#files.exclude#` содержит только папки, то вариант `checkFolders` подходит лучше всего и увеличивает скорость, с которой расширение может инициализировать базу данных навигации по коду.", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFolders.description": "Фильтры исключения будут вычисляться только один раз для папки (отдельные файлы не проверяются).", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFilesAndFolders.description": "Фильтры исключения будут вычисляться для каждого найденного файла и папки.", - "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "Символ, используемый в качестве разделителя пути для результатов автозавершения `#include`.", + "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "The character used as a path separator for generated user paths.", "c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.markdownDescription": "Если выбрано значение `true`, в подсказках при наведении указателя и автозавершении будут отображаться только определенные метки со структурированными комментариями. В противном случае отображаются все комментарии.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generateOnType.description": "Определяет, следует ли автоматически вставлять комментарий Doxygen после ввода выбранного стиля комментария.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generatedStyle.description": "Строка символов, используемая в качестве начальной строки комментария Doxygen.", @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.hover.description": "Если этот параметр отключен, сведения при наведении курсора больше не предоставляются языковым сервером.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "Включите службы интеграции для [диспетчера зависимостей vcpkg](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/).", "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.markdownDescription": "Добавьте пути включения из `nan` и `node-addon-api`, если они являются зависимостями.", + "c_cpp.configuration.copilotHover.markdownDescription": "Если параметр `отключен`, сведения о Copilot не будут отображаться при наведении указателя мыши.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.markdownDescription": "Если этот параметр имеет значение `true`, для операции 'Переименование символа' потребуется указать допустимый идентификатор C/C++.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.markdownDescription": "Если присвоено значение `true`, автозаполнение автоматически добавит `(` после вызовов функции, при этом также может добавляться `)` в зависимости от значения параметра `#editor.autoClosingBrackets#`.", "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.markdownDescription": "Настройка стандартных масок для исключения папок (и файлов, если внесено изменение в `#C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy#`). Они специфичны для расширения C/C++ и дополняют `#files.exclude#`, но в отличие от `#files.exclude#` они применяются также к путям вне папки используемой рабочей области и не удаляются из представления обозревателя. Дополнительные сведения о [шаблонах глобусов](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", @@ -427,8 +428,8 @@ "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.title": "Создание файла C++", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.description": "[Открыть](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.openFile) или [создать](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D) файл C++. Обязательно сохраните его с расширением \".cpp\", например \"helloworld.cpp\".\n[Создать файл C++](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.altText": "Откройте файл C++ или папку с проектом C++.", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Запуск из командной строки разработчика", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "При использовании компилятора Microsoft Visual Studio C++ расширение C++ требует запуска VS Code из командной строки разработчика. Следуйте инструкциям справа для перезапуска.\n[Перезагрузить окно](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Launch from the Developer Command Prompt for VS", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "When using the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler, the C++ extension requires you to launch VS Code from the Developer Command Prompt for VS. Follow the instructions on the right to relaunch.\r\n[Reload Window](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.title": "Запустите и отладьте файл C++", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.mac.description": "Откройте файл C++ и нажмите кнопку воспроизведения в правом верхнем углу редактора или нажмите F5 при открытии файла. Выберите \"clang++— сборка и отладка активного файла\" для запуска с отладчиком.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.linux.description": "Откройте файл C++ и нажмите кнопку воспроизведения в правом верхнем углу редактора или нажмите F5 при открытии файла. Выберите \"g++ — сборка и отладка активного файла\" для запуска с отладчиком.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/rus/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/rus/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json index a81ff7b48f..d0c9f546a7 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/rus/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/rus/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "pre.Launch.Task": "ЗадачаПредварительногоЗапуска: {0}", "debugger.path.not.exists": "Не удается найти отладчик {0}. Конфигурация отладки для {1} игнорируется.", "build.and.debug.active.file": "сборка и отладка активного файла", - "cl.exe.not.available": "Сборку и отладку {0} можно использовать только при запуске VS Code из Командной строки разработчика для VS.", + "cl.exe.not.available": "{0} is only usable when VS Code is run from the {1}.", "lldb.find.failed": "Отсутствует зависимость \"{0}\" для исполняемого файла lldb-mi.", "lldb.search.paths": "Поиск был выполнен в следующих расположениях:", "lldb.install.help": "Чтобы устранить эту проблему, установите XCode через Apple App Store или установите средства командной строки XCode, выполнив команду \"{0}\" в окне терминала.