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Set of helpers for monorepos based on Yarn workspaces to automate:

  • customizable conventional Git commits
  • interactive CLI prompt to make commits and publish packages
  • managing cross-dependencies and syncing semver version ranges across the monorepo
  • building and preparing packages
  • making Git tags
  • making GitHub Releases
  • publishing to NPM
  • creating and updating
  • sending messages to Slack
  • sending messages to Telegram
  • …any other feature that one can easily implement


Conventional Git commits

auto parses Git log to get the data about the package releases. Suchwise Git commit has to have a certain shape:

<prefix> <packageName>[, <packageName>]: commit message


  • prefix – any arbitrary string one would like to use as a marker of particular change type, for example 🐞 for bugfix or just [fix]
  • packageName – one or many package names (separated with , delimiter) affected by the change in this commit; @-symbol for NPM scoped packages should be omitted


🐞 foo, bar: fix issue
[feat] scope/baz: add feature
[boom] foo: breaking changes


auto stores its config in the root package.json of the monorepo under the auto key.


The following prefixes are required, although one can defined any other ones:

  "auto": {
    "prefixes": {
      "major": "πŸ’₯",
      "minor": "🌱",
      "patch": "🐞",
      "initial": "🐣",
      "dependencies": "♻️",
      "publish": "πŸ“¦"
  • major – prefix for a commit that contains breaking changes, according to semver
  • minor – … new feature, according to semver
  • patch – … bugfix, according to semver
  • initial – … new package initialization: it must be 0.0.0 version in its own package.json and ^0.0.0 range in its dependents package.json
  • dependencies – … package dependents semver range updates, auto uses this prefix automatically
  • publish – … package release version update, auto uses this prefix automatically

As mentioned earlier, emojis are being used here only as an example, it's free to use any strings


General config to tweak auto behavior:

  "auto": {
    "bump": {
      "shouldAlwaysBumpDependents": false,


  • shouldAlwaysBumpDependents – false by default – makes package to always update dependents' version ranges and bump dependents, even if version range of a certain dependent satisfies package new release version; useful for monorepos where one would like to always expclicitly propagate and publish every patch and feature across all the packages

It's possible to override any bump options in particular package.json allowing some packages to behave differently from the global monorepo config.


Config to control publishing to NPM phase:

  "auto": {
    "registry": "https://",
    "publishSubDirectory": "dir",
    "access": "restricted"


  • registry – by default – NPM compilant registry URL
  • publishSubDirectory – is a sub path which will be added to package directory during Publish phase, can be omitted
  • access – restricted by default – NPM access


auto provides a lot of hooks which are called in particular order during the process. These hooks can be used to either prevent certain phases, or to do something during them.

Hook is a function with the following signature:

type THookProps = {
  config: TAutoConfig,
  prefixes: TRequiredPrefixes,
  packages: TPackageRelease[],

type THook = (props: THookProps) => Promise<void>

Hook gets special props – internal information to work with – and should return a promise. auto will wait for the promise to resolve and then continue further through the hooks flow. If promise rejects then auto stops the whole process to avoid any further wrong steps such as incorrent Git commits or even NPM publish.

The following hooks are supported:

type THooks = {
  preDepsCommit?: THook | false,
  depsCommit?: THook | false,
  postDepsCommit?: THook | false,
  prePublishCommit?: THook | false,
  publishCommit?: THook | false,
  postPublishCommit?: THook | false,
  preBuild?: THook | false,
  build?: THook | false,
  postBuild?: THook | false,
  prePublish?: THook | false,
  publish?: THook | false,
  postPublish?: THook | false,
  prePush?: THook | false,
  push?: THook | false,
  postPush?: THook | false,
  • each phase has its main, pre and post hook
  • if phase's main hook is not provided, auto will make default actions except the build phase, which is purely user responsibility
  • to completely skip certain phase, including default behavior, provide false value as a phase's main hook
  • depsCommit and publishCommit add all modified/deleted files (git add -u) to the commit, and it's possible to use pre hooks to modify and/or stage more files which will be commited during the main phase

Core API

@auto/core entrypoint exports the following functions:

import {
} from '@auto/core'

Default usage example would look like the following:

import { auto } from '@auto/core'

await auto({
  build: ({ packages }) => {
    // build packages
  prePublishCommit: ({ packages }) => {
    // write changelogs
    // files will be commited during publishCommit phase
  prePublish: ({ packages }) => {
    // prepare packages to be published
  prePush: ({ packages }) => {
    // make git tags
    // tags will be pushed during push phase
  postPush: ({ packages }) => {
    // make Github releases
    // publish message to Slack

Or some kind of a "test" publish, for example to a local Verdaccio NPM registry:

import { auto, publishPackages } from '@auto/core'

await auto({
  // don't make deps commit
  depsCommit: false,    
  // don't make publish commit
  publishCommit: false, 
  // don't push to remote
  push: false,          
  build: ({ packages }) => {
    // build your packages
  prepublish: ({ packages }) => {
    // prepare packages to publish
  // override main `publish` hook
  publish: publishPackages({
    registry: 'http://localhost:4873',


Main function which it iterates over hooks.

const auto: (hooks: TAutoHooks): Promise<void>


Hook factory that writes dependencies commit, assigned to depsCommit hook by default.

const writeDependenciesCommit: () => THook


Hook factory that writes publish commit, assigned to publishCommit hook by default.

const writePublishCommit: () => THook


Hook factory that publishes to NPM, assigned to publish hook by default.

const publishPackages: (publishConfig: {
  registry?: string,
  onError?: (e: Error) => void
}) => THook


Hook factory that pushes Git commits and tags, assigned to push hook by default.

const publishPackages: () => THook


auto interactively prompts user to approve/discard all the changes which are about to happen.

