Use the native node module net
to create a server that publishes events to subscribers.
var net = require('net')
if (require.main === module) {
function start () {
var connections = []
var server = net.createServer(function onConnection (conn) {
var i = connections.length
conn.on('close', () => connections.splice(i, 1))
server.listen(8000, () => console.log('listening on 8000'))
setInterval(function () {
connections.forEach(c => c.write(JSON.stringify({
}, 1000)
module.exports = start
var net = require('net')
if (require.main === module) {
function start () {
var client = net.connect(8000)
client.on('data', function (data) {
module.exports = start
What happens if you start the client before the server? Or if the server goes offline?
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
To better decouple the client and server, you want the client to automatically try connecting until a server comes online. But that's too much work to do yourself -- look at these:
Request and reply semantics are like http requests. However, HTTP has more overhead compared to other socket protocols. Another protocol we can use is nanomsg. Nanomsg does some low level stuff for us. Our socket will connect and reconnect on their own, so we don't have to write any reconnection logic.
var nano = require('nanomsg')
var rep = nano.socket('rep')
rep.on('data', function (data) {
console.log('wooo', data.toString())
rep.send(data.toString() + ' world')
var nano = require('nanomsg')
var req = nano.socket('req')
req.on('data', function (msg) {
console.log('received', msg.toString())
So this is weird. In node we use callback functions for response semantics, but this has a subscription API:
req.send('hello', function onResponse (err, data) {})
This means that we are not able to send multiple requests in parallel. This is part of the nanomsg protocol, which is based on zeroMq. The responder (server) is guaranteed to only get one message at a time, until it sends a response.
See also
In nanomsg/zeroMq context, parallel requests are done with a dealer/router structure. The server deals out requests round-robin to worker processes.
Pipe several streams through a single socket. Check out this example
Partitioning is a way to scale a stateful service, for example a websocket server. Instead of having stateless servers, we keep state and replicate it to accomodate failover.
This uses consistent hashing and the swim protocol to implement failover. Consistent hashses create a uniform distribution of connections amongst servers.