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/rus/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/rus/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..780bae43ba --- /dev/null +++ b/Extension/i18n/rus/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. + *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. +{ + "generate.copilot.description": "Создать сводку Copilot", + "copilot.disclaimer": "Содержимое, создаваемое ИИ, может быть некорректным." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/rus/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/rus/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json index a3bf9be06a..52244cdb8b 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/rus/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/rus/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json @@ -17,5 +17,6 @@ "path.is.not.a.directory": "Путь не является каталогом: {0}", "duplicate.name": "{0} является дубликатом. Имя конфигурации должно быть уникальным.", "multiple.paths.not.allowed": "Запрещено использовать несколько путей.", + "multiple.paths.should.be.separate.entries": "Multiple paths should be separate entries in an array.", "paths.are.not.directories": "Пути не являются каталогами: {0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/rus/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/rus/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json index 64b084f3bd..a281b402da 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/rus/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/rus/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json @@ -19,5 +19,7 @@ "code.action.aborted": "Не удалось применить исправление анализа кода, так как документ был изменен.", "prerelease.message": "Доступна предварительная версия расширения C/C++. Переключиться на нее?", "yes.button": "Да", - "no.button": "Нет" + "no.button": "Нет", + "copilot.hover.unavailable": "Сводка Copilot недоступна для этого символа.", + "copilot.hover.error": "При создании сводки Copilot возникла ошибка." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/rus/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/rus/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json index b9542f4e10..3441843beb 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/rus/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/rus/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json @@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ "fallback_to_64_bit_mode2": "Не удалось запросить сведения от компилятора. Возврат к 64-разрядному режиму IntelliSenseMode.", "fallback_to_no_bitness": "Не удалось запросить сведения от компилятора. Возврат к режиму без использования разрядности.", "intellisense_client_creation_aborted": "Создание клиента IntelliSense прервано: {0}", - "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled ": "обнаружены ошибки #include на основе сведений, предоставленных параметром configurationProvider. Функции IntelliSense для этой записи преобразования ({0}) будут предоставлены анализатором тегов.", - "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled ": "Обнаружены ошибки #include на основе сведений, предоставленных параметром configurationProvider. Волнистые линии для этой записи преобразования ({0}) отключены.", + "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled": "обнаружены ошибки #include на основе сведений, предоставленных параметром configurationProvider. Функции IntelliSense для этой записи преобразования ({0}) будут предоставлены анализатором тегов.", + "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled": "Обнаружены ошибки #include на основе сведений, предоставленных параметром configurationProvider. Волнистые линии для этой записи преобразования ({0}) отключены.", "preprocessor_keyword": "ключевое слово препроцессора", "c_keyword": "Ключевое слово C", "cpp_keyword": "Ключевое слово C++", @@ -316,5 +316,6 @@ "refactor_extract_xborder_jump": "Есть переходы между выбранным кодом и окружающим его кодом.", "refactor_extract_missing_return": "В выбранном коде некоторые контрольные пути завершаются без установки возвращаемого значения. Это поддерживается только для скалярных, числовых типов возвращаемого значения и типов возвращаемого значения-указателей.", "expand_selection": "Развернуть выделенный фрагмент (чтобы включить функцию \"Извлечение в функцию\")", - "file_not_found_in_path2": "\"{0}\" не найден в файлах compile_commands.json. Вместо него для этого файла будет использоваться \"includePath\" из файла c_cpp_properties.json в папке \"{1}\"." + "file_not_found_in_path2": "\"{0}\" не найден в файлах compile_commands.json. Вместо него для этого файла будет использоваться \"includePath\" из файла c_cpp_properties.json в папке \"{1}\".", + "copilot_hover_link": "Создать сводку Copilot" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/rus/ui/settings.html.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/rus/ui/settings.html.i18n.json index 9782616943..d4fd926c8a 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/rus/ui/settings.html.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/rus/ui/settings.html.i18n.json @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ "dot.config": "Конфигурация dot", "dot.config.description": "Путь к файлу CONFIG, созданному системой Kconfig. Система Kconfig создает файл со всеми определениями для сборки проекта. Примеры проектов, в которых используется система Kconfig: ядро Linux и NuttX RTOS.", "compile.commands": "Команды компиляции", - "compile.commands.description": "Полный путь к файлу {0} для рабочей области. Обнаруженные в этом файле пути для включений и определения будут использоваться вместо значений, заданных для параметров {1} и {2}. Если база данных команд сборки не содержит запись для единицы трансляции, соответствующей открытому в редакторе файлу, то появится предупреждающее сообщение и расширение будет использовать параметры {3} и {4}.", + "compile.commands.description": "A list of paths to {0} files for the workspace. The include paths and defines discovered in these files will be used instead of the values set for {1} and {2} settings. If the compile commands database does not contain an entry for the translation unit that corresponds to the file you opened in the editor, then a warning message will appear and the extension will use the {3} and {4} settings instead.", + "one.compile.commands.path.per.line": "One compile commands path per