It has several options:


Proceed with the current changes, everything looks good.


Abort current state and go back to the terminal. The intention of using no answer could be to go back to Git and manually rebase some commit messages, for example something is being "minor" by mistake but should become a "patch".


In some advanced cases user might want to manually tweak some of the proposed by auto changes. edit answer will open a special temp file in default editor, just like git commit does, and auto will wait for it to be closed. After that there will be another prompt with a possibility to yes/no/edit again (and again).

That special temp file contains JSON with the following keys:


How bump of some dependency affects its dependents. For example, if dependency foo got majorly bumped, from 1.0.0 to 2.0.0 and there are dependents with "foo": "^1.0.0" in their package.json then auto will propose to majorly bump such dependents as well. In reality it's quite a wide guess and should be considered only as a default behavior and therefore carefully verified. One might already handled a situation like the above by making sure that dependents have a necessary patch because foo didn't actually break anything for them.

User can only delete entries, any other editing will be ignored.


Similar opinionated situation as with dependencyBumps – auto proposes to bump an initial 0.0.0 to 0.1.0 to start with. It's possible to change type of the initial bump to patch | minor | major.

Any other editing such as deleting lines will be ignored.


According to semver version 0.2.0 does not satisfy a ^0.1.0 range, because "major zero" is a special case. By default auto proposes to bump 0.1.0 to 0.2.0 if there was a major bump somewhere in Git commits. It's possible to change that type to patch | minor | major, for example as if one want to jump from 0.1.0 to 1.0.0.

Any other editing such as deleting lines will be ignored.


Let's say there is the following monorepo structure:

β”œβ”€β”€ foo/
β”œβ”€β”€ bar/
└── baz/

With such a root package.json config for auto:

  "workspaces": {
  "auto": {
    "prefixes": {
      "major": "πŸ’₯",
      "minor": "🌱",
      "patch": "🐞",
      "publish": "πŸ“¦",
      "dependencies": "♻️",
      "initial": "🐣"
    "bump": {
      "shouldAlwaysBumpDependents": false, 

And such packages dependency tree:

  "name": "@scope/foo",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "dependencies": {
    "@scope/bar": "^0.1.0"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@scope/baz": "^0.1.0"
  "name": "@scope/bar",
  "version": "0.1.0"
  "name": "@scope/baz",
  "version": "0.1.0"

And the following Git commits:

🌱 bar: some feature
🐞 baz: some fix

And auto API has been invoked in all-defaults mode:

import { auto } from '@auto/core'

await auto()

auto will:

  • gather workspace packages
  • parse Git commits and collect all the necessary "bumps" for certain packages, including:
    • patch for @scope/baz: 0.1.1
    • minor for @scope/bar: 0.2.0
    • minor for @scope/foo because of dependency on @scope/bar: 0.2.0
    • dependency range update of @scope/bar for @scope/foo, from ^0.1.0 to ^0.2.0
    • dev dependency range update of @scope/baz for @scope/foo, from ^0.1.0 to ^0.1.1
  • interactively prompt to approve/discard all the above information
  • for each affected package:
    • write new dependency ranges to package.json file
    • make ♻️ upgrade dependencies Git commit
    • write bumped version to package.json file
    • make πŸ“¦ scope/foo, scope/bar, scope/baz: release Git commit
    • publish @scope/foo, @scope/bar and @scope/baz to NPM
    • Git push everything

Additional functionality

@auto NPM scope also contains some additional packages:


Interactive prompt to make commits using prefixes defined in auto config.

const makeCommit: () => Promise<void>


Hook to make per-release Git tags.

const writePublishTags: THook


Hook factory to make GitHub releases with necessary changelog.

type TGithubConfig = {
  token: string,
  username: string,
  repo: string,

const makeGithubReleases: (githubConfig: TGithubConfig) => THook


Hook factory to create and update per-package file with necessary changes.

const writeChangelogFiles: THook


Hook factory send Slack message with necessary changelog.

type TSlackConfig = {
  token: string,
  channel: string,
  username: string,
  iconEmoji: string,
  colors: {
    [k in 'major' | 'minor' | 'patch' | 'initial']: string

const sendSlackMessage: (slackConfig: TSlackConfig) => THook


Hook factory to send Telegram message with necessary changelog.

type TTelegramConfig = {
  token: string,
  chatId: string,

const sendTelegramMessage: (telegramConfig: TTelegramConfig) => THook