Key operations for web browsers.
This uses the one-webcrypto API, so the WebCrypto API in a browser.
This is used to create keys that are visible as strings in a web browser, for use with ssc-server
npm i ssc-keys
import { create } from 'ssc-keys'
create().then(kp => {
console.log('*kp*', kp)
// =>
// *kp*
// {
// "publicKey": "BPVcET2JN9HP3M3BaXGAtcZHDmKSrRjbSUXUFPjY+bS4wHesYEqKHIhKCx4mSQb4aZaA5eeRrK73SPWvIxqfXwY=",
// "privateKey": "MIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQgjBVEyaAeWR63att0e9guTZpPI9ptabkz+TUpntepf+qhRANCAAT1XBE9iTfRz9zNwWlxgLXGRw5ikq0Y20lF1BT42Pm0uMB3rGBKihyISgseJkkG+GmWgOXnkayu90j1ryMan18G"
// }
Keys are created with this algorithm
// (algorithm, extractable, uses)
name: 'ECDSA',
namedCurve: 'P-256'
}, true, ['sign', 'verify'])