line.", "merge.configurations": "Объединение конфигураций", "merge.configurations.description": "При значении {0} (или если установлен флажок) пути включения, определения и принудительные включения будут объединены с аналогичными элементами от поставщика конфигурации.", "browse.path": "Обзор: путь", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/rus/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/rus/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json index 44e0e346db..38e15cd698 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/rus/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/rus/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. { - "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Перезапуск с помощью командной строки разработчика", - "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " Вы используете компьютер с Windows с компилятором MSVC, поэтому вам нужно запустить VS Code из командной строки разработчика, чтобы все переменные среды были установлены правильно. Чтобы перезапустить с помощью командной строки разработчика:", - "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Откройте командную строку разработчика для VS, введя \"developer\" в меню \"Пуск\" Windows. Выберите командную строку разработчика для VS, которая автоматически перейдет к вашей текущей открытой папке.", - "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Введите \"code\" в командную строку и нажмите ВВОД. Это должно перезапустить VS Code и вернуть вас к этому пошаговому руководству. " + "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Relaunch using the {0}", + "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " You are using a windows machine with the MSVC compiler, so you need to start VS Code from the {0} for all environment variables to be set correctly. To relaunch using the {1}:", + "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing \"{1}\" in the Windows Start menu. Select the {2}, which will automatically navigate to your current open folder.", + "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Type \"{0}\" into the command prompt and hit enter. This should relaunch VS Code and take you back to this walkthrough. " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/rus/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/rus/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json index 8d9617282c..d46d956f01 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/rus/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/rus/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json @@ -16,10 +16,8 @@ "walkthrough.windows.link.install": "Установка", "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Примечание", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Вы можете использовать набор инструментов C++ из пакета Visual Studio Build Tools вместе с Visual Studio Code для компиляции, сборки и проверки любой базы кода C++, если у вас есть действующая лицензия Visual Studio (Community, Pro или Enterprise), которой вы активно пользуетесь для разработки этой базы кода C++.", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Откройте {0}, введя команду \"developer\" в меню \"Пуск\" в Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Командная строка разработчика для VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Проверьте установку MSVC, введя {0} в командной строке разработчика для VS. Должно появиться сообщение об авторских правах с номером версии и кратким описанием использования.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Примечание", - "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Чтобы использовать MSVC из командной строки или VS Code, требуется запуск из {0}. В обычной среде, например в {1}, в {2} или в командной строке Windows, не заданы необходимые переменные среды \"path\".", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Командная строка разработчика для VS" + "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Чтобы использовать MSVC из командной строки или VS Code, требуется запуск из {0}. В обычной среде, например в {1}, в {2} или в командной строке Windows, не заданы необходимые переменные среды \"path\"." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/rus/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/rus/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json index b671e3e71e..680579084b 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/rus/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/rus/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Примечание", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Вы можете использовать набор инструментов C++ из пакета Visual Studio Build Tools вместе с Visual Studio Code для компиляции, сборки и проверки любой базы кода C++, если у вас есть действующая лицензия Visual Studio (Community, Pro или Enterprise), которой вы активно пользуетесь для разработки этой базы кода C++.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "Проверка установки компилятора", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Откройте {0}, введя команду \"developer\" в меню \"Пуск\" в Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Командная строка разработчика для VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Проверьте установку MSVC, введя {0} в командной строке разработчика для VS. Должно появиться сообщение об авторских правах с номером версии и кратким описанием использования.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Примечание", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Чтобы использовать MSVC из командной строки или VS Code, требуется запуск из {0}. В обычной среде, например в {1}, в {2} или в командной строке Windows, не заданы необходимые переменные среды \"path\".", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Командная строка разработчика для VS", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "Другие параметры компилятора", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Если вы нацеливаетесь на Linux из Windows, ознакомьтесь с {0}. Также вы можете {1}.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "Использование C++ и подсистемы Windows для Linux в VS Code", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/rus/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/rus/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json index b671e3e71e..680579084b 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/rus/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/rus/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Примечание", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Вы можете использовать набор инструментов C++ из пакета Visual Studio Build Tools вместе с Visual Studio Code для компиляции, сборки и проверки любой базы кода C++, если у вас есть действующая лицензия Visual Studio (Community, Pro или Enterprise), которой вы активно пользуетесь для разработки этой базы кода C++.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "Проверка установки компилятора", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Откройте {0}, введя команду \"developer\" в меню \"Пуск\" в Windows.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "Командная строка разработчика для VS", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Проверьте установку MSVC, введя {0} в командной строке разработчика для VS. Должно появиться сообщение об авторских правах с номером версии и кратким описанием использования.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Примечание", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Чтобы использовать MSVC из командной строки или VS Code, требуется запуск из {0}. В обычной среде, например в {1}, в {2} или в командной строке Windows, не заданы необходимые переменные среды \"path\".", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "Командная строка разработчика для VS", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "Другие параметры компилятора", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Если вы нацеливаетесь на Linux из Windows, ознакомьтесь с {0}. Также вы можете {1}.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "Использование C++ и подсистемы Windows для Linux в VS Code", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/trk/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/trk/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json index 18993a2cf4..9e68798215 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/trk/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/trk/c_cpp_properties.schema.json.i18n.json @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compilerArgs": "Kullanılan içermeleri veya tanımları değiştirmek için derleyici bağımsız değişkenleri (örneğin, `-nostdinc++`, `-m32` vb.). Boşlukla ayrılmış ek bağımsız değişkenler alan bağımsız değişkenler, diziye ayrı bağımsız değişkenler olarak girilmelidir. Örneğin `--sysroot ` için `\"--sysroot\", \"\"` bağımsız değişkenlerini kullanın.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cStandard": "IntelliSense için kullanılacak C dil standardı sürümü. Not: GNU standartları yalnızca GNU tanımlarını almak için ayarlanan derleyiciyi sorgulamak amacıyla kullanılır ve IntelliSense eşdeğer C standart sürümüne öykünür.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.cppStandard": "IntelliSense için kullanılacak C++ dil standardı sürümü. Not: GNU standartları yalnızca GNU tanımlarını almak için ayarlanan derleyiciyi sorgulamak amacıyla kullanılır ve IntelliSense, eşdeğer C++ standart sürümüne öykünür.", - "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Çalışma alanı için `compile_commands.json` dosyasının tam yolu.", + "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.compileCommands": "Full path or a list of full paths to `compile_commands.json` files for the workspace.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.includePath": "IntelliSense altyapısının eklenen üst bilgileri ararken kullanacağı yol listesi. Bu yollarda arama özyinelemeli değildir. Özyinelemeli aramayı göstermek için `**` belirtin. Örneğin: `${workspaceFolder}/**` tüm alt dizinlerde ararken `${workspaceFolder}` aramaz. Bu genellikle sistem eklemelerini içermemelidir, bunun yerine `C_Cpp.default.compilerPath` ayarını belirleyin.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.macFrameworkPath": "Mac çerçevelerinden eklenen üst bilgileri ararken IntelliSense altyapısı tarafından kullanılacak yolların listesi. Yalnızca Mac yapılandırmalarında desteklenir.", "c_cpp_properties.schema.json.definitions.configurations.items.properties.windowsSdkVersion": "Windows üzerinde kullanılacak Windows SDK ekleme yolunun sürümü, ör. `10.0.17134.0`.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/trk/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/trk/package.i18n.json index 4c1534f154..76c37524f4 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/trk/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/trk/package.i18n.json @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.showClear.AllAndAllTypeAndThis.description": "'Tümünü temizle' (birden çok sorun türü varsa), 'Tüm temizle' ( için birden çok sorun varsa) ve 'Bunu temizle' kod eylemlerini göster", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.codeAction.formatFixes.markdownDescription": "`true` ise biçimlendirme 'Düzelt' kod eylemlerinin değiştirdiği satırlarda çalıştırılacaktır.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.enabled.markdownDescription": "`True` ise `clang-tidy` kullanan kod analizi etkinleştirilir ve `#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.runAutomatically#` değeri `true` (varsayılan) ise dosya açıldıktan veya kaydedildikten sonra çalıştırılır.", - "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "`clang-tidy` yürütülebilir dosyasının tam yolu. Belirtilmemişse ve ortam yolunda `clang-tidy` mevcutsa, bu kullanılır. Ortam yolunda bulunamazsa, uzantıyla birlikte gelen `clang-tidy` kullanılacaktır.", + "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-tidy` executable. If not specified, and `clang-tidy` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-tidy` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config.markdownDescription": "YAML/JSON biçiminde bir `clang-tidy` yapılandırmasını belirtir: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{anahtar: x, değer: y}]}`. Değer boş olduğunda, `clang-tidy`, üst dizinlerinde her kaynak dosya için `clang-tidy` adlı bir dosya bulmayı dener.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.fallbackConfig.markdownDescription": "`#C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config#` ayarlanmamışsa ve hiçbir `.clang-tidy` dosyası bulunamasa geri dönüş olarak kullanılacak YAML/JSON biçiminde bir `clang-tidy` yapılandırmasını belirtir: `{Checks: '-*,clang-analyzer-*', CheckOptions: [{anahtar: x, değer: y}]}`.", "c_cpp.configuration.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.headerFilter.markdownDescription": "Tanılama çıktısı alınacak başlıkların adlarıyla eşleşen bir POSIX genişletilmiş normal ifadesi (ERE). Her çeviri biriminin ana dosyasındaki tanılamalar her zaman görüntülenir. `${workspaceFolder}` değişkeni desteklenir (ve `.clang-tidy` dosyası yoksa varsayılan geri dönüş değeri olarak kullanılır). Bu seçenek `null` (boş) değilse, varsa `.clang-tidy` dosyasındaki `HeaderFilterRegex` seçeneğini geçersiz kılar.", @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.oneLiners.markdownDescription": "Tek satıra girilen tam kod bloğu, `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*` ayarlarının herhangi birinin değerinden bağımsız olarak tek satırda tutulur.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.allOneLineScopes.markdownDescription": "Açma ve kapama küme ayracının tek bir satırda girildiği tüm kodlar, `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*` ayarlarının herhangi birinin değerinden bağımsız olarak tek satırda tutulur.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcFormat.wrap.preserveBlocks.never.markdownDescription": "Kod blokları her zaman `C_Cpp.vcFormat.newLine.*` ayarlarının değerlerine göre biçimlendirilir.", - "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "`clang-format` yürütülebilir dosyasının tam yolu. Belirtilmezse ve ortam yolunda `clang-format` kullanılabiliyorsa bu kullanılır. Ortam yolunda bulunamazsa uzantı ile paketlenmiş bir `clang-format` kullanılır.", + "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_path.markdownDescription": "The full path of the `clang-format` executable. If not specified, and `clang-format` is available in the environment path, that is used unless the version bundled with the extension is newer. If not found in the environment path, the `clang-format` bundled with the extension will be used.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_style.markdownDescription": "Kodlama stili şu anda şunları destekliyor: `Visual Studio`, `LLVM`, `Google`, `Chromium`, `Mozilla`, `WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`. Geçerli veya üst dizindeki `.clang-format` dosyasından stili yüklemek için `file` kullanın veya belirli bir yola başvurmak için `file:/.clang-format` kullanın. Belirli parametreleri ayarlamak için `{anahtar: değer, ...}` kullanın. Örneğin, `Visual Studio` stili şuna benzer: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_fallbackStyle.markdownDescription": "`clang-format`, `file` stiliyle çağrıldığında geri dönüş olarak kullanılan önceden tanımlı stilin adı, ancak `.clang-format` dosyası bulunamadı. Olası değerler: `Visual Studio`, `LLVM`, `Google`, `Chromium`, `Mozilla`, `WebKit`, `Microsoft`, `GNU`, `none` veya belirli parametreleri ayarlamak için `{anahtar: değer, ...}` kullanın. Örneğin, `Visual Studio` stili şuna benzer: `{ BasedOnStyle: LLVM, UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: 4, TabWidth: 4, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false, IndentCaseLabels: false, ColumnLimit: 0, AccessModifierOffset: -4, NamespaceIndentation: All, FixNamespaceComments: false }`.", "c_cpp.configuration.clang_format_sortIncludes.markdownDescription": "Ayarlanırsa, `SortIncludes` parametresi tarafından belirlenen ekleme sıralama davranışını geçersiz kılar.", @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.markdownDescription": "`browse.path` dizisindeki yollarda dolaşırken, kod gezinti veritabanına hangi dosyaların ekleneceği belirlendiği sırada uzantıya `#files.exclude#` (ve `#C_Cpp.files.exclude#`) ayarının ne zaman kullanılacağını söyler. `#files.exclude#` ayarınız yalnızca klasörler içeriyorsa, `checkFolders` en iyi seçimdir ve uzantının kod gezinti veritabanını başlatabilme hızını artırır.", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFolders.description": "Dışlama filtreleri, klasör başına yalnızca bir kez değerlendirilir (dosyalar tek tek denetlenmez).", "c_cpp.configuration.exclusionPolicy.checkFilesAndFolders.description": "Dışlama filtreleri, karşılaşılan her dosya ve klasörle değerlendirilecek.", - "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "`#include` otomatik tamamlama sonuçları için yol ayırıcısı olarak kullanılan karakter.", + "c_cpp.configuration.preferredPathSeparator.markdownDescription": "The character used as a path separator for generated user paths.", "c_cpp.configuration.simplifyStructuredComments.markdownDescription": "`true` ise, üzerine gelme ve otomatik tamamlama araç ipuçları, yapılandırılmış açıklamaların yalnızca belirli etiketlerini görüntüler. Aksi halde tüm açıklamalar görüntülenir.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generateOnType.description": "Seçilen açıklama stilini girdikten sonra Doxygen açıklamasının otomatik olarak eklenip eklenmeyeceğini kontrol eder.", "c_cpp.configuration.doxygen.generatedStyle.description": "Doxygen açıklamasının başlangıç satırı olarak kullanılan karakter dizesi.", @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.hover.description": "Devre dışı bırakılırsa üzerine gelme ayrıntıları artık dil sunucusu tarafından sağlanmaz.", "c_cpp.configuration.vcpkg.enabled.markdownDescription": "[vcpkg bağımlılık yöneticisi](https://aka.ms/vcpkg/) için tümleştirme hizmetlerini etkinleştirin.", "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.markdownDescription": "`nan` ve `node-addon-api` bağımlılık olduğunda bunlardan ekleme yolları ekleyin.", + "c_cpp.configuration.copilotHover.markdownDescription": "`disabled` ise Hover'da Copilot bilgisi görünmez.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.markdownDescription": "`true` ise, 'Sembolü Yeniden Adlandır' işlemi için geçerli bir C/C++ tanımlayıcısı gerekir.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.markdownDescription": "`true` ise otomatik tamamla özelliği, işlev çağrılarından sonra otomatik olarak `(` ekler. Bazı durumlarda `#editor.autoClosingBrackets#` ayarının değerine bağlı olarak `)` karakteri de eklenebilir.", "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.markdownDescription": "Klasörleri (ve `#C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy#` değiştirilirse dosyaları) hariç tutmak için glob desenlerini yapılandırın. Bunlar, C/C++ uzantısına özgüdür ve `#files.exclude#` öğesine ek olarak, ancak `#files.exclude#` öğesinden farklı olarak, geçerli çalışma alanı klasörünün dışındaki yollara da uygulanırlar ve Explorer görünümünden kaldırılmazlar. [Glob desenleri](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options) ile ilgili daha fazla bilgi edinin.", @@ -427,8 +428,8 @@ "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.title": "C++ dosyası oluşturun", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.description": "[Aç](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.openFile) veya [create](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D) bir C++ dosya. \"helloworld.cpp\" gibi \".cpp\" uzantısıyla kaydettiğinizden emin olun.\n[Bir C++ Dosyası Oluşturun](command:toSide:workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile?%7B%22languageId%22%3A%22cpp%22%7D)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.create.cpp.file.altText": "Bir C++ dosyası veya bir klasörü C++ projesiyle açın.", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Geliştirici komut istemini kullanarak yeniden başlat", - "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "Microsoft Visual Studio C++ derleyicisini kullanırken, C++ uzantısı, geliştirici komut isteminden VS Code'u başlatmanızı gerektirir. Yeniden başlatmak için sağdaki talimatları izleyin.\n[Yeniden Yükleme Penceresi](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.title": "Launch from the Developer Command Prompt for VS", + "c_cpp.walkthrough.command.prompt.description": "When using the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler, the C++ extension requires you to launch VS Code from the Developer Command Prompt for VS. Follow the instructions on the right to relaunch.\r\n[Reload Window](command:workbench.action.reloadWindow)", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.title": "C++ dosyanızı çalıştırın ve hata ayıklayın", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.mac.description": "C++ dosyanızı açın ve düzenleyicinin sağ üst köşesindeki oynat düğmesine tıklayın veya dosyadayken F5'e basın. Hata ayıklayıcı ile çalıştırmak için \"clang++ - Etkin dosya derle ve hata ayıkla\" seçeneğini seçin.", "c_cpp.walkthrough.run.debug.linux.description": "C++ dosyanızı açın ve düzenleyicinin sağ üst köşesindeki oynat düğmesine tıklayın veya dosyadayken F5'e basın. Hata ayıklayıcı ile çalıştırmak için \"g++ - Aktif dosya derle ve hata ayıkla\"yı seçin.", @@ -449,4 +450,4 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.refactoring.includeHeader.never.description": "Üst bilgi dosyasını hiçbir zaman ekleme.", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.displayName": "C/C++ yapılandırması", "c_cpp.languageModelTools.configuration.userDescription": "Dil standardı sürümü ve hedef platform gibi etkin C veya C++ dosyası yapılandırması." -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/trk/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/trk/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json index b55087bdcc..dffd758345 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/trk/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/trk/src/Debugger/configurationProvider.i18n.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "pre.Launch.Task": "preLaunchTask: {0}", "debugger.path.not.exists": "{0} Hata ayıklayıcı bulunamadı. {1} için hata ayıklama yapılandırması yok sayıldı.", "build.and.debug.active.file": "etkin dosyayı derle ve dosyada hata ayıkla", - "cl.exe.not.available": "{0} derlemesi ve hata ayıklama yalnızca VS Code, VS için Geliştirici Komut İstemi'nden çalıştırıldığında kullanılabilir.", + "cl.exe.not.available": "{0} is only usable when VS Code is run from the {1}.", "lldb.find.failed": "lldb-mi yürütülebilir dosyası için '{0}' bağımlılığı eksik.", "lldb.search.paths": "Şurada arandı:", "lldb.install.help": "Bu sorunu çözmek için, Apple App Store üzerinden XCode'u yükleyin ya da bir Terminal penceresinde '{0}' çalıştırarak XCode Komut Satırı Araçları'nı yükleyin.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/trk/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/trk/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..44b2993726 --- /dev/null +++ b/Extension/i18n/trk/src/LanguageServer/Providers/CopilotHoverProvider.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. + * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. + *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. +{ + "generate.copilot.description": "Copilot özeti oluştur", + "copilot.disclaimer": "Yapay zeka tarafından oluşturulan içerik yanlış olabilir." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/trk/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/trk/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json index b22acf5251..2166f54627 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/trk/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/trk/src/LanguageServer/configurations.i18n.json @@ -17,5 +17,6 @@ "path.is.not.a.directory": "Yol bir dizin değil: {0}", "duplicate.name": "{0} yineleniyor. Yapılandırma adı benzersiz olmalıdır.", "multiple.paths.not.allowed": "Birden fazla yola izin verilmez.", + "multiple.paths.should.be.separate.entries": "Multiple paths should be separate entries in an array.", "paths.are.not.directories": "Yollar dizin değil: {0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/trk/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/trk/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json index e6392051e4..64e6ea13f4 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/trk/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/trk/src/LanguageServer/extension.i18n.json @@ -19,5 +19,7 @@ "code.action.aborted": "Belge değiştiğinden kod analizi düzeltmesi uygulanamadı.", "prerelease.message": "C/C++ uzantısının yayın öncesi bir sürümü var. Buna geçmek ister misiniz?", "yes.button": "Evet", - "no.button": "Hayır" + "no.button": "Hayır", + "copilot.hover.unavailable": "Copilot özeti bu sembol için kullanılamıyor.", + "copilot.hover.error": "Copilot özeti oluşturulurken bir hata oluştu." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/trk/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/trk/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json index 7a51ffcd3c..6feae95679 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/trk/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/trk/src/nativeStrings.i18n.json @@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ "fallback_to_64_bit_mode2": "Derleyici sorgulanamadı. 64 bit intelliSenseMode'a geri dönülüyor.", "fallback_to_no_bitness": "Derleyici sorgulanamadı. Bit genişliği yok durumuna geri dönülüyor.", "intellisense_client_creation_aborted": "IntelliSense istemcisi oluşturma işlemi durduruldu: {0}", - "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled ": "configurationProvider ayarı tarafından sağlanan bilgilere göre #include hataları saptandı. Bu çeviri birimi ({0}) için IntelliSense özellikleri Etiket Ayrıştırıcısı tarafından sağlanır.", - "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled ": "configurationProvider ayarı tarafından sağlanan bilgilere göre #include hataları saptandı. Bu çeviri birimi ({0}) için dalgalı çizgiler devre dışı bırakıldı.", + "include_errors_config_provider_intellisense_disabled": "configurationProvider ayarı tarafından sağlanan bilgilere göre #include hataları saptandı. Bu çeviri birimi ({0}) için IntelliSense özellikleri Etiket Ayrıştırıcısı tarafından sağlanır.", + "include_errors_config_provider_squiggles_disabled": "configurationProvider ayarı tarafından sağlanan bilgilere göre #include hataları saptandı. Bu çeviri birimi ({0}) için dalgalı çizgiler devre dışı bırakıldı.", "preprocessor_keyword": "ön işlemci anahtar sözcüğü", "c_keyword": "C anahtar sözcüğü", "cpp_keyword": "C++ anahtar sözcüğü", @@ -316,5 +316,6 @@ "refactor_extract_xborder_jump": "Seçili kod ile çevreleyen kod arasında atlamalar var.", "refactor_extract_missing_return": "Seçili kodda bazı denetim yolları, dönüş değeri ayarlanmadan çıkış yapıyor. Bu durum yalnızca skaler, sayısal ve işaretçi dönüş türlerinde desteklenir.", "expand_selection": "Seçimi genişlet (\"İşleve çıkar\" seçeneğini etkinleştirmek için)", - "file_not_found_in_path2": "\"{0}\" compile_commands.json dosyaları içinde bulunamadı. Bu dosya yerine '{1}' klasöründeki c_cpp_properties.json dosyasında bulunan 'includePath' kullanılacak." + "file_not_found_in_path2": "\"{0}\" compile_commands.json dosyaları içinde bulunamadı. Bu dosya yerine '{1}' klasöründeki c_cpp_properties.json dosyasında bulunan 'includePath' kullanılacak.", + "copilot_hover_link": "Copilot özeti oluştur" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/trk/ui/settings.html.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/trk/ui/settings.html.i18n.json index 3b025007cb..9635ce8477 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/trk/ui/settings.html.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/trk/ui/settings.html.i18n.json @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ "dot.config": "Nokta Yapılandırması", "dot.config.description": "Kconfig sistemi tarafından oluşturulan bir .config dosyasının yolu. Kconfig sistemi, bir proje oluşturmak için tüm tanımlamaları içeren bir dosya oluşturur. Kconfig sistemini kullanan projelere örnek olarak Linux Çekirdeği ve NuttX RTOS verilebilir.", "compile.commands": "Derleme komutları", - "compile.commands.description": "Çalışma alanı için {0} dosyasının tam yolu. {1} ve {2} ayarları için ayarlanan değerler yerine bu dosyada bulunan içerme yolları ve tanımlar kullanılır. Derleme komutları veritabanı, düzenleyicide açtığınız dosyaya karşılık gelen çeviri birimi için bir giriş içermiyorsa, bir uyarı mesajı görüntülenir ve uzantı bunun yerine {3} ve {4} ayarlarını kullanır.", + "compile.commands.description": "A list of paths to {0} files for the workspace. The include paths and defines discovered in these files will be used instead of the values set for {1} and {2} settings. If the compile commands database does not contain an entry for the translation unit that corresponds to the file you opened in the editor, then a warning message will appear and the extension will use the {3} and {4} settings instead.", + "one.compile.commands.path.per.line": "One compile commands path per line.", "merge.configurations": "Yapılandırmaları birleştir", "merge.configurations.description": "{0} (veya işaretli) olduğunda, dahil etme yollarını, tanımları ve bir yapılandırma sağlayıcısından gelenlerle zorunlu dahil etmeleri birleştir.", "browse.path": "Gözat: yol", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/trk/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/trk/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json index 62fe69edb4..38e15cd698 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/trk/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/trk/walkthrough/devcommandprompt/open-developer-command-prompt.md.i18n.json @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Do not edit this file. It is machine generated. { - "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Geliştirici komut istemini kullanarak yeniden başlatın", - "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " MSVC derleyicili bir Windows makinesi kullanıyorsunuz, dolayısıyla tüm ortam değişkenlerinin doğru ayarlanması için geliştirici komut isteminden VS Code'u başlatmanız gerekiyor. Geliştirici komut istemini kullanarak yeniden başlatmak için:", - "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Windows Başlat menüsüne \"geliştirici\" yazarak VS için Geliştirici Komut İstemi'ni açın. Geçerli açık klasörünüze otomatik olarak gidecek olan VS için Geliştirici Komut İstemi'ni seçin.", - "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Komut istemine \"kod\" yazın ve enter tuşuna basın. Bu, VS Code'u yeniden başlatmalı ve sizi bu izlenecek yola geri götürmelidir." + "walkthrough.windows.title.open.dev.command.prompt": "Relaunch using the {0}", + "walkthrough.windows.background.dev.command.prompt": " You are using a windows machine with the MSVC compiler, so you need to start VS Code from the {0} for all environment variables to be set correctly. To relaunch using the {1}:", + "walkthrough.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing \"{1}\" in the Windows Start menu. Select the {2}, which will automatically navigate to your current open folder.", + "walkthrough.windows.press.f5": "Type \"{0}\" into the command prompt and hit enter. This should relaunch VS Code and take you back to this walkthrough. " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/trk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/trk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json index 5473c3d9ec..9c4550db74 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/trk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/trk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows.md.i18n.json @@ -16,10 +16,8 @@ "walkthrough.windows.link.install": "Yükle", "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Not", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Herhangi bir C++ kod temelini derlemek, oluşturmak ve doğrulamak için Visual Studio Code ile birlikte Visual Studio Derleme Araçları’nda bulunan C++ araç takımını kullanabilirsiniz. Bunun yanı sıra, bu C++ kod temelini geliştirmek için etkin olarak kullandığınız geçerli bir Visual Studio lisansına (Community, Pro veya Enterprise) sahip olursunuz.", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Windows Başlat menüsüne 'geliştirici' yazarak {0} açın.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "VS için Developer Komut İstemi", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "VS için Geliştirici Komut İstemi’ne {0} yazarak MSVC yüklemenizi denetleyin. Sürüm ve temel kullanım açıklamasını içeren bir telif hakkı iletisi göreceksiniz.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Not", - "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Komut satırından veya VS Code’dan MSVC’yi kullanmak için şuradan çalıştırmanız gerek: {0}. {1}, {2} veya Windows komut istemi gibi sıradan bir kabuk gerekli yol ortam değişkenleri kümesi içermez.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "VS için Geliştirici Komut İstemi" + "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Komut satırından veya VS Code’dan MSVC’yi kullanmak için şuradan çalıştırmanız gerek: {0}. {1}, {2} veya Windows komut istemi gibi sıradan bir kabuk gerekli yol ortam değişkenleri kümesi içermez." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Extension/i18n/trk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/trk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json index 4012a3d4a0..70a0eb8f08 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/trk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/trk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows10.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Not", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Herhangi bir C++ kod temelini derlemek, oluşturmak ve doğrulamak için Visual Studio Code ile birlikte Visual Studio Derleme Araçları’nda bulunan C++ araç takımını kullanabilirsiniz. Bunun yanı sıra, bu C++ kod temelini geliştirmek için etkin olarak kullandığınız geçerli bir Visual Studio lisansına (Community, Pro veya Enterprise) sahip olursunuz.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "Derleyici yüklemesi doğrulanıyor", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Windows Başlat menüsüne 'geliştirici' yazarak {0} açın.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "VS için Developer Komut İstemi", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "VS için Geliştirici Komut İstemi’ne {0} yazarak MSVC yüklemenizi denetleyin. Sürüm ve temel kullanım açıklamasını içeren bir telif hakkı iletisi göreceksiniz.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Not", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Komut satırından veya VS Code’dan MSVC’yi kullanmak için şuradan çalıştırmanız gerek: {0}. {1}, {2} veya Windows komut istemi gibi sıradan bir kabuk gerekli yol ortam değişkenleri kümesi içermez.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "VS için Geliştirici Komut İstemi", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "Diğer derleme seçenekleri", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Windows'tan Linux'u hedefliyorsanız {0}‘a bakın. Veya, {1}.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "VS Code'da Linux için C++’yı ve Windows Alt Sistemi’ni (WSL) kullanma", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/trk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/trk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json index 4012a3d4a0..70a0eb8f08 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/trk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/trk/walkthrough/installcompiler/install-compiler-windows11.md.i18n.json @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ "walkthrough.windows.note1": "Not", "walkthrough.windows.note1.text": "Herhangi bir C++ kod temelini derlemek, oluşturmak ve doğrulamak için Visual Studio Code ile birlikte Visual Studio Derleme Araçları’nda bulunan C++ araç takımını kullanabilirsiniz. Bunun yanı sıra, bu C++ kod temelini geliştirmek için etkin olarak kullandığınız geçerli bir Visual Studio lisansına (Community, Pro veya Enterprise) sahip olursunuz.", "walkthrough.windows.verify.compiler": "Derleyici yüklemesi doğrulanıyor", - "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Windows Başlat menüsüne 'geliştirici' yazarak {0} açın.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name1": "VS için Developer Komut İstemi", - "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "VS için Geliştirici Komut İstemi’ne {0} yazarak MSVC yüklemenizi denetleyin. Sürüm ve temel kullanım açıklamasını içeren bir telif hakkı iletisi göreceksiniz.", + "walkthrough.windows.open.command.prompt": "Open the {0} by typing '{1}' in the Windows Start menu.", + "walkthrough.windows.check.install": "Check your MSVC installation by typing {0} into the {1}. You should see a copyright message with the version and basic usage description.", "walkthrough.windows.note2": "Not", "walkthrough.windows.note2.text": "Komut satırından veya VS Code’dan MSVC’yi kullanmak için şuradan çalıştırmanız gerek: {0}. {1}, {2} veya Windows komut istemi gibi sıradan bir kabuk gerekli yol ortam değişkenleri kümesi içermez.", - "walkthrough.windows.command.prompt.name2": "VS için Geliştirici Komut İstemi", "walkthrough.windows.other.compilers": "Diğer derleme seçenekleri", "walkthrough.windows.text3": "Windows'tan Linux'u hedefliyorsanız {0}‘a bakın. Veya, {1}.", "walkthrough.windows.link.title1": "VS Code'da Linux için C++’yı ve Windows Alt Sistemi’ni (WSL) kullanma",